The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 254 - Back In The Shifters Nightclub (7) [Bonus ]

Talia looked at Jill who was a full head taller than Talia, but somehow it seemed that Talia was above her.

Did this woman experience Damon's intimate embrace?

Rage and power rippled through Talia, and she knew that her wolf was supporting her. That's right. She was not just a weak wolf-less she-wolf who should hide and hope that Damon will rescue her.

Talia didn't interact with her wolf much, but she knew that her wolf is special and powerful. Damon said so. And Talia also knew that her wolf is somewhere inside her, and they are one. Doesn't that mean her wolf's power is hers also?

Talia didn't fight the energies that coursed through her body; Talia welcomed them, hoping they will make her strong enough to defend herself and maybe even stand next to Damon as equal.

Suddenly, Talia's mind cleared from the alcohol's haze, and she looked at Jill like she was looking at someone who was small and insignificant, a mischievous child who needs to be taught a lesson.

"You don't know who I am, but that doesn't mean I am a nobody.", Talia said.

Jill's eyes widened in shock as she struggled against her urge to lower her head in submission. What the hell was happening? Who was putting this pressure on her? But it was coming from the front, and Jill wondered if it was from Talia or she was imagining it.

Talia smirked. Part of her enjoyed Jill's futile struggle.

"What if I don't depend on Damon for protection? What if I can take care of myself? What if I can crush you without lifting a finger?"

With every next word that came from Talia, the pressure on Jill increased and her whole body shook. By the time Talia ended talking, Jill was on her knees and she was unable to raise her head, so she stared at Talia's sparkly shoes.

Jill was never this humiliated! Kneeling on the floor of the restroom for everyone to see. Outrageous! She couldn't get up no matter how much she struggled. Jill tried to tap into her wolf's power, but it came out empty because her wolf shrunk at the back of her mind in terror of being completely suppressed. What the hell? Jill was helpless. This never happened before!

Talia's voice got ominously low as she continued, "If you really spread your legs for Damon, you should pray that I don't find about it because if I do, no amount of bootlicking will save you, regardless of how low you go."

Talia glanced around to see that all women in the restroom had their heads lowered, but what stood out was a familiar face at the door, the only one that was not looking at the floor.

Talia rubbed her eyes while wondering if she was hallucinating. Nope. The person was still there, looking at her like a proud parent.

Like popping a balloon, the pressure Talia emitted was dispersed when Talia cheerfully called, "Maya!"

"Is everything alright here?", Maya asked while glancing at Jill who was visibly shaken, on her knees and hands, drenched in sweat.

"Everything is fine.", Talia said with a goofy smile and walked toward Maya with shaky steps. Yup. She was still drunk. "Are you here for me?"

"No. I came to use the restroom.", Maya lied without missing a beat.

Talia narrowed her eyes, unsure if she should trust Maya or not, but she decided not to pursue it further.

Talia glanced at Molly. "We should catch up sometime. Call me, or you can ask Beta Maya how to reach me."

Molly swallowed a mouthful of air. "Definitely."

Talia didn't care why Molly was nice to her. The point was that Molly was treating her well, and for Talia, that was all it mattered.

As for Molly, Jill was not completely wrong. After all, if Talia was not with Alpha Damon, Molly wouldn't go out of her way to be nice to a stranger.

However, after this display of strength, Molly was quite confident that she will NOT call Talia. Who would want to befriend such an unstable she-wolf? One minute Talia was smiling, and the next one she made everyone in the restroom bow in submission. Actually, Talia's aura was aimed at Jill, but it spilled on everyone in the vicinity. For werewolves who are prideful by nature and love their freedom, being shackled like that with a thought, was a terrifying experience.

The door closed behind Talia and Maya stood in front of the door to block it so that no one can come in or out.

Maya turned to face about a dozen other women who were facing her.

"I hope you know that whatever happened here should stay here.", Maya said, and the women agreed immediately, especially Jill who didn't want anyone to find out that she ended up kneeling in the restroom. How embarrassing!

Maya knew that they will still talk about it, but she hoped that her warning will slow down the spread of gossip. Damon said that he wanted to postpone news about Talia's importance until they are ready to announce it, and this was how much Maya could do.

Maya noticed that Molly was friendly with Talia, so she asked the shaken-up red-haired girl, "How about you tell me how this all started…"

Maya arrived in time to hear the end of Talia's speech with Jill on her knees, but she really wanted to hear what else Talia did. Other than Maya's curiosity, she knew that Damon will want to know details.

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Talia's steps halted in the hallway at the sight of Damon that dispelled all negativity that stemmed from her previous interaction with Jill.

Damon was leaning sideways with his legs crossed at ankles and his hands stuffed in his pants pockets. His hair was slightly messy how he ran his hand through it, but that only made him more eye-catching. His most attractive features were his cocked smile directed at Talia and his gaze full of adoration, and her heart was filled with warm and fuzzy feelings because she knew that those were only for her.

Seeing that Talia stood there and smiled foolishly, Damon shook his head helplessly and pushed himself off the wall to make his way toward her.

"Hello, beautiful", Damon called as he approached her.

A big smile bloomed on Talia's face. "Hello, handsome."

Damon was relieved that Talia didn't bring out the small detail of Maya showing up in the restroom. He warned Maya to say how she was there because she needed to go, and not because Damon ordered her.

Damon extended his hand for Talia to take.

Talia wanted to grab his hand, but she missed it and stumbled forward, ending in Damon's embrace.

Damon couldn't believe this. How wasted was Talia? If he didn't step forward at the last moment, Talia would plant her face on the floor instead of his chest. How careless.

"Should we go home now?", Damon suggested.

Talia lifted her head to look at him and pouted. "I want to dance with you."

"We can dance at home."

Talia blinked while processing his words.

"We both know that at home there will be no dancing."

A deep chuckle burst from Damon's chest. She was right.

Damon led Talia to the dancefloor, and she leaned on him for support. Her legs were wobbly, but she was determined to get that dance. At least one.

Like every time Damon makes an appearance, the crowd moved to make way for them, and when Damon and Talia stopped, they found themselves in the middle of a circle that people created around them. No one dared to come within arm's reach.

Damon's eyes lost focus for a moment and the loud electronic house music faded as the song Get Lucky by Daft Punk started.

Talia gasped when Damon grabbed her hand and twirled her suddenly. Once, twice... and before she lost her footing, Damon pulled her toward him.

Their bodies stuck to each other and they started moving.

Talia was amazed that Damon murmured lyrics, "Like the legend of the Phoenix, all ends with beginnings… we've come too far to give up who we are… she's up all night for good fun, I'm up all night to get lucky…"

Was this song about them? Did he say that he will get lucky tonight?

Talia smiled foolishly while thinking that she wants to get lucky also. Actually, she was the luckiest girl on the planet to have this handsome male specimen doting on her.

Damon loved the way Talia looked at him, but he found their current situation torturous.

Talia was in his arms, sticking closely to him, her addictive scent filled his system despite the mixture of alcohol, sweat, and various perfumes that were all around them, Talia was wearing only a dress that provided easy access, wherever they touched delicious sparks prickled his skin, and he was aroused to the point of madness.

He really wished that they were in the packhouse instead of this packed nightclub.

Damon forced his hands to press on Talia's back and not wander because people were watching, and he didn't want to look like he is molesting Talia right there on the dancefloor.

Besides, Talia is his mate, their future Luna, and he needed to set an example by treating her with respect.

It didn't take long for someone from the crowd to voice what many were thinking.

[Did you ever see Alpha dancing?]

[He never brought a girl with him either.]

[She even went into his booth...]

[Tonight is the night of many firsts...]


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