The Bloodline System

Chapter 1340 The Most Wanted

Chapter 1340 The Most Wanted

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Didn't you mention that manifestation will expend a lot of energy?" Gustav questioned.

"Yeah but you have enough energy now," The system voiced with a light chuckle before stepping forward.

"Wait what...? are you sapping energy from me? You thief!" Gustav yelled but the system galloped forward with a happy expression, causing her red long hair to dance in the wind.

"You won't even feel it," She said.

"That little..." Gustav had the urge to bend her over and spank her like a little child.


"Come on, let's go. Its time to leave this planet," The system yelled from up ahead.

"Not yet... there are a few more things I need to take care of before we leave," Gustav said while snapping his fingers.

The hourglass and the pair of bloody eyeballs vanished instantly.

~ Hours Later ~

Gustav stood before a sphere shaped spacecraft with a silver colored 'X' on its exterior. This spacecraft was the size of a building but its shape made it seem as though it could fall at anytime.

A teenage girl with an extremely cute face but expressionless face, walked out of the spacecraft.

"Its all ready to go now," She voiced as the blowing mild winds caused her blood red hair to sway from side to side.

"That was fast... it took a lot of damage after our fight with the Texi crew. Good thing it was repairable," Gustav said with a tone of relief.

"Did you finish taking care of your business?" Ths system asked.

"Yeah. I can leave this planet Vespa in good faith now," Gustav voiced while reaching down to grab an unconscious female figure on the sand.

"Are you really bringing her with us?" The system inquired.

"Yes. After i free her, if she choses to return to this planet I'll send her back," Gustav respondsd while walking into the spacecraft with the unconscious female figure on his right shoulder.

"Hmm you might be putting her in jeopardy by having her come with us. You're wanted, remember?" The system didn't seem to agree with Gustav's decision.

"So long as I don't use my Cosmic Superiority no one will be able to locate me," Gustav voiced after walking in.

Ting~ Ting~ Ting~ Ting~

Ths lights within the spacecraft came on as footage of the world around them got displayed on the internal walls of the spacecraft.

"Didn't stop them the last time," The system reminded.

"Only because my face was spotted. I learn from my mistakes," Gustav stated.

"Clearly you don..."

"Relax. No matter how many of them come after me, they'll fail," Gustav cut the system short before it could say anything else.

"I am already on the power level of an alpha, remember?"

He proceeded to drop the unconscious feminine figure and strap her to one of the seats.

"Strap in... we need to rendezvous with Matilda at the Tiravian star," Gustav said to the system before taking a seat before the control panel.

"We're three weeks late," The system voiced from behind.

"Yeah but its not like we had any other choice besides genocide," Gustav pulled a lever and the spacecraft began levitating.


After pushing a couple of buttons, it rose into the sky and streaked out of the planet's atmosphere at very quick speed.

A blueish hole opened within the invisible barrier surrounding the entire planet and they flee through it, dissapearing into the intergalactic space in only a few seconds.

They began journeying through space again for the first time in six months. Gustav stared at the cordinates and calculated the amount of time it would take them to get to the Tiravian star.

"With the use of illegal wormholes, we should get there in no less than eight days," Gustav announced.

"If you weren't so soft maybe we'd be there by now," The system said from behind.

"Just because Earth abandoned the humans and native species in Planet Vesper to cater fod themselves doesn't mean I would slaughter them all. They're not responsible for the Ancient Hourglass hiding itself in the core of their planet so they don't deserve to be punished for it," Gustav shook his head.

"What would you have done if Endric told you that was the only option?" The system inquired.

"I..." Gustav paused for a bit.

This whole mission to retrieve the Outworldly Sacred Items so as to prepare him for what was to come had began since. Endric had acquired one in the past but to make things quicker he informed Gustav of where one of them would be located.

Endric was on a mission himself to acquire a different one so he left the ancient hourglass to Gustav. There were so many problems attached to that.

Some included the fact that... Gustav had become a most wanted fugitive across galaxies so he had lots of people looking for him. Aliens and Earthlings included.

The second issue happened to be with the location of the planet and its origin. It was a planet that got colonised by earth centuries back but eventually got abandoned after a great war.

The planet got sealed, restricting entry and exit so every single earthling who was there at the time was unable to leave. There were more of humans than any other species there which was why mixedbloods were extremely rare.

On the bright side, Gustav had a way to bypass the seal but he would have to be very careful not to attract the attention of everyone who was trying to get him.

The third issue with the fact that Endric informed him of only two ways to retrieve the ancient hourglass. One was to destroy the planet where it was located and acquire it. The second was to input his essence into the soil of the planet through a weird technique and after doing that, his essence would make its way to the planet core by itself.

When the ancient hourglass recognises the essence to be that of its master, it would naturally get attracted to it and they would merge. After merging, they would return to the surface together and Gustav would be able to acquire it.

The latter was the option Gustav immediately chose as he wasn't interested in causing genocide. His reputation was already bad enough as it is after what happened eight months ago.

The only problem with the latter option was it could take as long as five to seven months. One thing that Endric mentioned was that Gustav would be able to sense it when they were closing in on the surface. His abilities would start to return.

Fortunately things went well with Gustav adopting the identity of Old Man Shin. A character he played well for up to six months.

"I would have found another way," Gustav said to the system after the brief pause.

He recalled every single person he formed a connection with on planet Vesper and decided they were worth saving.

"Meh whatever," The system stated while rolling her eyes.

"Are you really going to help Matilda save her princess planet?" The system asked after a brief silence.

"I did make a promise to her so I might as well fulfil it," Gustav respomded.

"Earth doesn't interfere in interplanetary war but it should be fine since I am now an outcast. No better time than now to interfere," Gustav added.

"We really don't have time for pitstops like this. Did you forget that only a year and few months are left before you run out of time to complete the quests," The system reminded.

"I didn't forget but I must do this. Also, they may be clues there on how to get Angy and Falco back so its a risk I'm willing to take," Gustav replied.

"It shouldn't take a lot to help out and get back in time to head to the location of the device," Gustav said while peering forward.

"We're coming up on the first illegal wormhole... hold.on tight," He caution as a whitish whirling vicinity appeared in view.


. ~ Planet Earth ~

-"The last he was spotted, his spacecraft was closing in on the Invria nupe galaxy,"

-"That was around six months ago,"

-"We have sent forces to comb through both the outskirts and within the galaxy but to no avail,"

-"There have been no new reports since then,"

-"It is useless to mention it since he must be far gone from there by now,"

Within a large boardroom, a group of people in MBO uniforms could be spotted around a large table.

A floating holographic projection displayed different images of multiple locations in space.

"We're getting nowhere with this. The longer this takes, the stronger he becomes and the tougher it gets to capture him before any of the other alien forces across the universe do," A male MBO officer with a mohawk style and closed left eye spoke.

"Maybe we should interrogate one of his close friends again," One of the officers around suggested.

"That would be another waste of time but it wouldn't be bad to have one of them in the meeting. Since they were so close he should be able to understand how Gustav Crimson mind works and mayve predict where he might be heading," The MBO officer with a mohawk rubbed his moustache as he spoke.

"Bring in Officer E.E,"

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