The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 92 She is not here to kill me

Chapter 92 She is not here to kill me

Chapter 92 She is not here to kill me

Hua Xuening finally found Lu Chengwen's hideout.

She never imagined that Lu Chengwen would be so bold as to stay in that hotel all along.

Hua Xuening hung the hook from the roof and lowered herself down with a rope.

She was a top assassin!

This technique was familiar and foolproof.

With the sudden entry of Huo Wendong, a wealthy tycoon from the Southern Kingdom, Lu Chengwen's significance and value suddenly became less important.

On the contrary, if Lu Chengwen died, the Lu family would rapidly decline.

Their side could quickly devour the Leng family, and then, after stabilizing the situation, they could immediately attack the Lu family.

Therefore, Long Aotian issued the order to assassinate Lu Chengwen.

Hua Xuening did not agree with this approach.

Because she had witnessed the young master and Lu Chengwen kowtowing and swearing brotherhood together.

No matter what, he was still the young master's junior brother and sworn second brother. Did they have to kill their sworn brother?

But the young master said that this was for the sake of all the people of Xuecheng, for the sake of the entire Northern Kingdom, and even for the sake of the entire Huaxia. Therefore, he had to endure the pain of sacrificing his brother and apologize to his brother in the underworld after his death.

The young master's universal love moved Hua Xuening!

She knew that she knew nothing.

She understood that she understood nothing.

She realized that she didn't understand anything.

But none of this was a problem. What she didn't know, didn't understand, and didn't realize, the young master understood it all.

Following the young master's instructions was the right thing to do!

The young master was truly a great hero who cared for the world and bore all the pain himself!

Therefore, she had already strengthened her belief in eliminating Lu Chengwen!

She knew the room, she understood the location, and as long as she sneaked in through the window, even eight Lu Chengwens would be no match for her!

She could eliminate him silently!

Hua Xuening secured the rope, lowered herself down, and reached the window, just in time to see Lu Chengwen chatting with Zhang Shener.

Zhang Shener? That police officer?

She was a good person, she couldn't be killed.

Hmph! Even in front of Officer Zhang, I can still kill you.

Hua Xuening continued to slide down a little, just as she was about to climb through the window, Lu Chengwen walked to the window and slammed it shut.

Hua Xuening outside felt a heart-wrenching pain in her fingers!

Her whole body fell directly from the glass wall of the hotel.

Lu Chengwen walked to the wine cabinet: "Would you like a drink, Officer Zhang?"

Zhang Shener kept a straight face: "I don't drink. Let's talk about the case. I always feel that you still have something you haven't told me..."

They didn't notice that it was Hua Xuening's skill that saved her.

Reaching the end of the rope and hanging in mid-air, Hua Xuening looked at her bloody fingers, her heart filled with hatred.

The bastard who stole my first kiss! He likes me!

It hurts so much! My hand!

Hua Xuening took a deep breath, wrapped her fingers with gauze, and struggled to climb up again.

Finally, she climbed back to the floor where Lu Chengwen was.

This time, I want your life!

Zhang Shener said with dissatisfaction: "Why did you close the window?"

"For the atmosphere!"

"Open the window!"

"Okay, I'll open it."

Hua Xuening was guarding nearby, and Lu Chengwen pushed the window open with a bang. Instantly, due to a burst of convection air, the window door swung out violently and slammed into Hua Xuening's face.

Hua Xuening suppressed the instinct to scream and fell again.

Lu Chengwen returned to the hall and poured himself a drink: "This is okay, right?"

Zhang Shener said: "Have you already sent someone to rescue the people? Or have you sent someone to kill them?"

"Haha!" Lu Chengwen said: "Well, we'll find out in a moment, really not having a drink?"

Hua Xuening was so angry!

Lu Chengwen was too cunning!

Her nose was broken, and she wiped away the blood, her nose bridge red.

With hatred, she continued to climb up!

I don't believe I can't kill you, Lu Chengwen!

She continued to climb back.

Change window! That window is my nemesis!

She changed to another window, just about to climb in...

Lu Chengwen opened a bottle of champagne towards the window!


The cork flew out of the window, heading straight for Hua Xuening's face.

Hua Xuening thought it was a hidden weapon and immediately dodged it, but because her left hand was injured, she lost her grip and her body swung out bang!

There was a protruding structure on the outside of the building on this floor, which seemed to be some kind of evil-suppressing mythical beast. Her swinging body directly hit the horn of the beast.



Hua Xuening endured the sharp pain and heard the sound of her ribs breaking.

Hua Xuening's body hung outside the building, the piercing pain causing her head to be covered in sweat.

Her hands gripped the rope tightly, her heart filled with gnashing hatred.

Lu Chengwen! So insidious!

Every time she exerted any strength, her ribs pierced her internal organs. With astonishing perseverance, Hua Xuening climbed up again.

This time, no matter what, she would rush in and hack him to death with her sword!

I'm going to hack him to death!

Hua Xuening almost exhausted all her strength, drew her single sword, leaped into the room, and shouted: "Lu Chengwen! You littl... Ow!"

Lu Chengwen had just casually placed an empty wine bottle on the carpet, and later, when the curtain fluttered, it was knocked over without anyone noticing.

Hua Xuening was in so much pain and her mind was impulsive that she didn't pay attention to her feet and jumped in, stepping directly on the bottle. The bottle rolled, and she fell to the ground, her long sword cutting her chest.

Hua Xuening's most serious injury was her ribs!

With her ribs broken, her whole body was unable to exert any strength. The fact that she could climb up here was already a feat of strength.

Now, with this fall, her ribs directly pierced her internal organs, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The intense pain caused her vision to go black, and she fainted directly.

Lu Chengwen was at the door seeing Zhang Shener off: "Take care, Officer Zhang, take care!"

He turned and walked back to the living room, and was stunned: "Oh my! What's going on here? It seems to be a person!"

He carefully nudged her with his foot and looked at the beauty lying on the ground. Lu Chengwen's eyes widened: "Hua Xuening!?"

Lu Chengwen suddenly felt his scalp explode!

His location had been exposed!

But why was Hua Xuening seriously injured in his living room!?

A few minutes later, Hua Xuening slowly opened her eyes. As soon as she woke up, a sharp pain spread throughout her body.

Her whole body remained motionless, only her eyeballs looked around. It was still that suit.

Damn it!

She had been captured alive by Lu Chengwen!

Humiliation! The greatest humiliation!

She had fought alongside the young master for many years, yet she had been tricked so badly by Lu Chengwen, who was only a mere Entry-level body-tempering ancient martial artist, and had even been captured alive!

"How can I face the young master now!?"

"Wait? My acupoints haven't been sealed? My limbs haven't been tied up either?"

"What's going on?"

She raised her hand and discovered that the wound on her hand had been properly bandaged, as had the cut on her lower abdomen.

At this moment, she heard Lu Chengwen standing in the suite making a phone call:

"Are you guys pig-brained? Where am I going? Stop talking nonsense! Huo Wendong is nothing! If he dares to throw his family fortune at it, I'll fight him with my family fortune! Fight to the end for me! I absolutely won't let Leng Qingqiu wake up and find that the Leng family has already become someone else's possession! That's it!"

"It's him! What is he doing?"

Hua Xuening wanted to get up and continue her mission, but as soon as she tried to get up, the pain was intense.

The phone rang again, and Lu Chengwen answered irritably: "What now? I know! Of course, I know! So what if she's Long Aotian's person? She just fell like this in my living room, should I just leave her to die?"

"No way, she's a good person! Let me tell you this, she's almost the most pure-hearted, kind, and simple girl I've ever met. Yes, that's right, she's a fool, didn't I make it clear?"

"Now she's seriously injured, and although I don't know how she got hurt, I'm sure there must be a lot of people around! Don't underestimate her, she's a top expert, and to be able to injure her like this, I dare say, the other party's background is not simple!"

"Big sister, at this time, let's not worry about whether she's Long Aotian's person or not! She and Long Aotian are different! Even if Long Aotian died in front of me, I wouldn't bat an eyelid, but she's a good person! She's pitiful, trust me!"

"Let me tell you this, if she came to kill me, I'd be dead already. She just needed to jump in from the window and casually stab me, and I'd be seeing the King of Hell by now."

"How could I be taking advantage of her? Yes! I'm a pervert! But when is this? And she's loyal to Long Aotian, sooner or later she'll be Long Aotian's bed-warming girl, even if you hold a knife to her, she wouldn't even bother to look at me!"

"Oh, oh, oh, okay, okay, you speak slowly, I'll see if I can learn it or not, uh-huh, uh-huh, I got it."

Lu Chengwen hung up the phone.

Hua Xuening quickly closed her eyes, pretending to continue to be unconscious, but in reality, she had already gently grasped the dagger in her hand.

Lu Chengwen, I'll launch a surprise attack in a moment, I don't believe you'll still be so lucky!

Lu Chengwen walked in, looked at Hua Xuening who was still unconscious, and sighed.

"Girl, why did you have to follow Long Aotian of all people? tri Sigh."

Lu Chengwen said: "I took your picture and sent it to Xu Xuejiao, she judged that your ribs must be broken, and then because of the fight, they pierced your internal organs. If you don't adjust their position quickly, the consequences will be very dangerous."

"I'm sorry, but to save your life, I can only..."

After Lu Chengwen finished speaking, he didn't waste any more words, took out the medicine box, lifted the blanket, and slowly used small scissors to cut Hua Xuening's clothes.

At this moment, Lu Chengwen was seriously trying to cut the clothes, and his mind was still thinking:

[Poor girl, she's been played so badly. She should have been ice-snow smart, but unfortunately, a strand of her divine consciousness was sealed, making her foolish.]

[Long Aotian! Bah! What kind of bullshit big male lead! And a so-called child of destiny! Using such despicable means to bully a girl!]

[Damn it, you guys did all the bad things, brainwashed this girl to make her risk her life for you! Sealed her mind, made her foolish! And in the end, you still want to trick her into sleeping with you, under the guise of unsealing her.]

[And you say you've shown her great kindness and that she should repay you with her life! Are there any people more despicable than you?]

[It's a pity, a good girl like her, played by you guys in the palm of your hand, and in the end, she still has to be grateful to you, reduced to a tool for venting and accepting it as sweet... Sigh.]

At this moment, Hua Xuening suddenly raised her arm and pressed a dagger against Lu Chengwen's neck.

Hua Xuening's head was covered in sweat, and her eyes seemed to be spitting fire.

Lu Chengwen's body stiffened, feeling that this might be the end of the road for him.

[It's over. It's all over now.]

[A moment of soft-heartedness and I've gotten myself into this! Am I going to kick the bucket?]

[Damn it, why did I have to be a good guy! I already knew she was Long Aotian's person, and her mind wasn't clear, she didn't even understand that I was saving her!]

[This girl is single-minded, she wouldn't even blink if she said she'd hack me to death. She doesn't even know what she's doing!]

[Dying at her hands in such a muddled way, I'm too pathetic!]

Hua Xuening's eyes were filled with tears: "My divine consciousness is sealed, how did you know?"


Hua Xuening's knife moved forward a little: "Speak! If you don't, I'll kill you!"

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