The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 88: The Little Prince of Idioms

Chapter 88: The Little Prince of Idioms

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Chapter 88: The Little Prince of Idioms

Xu Xuejiao took out her Bluetooth headset from her bag and placed it in his ear, raising an eyebrow: "Do as I say."

Lu Chengwen nodded and left the room.

Through the headset, Xu Xuejiao instructed, "Walk over naturally and sit across from her."

Obediently, Lu Chengwen approached Chen Mengyun and took a seat.

"Take her hand, then speak," came the next command.

Lu Chengwen gently grasped Chen Mengyun's hand. She offered a token resistance before letting him hold it.

"Good, now that you're holding her hand, she's panicking and her mind is racing. Speak, deliver your lines! Be more emotional!"

Lu Chengwen observed Chen Mengyun. As expected, although she feigned annoyance and gazed out the window, her cheeks were flushed.

"Mengyun, I..." Lu Chengwen hesitated, feeling uncomfortable with the deception.

"What? Why did you stop?" Chen Mengyun inquired.

"I... I like you. I've always liked you. I only like you, you're the one I like the most, I..."

Chen Mengyun stared at him, disbelief in her eyes: "You're not trying to fool me, are you?"

Xu Xuejiao's voice urgently interjected, "Quickly say no!"

"No," Lu Chengwen hastily responded.

"Aiya, you fool, you can't just say no! You have to elaborate!"

Lu Chengwen felt uneasy about the lie, but his life was on the line, and deceiving a girl... well, the consequences shouldn't be that severe, right?

"I... I'm serious. Today isn't what you think. It's hard to explain in a few words, and Tongtuo Wang is right outside..."

Xu Xuejiao rolled her eyes: "Enough with the nonsense, just kiss her!"

"Ah?" Lu Chengwen blurted out in surprise.

"What?" Chen Mengyun asked, confused.

"Kiss her! Touch her, make her head spin! If all else fails, strip her! Come on, you're a man, you should know how to handle this! Hurry, we're out of time!"

Chen Mengyun sensed something was amiss: "Chengwen, what are you..."

Lu Chengwen made a decision:

[Die if I must!

He abruptly pushed Chen Mengyun onto the lounge chair by the window and kissed her.

Chen Mengyun was completely caught off guard.

This guy, resorting to force?

Hmph! At least he used to bother with deception when we were younger, now he skips straight to brute force!

But... it feels so good...

Lu Chengwen, having committed to the kiss, poured his heart into it.

His mouth and hands were both actively engaged.

Xu Xuejiao provided continuous guidance through the headset: "Yes, yes, target the crucial areas. A woman loses her ability to think clearly when she's comfortably stimulated. Aiya, you are clumsy, that's not how you unbutton... eh? Eh eh eh? Lu Chengwen! Enough! That's enough!"

Seeing that Lu Chengwen was getting carried away, Xu Xuejiao intervened.

After a long kiss, Lu Chengwen released Chen Mengyun and looked at her, speechless.

Blushing, Chen Mengyun adjusted her clothes: "What was that? And what's with that expression after a forced kiss?"

Lu Chengwen instinctively apologized, "I'm sorry."

"Idiot, why are you apologizing!" Xu Xuejiao exclaimed through the headset.

"Xu Xuejiao, come out. I heard you coaching him through the earpiece," Chen Mengyun demanded.

Xu Xuejiao emerged from the other room, chuckling: "Aiya, hehe, sorry, did I get a bit too carried away?"

"Mengyun, we can talk about us later, but right now, lives are at stake. You need to help me," Lu Chengwen pleaded.

Chen Mengyun nodded, her voice laced with dissatisfaction, "It must be a big deal to make you feel so 'wronged'."

Lu Chengwen instructed, "Mengyun, go open the door. Remember, I am Long Aotian."

"Okay," she agreed and proceeded to the door.

As soon as Chen Mengyun left, Xu Xuejiao plopped down on Lu Chengwen's lap.

"I told you to put on an act, not the full performance!" she scolded playfully.

"I was just following your instructions!" he defended.

"My instructions? Did I instruct you to reach under her skirt? If I weren't here, would you have gone all the way with her right here, right now?"

"You're a girl, watch your language."

"I'm just talking, unlike you, who does it!"

The door opened, and three men entered, taking in the scene.

"Hey! The Young Master sure knows how to enjoy himself!" they thought, impressed.

They immediately knelt on one knee, "We greet you, Young Master!"

Lu Chengwen, embracing the sexy little loli in his arms, playfully stroked Xu Xuejiao's chin as his hands roamed over her body. "And who might you be?" he inquired nonchalantly.

"Your subordinate, Tongtuo Wang, and these two brothers accompanying me. We've come to deliver the second installment of funds. We're also here to clean up the house and eliminate that traitor, Tietuo Wang."

Lu Chengwen adopted the demeanor of a young master, casting a cold glance at the men without speaking.

Chen Mengyun gracefully approached and took a seat beside Lu Chengwen, completing the picture of a man surrounded by two stunning beauties, their figures enough to make any man envious.

Tongtuo Wang stole a glance, his heart pounding with envy.

These two women were absolute beauties!

Could there be any more beautiful women in the world?

That little loli, wow, her dress was even torn, they must have been wild!

And that other girl, with her gentle and delicate appearance, was a born seductress, a top-notch beauty created to please men!

Lu Chengwen's icy gaze swept over the three men, causing them to lower their heads in submission.

"Make sure you've got the right person," he warned, "Don't come back later claiming mistaken identity. Perhaps I'm not worthy of being your young master."

Tongtuo Wang instantly understood that the young master was still upset about Tietuo Wang's previous blunder of misidentifying him.

"Young Master, you are a dashing and romantic gentleman, with an air of elegance and extraordinary bearing. You are a man of destiny, with unwavering integrity and a spirit that fills the mountains and rivers... How could there possibly be another like you, a true dragon among men? Only a fool like Tietuo Wang could make such a low-level mistake. We brothers, under the instruction of the strategist, have come to serve you. We implore your forgiveness and a chance to prove our worth."

Lu Chengwen's hand slipped inside Xu Xuejiao's clothing, and instead of resisting, she leaned into his touch.

He shot a glare at Tongtuo Wang, who immediately lowered his gaze.

Lu Chengwen withdrew his hand and gently pinched Xu Xuejiao's chin. "My dear, the strategist has sent three more men. What do you think, shall we keep them?"

Xu Xuejiao glanced at the men. "This Tongtuo Wang seems quite pleasant, a man who knows how to speak. A silver tongue often implies talent. Young Master, perhaps we should keep him for now. With some training, he might become a valuable asset under your command."

Tongtuo Wang was ecstatic!

Success! The young master's lover had spoken favorably of him, his chances of acceptance were now significantly higher!

Lu Chengwen released the two beauties and approached the three men, who were still kneeling.

The three men stared at Lu Chengwen's shoes, beads of sweat forming on their foreheads.

Lu Chengwen spoke, his voice firm, "Let me make this clear: regardless of your strategist and helmsman's style, I operate differently. Under my command, achievements are rewarded, and failures are punished. I only care about results, not the process. If any of you display the same disloyalty as that idiot Tietuo Wang..."

Tongtuo Wang immediately pledged his allegiance, "We three brothers are wholeheartedly devoted to Young Master and will obey only your commands from this day forward! Whatever task you assign, we will execute it with utmost dedication and loyalty, without question, to repay your immense grace!"

Lu Chengwen smiled, "My dear, you were right. He seems like a quick-witted fellow."

Chen Mengyun approached and embraced Lu Chengwen from behind, "Young Master, I don't like them. Tell them to leave, and let's continue where we left off. You promised to take me to greater heights!"

Lu Chengwen nodded, "Leave your numbers with my dear and keep your phones on 24 hours a day. Each of you will withdraw 20 million from the funds and transfer it to your accounts. Consider it a settling-in gift from your Young Master."

The three men were astonished by the Young Master's generosity.

In large organizations, the higher-ups feast while the lower ranks merely get scraps.

The organization was both secretive and ruthless, offering no escape once you joined.

Leaving meant death.

Therefore, the amount they received depended entirely on the whims of their superiors.

The higher-ups treated them as expendable pawns. The Four Tuo Kings were considered fortunate, earning a decent salary, while many of their underlings struggled to make even a fraction of that amount.

And here was the Young Master, offering each of them 20 million! Such incredible generosity!

The three men kowtowed profusely, "We are eternally grateful for your grace, Young Master!"

Tongtuo Wang raised his head with excitement, his hands clasped in respect, "We have long heard tales of your magnanimity and generosity towards your brothers. To serve under your leadership is a blessing from our ancestors, a cause for celebration in their graves, a sign of divine favor upon our lineage..."

Lu Chengwen interrupted impatiently, "Alright, alright, save the flattery for later. Did I say you'd be following me permanently?"

Tongtuo Wang beamed, "Young Master, in your immense generosity, please grant us some time to prove our worth through dedicated service. Our only desire is to eventually earn the privilege of remaining by your side, holding your reins and whip, with utmost contentment."

Xu Xuejiao giggled uncontrollably, "Young Master, this Tongtuo Wang is quite the charmer!"

Chen Mengyun added, "Young Master, I believe this Tongtuo Wang is far more reliable than that Tietuo Wang. Hmph, that so-called strategist is useless. They should have sent someone like him from the beginning! That Tietuo Wang was a waste of your time and grand plans."

Tongtuo Wang's excitement reached a new peak!

Both of the Young Master's beauties were speaking highly of him, he was in!

He quickly declared, "Thank you for your kind words, beautiful ladies! Young Master, though I may not be the most talented, to demonstrate my loyalty, I offer a pledge of service! We three brothers will immediately apprehend Tietuo Wang and his men, eliminate the rest, and deliver Tietuo Wang to you alive for your judgment!"

"Nonsense!" Lu Chengwen roared, "Cleaning house is your duty, not a feat to boast about to your Young Master. Do you have a dog's brain in your head?"

Tongtuo Wang was startled, silently admiring the Young Master's temperamental nature. This was what a true leader should be like.

"My apologies, Young Master, please calm your anger! Witnessing your awe-inspiring presence has filled me with both respect and fear. My desire to serve you and earn your favor burns brightly within me. In my eagerness, I spoke out of turn and uttered foolish words. You possess the ambition to swallow the heavens and the power to shake the earth. Please forgive my momentary lapse in composure! I await your instructions."

Xu Xuejiao's laughter continued, "Young Master, this guy's overflowing with idioms, how adorable!"

Tongtuo Wang grinned, "The lady is incredibly astute! I was an avid reader of 'Idiom Stories' as a child."

Chen Mengyun chimed in, "Young Master, please don't be angry. Your anger is directed at that incompetent strategist and the fool Tietuo Wang. You three, refrain from mentioning that swine in front of the Young Master from now on!"

"Yes, yes, of course," they readily agreed.

Lu Chengwen reprimanded them, "The Xuecheng branch is a disgrace, sending men who can't even dress properly. All of you, go and acquire new attire. I don't care how you dress at the branch, but under my, Long Aotian's, command, such shabby appearance disgraces me!"

The three men exchanged glances, thinking, "Isn't this already presentable? The Young Master has high standards!"

As expected, the Young Master and the helmsman were on entirely different levels. The Young Master had experienced a far more refined world than the helmsman.

"Yes, yes, we understand, Young Master," they responded obediently.

Lu Chengwen continued, "Tietuo Wang can wait. We must prioritize. He's insignificant, we can deal with him anytime. Focus on the more important matters first."

"What matters, Young Master? Please enlighten us," they inquired.


At that moment, Lu Chengwen's phone rang.

"Get up, I need to take this call."

Lu Chengwen retreated to answer the call, his expression turning to shock as the conversation progressed.

Before Leng Qingqiu could officially resign, Leng Tianhao had already issued a document dismissing her and appointing Long Aotian as the CEO of Thousand Peaks Group.

However, as soon as the document took effect, Thousand Peaks Group encountered trouble.

The Southern Kingdom's Eastern Group began aggressively squeezing Thousand Peaks Group's various businesses and launched a takeover bid!

It all became clear.

Lu Chengwen hung up the phone.

Leng Qingqiu's coma was a ploy to swallow the Leng family whole!

He had spared the Leng family, but Huo Wendong had aligned himself with Long Aotian!

The Leng family was doomed!

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