The Four Swords

Chapter 77: Dramatic Entrance

Chapter 77: Dramatic Entrance

Panic ran across the faces of my counterparts. Someone was a witness to our hunting trip and announced themself in an almost haunting way. Clapping a congratulations might be friendly, but that was not my gut reaction.

I looked to my uncle, hoping he could read my thoughts. How do we best protect Alina? Do we run? Do we stand and fight? Do we continue to cower in the shrubbery hoping not to be seen?

The last option seemed unlikely. If this mystery person saw Carrion's expert shot, it would not be hard to determine from where the arrow was loosed.

My uncle continued to hide with us for a moment longer. He pulled his sword from his side and traded Carrion for his bow. He pulled two arrows from Carrion's quiver.

"Don't follow me. Try to get back stealthily," he advised before standing and running slightly into the clearing before ducking back into the woods.

My three companions looked at me for directions. I hope my rough mental map will be enough to keep us safe.

I stood from my kneeling position, leaning against a nearby tree. I bobbed to the next one before I saw Alina follow me. My heart raced fast enough that I could feel my pulse in my neck.

My group slowly made our way hiding from tree to tree. The soft underbrush kept out footsteps fairly quiet. I tried to wait for a gentle breeze before making too much movement in bush filled areas.

I thought we were making good progress when I looked back from where we came. The shrubbery we hid in was only about a stone's throw from my feet. How could so much sneaking yield such a small distance?

My glance backward caught Carrion's attention. His expression turned to instant worry as he glanced over his shoulder. The momentary lapse in judgment was our undoing.

Carrion was no longer looking where he stepped. The quietness of our footfalls no longer mattered since Carrion stepped on a fairly dry branch. The crackle startled the fowl in the trees above us. Birds flew in all directions further pinpointing our location.

Looking up, I spotted my uncle in a nearby tree, attempting to give us some sort of cover. Somehow his stealthy motions did not scare off an entire flock of squawking monstrosities, but Carrion had somehow managed the feat.

My uncle motioned his weapon in unison with his head in the direction of home. We needed to get out of here. Fast.

I took Alina's hand and started running toward the manor house. Maybe we could outrun the unknown threat. But to what end? If I led them to the manor house, could we defend it against unknown numbers? How many people saw us hunting?

Something in my heart gave way to hope. Maybe the person or people who saw us hunting meant us no harm. Maybe it was just a misguided neighbor who also was looking for a fresh meal.

I would let those thoughts free when I knew Alina was safer. For now I must assume that around every corner there is some type of threat.

I rounded a blind corner around a sturdy tree. As if my thoughts were a challenge to our mysterious companion, I ran into a threat. I ran straight into a large man's chest.

The bump jostled me enough to let go of Alina's hand. I did not even have time to reach for my weapon before the man's hand found my hilt. His left hand spun my right shoulder into his embrace. My back was firmly pressed against the man's chest and I had no room to escape.

"Run!" I managed to yell in the moment.

My sword was quickly unsheathed across my chest. If this man really meant me harm, he could easily slice across my torso, leaving a gash from shoulder to hip. For some reason he flattened the blade's broad side across me instead of a more merciless slash.

Alina stumbled back between Cali and Carrion. Both of them drew their weapons in a moment of fierce exhilaration. I don't know what happened, but the faces of my companions slowly fell into confusion. Along with this shift in attitude their weapons were lowered.

"John, don't shoot me! If you had not unleashed your tracker skills, I could have made a less dramatic entrance!" The man behind me bellowed. I knew that voice, but it did not fit this setting. My fear subsided, even if the adrenaline remained.

"Lord Holden?" Alina questioned. She was clearly as confused as the rest of us as to the appearance of the Swordsman from the clan of bear.

"Good day, Alina," Holden retorted quite informally.

The furrow in Alina's brow deepened. She was not used to acquaintances calling her just her name. Carrion's face turned red as if he were about to let the Swordsman know his feelings about the matter.

"Let's try to keep the Lord part between us. You never know who might overhear a formal title in the woods and want to investigate further," Lord Holden continued. His impropriety was intentional with a goal of safety in mind.

John suddenly jumped down from a nearby tree, rattling us all anew. "Holden! I'm surprised to see you."

"You shouldn't be. Jacobson is not hard to track. He will need to work on that," Holden added as he released me from his grip. He handed me back my sword. I'm not sure I could feel any smaller.

"I will explain my presence more once we go get that beautiful treasure you hunted and get back to the house," Holden offered.

I think this is the most I had ever heard the man speak. No wonder he stayed away from court so often. Tracking, hunting and spying in the outdoors made him come alive. This was his element.

As we tied the stag to a branch to better carry it between two people, I could not help but wonder how many things I needed to learn that these woods might teach me

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