The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 319: a legendary feat

Chapter 319: a legendary feat

Clark swiftly moved his body to the right, dodging another stab from his opponent by only a few inches as he quickly counterattacked with a counter-clockwise swing of his 2 swords.

Stumping on the ground, the Commander leaped upwards, dodging the slash as he skillfully rotated his menacing trident before directing it in a downwards trajectory for another stab.


The metallic sound was grating to the ears as Clark decided to block this time. The enormous kinetic force weighed heavily on his hands, pushing his swords down but he improvised and shifted his center of gravity slightly.

This made the trident push his dual swords dangerously to the sides of his left shoulder, but his armor absolved all the damage.

The Commander motioned to retrieve his trident for another follow-up attack, but Clark reacted first and kicked at him. He tried to block the blow but Clarks boots suddenly started glowing blue light.

With a deep sound of impact, compressed air pressure was released from the boots as the Commander was thrown back the next moment.

With a single movement, he did a backflip in mid-air and landed gracefully on his feet before rapidly turning around while forming a defensive stance with his huge trident.

Both of them took this opportunity and retreated a bit, granting them more time to think and analyze the situation. They already completed the first testing clash, the next thing from here was the real battle.

Around both of them, the battlefield of the other soldiers seemed to have diminished in intensity a bit and a huge void was abandoned for the both of them to battle to their hearts desire.

The soldiers and terrorists were still battling to the death, but they were sensitive enough to grant their leaders the perfect battle atmosphere.

From the first clash, both soldiers already learned a bit about each other. Commander Pizza narrowed his eyes as he gave Clark an unfathomably deep look, a lot of information being passed through his eyes.

He was right, Clark was a genius.

He felt complicated. He still remembered when he just broke through to his current rank. For the first 3 years during that period, he was trashed by every single same-ranked soldier that he encountered.

Yes, he was afraid of what Clarks money could do but he was previously not afraid of the young man himself. But after this short clash, he confirmed that Clark was on a whole other level of his own.

Which other new 3rd rank high-grade soldiers were so strong after just breaking through, that they could even test fight him to a standstill? None, hes never seen one nor heard of one. It was a myth.

Despite all these, he was still determined to show this young soldier how strong he was and how to respect his elders. Even in death, keeping his dignity intact was a top non-negotiable priority.

Taking a deep breath, he glared at Clark before clenching and unclenching his free left hand. He widened his steps before slowly holding his trident with both hands.

Seeing this, a wide grin lit up Clarks face as he predicted what would happen next. He was right, the atmosphere became heavier the next moment as the Commander decisively started executing his battle art.

Inclining his head, he threw his swords up as they smoothly slid into their designated slots in his back.

When his right hand came back, his iconic long spear with a sharp menacing tipped edge that glinted despite the darkness of the night returned with his hand. He also activated his battle art.

The Commander raised his head and stared forward unblinkingly. Lets do this again the right way! The old way! The elders way!

Tightening their grips on their weapons, they felt their adrenaline levels blaze fiercer, making their heartbeat increase exponentially while working faster, pumping blood through their system.

Their sweat glands were already releasing liquid despite their bodys current inaction, they finally pumped themselves on mentally before rushing at each other.

The time that they took after pausing from the first clash was just less than 2 seconds, so it seemed just like a moment to their subordinates who were paying attention to them.

As Clark rushed forward with his spear tip facing the front, a blazing will for battle raged in his mind. As soon as they got close enough, he did not hesitate before wildly swinging his spear out. The Commander reciprocated.


The both of them staggered a bit from the impact as the floor beneath their feet shook and caved in as if a hole was drilled into the ground. They did not stay like that for more than 4 seconds though as their legs quickly flew at each other.

For the soldiers who were watching from the sidelines while also engaging in their battle, all they could see was the glittering spark lights of the sharp weapons and nothing else.

With such a perfect opportunity to gauge his strength base, Clark did not hesitate at all as he went all-out immediately.

Only blurs were left behind in their wake as trident and spear clashed repeatedly to better highlight this battle. Sparks and loud booming sounds accompanied each clash, it was a clash of the big dogs.

The battle became so fast-paced that Clark could barely keep track of what was happening. Only sheer guts and instincts were what kept pushing him on, his striking and blocking were completely reliant on his reflexes.

It was already 20 minutes since the battle between the both of them started, but there were no signs of stopping or a clear winner yet.

At times, some dangerous maneuvers made by the Commander left him vulnerable to damage but he bulldozed through all these obstacles with his sheer power and improvisation ability.

Facing an experienced terrorist Commander who already swam in the 3rd rank high-grade soldier rank before his fetus was even formed in his mothers womb, he faced a lot of difficulties.

Even though his soldiers lives kept on being chipped away as he fought, the terrorist Commander did not give a damn, already completely absolved in the euphoria of battle.

Their battle kept on shifting from place to place, the destruction wrath by their power already practically rendered the remaining defenses erected by the terrorist base void.

With a loud booming sound and a bright golden glow accompanying it, Commander Pizzas trident surrounded by its energy film raked through a significant part of Clarks armor again.

This time, Clark did not back off to offset the damage. Taking advantage of this opportunity to draw closer than ever before, he grabbed the Commander from the back by his waist and raised him.

Vibrations like veins snaked through the already damaged earth again as the Commander was slammed down in a mighty German suplex move.

The ancient Brock Lesnar vibes shone brightly from this move but none of the 2 combatants cared as they lunged at each other again like 2 irritated dogs of the same genders.

Though his armor absolved most of the damage, the Commander still took a significant amount of shock damage from that suplex throw as Clark borrowed momentum from his boots and other gadgets to propel the throw.

Gritting his teeth angrily, he retreated again before gathering momentum to lunge back again. His tridents 3 tips glowed red as they flew at his opponent like meteorites.

Clang! Clarks face paled a bit from the huge kinetic force but he still forced his bones to improvise.

Holding his spear horizontally to partly block and divert the force of the trident to the side, he quickly shifted his center of gravity before retrieving and stabbing his spear out in less than a second.

His spear pierced into his opponents exotic armor but he could not dodge it too as 2 of the tridents sharp tips pierced into his armor.

His armor flickered and botched for a moment, allowing the trident to stab directly into his exposed flesh. Before the armors A. I could react and cover up the opening, blood already spurted out from Clarks abdomen.

His face paled further but the determination for battle never left his eyes. Gritting his teeth, he made a daring move.

The Commander tried to retrieve his trident again but Clark did not let him this time. Grabbing the Commander on the neck in a tight grip, his knees smashed up at his chest.

Pu! Pu!

Spikes shot out like needles from his knee pad before quickly embedding themselves into the Commanders armor.

The damage per spike was small, but the overall number was mind-blowing. Commander Pizzas eyes widened as his danger sense spiked, he bonked Clark hard on the chest before pulling back.

As he pulled back, he was shocked to see a different weapon suddenly appear in Clarks hand. Instead of the spear, an ax hacked down in his direction with shocking speed.

He pushed himself downwards immediately, planting himself face-first to the ground as he dodged the menacing tip of the ax by a very small margin.

The ax left Clarks hand and embedded itself on the ground a few meters away.

Before the Commander could celebrate, he felt the same sound of the shooting spikes again. Raising his head, this time he did not see spikes but rather knives flying in his direction.

The sudden change of the weapons was so rapid that he could no longer keep up with Clarks pace, all the flying knives embedded themselves into his armor.

His armor finally gave way, flickering before popping into pieces.

Before he could move, he felt 2 sharp weapons stabs into his ribs from both sides. He gasped in pain and raised his head wearily; there he saw an exhausted Clark before him with his 2 spears stabbing into his body.

Seeing the weary look on Clarks face, he felt emboldened and quickly grabbed the 2 spears. Pulling them out, he kicked the floor with his leg and shifted backward.

Clark abandoned his weapons and sprinted after him with his right hand raised up to the air; a blue glow revolved around his hand.

A few meters away, as soon as he raised his hand the ax started stirring. It suddenly vibrated before breaking loose of the soil and shooting out of the ground, it flew in his direction immediately.

Every eye that looked in this direction widened as the ax flew across following the strong attraction of the magnetic field.

As soon as it fell smoothly into Clarks hand, he hacked down without hesitation.


Every soldier and terrorist alike trembled on hearing this sound. The terrorist Commander gasped again as blood flowed from his mouth, the ax almost cut through his abdomen to the other end.

An exhausted Clark leaned on the axs handle, looking at his victim with a victorious grin on his face.

The Commander coughed blood. The will for battle already faded from his eyes, now only realization filled it. We really underestimated you; you killed Commander Rag?

I dont know who that is. Clark pushed the ax all the way through, and the Commander finally breathed his last.

After doing the deed, he struggled before straightening his body again.

At some point in time, the terrorists and soldiers already stopped their battle to spectate this one. Sometimes, some scenarios could make you drop whatever you were doing previously just to watch it.

At this moment, they all stood and watched this scene in shock.

For the soldiers, they felt ecstasy. While for the terrorists, only despair and hopelessness engulfed their hearts. This was a Legendary feat!

As the hero of the show, Clark subconsciously pumped his chest out a bit.

He felt awesome! He felt heroic! A little exhausted, but still heroic!

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