The Four Swords

Chapter 78: Stew and Survival

Chapter 78: Stew and Survival

My companions and I sat around the fireplace at my parent's manor house. A nice venison stew filled the room with its alluring fragrance while we waited for it to finish cooking.

When we first arrived back at the house, my uncle and Lord Holden took care of all that goes into cleaning, preparing and butchering the stag. The rest of us raided the area around the back of the house for wild vegetables.

It was not hard to find some potatoes, onions and carrots from what once had been my mother's vegetable garden. Although it was left on its own far too long, I suspected that the steward that lived nearby helped keep some of the harvest alive each year.

Both groups in the end contributed to the beautiful feast before us. My stomach rumbled in anticipation.

"Lord Holden, please don't mistake me, I'm glad you're here. But why are you here?" Alina asked, cutting to the point of her curiosity.

"Oh," Lord Holden started.

The man was a mystery to me. In court he seemed cold, but in control. It was a stark contrast to his stepbrother, who seemed easy going and carefree. But in the woods, I saw how much the brothers were similar. Just as Benate was comfortable sparring anyone and anything, Holden was comfortable outside the confines of the city.

"I received a message from the Council that said I needed to personally make my way to the manor to help Sir John with an important mission," Lord Holden let out a chuckle. "Did not think my mission would start in the woods."

His laugh was jollier than anything I knew the man capable of producing. Maybe I had Holden painted all wrong in my mind.

"Your mission would not have started in that clearing if Sir John listened to me," Carrion pointed out bluntly. It was said as a matter of fact rather than of opinion. In a way only Carrion can, he tried to impress Lord Holden.

Holden exchanged a glance with my uncle. The two men knew each other better than most, considering my uncle was basically another Swordsman Council Member. John smiled and cocked his head to one side, daring Holden to ask about it.

"Really Sir Carrion?" Holden asked, using formal titles again in the privacy of the house. "Why might that be?"

"Princess Alina should never have been put in a position of danger. I suggested she stay here. Think of the horrors she might have witnessed if you meant us harm. Jacobson would have been slaughtered!" Carrion's impassioned speech ended with a flourish of a gesture motioning toward me.

I ducked my head. It was embarrassing having Lord Holden capture my sword and use it against me while it was still attached to my body when the interaction began. How did he even learn that?

A sly grin ran across Holden's lips, tilting it lopsidedly in one direction. "I, for one, am glad my mission started in the woods."

"Really? What makes you say that, Lord Holden?" Cali inquired. Her cheeks tinged a shade of pink.

Something in me burned. Why was she blushing? She surely was not impressed by him being a Swordsman, since she saw those everyday. Albeit, the Swordsmen she gets to see are her father's peers and not as young or strikingly good looking.

I quelled the fire inside me, reasoning that she was simply embarrassed to break into the conversation. Besides, why should I care if Cali fancies Holden?

"I was honored to see such a masterful shot that took down that stag!" Holden gushed.

Carrion beamed at the praise he felt he deserved. Somehow I felt I was missing something. It reminded me of Benate's definition of "distant relative".

"Even if it was followed by some very fumble footed sneaking that made birds flee in fear," Holden continued as Carrion's face turned from pride to distaste. "That is why I'm glad I came. It seems that these kids need a few lessons in survival skills. Don't you think so, John?"

Although my face remained expressionless, laughter danced behind my eyes. The clan of Bear was full of characters.

"I think you're onto something, Holden. Yesterday, they were trying to teach Princess Alina to spar with sticks. I think if that defense fails, they will need to know how to sneak away," John's comment further deepened the red wash on Carrion's face.

I felt bad for him. Carrion really was trying to keep Alina safe, even if his attempts were misguided.

"To be fair, Cali is a bit of a beast with a blade. She nicked my arm before we moved to our branch alternative," my explanation was meant to take the heat off of Carrion. I think I just further deepened his opinion of my buffoonery by bringing up my failed sparring yet again.

"I would be honored for you to teach me anything you are willing, Lord Holden," I hoped his offer was not just to poke fun at Carrion, so I might as well try to legitimize it.

Lord Holden looked at me. His lopsided grin softened with a small nod. "I think that can be arranged," he responded in a tone that might be more suited for 'anything you say, kiddo'. I didn't mind.

"Please allow all of us to learn whatever skills you deem necessary, Lord Holden. I'm afraid my education might have gaps I was unaware of until recently," Alina straightened her shoulders and spoke formally.

Alina attempted to wield the power her title gave her like her mother did. This was something that she would have to practice if she wanted to make the effortless impression her mother gave.

The Swordsman nodded. I don't know what we just got ourselves into, but my stomach sank. Hopefully I was a better pupil of these survival skills than I was of weaponry.

"Stew's ready!" My uncle bellowed excitedly looking in the pot.

"Eat up! You'll need your strength. Tomorrow we start training!" Lord Holden announced.

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