The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 79: Take Me to Your Boss

Chapter 79

On the other side, Zhang Yi's master was listening to her subordinate reporting the results of the investigation.

"Are you sure no one has been in close contact with Zhang Yi? No one has had any conflict with him?"

"Yes, my lord! This is the list of people who attended the Gambling Stone Exchange Meeting." The subordinate handed a list to the woman.

The woman stretched out her hand, and the list seemed to come alive, flying into her hand. She opened the list and carefully looked through it. The list was very detailed, clearly marking not only the names but also the ages.

The woman frowned and closed the list. She didn't find any suspicious people on it. Whoever killed Zhang Yi must have been a cultivator, but none of these people gave her the feeling of being cultivators. Perhaps she would have to meet those people in person to find out.

After finishing their meal, Ling Yue and her two companions took a stroll back to the hotel.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel entrance, Ling Yue sensed a dangerous aura. Without making a sound, she walked into the hotel.

The woman's divine sense swept over Ling Yue and her companions but found nothing unusual about them, so she withdrew her divine sense. She had already checked everyone, and none of them were cultivators. How did Zhang Yi die?

Ling Yue felt the divine sense withdraw, and a slight smile curved her lips. Her spiritual power was gathered in her mini-world. Unless she wanted to release it, even cultivators at the Tribulation realm wouldn't be able to sense that she was a cultivator. It was for this reason that she dared to kill the old Zhang.

The woman stubbornly probed again, but the result was the same. She could only leave. The person who attacked Zhang Yi probably wasn't among those who attended the Gambling Stone Exchange Meeting. It was possible that it was someone from that place. Last time Zhang Yi went there, he had a conflict with someone over a spiritual weapon. Maybe this time, that person came to seek revenge on Zhang Yi.

The night gradually deepened, and dark clouds gathered in the sky, as if a heavy rain was about to fall.

Ling Yue got up and went to close the window.

Her gaze swept over the figures downstairs, sneaking into the hotel. Her eyes narrowed. It seemed the hotel owner wanted to try the same old trick again. Since that was the case, she would let them experience what it felt like to be haunted by vengeful ghosts.

Footsteps sounded on the corridor outside, rustling softly.

"The person who won the Raw Stone King at the auction is staying in this room," a low voice said outside, sounding like one of the hotel staff.

"Open the door."

As the words were spoken, the door was gently pushed open from the outside.

Four tall figures entered from outside, the same ones Ling Yue had seen when closing the window.

"What do you want?" Ling Yue's icy gaze fell on the four of them, her eyes like sharp blades that sent a chill down their spines.

The four were startled, not expecting the people inside to still be awake at this hour. But it didn't matter; they were here to take the women back anyway. The staff member had told them that the two women were both very beautiful, especially the one wearing a mask, who was as beautiful as a fairy.

Ling Yue took a step forward, slowly walking toward the four, emanating a chilling aura.

The four retreated in fear. "What do you want?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" Ling Yue's voice was cool and melodious, but in the silent night, it sent a bone-chilling sensation.

Meeting Ling Yue's icy gaze, the four couldn't help but shiver. A chill seemed to crawl up their spines like caterpillars, chilling them to the bone and filling their hearts with dread.

"We... we got the wrong room..."

Ling Yue looked at them with a faint, mocking smile. "Then how did you get the room key?"

"The staff member must have grabbed the wrong key..."

"Yes, that must be it..."

"We'll leave now..." The four mumbled as they backed out. They needed to report this to the boss quickly.

"Wait!" Ling Yue called out, stopping them.

The four immediately froze in their tracks, not daring to move a muscle.

"Take me to see your boss."

"Huh?" The four stared at her in bewilderment. Did they hear her correctly? She wanted them to take her to see their boss? Surely they must have misheard.

"Do you need me to repeat myself?" Ling Yue's voice grew colder.

"You... please..." The four hurriedly led the way. Initially, they were worried about being punished by the boss, but since she wanted to go with them, it had nothing to do with them anymore.

Ling Yue closed the door and tossed out a talisman.

They got into a van driven by the four men. Just a few hundred meters after leaving, heavy rain began to pour down, large raindrops hitting the windows with a pitter-patter sound.

From the moment she got in the car, Ling Yue closed her eyes to conserve her energy.

The few men in front had been sneaking glances at Ling Yue several times. This was the first time they had seen someone being taken away so calmly. Wasn't she afraid at all? Their boss was no softy; he was the underground king of Myanmar, with over ten thousand men under his command, each with blood on their hands.

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