The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 140: Nikita Boronin (2)

Chapter 140: Nikita Boronin (2)

Having been resting at the villa, Kang-hoo received a call from Ma Jinho.

They hadn’t exchanged numbers, so the call came through a direct line installed in the villa.

“It’s unusual for him to call; there must be some issue.”

“Yes, this is Shin Kang-hoo.”

-This is Ma Jinho. Do you have a moment to talk? Sorry to disturb you while you’re resting.

“It’s okay. I wasn’t sleeping. What’s going on?”

-There’s a guest who insists on meeting you. However, I can’t arrange it arbitrarily.


-Yes, that’s right.

Kang-hoo frowned.

No acquaintance knew he was here; he wasn’t one to inform everyone either.

From the way Ma Jinho spoke, it seemed to involve an outsider, but Kang-hoo had no idea who it could be.

“Who is it?”

-It’s someone named Nikita Boronin. He is an officer from the Kashimar Guild and manages their operations in Korea.

“Nikita Boronin…”

The name wasn’t familiar.

Although the Kashimar Guild was often mentioned in the original story, there was no mention of a person named Nikita Boronin. He seemed not to be a high-ranking officer.

Still, the mere fact that he was from the Kashimar Guild was troubling.

Of course, someone like Ma Jinho wouldn’t have a negative perception of the Kashimar Guild.

He would see their well-packaged public facade, unaware of the hidden truths.

However, for Kang-hoo, who had bad experiences with the Kashimar Guild, this meeting was unwelcome.

It was because he had disbanded Jeon Jong-du’s Osho Mercenary Corps, which was under the Kashimar Guild.

News about Jeon Jong-du’s death had spread, and his face had become known.

It wouldn’t have taken long to identify him, Shin Kang-hoo, as the person involved.

The Kashimar Guild’s intelligence capabilities were more than sufficient.

He must have been located after information leaked at Jeju Airport.

‘The fact that they formally requested a meeting means they don’t intend to fight. Otherwise, they would have chosen a different approach.’

Using Ma Jinho as an intermediary, the focus was initially on dialogue.

He was eager to meet him.

This was a prime opportunity to understand what brought him here and to assess the Kashimar Guild’s perspective on the Jeon Jong-du incident.

-What will you do?

“Let’s meet. But I don’t want the hassle of going out.”

-Don’t worry. I will accompany Mr. Nikita and ensure your place is secure.

“Then, come here.”

-Yes, we will do just that.

Thus, the meeting with Nikita was set.

A visitor from the Kashimar Guild. He was somewhat eager to hear how Nikita would start the conversation.

It was likely not going to be a pleasant discussion.

One hour later.

Kang-hoo and Nikita convened in a conference room situated on the outskirts of the villa.

Ma Jinho took it upon himself to personally oversee the security of the conference room.

Given it was their first meeting, unexpected situations were a possibility.

This was to avert any physical confrontations or any severe incidents.

Seated around a moderately sized round table, Kang-hoo and Nikita faced each other.

‘He must be in the 400s in terms of level.’

Nikita’s command of constellations made estimating his level straightforward.

Given the stature of the Kashimar Guild, he was likely a mid-level officer, but definitely not of low rank.

Nikita broke the silence.

“Mr. Shin Kang-hoo, your efforts in dismantling the Osho Mercenary Corps and even eradicating its remnants were quite remarkable.”

Is this what they call speaking in an out-of-body manner?

He casually commended the fact that Kang-hoo had annihilated a mercenary group affiliated with his own guild.

Kang-hoo retorted with a disbelieving snort.

“There were witnesses at the scene. Even a passing dog would recognize Jeon Jong-du was under the Kashimar Guild’s protection unless it was completely ignorant.”

Nikita chuckled at Kang-hoo’s response.

“Ha-ha, is that so? I wouldn’t be aware of that. The dead tell no tales, do they?”

“You’re denying it?”

“No matter how highly you value the dead, they can’t compare to the living. That’s what I believe.”

“So, you discarded him and want to switch to a new vessel?”

“That’s an oversimplification. Our Kashimar Guild has always preferred the talented.”

“Save your clumsy flattery. What are you really trying to say?”

“The Kashimar Guild will fully support you. How about establishing a power base in Gangwon Province?”

“So, you want me to become the next Jeon Jong-du? That’s absurd.”

“It’s not absurd. With our proper support, you won’t end up dead like Jeon Jong-du.”

“Why didn’t you support Jeon Jong-du like that then?”

“He wasn’t worth that much.”

Nikita responded frankly.

Kang-hoo then lowered his slightly agitated voice and spoke calmly in his usual tone.

“If you need a damage dealer, let me know. I happen to be in Jeju for that reason. I can go to Russia anytime.”

“Mr. Shin Kang-hoo.”


“I’m not asking you to commit crimes. I’m offering a new life to an outdated hunter.”

After hearing this, Kang-hoo doubted his ears. Could such an absurd proposition be so neatly packaged?

Nikita’s words essentially boiled down to human trafficking.

They were making it sound like giving hunters, taken against their will, a new life by selling their bodies.

“Why do you decide that?”

“There are more hunters dying or going missing than new ones emerging. Shouldn’t we prevent hunters from dying meaninglessly?”

“So, why do you get to assign that meaning?”

That was the end of minimal courtesy and respect.

Nikita wasn’t joking. He was speaking sincerely, filled with conviction.

That’s what made it more frightening. He was justifying crime without a change in his expression, talking about values.

“I may be in a gray area, but I haven’t given up being human. Enough. Go back.”

“That’s unfortunate. I thought we would get along well, given that hunters pursue practicality and profit.”

“Because I pursue practicality and profit, I’m saying no. Why do something when you don’t know when you’ll die?”

“That’s truly regrettable.”

“I also regret it. I never imagined you guys could be so dense. Look for someone else. I’m done.”

He stood up from his seat.

Even if Kang-hoo agreed to Nikita’s proposal a hundred, a thousand times over, would it really go as they say?

Kang-hoo was sure it wouldn’t.

If Kang-hoo’s value disappeared and he was in danger, would they discard him mercilessly like Jeon Jong-du?

The conversation was doomed from the start. Kang-hoo knew it, but as expected, the conversation ended.

Nikita also stood up, wearing a bitter smile.

He must have seriously thought he could get through to Kang-hoo, which made him even more frightening.

After the encounter with Nikita, he simply buried it as an unpleasant incident.

The next day at noon, the second dungeon raid was carried out as scheduled with the Groo Guild.

It was a raid on a very short-distance, small-scale dungeon, so it ended around evening.

Kang-hoo’s level hit a neat 165, and now level 200 was beginning to come into sight.

From the middle boss and main boss, he obtained one orange magic stone each as loot.

Thanks to this, after disposing of these outside the dungeon, his bank account balance reached 105 billion won.

Once again.

He had amassed enough to easily afford a second-tier item.

He also managed to steal some quite useful skills from each of the bosses.

[Agility Enhancement A]

[Skill Proficiency: Lv. Max]

[Passive Skill. Permanently increases agility stat efficiency by 7.5%.]

While it doesn’t increase stats in the status window, it functions like a buff skill that is always active.

Agility Enhancement A is the lowest grade of passive skill.

Subsequent alphabets indicate higher percentages of increase, marking this as the first start.

[Mark of Fire]

[Skill Proficiency: Lv. Max]

[Passive Skill: Permanently increases absolute fire resistance by 2.5%.]

Thanks to the Mark of Fire, his total absolute fire resistance reached 10%.

This was in addition to the previously obtained 7.5%.

Now, he could automatically reduce any fire-based attack damage by 10%.

What if one day it reaches 100%…? Then, he wouldn’t need to fear fire skills anymore.

For instance,

he could walk over blazing flames and still maintain his physical integrity, thanks to his resistance.

The unexpected proposal that brought him to Jeju Island had reaped him many benefits, like a gift.

He added four skills. His account balance increased explosively.

Plus, the explosive leveling he experienced while visiting the Imbalance Point.

It was a perfect journey.

Kang-hoo boarded the plane, leaving behind pleasant memories and a meaningful connection with the Groo Guild.

Given his entanglements with Nikita, he did not want to stay in Jeju any longer.

Elizabeth. Vincent. Emilia. Yu Cheonghwa. Casey. And even Takashi’s avatar.

A total of six people gathered.

Jang Si-hwan and Chae Gwanhyeong, who were still raiding the Judgment Dungeon, were unavoidably unable to attend.

After confirming everyone was present, Vincent was the first to start the conversation, as he had brought the new and unfamiliar member, Elizabeth.

“This is Elizabeth, who has just joined our Justice. She’s as beautiful as you’ve heard, right?”

Vincent’s mention of ‘Justice’ was a reference to The Thirteen Stars.

At this time, not all thirteen members of The Thirteen Stars had gathered yet, hence there weren’t thirteen of them.

Therefore, the provisional name Justice became the symbolic term for this gathering.

The name The Thirteen Stars would be finalized only after the thirteenth member joined.

The membership of Justice wasn’t yet complete at 13, though it was close to that point.

-Pleased to meet you.

The first to shake hands with Elizabeth was Takashi’s avatar.

Takashi’s avatar, who attended in traditional samurai cosplay, spoke through a speaker attached to his mouth.

“Ah. Nice, nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you. They said your face can’t be seen directly.”

Elizabeth smiled and shook hands with the avatar. It was a cold hand, devoid of any warmth.

As each person introduced themselves to Elizabeth.

Vincent naturally started discussing the purpose of this visit.

“Did you all see? A new hidden skill owner has emerged. I’m convinced that the owner appeared in Korea.”

It wasn’t solely for this that he came to Korea, but it was also a curiosity he desperately wanted to solve.

The first to respond to Vincent’s words was Casey Rex.

Casey, with amethyst-deep violet eyes, was the master of the Fortuna Guild.

“It looks like you came because you couldn’t stand seeing someone else’s good fortune. Do you really want to steal that hidden skill that badly?”

Vincent shook his head in response to Casey’s remark.

“It’s not because someone else is doing well! The hidden skill should be possessed by someone who deserves it. It’s a blessing that shouldn’t easily fall into the hands of just any lucky Joe.”

“So you’re saying it’s envy that’s driving you. Why beat around the bush? That’s unlike you.”


Casey’s comment hit the nail on the head.

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