The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 89 Peak Showdown

Chapter 89 Peak Showdown

Chapter 89 Peak Showdown

Lu Chengwen sprang into action, initiating a flurry of phone calls:

Leng Tianhao's phone was unreachable.
Leng Qingqiu remained unconscious at the hospital.
The Leng family lacked any capable leader at the moment.

He urgently contacted the Tietuo Wang five-man group, instructing them to immediately head to the Xu family's private hospital and, under Xu Xuejiao's name, access the VIP ward to protect Leng Qingqiu.

Next, he called Li Meiqin, urging her to monitor the stock market closely, inflate the Leng family's stock price, and disrupt the hostile takeover attempt.

He then contacted the police, reporting Leng Tianhao's disappearance and suggesting a possible connection to the ongoing hostile takeover.

Simultaneously, he reached out to Mayor Zhao, explaining the severity of the situation and urging him to contact the provincial authorities and the stock exchange to restrict the transfer of the Leng family's shares.

Having exhausted all possible contacts, Lu Chengwen knew that the key to resolving the situation lay with Leng Tianhao.

As the chairman of Thousand Peaks Group, Leng Tianhao held over 50% of the company's shares. Finding him was crucial.

Chen Mengyun immediately contacted her family's electronic information company, assembling a team of tech experts to track Leng Tianhao's whereabouts.

Soon, they received promising news; they had narrowed down Leng Tianhao's location with reasonable certainty.

Emerging from his temporary office, Lu Chengwen addressed Tongtuo Wang, "I have an address. You need to head there immediately and rescue someone."

Tongtuo Wang was thrilled to receive his first assignment so quickly.

"Rest assured, Young Master, we will complete the mission!" he declared.

"There are skilled individuals at the location, so shouldn't appear s directly. Exercise extreme caution, as Lu Chengwen might be there as well," Lu Chengwen warned.

"We understand, Young Master. We will not return without completing the task, even if it costs us our heads," Tongtuo Wang vowed.

As they were about to depart, Lu Chengwen stopped them, "Wait! Do you know how to proceed?"

"We'll storm in, take down everyone, and rescue the person you've entrusted us with," Tongtuo Wang replied confidently.

Lu Chengwen shook his head, "Are you fools? If they dared to take someone, the place would be heavily guarded, not just a few amateurs. You need to launch a surprise attack, catch them off guard, and incapacitate their strongest fighter. Then, rescue Leng Tianhao. Remember, your mission is to rescue, not kill. Killing is pointless. Bring him back safely, and you'll have earned your first merit."

"Yes, sir!" they acknowledged.

"Also, hand over your phones. Zhao Gang on the first floor will provide you with a new one. From now on, you take orders only from me, nobody else. Starting today, you are my, Long Aotian's, trusted subordinates, no longer part of the Red Guards. Understood?"

The three men were taken aback, then tears welled up in their eyes.

"Young Master, your kindness is as vast as the heavens and as deep as the sea, like a whirlwind sweeping across the land, like a typhoon engulfing the world..."

"Enough talk, time is of the essence. Get to work!"

"Yes, sir!"

They surrendered their phones and headed to the first floor.

Inside the elevator, the skinny man rubbed his hands together in excitement, "Big Brother, we made it! We're now the Young Master's personal guard!"

"Indeed," Tongtuo Wang nodded in agreement. "Red Guards? Hmph, to hell with the Red Guards! From now on, those Red Guards will have to address us with respect! We'll enjoy wealth and glory, enough to make those still stuck in the 'organization' green with envy."

"Big Brother, hehe, when... when will you transfer that 20 million to us? We... hehe, we want to have some fun too."


Tongtuo Wang, feeling superior to everyone except the Young Master and his women, displayed a newfound arrogance.

"What's the rush? The Young Master's word is his bond, he won't go back on his promise. Besides, the money is in our hands, we decide when to access it. This is our first mission, so keep your eyes peeled! We must succeed, failure is not an option. Our future prosperity and the privilege of living like kings in the metropolis alongside the Young Master depend on this mission!"

The other two men chimed in, "Don't worry, Brother Tong. We'll give it our all, even if it means walking through fire!"

"Good brothers! Once we complete the mission, the transfer is immediate!"


Lu Chengwen became the strategist.

He was unaware of Long Aotian and Huo Wendong's specific plans, but he understood the general outline.

Huo Wendong must have been captivated by Luo Shiyin and allied with Long Aotian.

With all three families' daughters now by his side, Long Aotian lacked leverage.

Therefore, he controlled Luo Shiyin, who in turn controlled Huo Wendong...

First, they incapacitated Leng Qingqiu, preventing her from interfering. Then, they abducted Leng Tianhao, leaving Thousand Peaks Group without a leader. This allowed Long Aotian, as the newly appointed CEO, to assist Huo Wendong in his hostile takeover.

Their primary target remained the vulnerable Leng family, a cunning strategy that promised immediate results.

If Thousand Peaks Group fell, Long Aotian would gain a foothold, enabling him to gradually devour the Chen and Xu families, leaving the Lu family isolated and eventually falling prey to his ambitions as well.

As for Huo Wendong?

He would remain enthralled by Luo Shiyin's beauty, eventually relinquishing all his assets in the Northern Kingdom, either willingly or through some manipulation by Long Aotian.

Therefore, the Leng family could not fall, absolutely not.

Lu Chengwen summoned Jiang Shihan to assist him with his work.

The entire floor of the hotel had been cleared by Chen Mengyun to ensure Lu Chengwen's absolute safety.

He couldn't be certain, but since Long Aotian had chosen to act now, there was a high probability of a confrontation.

As his senior brother, Long Aotian wouldn't directly harm him, but who knew the extent of their relationship?

Furthermore, even if Long Aotian refrained from taking action himself, he certainly had individuals at his disposal who wouldn't hesitate.

Staying at the hotel was a risky move, but it also significantly delayed Long Aotian's ability to pinpoint his exact location.

It was unlikely that Long Aotian would suspect him to remain there.

Lu Chengwen's primary concern was Leng Qingqiu. He couldn't risk exposing himself, as that mysterious Hua Xuening might be lying in wait somewhere.

He instructed Zhao Gang to have someone drive his car around, making sure it was captured by surveillance cameras in various locations.

This was a decisive battle!

Since Long Aotian had chosen to make his move, he had to meet the challenge head-on!

"You may be the child of destiny, but I'm the father of destiny!"

He was determined to fight!

Li Meiqin's voice was frantic over the phone, "Mr. Lu, they're coming at us aggressively, determined to succeed. They've already dumped over 20 billion into the stock market!"

"We'll match them," Lu Chengwen declared.

"But... this is madness, it defies business logic! The Leng family isn't worth that much!"

"Did I ask for your opinion?" Lu Chengwen retorted, "I'll authorize it remotely. Whatever amount they throw in, you match it! Remember, if they acquire more than 50% of Thousand Peaks Group's shares, we'll all be left with nothing."

"Yes, sir!"

As Lu Chengwen ended the call, the police contacted him again.

Zhang Shen'er's voice was urgent, "Lu Chengwen, we've confirmed Leng Tianhao's disappearance. What's going on? Where are you right now? I need to see you immediately and get the full story behind this case."

"I can't disclose my location," Lu Chengwen replied. "Contact Zhao Gang, he'll bring you to me."

"What's with the secrecy? Get serious, I'm a police officer conducting an investigation, and you must cooperate!"

"I don't know if there are moles within the police force leaking information to the enemy. I only trust you, so come if you want, or don't," Lu Chengwen stated firmly before ending the call.

"Sigh, you..." Zhang Shen'er muttered in frustration.

Just as he hung up, another call came in, this time from the hospital.

"Young Master, some suspicious individuals arrived earlier, attempting to secretly move Miss Leng. We managed to deter them," reported one of the Tietuo Wang brothers.

Lu Chengwen nodded approvingly, "Well done! Protecting her is a great service! Don't worry, Tongtuo Wang is occupied with another task elsewhere."

"Ah!?" Tietuo Wang was astonished. "He also switched sides?"

Lu Chengwen chuckled, "He is now completely loyal to me and has severed all ties with the branch."

"Mr. Lu, you're incredible! You're practically a god!" Tietuo Wang exclaimed.

Lu Chengwen smiled, "Tietuo Wang, I believe you made the right choice. This time, I will prevail against Long Aotian."

"Yes! We brothers are with you all the way, Mr. Lu!"

"Has Xu Xuejiao arrived?"

"She just arrived and is currently examining Miss Leng."

"Ensure her safety," Lu Chengwen emphasized.

"Rest assured! We would rather lose our heads than allow Miss Leng or Miss Xu to suffer any harm."

Suddenly, Jiang Shihan shrieked, "Mr. Lu! Come quickly!"

Lu Chengwen ended the call and rushed over to her laptop.

"It stopped! Mr. Lu, look here, here, and here. These shell companies have ceased their acquisition attempts. They can't sustain it anymore," Jiang Shihan explained excitedly.

Lu Chengwen narrowed his eyes, "That's strange... Huo Wendong isn't known for being so conservative. He and Long Aotian wouldn't stop at just 20 billion if they were serious about taking over Thousand Peaks Group. Inform Li Meiqin to continue buying and raising the price. We can't give them any breathing room!"

"Yes, sir!"

Time ticked by slowly.

Only Lu Chengwen and Jiang Shihan remained in the hotel room.

Lu Chengwen stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, contemplating the view outside with a glass of wine in his hand.

Jiang Shihan, finally granted a moment of respite, turned to gaze at Lu Chengwen, admiring him.

"The boss is so handsome! How can he be so attractive?" she thought. "After all this time working for him, I'm only now discovering his true character."

"He's noble, upright, and pure. He's intelligent, courageous, and compassionate. He's humorous, charming, and chivalrous. He's honest, selfless, and open-minded..."

Meanwhile, Lu Chengwen's thoughts drifted elsewhere as he looked out the window.

[Damn, now that the initial rush is over, those past encounters are replaying in my mind. I suddenly have a strong urge to go out and have some fun.]

[It's all because of that devil woman, full of tricks and yet so alluring! I may not be a saint, but she awakened my desires!]

[I envy Chen Moqun right now. If I had a seductive young beauty in my arms, clad in stockings, wouldn't that be heavenly? After all, this is over, I need to sit him and have him treat me to something nice.]

Jiang Shihan was startled. Was the boss... thinking about such things?

Hesitantly, she gathered her courage and approached Lu Chengwen. "Mr. Lu, are you tired? Would you like me to massage your legs?"

"Hmm? Oh, no need," he replied, still lost in thought.

"Please don't be polite, come, lie down here, I'm quite skilled at massage," she insisted.

Lu Chengwen looked at Jiang Shihan, his heart pounding.

[Such a beautiful young woman, tsk tsk tsk, why not indulge a little?]

He lay down on the lounge chair, closing his eyes.

Jiang Shihan began massaging his legs.

Lu Chengwen's internal monologue continued.

[A little higher, yes, yes, that's it. Keep going, girl, it feels so good, those little hands... hey!]

[Higher, almost there, oh my, this is amazing!]

Following Lu Chengwen's mental cues, Jiang Shihan gradually moved her hands upwards, reaching his target area.

Lu Chengwen's eyes shot open in surprise, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you... enjoy that?" Jiang Shihan asked with a playful smile, her hands continuing their ministrations. "It's alright, I'm willing. You're exhausted, Mr. Lu, let me help you relax."

Lu Chengwen was stunned.

[This girl! Is she flirting with me!?]

To be continued....

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