The Bloodline System

Chapter 1341 Gustav The Scapegoat

Chapter 1341 Gustav The Scapegoat

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


That would be another waste of time but it wouldn't be bad to have one of them in the meeting. Since they were so close he should be able to understand how Gustav Crimson mind works and mayve predict where he might be heading," The MBO officer with a mohawk rubbed his moustache as he spoke.

"Bring in Officer E.E,"

Minutes later, a dark skinned male officer with black bushy afro and moustache walked in. He was around 6'2" in height and had strikingly handsome yet mature looking facial features.

His presence instantly attracted the attention of every single officer within the boardroom.

'So this is the famed Officer E.E,'

'He is just a kid yet he survived the collapse calamity,'

'I can't sense his level... could he have achieved a higher bloodline rank than me?'

Thoughts flooded the minds of many of the officers present as they stared at E.E who happened to have two stars attached to the side of his MBO uniform.

"Welcome Officer E.E," The officer with a mohawk said with a strong tone.

"Thank you General Dikstrat," E.E nodded with look of respect.

"Let's get straight to the point. We've been stagnant in finding Gustav Crimson for the last six months. His last sightings were somewhere on the outskirts of Invria Nupe Galaxy... every search had been futile since then. No traces of him," General Dikstrat explained.

"Let me guess, you need my help finding where the fugitive may be located," E.E chimed in.

"Yes," General Dikstrat stated.

"General, I already cut ties with the fugitive long ago and informed the MBO of everything I knew about him that would help in finding him. The first time he was successfully captured was due to the information I provided. If they hadn't lost him, he would be within our grasp by now," E.E shook his head in disappointment as he got to the last part.

"We understand and appreciate your contribution officer E.E. We are not disputing the fact that you have been a great help so far but we need you to brainstorm now and predict his movement.

Could there be any place he might have mentioned that you maybe forgot or missed out the last time? Any information that could help?" Gendfal Dikstrat voiced with a pleading tone.

"General I understand how urgent it is for us to capture the fugitive before anyone else does. Especially for the safety of the earth and the rest of the world. I'll see what I can do but you will have to give me some time," E.E stated with a tome of understanding.

"Wonderful... I shall be expecting a feedback from you," General Dikstrat voiced while standing to his feet to extend a handshake to E.E

E.E received his handshake and gave an MBO salute before excusing himself.

"What a great kid. He didn't let sentimentality cloud his judgement. He has a great future in the MBO," One of the officers voiced out after E.E left.

-"That is why he is already a decorated captain at such age. He is quite capable,"




E.E walked past a bunch of people in MBO uniforms. It would seem he was in an MBO Base since MBO officers could be seen moving to and fro across the vicinity.

Truck like floating vehicles could be seen all across the place along with military like structures. A group of MBO officers joggled past him and greeted with looks of respect.

E.E nodded with a smile as he kept walking. His mind traveled back to his meeting a few minutes ago and his face showed a slightly worried expression.

"I have to deter them but this is getting a bit troublesome. If I provide inaccurate info it affects my credibility which might ruin things over here but If I provide something accurate, it would affect Gus," He murmured.

"Why did things just have to be this way?" He muttered while his mind went back to over seven months ago.


"We finally made it back..." Matilda voiced with a joyful expression as the blue and greenish planet came into view.

Cheers~ Cheers~ Cheers~

Within the spacecraft, loud cheers rang out as everyone instantly became ecstatic. They had been journeying through space for over a month and had to make a few stops but fortunately, they managed to make it back to earth just when they ran out of supplies.

Unlike everyone else celebrating, E.E noticed Gustav remain in his sitting position with a moody expression.

"Come on bro, cheer up a bit," He said while slapping Gustav's back.

"We may have successfully gotten back but this is where things get serious," Gustav said.

"What do you mean? Are you still worried about Falco and Angy's situation? We'll definitely find them man," E.E voiced with an encouraging tone.

"Not that..." Gustav voiced while staring in Endric's direction who was seated beside Sheila.

"You'll understand when the time comes..."

It wasn't until a few days after that E.E would come to understand why Gustav said that.

MBO spacecraft intercepted them in Earth's outerspace to confirm that they were truly the group from Planet Ozious. The Spacecraft had over ten thousand Ozis species within since Earth participants and the MBO officers that followed, offered shelter to them.

They were of course welcomed into the planet and taken to a safe location to be catered for. As for Earth IYSOP Participants, they were welcomed back by the entire earth. The whole planet was in uproar after their return.

The news for the last one month before their return had been of Planet Ozious destruction. They were speculations about them perishing with the planet and some had even began to mourn their passing.

The last footage displayed to the rest of the world during IYSOP was the spread of the dark hole consuming the entire first layer.

The world government had addressed the earth once after the incident, claiming they would do everything within their power to retrieve their youngsters and they did exactly that. It turned out that the multiple rescue spacecraft filled with MBO officers, arrived at the location where Planet Ozious was located weeks later, only to see an empty spot.

Not only was that location in space empty, it was also whitened like a sheet of paper. It didn't look like space. It looked like everything within a large radius had been completely erased. To make matters worse, the earth participants were nowhere to be found and their spacecraft didn't appear on any of the radars.

The world government was eventually going to announce the loss when they suddenly appeared over Earth in outerspace.

Few days into their return to Earth, they were kept under surveillance to be catered for and to undergo proper checkup. Everyone had their families coming to visit in the facility where they were kept except for Gustav and Endric.

Gustav was kind of moody during all of this and less talkative even when his friends tried to get him to cheer up. They assumed it must be due to the Angy and Falco situation. They were all affected by what had happened after all.

Gustav gathered them upon the fourth day of their stay in the facility and mentioned a couple of things to them.

"As we're speaking right now the alliance is having an emergency meeting. The thousands of planets under the alliance that were in Planet Ozious before its destruction had people within who also survived. These people are witnesses... besides them practically the entire universe had also witnessed some of my feats so they will be easy to manipulate," Gustav paused at this point.

"Witnesses? What does that matter?" E.E questioned with a look of confusion.

"The destruction of Planet Ozious will be linked back to me. I'll be blamed for it and deemed dangerous to the universe at large. The alliance will join hands to want to contain me and Earth will not be able to refuse," Gustav revealed.


"What? That's... but you saved a lot of lives," Matilda felt blood rushing to her head as she spoke.

"In the grand scheme of things, that wouldn't matter. An entire planet is destroyed now and if I am taking the blame for it, that also means my merits wouldn't matter. The universe will blame me and since no one wants to end up like Planet Ozious did... they will have no choice but to come after me," Gustav's revelation shocked the rest of the group.

"That is bullshit!" Elevora couldn't help but let out as her body visibly shook from anger.

"After everything we've fucking been through? We lost Angy and Falco and now they're going to do this to you?" E.E felt his ears might be playing tricks on him.

"Is there nothing we can do to stop this? There must be something we can..." Aildris didn't get to complete his sentence before Gustav interrupted.

"There is nothing we can do. Some of them witnessed the Death Angels trying to take Falco away and mentioning that they're here to end me..."

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