The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 320: for vatican city for major clark

Chapter 320: for vatican city for major clark

Silence reigned in the B29 underground emergency shelter, making the atmosphere among the civilians seem like a graveyard.

Every adult civilian sat, strapped to a chair as their undivided attention was all focused on the huge projection that was currently playing a scene in the air. They held their breaths; their hearts were on their throats.

A few hours ago, the 5 commissioners directly behind the captain in authority over the city gave an order.

Seeing the massive success that was being achieved due to Clarks meticulous plans and preparations, they decided that it was a good thing for the civilians being protected to see the heroics of the soldiers fighting for their lives.

Of course, they also gave an order that all the children should be made to sleep before this. The scene that was to be shown was not something healthy for children, only adults could appreciate it.

Under the protection of the soldiers, the civilians sat solemnly and watched the scenes going on in the holographic projection intently.

The battle was already going on for some time before the 5 commissioners decided to broadcast it to them, so they were not privileged to watch it from the beginning.

When it started, it started with a bang!

It started in a scene filled with blood and carnage. Mutilated flesh and bones without a body frame to support them lied about on the field as a great battle raged on, with the soldiers of Vatican City proudly holding the upper hand firmly.

This was one of the over 2 dozen terrorist bases in the city, and the soldiers that were assigned to this base were absolutely killing it.

Already with well-planned strategies beforehand, they assigned their roles perfectly which led to their current dominance on the battlefield.

The melee soldiers fought cautiously under the fire coverage of their ranged counterparts, while the ranged soldiers shot without a care for the world under the protection of heavy energy shields.

It was seamless defense paired with a seamless offense, the perfect recipe to emerge victorious in any battlefield as long as you had the strength advantage.

Explosions kept on rocking the battlefield, rocking the footage being sent back to the civilians as military vehicles, tanks, and the few exotic vehicles spread their mischief among the ranks of their enemies.

Sounds from exotic bombs echoed occasionally after their first debut since the battle began, reaping even more lives than the soldiers were able to kill themselves.

In just a few minutes less than an hour, the Vatican soldiers emerged victoriously. This was in real life but for the civilians, the footage was compressed to less than 10 minutes.

The terrorist base that was just wiped out was one of the least developed bases in the city, so they were less equipped and fortified, making Clarks plan work perfectly for the soldiers.

Not a single death was recorded among the soldiers, but they managed to kill over 500 terrorist soldiers who had the potential to start a state-wide war in the country. It was an overwhelmingly successful victory.

By the time that the first video coverage ended, the civilians were left holding tight to the rails of their chairs.

Throughout the past 10 minutes, goosebumps upon goosebumps were their most dominant experience. Despite not being soldiers, seeing their soldiers fight on their behalf made their blood burn hot.

Any dissatisfaction that was originally in their hearts was quenched, only to be replaced by a burning desire to see their soldiers reap more terrorist lives. They surprisingly started craving blood.

They wanted more, and they wanted it really fast.

The soldiers guarding them did not disappoint them as they quickly shifted the footage to another one. Another battle scene in a completely different environment popped out as soldiers and terrorists ducked it out in a bloody battle.

Dozens of battles were projected to them as their mood kept on being riled up by all the videos. At this moment, they felt only respect for their soldiers, most especially their leader.

In these battles, well-known soldiers were projected who fought unflinchingly for the city. Soldiers like Corporal Cinnabar were the ones who shone the brightest, their battles the most impactful.

As the battles kept on shifting forward, some of them were short and some were long. Despite this, they were all edited to be played faster.

A few minutes later, the videos started being cut before they could finish, making some of the civilians feel dissatisfied. The next moment they shut up though as a face that all of them were familiar with was projected on the television.

Major Clark! They all exclaimed inwardly.

Clarks picture only lasted for a moment though as it quickly disappeared the next moment, then his footage finally started showing.

This time, the footage was not edited. An unadulterated version of Clarks raid of the biggest terrorist base with the Black Dragon soldiers was shown, including his battle with the terrorist Commander.

Watching how the Major demolished the forces, equipment, and military vehicles of the terrorists, they felt an urge to yell out loud in excitement.

They held themselves back though because even if they shouted no sound would have been let out. Sound dampening devices filled the whole underground shelter, making sure that no unnecessary noise was let out.

Seeing the terrorist Commander come out and kill a Black Dragon soldier in one blow, they felt tense all over. Seeing the Major step up to the challenge and go up to meet the vile terrorist, they felt pumped up.

Even if they could not chant him on physically, they were already chanting their leader on in their mind.

Major Clark! Major Clark! This was what dominated their minds.

When the battle finally started, they suddenly felt that their chairs were too hot for them to sit down on. Some of them tried to stand up, but they were shocked to see that the chair pinned them back down.

When the battle became fast-paced, barely leaving them a window to see anything, they felt anxious again.

When the terrorist Commanders trident slashed through Clarks abdomen, they practically fainted from shock. They felt anger like never before engulfing them, they wanted to go in personally and fight the vile terrorist on their leaders behalf.

Vile chair, release me!

Despite their mental bellows, the chairs remained unfeeling like what was expected of them.

When they say Clark turn the situation around and start unleashing his myriad of custom-made weapons, disrupting the tempo of the terrorist Commander, they felt ecstasy overwhelm their hearts.

When they saw him practically strike the Commander to the floor, they jumped and pumped their fists in the air in joy inwardly.

When they heard the question of the Commander, they answered on their leaders behalf inwardly. BASTARD! OUR INVINCIBLE MAJOR WILL KILL MORE OF YOU VILE TERRORIST COMMANDERS!

When Clark finally drove the ax through the terrorists abdomen, they felt like they were swimming on top of the heavens. YES!!

By the time that the holographic projection popped to countless pieces, all the civilians were left sweating like they just ran a marathon even though they didnt do any physically intensive effort.

Seeing the zeal burning in the eyes of the civilians after watching their soldiers fighting for their lives, the 5 commissioners who secretly watched them nodded in satisfaction.


Prince Trump woke up in the night after dreaming of war. It was weird for a small kid like him to be dreaming of wars at such an age, but he was different.

He loved wars since his smaller years, though he never dared to tell his parents about it. This love only grew recently after the heroics of Vatican Citys leader started circulating everywhere.

Standing up from his bed and turning his head to the side, he saw his sister, Dandelion still sleeping peacefully like nothing in this world could disturb her sleep. But turning his head to the right, he grew confused.

Wheres Dad? Wheres Mom?

He was even more surprised after going a little further from his bed, none of the big uncles and aunties who came here with him were here.

His head suddenly turned to the right, he thought he just heard a booming sound. The sudden sound made him feel the creeps a bit, but this slight fear could not suppress the curiosity in his heart.

He decided to go closer.

As he went closer, he saw that a large curtain was separating where everybody originally was from where this strange sound was coming from. It seemed extremely similar to the sound that he heard in his dream.

Going a little closer, he saw light peeking through the curtain to the other side. He stiffened a bit on seeing this. After confirming that nothing happened to him, his curiosity got peaked.

With one hand, he pushed the curtain slightly to the side. This was when an intimidating sight presented itself before him, thousands of the aunties and uncles were all seated here like this was the end of the world meeting.

His eyes widened. Are my comic books, right? Is the world coming to an end? Where are the superheroes to save us? Is Major Clark our superhero? I knew it!

A little excited now, he poked his head inside a few more inches, this was when the large holographic screen revealed itself before him.

And coincidentally, he came when Clarks footage was just starting. His eyes widened to the limits as he watched this mind-blowing footage with the other adults in the hall.

His emotional reactions were even more extreme than the ones that they made, he felt more attachment to Clark than practically all the adults present.

When Major Clark killed the terrorist Commander, unlike the others, he was free to express himself. He jumped and pumped his fists into the air excitedly, letting out a sound by mistake.

He stiffened as one of the adults suddenly turned in his direction. He heaved a sigh of relief as the man only smiled at him before turning back.

Deciding to keep a low profile now, he watched behind the curtain until the guards finally started leading the adults back after the projection popped into pieces.

He sneaked back feeling excited.

He was the only kid who participated in the mind-blowing footage that depicted the soldiers of the republic battling. He felt proud about it, he wished he could be like Major Clark when he grew up.

Mr. Trump Joe led his wife out of the hall with a lot of complicated emotions in both their hearts. They felt heated when watching it like the other civilians, they felt proud of their Major.

Despite this, they were glad that their kids were not here. Such footage was not truly healthy for kids, they were grateful that the Vatican higher-ups were thoughtful enough to prevent the kids from seeing it.

He turned to face his wife. For Vatican City!

Mrs. Trump smiled. For Major Clark!

[Thanks for reading guys, you're the best!]

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