The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 301 Love and Pleasure**

The newlyweds reached the climax yet again, but they were far from done with one another, especially now that she had to leave her husband the day after for the trial without the assurance that she be coming back in one piece. The two of them had to make the best of the remaining time they had left, and what better way to do so than to bask in each other’s essence and love?

Melting into each other’s arms, Xenia couldn’t help but worry, and knowing that he’d inevitably see her emotions, she tried putting up a wall to hide her emotions from Darius’s thoughts and feelings.

[This is why I didn’t want to teach you how to put up a wall…] Darius mentally complained. [I can’t read you at all right now.]

Xenia chuckled. She then promptly put her guard down as she asked, “How many days do you think it’ll take for me to go through the Element Forest, my love?”

Instead of answering, Darius asked, “Are you nervous?”

“Yes?” she murmured with a sigh. “It’s why I’m practicing putting up the mental block so that you won’t be able to feel all of this negativity.”

“Well, I don’t mind it,” Darius soothed into her ear, his arms embracing her even as their bodies were still connected by the hip. “I’d rather feel the entirety of your very being, both good and bad than have you cherry-picking all the good before showing it to me.”

Xenia hummed in contentment, her face burying itself into the inside of his neck. “You’re too good to me…”

“I do my best, my love,” he warmly smiled at her. “It’s the least I can do after everything you’ve done for me.”

As if to restart their activities, Xenia felt herself getting pinned down, their positions now reversed as Darius began to take the lead.

“Let me show you how much love exactly I feel for you, Xen,” Darius hotly breathed out. “With the Bond in place, I’ll be able to do more than just pleasure you physically.”

As if a switch had been flipped, yet another deluge of something warm and fuzzy enveloped her very being. This was very different from what she had previously felt when they first started. This one felt more… deep… A primal want and care radiating exclusively for her.

“D-Darius… This is…”

“Yes, my love,” he nodded. “This is one of the many things the Mate Bond can do.”

Darius gave her one singular thrust, and Xenia almost screamed at the sheer overload and sensation that flooded her body. Love. Lust. Arousal. Care. All emanating from a single pump that her mate did for her.

“Nghh… That was… even for me…” she heard Darius breathe out loud. “But no matter… I want us to feel connected… More than we have ever felt before…”

Xenia didn’t know how to respond. Her very being felt like it was being caressed and assaulted both at the same time. Her inner self was screaming in delight, her soul almost feeling like Darius was making love to her both in body and mind.


Her eyes went wide, her hands almost flailing out in wild abandon as the sensory overload became too much for her to handle. Her core was overheating from all of his thrusts, his hands roaming all throughout her body as it they set fire to everything they touched.

“M-My love…” Darius grunted. “I-I can feel it… I can feel your love…”

Xenia could barely nod, her motor skills slowly coming back to her as she held onto his arms. “I-I do too…”

With each breath, her heart felt like it was about to explode. Every fiber of her being, from her breasts to even her lips tingled from all of his kisses. He was playing with her, her body his entire playground as every little thing he did almost seemed to make her mind explode.


Her world went white as she reached her climax. And then she reached it again. And again. And again. It was madness incarnate. Every thrust was mind-breaking as both her feelings and his intermingled with one another, the space between their bodies being more like a formality as their souls communed with every climax.

“M-My love…” Darius grunted.

“G-Give it to me!” she couldn’t help but yell. “Please!”

She couldn’t take it anymore. Her mind, her very soul yearned for his presence. With every climax, it felt as if their souls fragmented only to forge themselves together to create an even stronger bond. It was all a rush, their bodies almost feeling like one as she felt exactly what he was feeling. She truly felt as if she was penetrating herself, that she was about to explode as both his shaft and her womb throbbed in unison with each passing second.



With one last thrust, their bodies intertwined as the climax to end of all climaxes swallowed them whole. The flood of emotions running through their bodies was amplified by the Bond, putting them both in a feedback loop of love and pleasure as they came over and over again.

No words came out of their mouths, only their base desires being left in their minds as the Bond facilitated their baser communications. They both clung to one another for support, the intense climax seemingly never-ending as their nether regions spasmed in unison.

They didn’t even know how long it took for them to gather themselves.

“T-That…” Xenia blinked out, her mind still in a haze as she felt Darius fall on top of her. “W-What was that…”

“T-That was… us resonating…” Darius absently whispered out. “Our minds… our hearts… both singing in unison…”

Xenia would’ve scoffed if she had heard his words on any other day. But tonight… The experience they just had together almost bordered on religious as their bodies melted into one.

Absently, she couldn’t help but raise her hips for more, her mind utterly blank as raw emotion trumped over the mind. Likewise, Darius did the same, a raw animalistic love guiding his movements as Xenia accommodated him with the same principle.

Nobody knows when they finished. But if anybody would know, it would most certainly not be the couple themselves. They were lost to their own love and pleasure, drunk in each other’s all-encompassing presence.

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