The Baby Raising A Devil

Chapter 345

Chapter 345

TL: Zimmings


Returning to the accommodation given by Queen of Waynes, I sat down in a chair.

‘Now that I have achieved my goal in Waynes, what’s left is the Athar Tribe and Mojas.’

[Child. How about closing your eyes for a while?]

Boone was worried about me. Come to think of it, I hadn’t slept properly since leaving the empire.

It’s been three days since I left the empire.

I have spent one day in Gahong and two days in Waynes.

So far, I’ve only slept for an hour or two.

I shook my head, pressing my palms on my stinging eyes.

“I’m fine.”

More than that, I was nervous and couldn’t rest properly.

Especially since everything I’ve worked for will be swallowed by Neliard’s darkness that even communication is not possible.

In other words, I can’t contact my family.

A day ago, I could still hear their voices even if our communication was often cut off, but now they’re completely out of reach.

I heard from Queen Waynes that the darkness might’ve swallowed the central tower hence, Odecul, an important tool for communication couldn’t be used anymore.

Odecul wasn’t only used as a communication in the empire, but also the entire world.

‘That means that communication is now impossible in any country…’

My head was pounding.

[Look at that, you’re straining youself too much.]

Storas clicked his tongue and grumbled. He pulled me, grabbed my chin and examined my eyes.

“What are you doing…”

“I was an assistant of a doctor.”

Ah, that’s right.

He was Meria’s assistant in ancient times.

“How could you remember that?”

“Do you think I killed many humans randomly like the other devils?”


[You’re harsh.]

[‘m not like that though Storas.]

Pur, Boone, and Baal spoke in turn. I giggled.

“I thought you had forgotten everything. When I made your wish come true, I gave you a magic tool that contains Meria’s memories, but you didn’t know that. And you cried your eyes out.”

“You’re noisy. Did I cry like that?”

“When did you remember it?”

“When? After receiving the tool and examining the situation, I realized it.”

I nodded.

“Shouldn’t lost memory never come back?”

“If Neliard is gone, we’ll be freed and our memories will come back.”

“I hope so.”

Storas’ hand paused.

He stared me in the eye.

“I want… to remember you.”

“It doesn’t really matter though. I’m sure you only felt frustration not being able to remember.”

When I smiled and answered, Storas looked angry.

He flicked my forehead and said,

“Did I even ask for your opinion?”

“Ugh, that temper of yours!”

“You’re seriously tactless!”

“Tactless? My tact has accumulated as I lived four lifetimes!”

“Then why don’t you think carefully about the meaning of my words? Ha, you don’t know anything!”

“Why don’t you think I know? I understand-!!”

When I screamed, Storas flinched. Looking at me screaming my lungs out, he quickly turned red.

He pointed at me with trembling fingertips and was at a loss.

“Even if you know everything, pretend you don’t know…!”

“You look at me like that, how can I not know? Do you think I’m stupid? you try to seduce me whenever you have time!”

“Y- you flirt!”

“I was kindly pretending not to know!”

“Why are you pretending not to know, why!”

“Then confess it! You didn’t even confess, if I said I knew, it would be awkward!”

“You’re mean…!”

“I am mean!”

When me and Storas squabbled, Boone, Pur, and Baal tried to stop us.

‘Who cares if I didn’t have any tact?’

Even when I was so young, I knew who liked me and was never that clueless.

When I was nine years old, I knew that the children who brought bouquets for me do it because they liked me.

Seto, a half-nymph, Lionel, the son of Archduke Locard, Hayton Vallua and… and.


Who was it?

I had a headache. It was as if fragments of memories were lost in my head.

In my memories, only that boy was all black. From his face to his fingertips and toes, he was merely a shadow.

But then, that shadow turned away.

He turned away from me with a sad gaze.

“Leblaine, you used a man’s pure lo-”

I covered Storas’s mouth with one hand and grabbed his head with the other.

“I’ll listen to your complaint later.”


“It seems that the end of Neliard is near.”

When that shadow come to mind, I had a feeling that the collapse of the world was just around the corner.

“Let’s go to Mojas.”

The devils quietly placed their hands on their chest and sighed.


East had been hiding behind a pillar for two hours and sticking his head out to look towards Leblaine’s room.

‘When will she come out?’

After wandering around for two hours, his ear flinched whenever he heard signs of movement. His tail shook regardless of his will.

Will she come out soon?

Is she out now?


After waiting for two hours, he drooped his ears and tail.

‘I don’t think she’s going to come out today.’

As she was about to go back, he heard a voice behind him.


His ears and tail immediately went up.

When East jerked and turned, Leblaine who was holding her luggage, looked at him.


“Are you going?!”

Without realizing it, his voice grew louder. Realizing that he shouted East flinched.

He waved his hand.

“Don’t be afraid! I’m a beast that doesn’t bite people!”

“I’m not scared.”

“I- is that so?”

With a shy expression on his face, he smiled and glanced at Leblaine.

“There are humans who are afraid of us…. especially since the royal family are enermous in size.”

“I’m fine. But waht are you doing?”

He hesitated to answer.

“…You can stay here.”


“If the empire is destroyed, then you have nowhere to go. So, you can keep using that room.”


Leblaine stared at East’s shy expression for a long time, then put one hand on her waist and sighed deeply.



“How could you be like this just because I’ve helped a few times! I’m in a lot of trouble!”


“It was because of a deal that I helped you. A deal. Huh? Do you know what a deal is?”


“The queen asked me to help you become a decent king, so I helped you and got paid for it. It’s never a favor. This is a dirty deal!

Leblaine emphasized the “dirty deal” by opening her eyes wide as if she was afraid that East would truly like her.

“Why do you make a dirty deal? Why can’t you make a clean deal?”

East, who dropped his eyebrows, looked at Leblaine.

It was so pure that her conscience was stabbed.

“I gave up being a clean person in return for my reign.”

“Do you really need a price to rule?”

“Everything in the world needs a price.”

‘Since werebeats’s growth is slow, maybe East has an intellegence of about a 12 years old.’

She decided to explain it in an easy way.

“How did you feel when you followed me in the meeting room?”

“It was amazing because the people who were comparing me to West every day couldn’t say anything. Also, I was happy when you said I was cool!”

“In return for your joy at the meeting, you can never hide under the blanket again.”


“If you hide under the blanket again, you will be criticized more than yesterday. They will say you’re a pathetic prince, it’s funny because htye thought you had changed, and they think shouldn’t expect anything from you again.”

“It’s… scary.”

“Think about your future. You can become a good king, the process will be painful, but you can have anything you want.”

He can have a life where no one dares to compare him to his brother.

He could also earn many respects.

Well, things like that.

“Anyway, helping you was a dirty deal, so please stop.”

Leblaine grinned and lowered his head.

‘For now, it would be better to go to the Athar Tribe, which is more friendly than our enemy Mojas.’

I should just say goodbye to the queen and hurry up.

Leblaine, who was thinking like that, didn’t know something.

She didn’t know East’s expression while looking at Leblaine’s back.

‘I can get anything that I want?’

Can he have anything he want?

Then will the child come to him?

Being a good king comes with a price -> get anything he want -> being a good king will give him Leblaine!

As he conclude her statement, East’s face brightened.

He hurriedly ran to the king’s palace.

“Father! Mother”

“Hey, why are you yelling at out of nowhere? Why? You’re fighting with West again?”

“I want to take my classes!”

“…didn’t ypu say you hate the teacher because he kept comparing you with West?”

“I will become a king. A good king! Then Leblaine will be mine!”


King Waynes took off his glasses and looked at his son, whose eyes were shining.

‘He seems to have gained an unexpected benefit thanks to her.’

He chuckled.

After greeting the queen, Leblaine, who headed to the territory of the Athar Tribe, did not know.

In the distant future, East becomes one of the best kings in Wayne’s history.

In the near future, she will also suffer because of it…


Arriving in the territory of the Athar Tribe, I looked around.

‘It’s hard… … .’

It is difficult to contact anyone because the communication tool is out of service.

I could try contacting others in Gahong and Waynes because I had someone I knew there, but I have no idea what to do in Athar.

‘Let’s go to Archduke Locard in Athar first. They say that Athar reserved seats for-‘

It was then.


An arrow went past me.

The four devils, who had been wary came to their senses at once.

Baal protected Leblaine, Pur was wary of the surroundings, as Boone and Storas caught arrows at the same time.

“Who are you?”

Someone’s whip flew in fear of Pur shouting. The one who snatched me and pulled me all the way to where he was…


“How are you, Princess?”

Jin hugged Leblaine’s waist, put his face close to her and smiled.

“How did you know that I was here… no, how could you defeat the devils and me-”

When I was too overwhelmed by the situation, a black aura flashed violently from behind.

“Let go of that hand!”

“I won’t let it go.”

“You will have to give up your neck.”

“Put her down.”

Boone, Pur, Storas, and Baal were staring at them like they were really tearing them apart.

‘Wait, wait.’

I can’t die here!

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