The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 93: End it, I’m tired

Chapter 93: End it, I’m tired

Chapter 93: End it, I'm tired

Lu Chengwen raised his hands: "If you kill me, you're dead too."

"I'm not afraid to die!"

Lu Chengwen looked at her: "But is it necessary?"

"Young Master needs you dead!"

"I'm his brother, he wants to kill me?"

"For Snow City, for the people of the North, for the people of all China!"

Lu Chengwen laughed: "Is that what he told you? Besides killing his brother and tricking women, is there no other way to do good?"

"I... I don't understand! And I don't need to understand! Anyway, Young Master understands everything, I need to listen to him."

Lu Chengwen looked at her: "Do you feel confused?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You're starting not to know what's right, are you?"

"Shut up!"

"Your Young Master has always given you tasks you don't want to do, you've had doubts, but you don't dare to think deeply, do you?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Let's leave the problem to time. Now your ribs are broken and dislocated, if they are not adjusted in time, you will die."

"I said, I'm not afraid to die."

"If you die, who will protect your Young Master in the future?"

Hua Xuening was stunned.

"Your Young Master has a long way to go, he will encounter many opponents, and they will become stronger and stronger. He needs you to live, to live and help him. You put down the knife, I will help you set the bone."

"My body belongs to Young Master, I will never let anyone touch it!"

"It's not like I haven't touched it before."


Hua Xuening was about to exert force, but the piercing pain instantly drained her strength.

Lu Chengwen snatched the dagger and threw it aside, quickly sealing her acupoints.


Lu Chengwen let out a breath: "You are still too naive. When your Young Master does that to you, hehe, your consciousness will be restored. You will be a smart little girl then."

"Now! Bear with it, I'll set your bones."

"Don't... please, don't touch me, I can't betray Young Master."

Lu Chengwen looked at her: "Don't be feudal, if I were your Young Master, I wouldn't want you to use your life to keep your chastity. I would rather you be touched by men, be seen by men than want you to live, be healthy, and have everything go well."

"But... you..."

"Alright, there are many things you don't understand, if you don't understand, just listen to those who do. In the eyes of a doctor, there are only patients, no men and women. Those doctors who see special diseases, women's bodies are casually looked at, there is no ripple, just looking at a pile of flesh, a life."

"Are you a doctor?"

Lu Chengwen grinned: "No."

"So you have a nosebleed?"

"Ah?" Lu Chengwen found that when the beauty's upper body was completely naked in front of him, he was indeed still very excited.

He wiped the nosebleed and continued to work.

[I'm not a doctor.]

[Wow, I knew she had a good figure when I fed her medicine that day, she looks even bigger than she feels.]

[Oops, such a big... it's inconvenient to work! It's pulling and pulling...]

Hua Xuening was so ashamed that she wanted to faint, but she just wouldn't.

Lu Chengwen tossed and turned for a long time, wiping the constantly flowing nosebleed while muttering:

"In the eyes of a doctor, a patient is just a patient, nothing else!"

"For example, you, although you have enough capital, good shape, good feel, and no resistance now, but guess what? I'm just like still water!"

Lu Chengwen pulled a roll of toilet paper from the side, wiped the nosebleed, and stuffed it into his nostrils.

"Healing the sick and saving people is the conscience of a doctor. My family runs a pharmaceutical factory, so I can understand the feelings of patients better than others."

"Let's talk about your chest! How about I take a look?"

He reached out and grabbed it: "What if I touch it? I'm not moved!"

"Heart like still water!"

"The doctor's brain is very pure!"

He picked up the phone: "Send some more toilet paper to the suite, I can't stop my nosebleed."

Lu Chengwen continued: "Where were we? Oh, your chest! Hmm... I'm not an expert in this area, but I'm very clear about the duties and mission of a doctor!"

"Saving the dying and... no... healing the wounded. That's our duty and mission."

"Will I take the opportunity to take a few more glances and satisfy my dirty thoughts and despicable desires? No!"

"Will I take the opportunity to touch a few more times, secretly fantasize, and feel happy inside? No!"

"Will I take the opportunity to take advantage of everything I can, and continue to molest even after it's over? Not!"

"Heart like still water!"

Hua Xuening had been watching his performance, and at this moment said coldly: "The bone has already been set."


...or was it because... he touched her, and she couldn't bring herself to kill him?

Hua Xuening felt her mind was in chaos.

She knew that if her strand of divine consciousness hadn't been sealed, she wouldn't be so confused, so conflicted, so tangled at this moment.

Sealing my divine consciousness and then having Young Master unlock it... is this considered a favor?

What Lu Chengwen said seems to be right, this is not a favor, it's returning what originally belonged to me!


How can I doubt Young Master?

Hua Xuening, ah Hua Xuening, everything you have was given by Young Master!

How can you listen to that glib-tongued Lu Chengwen and start to doubt your own master?

So easily swayed, am I, Hua Xuening, the kind of disloyal traitor who has a change of heart?

Lu Chengwen! Next time we meet, I will kill you!

Hua Xuening's mind was in chaos.

She forced herself not to think about Lu Chengwen, what he said, his inner words and thoughts...

But the more she forced herself, the more conflicted and confused she became.

The more she felt that she was an impure person, her body was impure, and now even her mind was impure, she couldn't stop doubting Young Master.

She began to loathe herself, hate herself, and criticize herself.

Her anger had nowhere to vent!

She returned to that place and found it eerily quiet.

After rushing in, she found Bang Daomang had fainted, Young Master was gone, and a pig-headed person was lying on the ground.

She didn't know this person!

Hua Xuening walked over and lifted Bang Daomang: "Where is my Young Master!? Speak!"

Bang Daomang had received too much shock and couldn't wake up at all.

However, the pig-headed person heard Hua Xuening's voice, his body moved, and he began to slowly wake up.

Hua Xuening dragged her injured body over and gritted her teeth: "Where is my Young Master?"

Long Aotian couldn't open his eyes anymore.

Of course!

Just now, King Tong Tuo had used his head as a racket and played a whole playoff season.

A normal person would have been slapped to death, but this was Long Aotian!

Hey! The child of luck is something else!

More than 6,800 big fights! He's still alive!

But although he's still alive, his head is a bit unbearable.

First of all, it's swollen, it was already swollen just now, people had left, and after "fermenting" for a while, it became even more swollen, his head is thicker than his waist now.

Especially his eyes. They can't be opened at all, the upper and lower eyelids are like two large loaves of bread, completely squeezing his eyes out of existence, just a slit if it weren't for the nose, you wouldn't even be able to tell that this is a head.

Then there are the ears. After so many slaps, his ears are buzzing and won't stop.

Finally, the mouth.

The inside of his mouth is also swollen, the swelling inside leaves no room for his tongue to move, and he can't even find his teeth to lick.

If it weren't for his nose, he would have suffocated to death by now.

Hua Xuening thought to herself: This person has a strange appearance, he must have practiced some strange demonic skills that made his appearance different from ordinary people.

Since he appeared here, he must know the whereabouts of my Young Master.

Hua Xuening put her sword against Long Aotian's throat: "Speak! Where is my Young Master!"

Long Aotian couldn't see, but he heard Hua Xuening's voice, his mouth was swollen, his tongue was useless, and he couldn't speak clearly.

"You won't say it!?"

Hua Xuening was already full of anger!

She was angry at Lu Chengwen and also at herself.

At this time, she said angrily: "If you don't say it, I'll cut you up!"

Long Aotian made a vague sound.

Hua Xuening vented all the anger she had gotten from Lu Chengwen on the pig-headed person, she stabbed his body with her sword and slowly turned the hilt.

"Being stabbed in this position is the most painful! Let's see how long you can endure it!"

Long Aotian was going crazy.

Am I enduring it? I can't move, and I can't make a sound!

What the hell are you doing!?

Hua Xuening sneered: "Still not talking? I didn't expect you to be a tough guy!"

Long Aotian thought to himself: I'm not a tough guy! Can you all stop doing this? Can't you wait until the swelling goes down before you talk?

Hua Xuening didn't expect this pig-headed person to be so strong!

But the stronger the pig-headed person was, the angrier she became.

"If I can't deal with that bastard Lu Chengwen, I can still deal with you! Today... I'm going to fight you to the end, if you don't speak, I will keep torturing you! Until you speak!"

Long Aotian wanted to die.

He felt... there was no point in living anymore.

Let it end, I'm tired.

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