The Baby Raising A Devil

Chapter 344

Chapter 344

TL: Zimmings


After the meeting was over, the Duke of Amity, who was dispatched as envoy to Waynes, glanced at East’s back as he left the meeting hall.

‘The first prince’s tone… … .’

It didn’t seem like him.

It wasn’t like that when he first saw him at Wayne’s welcoming dinner.

At that time, he was just clumsy, but at today’s meeting, he was like a person who’s used to an argument.

In addition, he was quite skill to distinguish between those who should be embraced by him and those who should not, giving his opinions and leading the mood in the desired direction.


Someone spoke to the Duke of Amity, who was standing and looking at East’s back.

It was Revenkal, Waynes chancellor.

“What a shame.”

“What do you mean.”

“Lady Dubblede is an outstanding talent. The only prince of the empire rebelled against the emperor and was imprisoned, so the next battle for the throne must be the nobility. If she were there, she would be of great help to His Majesty the Emperor.”

He patted his chin lightly and burst out laughing.

“Such a talented person will become independent from the empire and start a new country, so it will become a threat to the empire.”

“So what-”

“Isn’t she invited to the palace today by the queen?”


“Did you not know? I thought it was only because of her that our prince changed.”

Rubenkal, who laughed, said, “Well.”

Then he bowed his head and left.

Duke Amity’s expression became complicated.

He hurriedly moved on and he asked the people of the empire who had been sent to Waynes together.

“Is Leblaine in Waynes?”

“We only figured it out now too. The news was late because there was no one planted in Waynes.”

“I need to meet Leblaine.”

“You don’t have to.”

Leblaine’s voice was heard.

The Duke of Amity jerked and turned his head. Leblaine was walking this way with the queen.

The queen smiled and said to Duke Amity.

“His Majesty said he would meet the duke and lady.”

The Duke of Amity and the administrators of the empire were greatly surprised.

It’s already been days since they came to Waynes under the order of the emperor of the empire.

King Waynes only dismissed the envoys before and never made a place for deep conversation or negotiation.

“Did the queen help us?”

When Duke Amity asked the question, the queen laughed and looked at Leblaine.

“Lady created the opportunity herself. Let’s go. His Majesty is waiting for you.”

The Duke of Amity and Leblaine entered the palace of King Waynes together.

King Waynes, whose hair is mane and bushy as mane, put down the snacks he was eating.

The king’s desk was full of snacks. When Leblaine opened her eyes wide looking at the snacks, the emperor laughed. He surprisingly looked down-to-earth.

“I quit smoking because of the queen’s nagging.”

Leblaine grinned.

“You are wise, Your Majesty. For the sake of the people of Waynes, you should rule for a long time.”

“It’s just as the queen said. It was true that the lady was sweet and wise.”

King Waynes, who laughed, went to Duke of Amity and Leblaine.

King Waynes and Leblaine, sitting face to face, continued their conversation.

From how the twin princes got along in Odis to what kind of tea is trending in the empire recently.

When the desired conversation did not come out, Duke Amity cut off Leblaine’s words and asked.

“Tell me what your majesty thinks about the imperial court.”

King Waynes, who had just picked up the chocolate, looked at the Duke of Amity with a smile.

“Why did the Emperor of the Empire send the lord to Waynes?”


“Ah, you are the hero of humans. You are welcome everywhere. However, Mojas, the enemy, thought of you as a threat and could not have been sent there.”


“You will be welcomed in any country except Mojas. They have sent you to Waynes, out of Gahong, Atar, Waynes, we’re the most demanding. Am I right?”

“It’s rude, but … it’s true.”

“The Emperor of the Empire made a mistake.”


King Waynes, who put chocolate in his mouth, nodded, “Well, well.”

He’s so casual that this could not be thought of as a serious conversation.

“As expected, our patissier is good at it. I can’t believe the person who made this is a bear.”

“……Your Majesty.”

“Waynes, the country of werebeasts, could not have welcomed human heroes.”


“Last month, a village on the Waynes border was burned to the ground. It was caused by the beast hunters in the empire.”


“Early this year, three hundred children of the werebeast were sold at the auction house.”


“Should I say more? The empire is the country with the largest number of werebeast slaves in the world.”


“Last year, the queen’s young cousins were caught by hunters while going on an outing. The older sister tried to get her younger sister to run away somehow, but she died in a terrible way. I don’t know what happened to her now. Do you know why? Each country does not give out a list of nobles who have the werebeast slaved.”

The king shrugged and chuckled.

“I mean, I don’t even know if she is dead or alive.”


“Now ask.”

King Waynes’ expression darkened in an instant.

“How dare the empire appeal to Waynes?”

“Your Majesty, this is not just a crisis of the empire. As darkness spreads, Waynes will also-”

“Isn’t it better to perish?”

“Your Majesty!”


The king shouted, Duke Amity’s expression hardened. The king saw him and smiled.

“If I do help you, my people will riot and it will be chaotic before darkness comes to Waynes and after that. Isn’t it?”

Duke Amity opened his mouth to say something, but Leblaine was quicker.

“If that’s really His Majesty’s will, then there’s no way.”


The Duke of Amity’s face hardened. But Leblaine continued with a smile.

“If, to His Majesty, the momentary peace is more important than the destruction of the world, what kind of request should we make?”

The king’s expression darkened.

Leblaine looked straight at the king and said.

“Then we can’t rely on Waynes approval now, we make a deal.”


“I will root out the empire’s beast hunters. Why don’t the Duke of Amity directly subdue them? In addition, in the Empire, we will give 3,000 copies of the teleportation scroll every year as proof of harmony with Waynes.”

“Can you make such a promise?”

“No way.”

Leblaine shrugged and continued.

“I’m from a family that will soon become independent. Even now, I’m just a young noble who has no decision-making authority.”


“I bet on the honor of the Duke of Amity.”

Not me, but the honor of this man!

Leblaine laughed out loud.

Both the Duke of Amity and King Waynes looked at Leblaine with ridiculous expressions.

King Waynes laughed and he asked the Duke of Amity.

“Are you sure you want that?”


Leblaine looked at the Duke of Amity.

“Me and Dubblede risked our lives, but would the duke not even risk his humble honor?”


“If you can save the world by doing it, even if it’s a small honor, isn’t that consistent with your beliefs?”


King Waynes and Leblaine glanced at the Duke of Amity.

The Duke of Amity holds his armrest tightly.


“I promise you with my honor.”

King Waynes laughed out loud

“I’ve noticed since the moment I heard about the story of Ofdis from the princes, but what a ferocious child you are, Lady Dubblede.”

“It is an honour.”

“Really wise.”

King Waynes looked at Leblaine with a sharp gaze.

“How far can the lady go with snake-like wisdom?”

Leblaine stood up from her seat, bent down and met the king’s gaze.

“Anywhere I can go.”


Leblaine and the Duke of Amity left the palace of King Waynes.

Administrators rushed in and asked what happened to the conversation with the king.

Before the Duke could answer, he grabbed Leblaine, who was about to meet East.

“Your attitude today is really disappointing, Leblaine.”

The surrounding atmosphere froze. Administrators looked at the two alternately, and Leblaine glanced at the Duke.



“The duke is disappointed with me, so what are you going to do?”


“When you were my father, my heart seemed to be crushed by such words, but not now. So put aside your useless accusations.”

“What are you… I would have praised you if you had consulted me and put my honor in a deal.”

“Then did I have to wait and see the duke who was going to do something wrong?”


Leblaine grabbed her waist and sighed heavily.

“At the time King Waynes decided to meet with us, he had already decided to destroy the temple.”

“…What do you mean?”

“He’s a wise king. We can’t have a meeting that only consumes time just because I helped the prince.”


“You really don’t know what a king wants?” Don’t you know that he wants a deal that benefits Waymes in exchange for destroying the temple?”


“No, you knew. There’s no way a person like you who is blind to salvation could calmly talk to the king without kneeling down.”


“If you had understood the heart of the king who was worried about the slaves and angered by their suffering, he would have destroyed the temple at the expense of a very small amount.”


“Yes. You didn’t do that. The duke’s heart for the world is so noble that everyone in the world owes him. So how confident must you have been?”

“Do not misrepresent my will.”

With a sigh, the Duke of Amity slowly looked at Leblaine.

He looked very tired. He doesn’t know how she hid that much fatigue in his smile in front of the king.

“Is there any reason to be independent?”


“If the temple disappears, the forces that threaten you will also disappear, so why are you leaving the empire?”


“Are you trying to avoid me…?”

The administrators also looked at Leblaine.

she smirked.

“You’re really great.”

“Why are you, only to me…”

“I don’t like you.”

“…don’t like me?”

“I hate the duke so much.”


“I hate those who force their beliefs on others, and that my decision was all due to you.”


“Duke, I don’t want to live in an empire. To the point where I don’t know why I should protect the empire. It’s only because of my family and territory that I’m trying so hard.”


“Just as Waynes hates the humans who persecuted them, Dubblede hates the empire that persecuted us.”

“…It can be different. We can walk the road together.”

“Does all the past disappear just because it changes?”


“The day I was hurt by you, when I was discriminated against Mina, who resembles my mother, did I not have anything I was worried about?”

She looked directly at the Duke of Amity.

“I hate you.”

His expression crumbled.

The wounded expression on his face felt nice to her.

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