The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 192: Chance

Chapter 192: Chance

I will run away from home! I am running away from home alright!

After repeatedly losing to me, Orihime declared so and left the room.

Elna chased after her immediately while Christa and Rita followed after them a little afterward.

Now, only me and Finne are left in the room.

Since the storm had passed, I leaned back on the sofa to relax. However, when I was doing that, someone called out to me.


When I heard that voice, I lightly snap my fingers.

Sebas huh. What is it? How was your investigation with Mia goes?

No good, sir. We discovered another of their agent from following the man who fled the other night but we are still far away from reaching the bottom of this. It seems that we need a little more time to find someone with important information, sir.

Hurry it up. Tomorrow is the day of the ceremony. If they want to do something in the imperial capital then they should start moving soon.

Certainly, sir. I will hasten the investigation as much as possible.

Saying so, Sebas disappears again.

Despite such a conversation taking place, Finne still brews the tea as usual. It seems she has already gotten used to it huh.

Please, here, its black tea.

Sorry, thanks.

Is there some kind of problem again?

Yeah, this time it is a little troublesome too.

The same as always then.

After saying that, Finne smiled and looked at the door.

I erected the barrier by snapping my fingers to prevent the knights outside from hearing my conversation with Sebas.

Understanding that the soundproofing was taken care of, Finne nodded to herself.

While thinking that she really gets used to stuff like this, I break the barrier.

Finne then continues the conversation about Orihime without even changing her expression.

Where did Orihime-sama go I wonder? She did say that she is going to run away from home too

Who knows? Well, there are only a few places that girl can run off to anyway. Its either my mothers or Leos place.

For running away from home, the locations are extremely close arent they.

She cant leave the castle without permission in the first place.

If thats the case then she will not go anywhere that can leave trails of her whereabouts. As expected, Orihime wouldnt go ask permission from Father for something like this.

And considering her personality, its hard to say that she has already given up. Im sure that she is recruiting reinforcements to help her take back her dinners.

Then, that would eliminate my mother from her possible escape route. That person will just politely dismiss her after all.

In other words.

Couldnt be helped then. Lets go to Leos place. She must be crying to Leticia or Leo right about now anyway.

It would be bad if she disturbs the two of them after all, right.

Disturbing them huh.

I would be happy if they have that kind of relationship but it would be difficult considering Leos personality.

It would be good if Leticia can say that she gets along well with him though.

Finne, from a womans perspective how does Leo look like to you? You know, as a man.

As a man is it? I dont think that many would be able to raise a complaint about Leo-sama. He is a cool and kind person after all.


Then why doesnt he make full use of that?

While I lamenting so, Finne smiles.

Are you worried about Leticia-sama and Leo-samas relationship?

You noticed huh?

It is the first time I saw Leo-sama like that after all. But I dont think that you have to worry so much about them. They looked like they both wanted to get closer to each other too. I think they are only waiting for a chance.

A chance huh.

That is the most difficult thing to create.

Thinking so, I and Finne left the room.


I dont think that forcefully taking something away from someone is a good thing. That action is certainly evil.

The moment I entered Leos room, Leticia started preaching me.

Also, Orihime is hiding behind Leticia while nodding to her words.

You conveniently only say your side of the story again huh?

I didnt do anything like that!

I wonder about that. When I asked if we should bet something, the one who brought up betting our own dinner was you right? Isnt it a little cheap for you to cry at Leticia when you lost?

Gununu! I wont accept such matches! You definitely cheated! I challenge you for another game in front of the Saint! Leticia! Act as the witness for us!

I understand! I will not let any fraudulent act slip past me!

After that, Leticia and Orihime enthusiastically set up a game on the table.

The game was the one I just played with Finne where you win once you eliminate your opponents king.

Honestly, it is the game I am best at but it seems that Orihime thinks that I cant win against her if I dont cheat.

Thats quite the courage you have there. And you lost so miserably just earlier too.

S, shut up! In a fair and square challenge, I will win! Leonard! You should monitor your brother as well!

M, Me too?

Although Leo was acting as if all of this had nothing to do with him, Orihime arbitrarily dragged him to her side.

Leticia is enthusiastic about a fair fight while Orihime is all about winning.

When Leo saw them like that, his face cramped up a little bit.

Orihime-samaforgive my rudeness but, Nii-san is not just good at cheating, he is strong even when he does it normally too.

Theres no way thats true! When I cast the dices, only my result was bad! He must have cheated somehow! No doubt about it! When a person cheats, it means that he lacks the skill to win! He wont be able to cheat in front of the Saint! In other words, my victory is assured!


Leo tiredly dropped his shoulders. Well, he once saw a childhood friend of ours said the exact same thing after all.

And after seeing what is unfolding in front of her, that childhood friend boringly leaves the room.

Then I will wait outside. Call me once you are done.

What? You are not going to watch?

Its not fun to see a game where you already know the results. And I already learned as a kid. That I should never approach Al when he started a game.

Saying so, Elna left the room.

It seems that Leticia sensed the bad feeling from what is happening around her but since she cant turn back anymore so she focuses her eyes on my movements.

Well, since Im not cheating anyway, it doesnt matter how many people are going to keep their eyes on me.

Well, lets do this. By the way, if I win without cheating, it wont settle with just your dinner you know?

Mumu! So my dinner is not enough for you!?

Obviously. If you cant prove that I am cheating here then the other three games will be valid as well. Considering that, your dinners are already as good as mine. I cant feel motivated if there is nothing new on the table.

MUUU..Alright! Then I will bet Leticias dinner as well!

EHHHHHHH!!?? Y, you are betting my dinner too!?

Its alright! Believe in me!

T, the Empires food is delicious so I have been enjoying it everydaybut, I understand! Once I decide to help someone I must see it through to the end! I will put my dinner today on the line!

Alright. You two will go without dinner today then.

Saying so, I started arranging the pieces on the board.

And soon after, Orihimes scream echoed throughout the room.

UWaaaaaa!! No!! Its no good anymore! Dont take away any more of my pieces!?

I will take your King then.

NOOOO! WAAA! They are taken away no matter what I do! UuuuuI only have two pieces left now.

The match is already decided.

Orihime only has one other piece other than her King. recovery is impossible for her now.

At Orihimes side, Leticias face also turned blue. That is probably because she didnt spot any cheating at all.

Behind them, Leo holds his head and sighs.

Just give up. Its your loss.

I, I still havent lost yet!

You dont know when to give up huh..alright. How about changing the player then?

What? What do you mean?

If Leticia takes your place, we can start from the beginning. Leticia, you dont want to skip dinner too right? Its not your loss after all.

Th, thats right! Orihime-sama! Please let me take it from here!

R, Right! I will leave it to you, Leticia!

Accepting my suggestion, Leticia switched places with Orihime with her eyes shining like she just witnessed Gods salvation.

She probably thinks that this is the chance to get her dinner back huh.

Thats a fatal mistake.

That being said, I would only be at the disadvantage in this deal. The loser will have to do their opponents chores for a day. How about it?

Th, thats alright with me! If you cant get anything from it then it doesnt make sense to make a bet after all!

Le, Leticia-san! Making a promise like that to Nii-san is!

Its fine! Even if I look like this, I have already experienced the battlefield! This game is a reproduction of the battlefield so my experience will help me!

No, I think that probably doesnt help.

Leo tries to stop her but Leticia is focused on taking me on.

While being impressed that he can now use -san to address her, I grin.

Seeing that grin, Leos body started to shake.

N, Nii-san.y, you will hold back right?

Dressing the Saint and the Celestial Princess in maid clothes is not a bad idea right.

Wh, What!? Where did that devilish smile and evil idea come from!?

Fu Fu Fu.

My principle is to do everything thoroughly. Especially when it comes to a game.

Prepare yourselves!

Ahhno way..

Thats the end!

Saying so, I immediately took down Leticias King without worrying that I would upset her.

With this, the victor is decided.

Maid outfit huh. You can wear them when I enjoy my dinner.

Wh, what a devilish smile!? Is there no human emotion left in there at all!? Orihime-sama already froze by the shock you know!?

Doesnt matter to me. Its you guys fault for challenging me.

Kuh.Le, Leonard-sama! Please, help us!


He probably didnt think that she would pass the baton to him.

Leo screamed out in surprise but Leticia didnt care about that and quickly set him down in her seat.

Please! This is for mine and Orihime-samas dinner! I dont mind wearing the maid outfit but I will cry if I have to watch him eat my dinner!

You are exaggerating.Nii-san wouldnt really take your dinner awa.

I have never backed down from a bet.


When I told him so with a straight face, Leo held his forehead.

Then, after a while, he lifted his face up as though he had made his resolve.

There is no other choice.its a duel! Nii-san!

Hmph, have you already forgot the match record between us?

Its, its already in the past!

A hundred matches, I won 99 of them. Even though I let you off since you said that you dont want to lose 100 matches straight, I never thought that you would forget them when you grew up. Prepare yourself for the consequence alright?

Holding up a piece from the board, I smile at him.

While letting out cold sweat, Leo started arranging the pieces on the board to avoid entering into my pace.

Then the battle began.

As expected of my twin huh. Leo was able to read all my moves. In that sense, he proved himself to be a tougher opponent than Orihime and Leticia.

However, he can not go into the offensive. Him being able to read my move means that I can also read his. This hasnt changed since the time we were children.

The way to decide the victor is to take him by surprise.

In a game like this, Leo can never beat me.

Your Queen is mine, Nii-san!

Leo takes an offensive and takes down my Queen.

However, that is a trap.

He is as serious as always.

Just like that, I move my pawn toward his King.

You are naive. This is the end.

I wonder about that?

Saying so, Leo moved another piece to intercept my pawn advance to his King.

Although he just launched a full offensive, he left one to defend his King huh.

I was one step behind him.

That was a fatal delay for me since all of Leos pieces were on an offensive against my King.


I won.!?

Leo finally took down my King.

Leo murmured that as if he couldnt believe what just happened.

Next to Leo, Leticia and Orihime were overjoyed.

We did it! As expected of Leonard-sama! You protected my dinner!

As expected of you! I have always thought of you as a man that can do it you know!

Being praised by both of them as their hero, Leos cheeks started to blush.

Seeing him like that, I smiled and stood up.

Dont get ahead of yourself alright? Thats only your second victory after 100 matches you know? I am totally stronger than you.

Un, I know.

Saying so, Leo smiles.

Seeing his smile, I left the room looking biter about my defeat.

Did you lose on purpose?


Finne asked such a question from behind me but I only shrugged and gave her a vague reply.

Seeing me like that, Finne laughs. are not honest at all.

I didnt hold back you know.

Is that true?

Of course, I gave it my all. I gave it my all to think up the best move for the game. Well, I was not serious though.

??? is there a difference between giving your all and being serious?

I did give it my all. But I was not trying to win. Thats how it is.

While explaining so, I heard laughter coming from the room I just left.

It seems my defeat did create the chance for him huh.

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