The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 302 Sync Perfectly

At the reception hall, even though the king and his bride had already left the reception hall, the celebrations continued with the Queen Mother and Freya acting as the main host of the event.

“Wow… Seeing that, I’m grateful that we got to do the marking privately as opposed to… that…” Jayra offhandedly commented, her eyes remaining on the huge doors where the king had just left carrying off her friend in his arms. “I mean, I’ll probably feel embarrassed just passing out in front of everyone like that.”

“That’s the royal custom, I suppose…” Bartos remarked. “A royal has to mark or get a mark in front of his or her subjects. Likewise, if Princess Freya finally decides to accept Gideon, then there will be another Ritual of Marking in the near future.”

Jayra nodded and murmured, “Right, the Ritual of Marking is equivalent to a wedding ceremony when compared to our traditions.”

Apparently, the royals strictly needed to follow said tradition. Well, she was sure that some newlywed couples had already broken that tradition by mating first before doing such a thing.

Jayra chuckled at the thought and mused, ‘Those two will no longer need a potion or spell to hide their mating scents from the general public now…’

As if sensing something, Jayra turned to Bartos, her face suddenly turning a deep red.

Bartos looked back at her and telepathically relayed, [Wife… What’re you thinking? If you keep doing that, I’ll end up sweeping you off your feet right here and now and carry you off to our bedchamber!]

[I can’t help it,] Jayra chuckled. [I mean, I’m already lucky enough to be marked while we’re mating, and it was the best feeling ever. Hah! I want to make Princess Xenia envious of that and tease her whenever she’s free again!]

“I wonder though… We both passed out back when we did it,” Jayra curiously asked aloud. She hadn’t read any particular details about such a thing happening during her studies. “Is it the same case when both werewolves mark each other?”

Bartos shook his head as he answered, “Werewolves don’t pass out. But maybe it only applies to humans or some other creatures marked by a werewolf? After all, it’s foreign energy entering your body. It might have some unintended side effects”

“Hmm, that makes sense,” Jayra shrugged in resignation. “Anyway, how about we have a dance, my husband?”

With a smile, Jayra held out her hand to him. She loved the music, and everyone was practically going to the center of the room to dance and drink. It was a very joyous occasion indeed, and she didn’t want to feel left behind when she could be doing the same as them.


Meanwhile, the Queen Mother remained in her seat. She couldn’t help but smile at the grand celebration she had handled. Everyone was having so much fun, and she was sure that his son would prefer his private time to be spent with his newlywedded bride.

“You did a splendid job, Your Highness,” praised by Elder Handi, her most trusted friend, and a Godfather to her children.

“Well, thank you…” she answered with a bright smile as she accepted the cup of wine the Elder offered.

“It would be an honor to ask you for a dance,” the Elder winked, making Savanah chuckle.

“Go for it, Mother!”

The Queen Mother raised an eyebrow at the familiar voice. It belonged to her daughter Freya, who was currently sitting beside her.

“You should enjoy the event,” Freya insisted with a bright smile on her face. “You made all this a success by organizing all of this. Go on and have fun with Lord Handi…”

Seeing that her daughter was looking toward a particular direction, Savannah quickly followed where her daughter’s eyes were pinned, and her brows arched as she telepathically talked to Freya. [Hmm… Now I see why you want me to go out there and dance so badly.]

[Hehe… He’s been asking me telepathically for a while now, but I kept refusing since I don’t want to leave you here alone,] Freya chuckled. [So go and enjoy dancing with Elder Handi, Mother.]

Savannah shook her head before turning her gaze back to the Elder before her. She smiled as she then extended her hand out, which Elder Handi quickly grabbed before leading her amongst the other guests that were dancing to one of their famous traditional songs. She had made sure that the music that played was also traditional, especially during events such as this.

Seeing her mother leave, Freya had a content smile on her face as she watched her start dancing with Elder Handi.

[Those two will make a good pair, don’t you think?] Freya amusedly commented at her wolf, Yal. [But I doubt Mother will ever look the same way as how Elder looks at her after all these years though.]

[The Queen Mother is a very loyal woman,] Yal replied. [She had been loyal to your father for so long, so we can’t really blame her if she sees no one else worthy of her time except for your father…]

There was a restless sigh that escaped Freya’s mouth. Elder Handi was her mother’s best friend even before she married her father. The Elder had remained loyal to their family ever since, and he didn’t bother to marry even after all these years.

Now though, she could understand why that was the case. And with that, she wondered if her brother, Darius, was also aware of how Elder Handi had his eyes always glow whenever he was looking at their Mother.

[That poor Elder… He’s already content just being with my mother like that,] Freya inwardly breathed out. [He’s such a good man…]

[Enough with meddling with the Elder’s affairs, girl,] Yal teased. [Here comes our mate. You two should go to a more private place and start getting wild.]


Freya’s heart almost stopped beating just hearing Gideon’s baritone voice. She wasn’t even done blushing from her wolf’s earlier remark, and yet here he was with his vibrant smiles that never failed to brighten her aura. She timidly smiled at him, accepting the hand that he had extended towards her.

“You look stunning,” Gideon whispered into her ear.

As usual, his warm breath and lips that almost touched her ear sent jolts of electricity down every cell of her body. He then pulled her in closer as they started swaying slowly. The music had suddenly changed into a slower rhythm, and it only added to the somber yet sensual tension building between them.

“There’s no turning back now, right? I mean, last night… You told me you liked me, and then we kissed,” Gideon directly stated as they swayed. “I know you’re still confused if it’s already love or not, but I’m sure you’ll be able to properly name it once we’re already in a relationship. By then, hopefully, once you’re already sure that you love me… we can then proceed with the Ritual of Marking as soon as possible.”

Freya raised her head to look him in the eyes. He looked so serious at that point, and she couldn’t help but gulp at his declaration.

[What’s taking you so long to answer?] Yal hissed.

Freya smiled lovingly as she simply nodded at Gideon, leaning into his chest as she let herself hear and feel the rhythm of his beating heart. It sounded strong and sensual, pumping in a rhythm that seemed to sync perfectly with hers.

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