The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 139: Nikita Boronin (1)

Chapter 139: Nikita Boronin (1)


As promised to Ma Jinho, Kang-hoo ventured into the dungeon for an “exploration.”

It was a short yet intense journey in a dungeon linked to the Imbalance Point.

Since the dungeon couldn’t be tackled alone, he ignored the monsters.

Relying on memories from the original work, he meticulously extracted only the fruits of the Imbalance Point.

“The rest of the points were only briefly mentioned in the novel, so they are rather vague.”

While he could still benefit from the remaining points, his certainty diminished.

Finding a needle in a haystack is an entirely different challenge from finding a needle on a sandy beach.

Thanks to this, his level surged, reaching 160 in one go.

A staggering gain of 30 levels.

Perhaps because of this, the constellations’ messages and sponsorships began to react explosively.

The constellations, including main ones like the Dimension Plunderer and the Pure Black Executor, now intensely focused on Kang-hoo, who seemed to know the secrets of this world.

The Great Calamity – Darkness was no exception, always keeping a close watch on him.

Everyone was curious about where he had acquired such knowledge, but Kang-hoo kept that to himself.

After all, revealing such secrets could be incredulous and questionable.

“I’ll invest in stamina only up to level 200.”

He had also decided on a new direction.

Considering reallocating the points gained from leveling up to stats other than stamina.

Of course, it wasn’t something he needed to decide hastily. It warranted careful consideration.

The reason Kang-hoo had consistently invested in his stamina stat was simple.

When congenital mana hypersensitivity triggered and his stamina began to deplete due to the handicap.

He hoped his body could endure as long as possible, even during prolonged fights.

So far, there had been no battles long enough to be called wars of attrition.

Even when there were challenges, the powers of Solarkium and Mad Solarkium had helped him withstand them to some extent.

However, he couldn’t always be optimistic that such situations would continue indefinitely.

And Mad Solarkium wasn’t a cure-all; it merely postponed the overload without solving it.

What if the fight continued beyond the duration of Mad Solarkium’s effects?

Then, not only would the overload be a problem, but the postponed aftereffects would come rushing in like crazy.

At such times, the only thing that could help him endure was his stamina. Without it, he would quickly become exhausted.

“A full-body assassin, huh? Even I find it a grim hybrid.”

Kang-hoo gave a bitter smile.

He was a unique kind of assassin, created by the peculiar circumstances of his body with severe handicaps.

But Kang-hoo liked his congenital mana hypersensitivity, which was both a curse and a blessing.

It had allowed him to successfully fight enemies with much higher levels so far and to utilize skills that were nearly miraculous.

If the mana issue hadn’t been resolved, no matter how many skills he had, they would have been exhausted after a few uses.


Kang-hoo had officially received another proposal from Ma Jinho to join him in conquering a dungeon.

Since the dungeon was very small, the raid was expected to be very short.

They had agreed on priority for the drop items from the middle boss and the main boss.

No upfront payment or final payment was requested. It was a ‘debt of gratitude’ that Kang-hoo intentionally left with Ma Jinho.

Leaving a small debt meant that later, Ma Jinho would inevitably have to be more deferential to Kang-hoo, whether willingly or not.

Because Kang-hoo had grasped that it was Ma Jinho’s nature.

People like Lee Hyun-seok, who are straightforward and clear about their gratitude, never forget their obligations.

The next raid is scheduled for noon tomorrow.

Thanks to that, he had just over a day to rest.

Kang-hoo was able to fully relax for a day in a villa owned by the Groo Guild, thanks to their thoughtful consideration.

Even the entrance of outsiders, including Groo Guild associates, was strictly controlled—a perfect and assured gesture of consideration.


Just then, a rain shower began on Jeju Island, swiftly purifying the sky that had been filled with fine dust.

Kang-hoo, who preferred the sound of rain to that of snow, stepped out onto the terrace to enjoy the ambiance.

Accompanied by a steaming Americano, it was a moment of simple joy in everyday life.

Just then,

【The constellation 'Strategist of the Wasteland' speaks to you with a voice full of emotion.】

【Finally, the Grand War has officially been approved. Now, as your main constellation forever, I am greeted with an exhilarating moment!】

The Strategist of the Wasteland had spoken after a long time.

It seemed that it had taken a while to receive approval from the Grand War.

【Crazy X. He is acting all high and mighty.】

The Dimension Plunderer, hostile towards the Strategist of the Wasteland, immediately cursed and spat venom.

The Strategist of the Wasteland did not even show any signs of being provoked, as if such talk was beneath him.

【Perhaps as a high-ranking constellation, maintaining your dignity would be appropriate. That's not like you.】

The Pure Black Executor seemed concerned by the Dimension Plunderer’s sharp response and carefully spoke up.


【Ah, so you're a constellation that values dignity, and you ended up marrying another constellation because of that?

If that’s what you call dignity and class, maybe I should live like a playboy too.】


The Pure Black Executor was easily subdued(?) by the Dimension Plunderer. No further messages from the Pure Black Executor were seen.

The hostile reaction from the Dimension Plunderer did not pose a problem to the contract.

It was more an outpouring of emotions, and eventually, the Dimension Plunderer also held back his words and disappeared somewhere.

Probably not because he wanted to interfere.

More likely, it was out of a desire to possess Kang-hoo, who was growing rapidly and dazzlingly, all to himself.

Yes, it was a strong possessiveness.

As the atmosphere quieted down again, the Strategist of the Wasteland continued.

【I hope the abilities I can grant you will be useful.

Please grow wonderfully. I will watch over you leisurely, with the heart of a parent who loves unconditionally.】

“Thank you.”

Kang-hoo bowed politely.

Although the Strategist of the Wasteland wasn’t physically present, he bowed, thinking that he was being watched.

【Now, I will activate the special contract that has received approval from the Grand War.】

No sooner had he finished speaking, the contract was formed. It was the moment Kang-hoo gained his third main constellation. Rather than an equal exchange, it was a one-sided courtship from the Strategist of the Wasteland, a main constellation contract that was all gain for Kang-hoo.

Simultaneously, three special privileges from the Strategist of the Wasteland were activated.

【First. You will be 90% immune to mental attacks from hunters within twice your level range.

Even if there’s a 10% chance of failure in responding, ‘Clairvoyance’ will activate to enforce immunity. However, it cannot be reactivated for one day.】

‘Oh, nice?’

True to the mental specialization of the Strategist of the Wasteland, the first constellation privilege was substantial.

So far, aside from using tricks to counter mental attacks,

The only thing he had used was the constellation effect of the Bloodthirsty Predator, which he had stolen from Jo Young-jae of the Osan Suho hunters.

The constellation effect increased the chances of being immune to mental attacks as he lost health.

But it was conditional, and the probability was not very high, about 5%.

But now, through the Strategist of the Wasteland, he could significantly raise that level.

Of course, there was the condition of being within twice the level.

Since Kang-hoo’s level was 160, hunters up to level 320 were covered.

It might be difficult to face Yu Cheonghwa or Emilia Rose immediately,

But if he diligently raised his level, even they could be within a manageable range.

【Secondly, when a long-range dealer's 'Sniping', 'Aiming', or 'Targeting' is activated, you can perceive it beforehand.

'Intuition' is triggered, and you can immediately realize that you have become a target.】

‘It’s a lifesaver. Many times, one can die without even knowing when faced with a skilled sniper or archer.’

It was indeed a useful ability.

Knowing in advance that someone is targeting you can be the difference between life and death.

【Thirdly, 'Soul Wave' is used to sever the mental connection with an enemy or a summoned entity.

It consumes 250 mana and induces mental strain, but it can completely reset the enemy's state.】

“This is…”

A rather attractive privilege.

However, just as the tooltip suggests, the backlash it brought Kang-hoo was significant.

Kang-hoo tried using Soul Wave as a test.

Since the ability of the constellation was transferred along with all knowledge upon the contract, it wasn’t difficult to use immediately.


Out of nowhere, an invisible wave rippled through the air, as if vigorously shaking something invisible.

This could incapacitate the undead summoned by a necromancer using dark magic spells or

serve as a definite counterpunch to hunters using summoned creatures.



The massive mana consumption triggered an overwhelming overload throughout his body.

Despite having items to alleviate pain, it was so excruciating that it felt like his head was going to burst.

The overload was not moderate but severe, suggesting that it needed to be used very cautiously.

Even casting it twice in succession felt like it would completely drain his head.

Still, it was too good to pass up.

The Dimension Plunderer, Pure Black Executor, and Strategist of the Wasteland each specialized in completely different areas.

Thus, the constellation abilities he acquired perfectly addressed different needs without any overlap.

It was an ideal distribution for Kang-hoo, who dreams of being an all-rounder, handling everything alone.

【Do you really like my contractor that much? You are a fool.】

With that remark from the Dimension Plunderer, who suddenly reappeared to tease the Strategist of the Wasteland,

Kang-hoo was once again quietly experiencing another phase of growth.

At that time,

A male hunter, having just completed immigration procedures, was leaving Jeju Airport.

Clean-shaven head, stylishly dressed with rose-gold framed glasses and a neatly tailored suit.

The man, exuding a cold, intellectual aura, met someone waiting for him outside the airport.

It was Ma Jinho from the Groo Guild.

“You’ve arrived, Mr. Nikita.”

“How have you been? I’m glad to hear that the delivery went well. Were there any defects?”

“Not at all. The Kashimar Guild is renowned for producing military supplies for dungeons, isn’t it?”

“Thank you for always trusting and entrusting us. I’m here to introduce a new product.”

“It could have been done via video call. Isn’t this trip a bit too much trouble?”

“Haha. Actually, I have some other business to attend to as well.”

Nikita Boronin.

An executive of the Kashimar Guild and also the manager responsible for issues in Korea.

He is as fluent in Korean as he is in Russian, so communication was never an issue.

Usually, as Ma Jinho mentioned, Nikita preferred video conversations,

but this time, he specifically came down to Jeju Island to promote a new product. It seemed he had an ulterior motive.

Ma Jinho asked,

“May I know what it is about?”

“I’ve come to meet Hunter Shin Kang-hoo. It’s an important matter reflecting the master’s intentions.”

Nikita’s response clearly revealed the purpose of his visit.

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