The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 191: A Break and A Game

Chapter 191: A Break and A Game

The Next Day.

I woke up and looked through the documents at my desk as usual when Finne entered my room.

I thought that it was Orihime at first so I was a bit surprised.


Good morning. Al-sama.

Yeah, good morning. Do you have business with me?

Yes. I brought you a light meal.

Thanks. But you are quite unusual today?

Finne smiles bitterly at my words.

She then points at the clock.

Seeing it, the clock hand indicated that it was 10 oclock. The time is much later than the usual time I get up.

I didnt think that I had slept that much so I didnt check the time but it seems that I am oversleeping quite a bit.

I came to wake you up at the usual time but Al-sama seemed to be sound sleeping so I left. Arent you tired?

I see.well, a lot happened yesterday after all.

Thats why I asked Orihime-sama to play with Christa-sama today. The elf princess-sama seemed to be interested in the Celestial Princess as well.

I seesorry for the trouble.

Not at all, this is the only thing I can do after all. By the way, Elna-sama is looking after Orihime-sama and there is Sieg-san there as well so I dont think that there would be a problem regarding their protection. Orihime-sama said that it is boring but since she is a person that is good at taking care of others, I asked her to take care of Christa-sama and Elf princess-sama since they are still awkward around each other. I think they will be okay.

Hearing Finne explaining the situation to me, I was impressed.

When she first came here she was only a naive and airhead girl but after she learned from her experience here, she could deal with many things on her own.

And recently her airheadedness also impro

Au!? It hurts


Never mind.

Looking at Finne when she tried to brew the tea and hit her leg on the desk, I affirmed that her airheadedness is still the same.

How is it possible for her to hit her leg there. Thats a little mystery to solve.

The figure of her brewing tea with teary eyes looked somewhat unreliable and worrisome.

Well, that little airheadedness is certainly like Finne.

Please have some teas.

How did you even hit your leg there?

Auuu..Im really sorry..

While looking at such Finne, I picked up the documents on my desk.

However, Finne immediately responded to that.

Ah!? You cant!

Finne tries to get the documents from me and reaches her hand out to them with all her might.

When I evaded her grasp, Finne lost her balance since she put too much strength into it.



I catch Finne with my free hand and support her so that she doesnt fall.

Then, when I confirmed that Finne is properly back on her feet, I pointed at the documents.

Alright, can you explain yourself now?

Awawa.Al-sama has entered interrogation mode

Finne jumped a little when she saw that I slightly narrowed my eyes.

After averting her eyes away for a while, she couldnt bear the pressure and confess.

I heard from Elna-sama that Al-sama was tired sotoday, I thought that I should keep you away from your work as much as possible..

That Elna. She told me to work and now she is telling me to take a break, what a troublesome person she is.

Saying so, I returned the documents to the desk.

On my desk are various documents regarding the reconstruction of the Empires Southern region. Originally, they were the documents that Leo should read but since he was busy, I wanted to read through it first and organize them for him.

Its an important work after all. It wouldnt do to neglect it.

However, the current Leo doesnt have enough leeway to organize them himself.

Well, a little delay wouldnt hurt.

Im sorry for the people of the south but let me take a break for today.

It isnt good to have people around me getting worried after all.

Is this enough?


I smiled bitterly at Finne who happily smiled at me and got up from my chair.

If I am not going to work then theres no point staying behind the desk.

Moving to the sofa, I plunge my back onto it.

But since you told me not to work then I will have nothing to do. If I leave the guest I am supposed to take care of and go outside, Father will definitely yell at me.

Please leave that to me! Ive thought that something like this would happen!

Finne said so and placed a lot of games in front of me. 

Basically, these are board games.

I havent played it recently but I used to play them a lot with Leo.

Hee, this sure is nostalgic.

Lets play this game! Even like this, I am quite good at playing these kinds of games you know.

Hou? Thats surprising. I wont lose alright.

Then lets play it together! I wont lose too you know!

Saying so, Finne challenged me to a board game.

Thats quite a courage.

Then you want to make a bet?

A bet is it? That is fine with me! What should we bet?

Loser will do the winners chores for a day.


That was what I used to bet with Leo. if I lose, I will be forced to do the chores.

I understand. If thats the case then I dont mind! I will tell you this first but, I have never lost to anyone in my family you know?

Is that so. Quite a coincidence isnt it. I almost never lost to anyone as well.


Feeling some agitation from my words, Finne made a doubtful expression but I started setting up the game without minding that.


Awawa!? My queen is!? I, I have to escape!

You can try, but your King will be wide open you know?

Eh!? Since when!? Pl, please wait!

How many times is it now? Well, it doesnt matter though.

The game was supposed to be over multiple times now but I allowed her to reverse her moves to the state before she met her doom.

That being said, there are two choices here. The Queen or the King. there are only a few moves she can try even if her moves were reversed.

Finne desperately tries to come up with a plan to reverse the situation but such recovery is impossible. Whichever she chooses, she will be eventually cornered.

Understanding that, Finne dropped her shoulders and admitted her loss.

I lostUuuu..I couldnt do anything

That will be my third win then.

After losing the first game, Finne changed the game and challenged me again.

Unfortunately, I am good at board games in general.

Alright, with this, you will have to do the chores for me for 3 days you know?

Uuu.the wound only spread

It was a failure on her part to try to reverse the situation after her first defeat.

Well, Finne normally takes care of things here anyway so its not much different from how things normally are though.

When I thought so, the door suddenly opened.

Arnold! Are you awake yet!

Thanks to you.

Oh! So you are already up huh! The Elf princess said that she was tired so I came over to play!

Did she do something tiring?

What are you saying. We were just chatting with Christa.

If its only that then it should be fine.

While I was chatting with her, Christa, Rita, and Elna followed her into the room.

I cant see Sieg but he probably got abandoned somewhere.

Well, its Sieg so he should be alright.

Al-niisama. Elf princess fell asleep..

Is that so. Thanks for your work.

So, Al-nii, lets play-!

Hey, Rita! You are acting as an escort now alright?

When Elna scolds Rita and catches Rita who tried to rush over to me.

Despite being a knight apprentice, Rita is supposed to be Christas escort during the ceremony. Well, she mostly serves as Christas playmate though.

Strict as usual huh. Ms.Imperial Knight Captain.

You just played with me earlier too right.

I didnt!

Orihime jabbed at Elna while Elna fully denied it.

As she argues with Elna, Orihime sits down with Finne on the seat opposite me.

Master of board games is my title! I will take that as a challenge!

Ah, Orihime-sama.Al-sama is-

Say no more! It would be cowardly to know my opponents tactic beforehand!

After she said that, Orihime started laughing with WaHaHa.

Seeing that, Elna and Christa looked at her with a delicate expression.

Orihime-sama..Al-niisama wont hold back you know.?

Theres no need!

You should give up. Its useless for you to play that kind of game with Al.

Mumu! I can see your confidence! Thats how my entertainer should be! Come at me!

Well, thats what she wants, will you bet something? about todays dinner?

I see. Then if I win you will go without dinner today alright.

Saying so, I slowly crack my shoulder.

Seeing that, Elna tiredly sighed.

Haa.I will tell you this first, Al is really serious when it comes to nonsensical things you know?

Hearing that, I mercilessly started the game.

Then, a while later, Orihimes crying sound echoes inside the room.


This is already the third game you know? You lost in three different games. Just give up. No dinner for you.

Dont spout nonsense!? You were obviously cheating! How could you roll such a high point in a dice game!? I wont give up! I will never give up!!

Cant you be a little more polite to a national guest

A challenge is a challenge.

I grin and choose the next game.

No matter what game it is, I dont feel like losing at all.

Tonight dinner is settled already so lets make her goes without dinner for tomorrow and the day after as well.

If you win the next game, you can reset all your losses, how about it?

Really!? Umu! I accept the challenge!

However, if you lose, you have to skip tomorrows dinner and the day after as well.

It startedAls exploitation.

Has he always been like this since he was a child.? you know how many times Leo and I have to suffer.

Elna recalls the past and makes an unpleasant expression.

A bad memory for Elna is a good memory for me.

Al-niisama..didnt even go easy on Christa.

From my side, Christa is pouting at me.

While patting Christas head, I enthusiastically started my game with Orihime.

I will take your dinner!!

Shortly thereafter, Orihimes screams echoed throughout the room.

TLN: the next chapter will be updated when the next chapter release. wordpress somehow bugged out on backend if I place the link there before hand..

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