The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 317: Strategy Planning

Chapter 317: Strategy Planning

Alright, I am going to explain our strategy.

Saying so, I started the strategy meeting for Lambert and his air force.

Sebas, who was sent out to scout out the enemys movement has returned after he grasped the rough understanding of their personnel placements.

To show that, he put pieces to indicate their locations on a large map that was spread on top of the table.

For the time being, we are reviewing the locations of our enemies and allies. Leo is currently at Castle Dick. Well, that castle is actually a strong fortress. It was originally built when the Empires border was still around this area and has been renovated many times in the past.

So their defense is perfect?

Yes. right now the enemy troops are trying to besiege Castle Dick but they cant directly attack it because they can not get past its branch castle.

Castle Dick is a robust military base.

Even so, if the castle is exposed to intense attacks every day then even this strong fortress will eventually wear out.

However, in order to launch a full-scale attack on the castle, the enemy must take down its branch castle first.

After all, if they can not take the branch castle which acts as Leos forward base, it is possible for Leos group to break through the siege.

The branch castle of Castle Dick is located on a hill. Leo has placed 3,000 elites in this castle to block the way of the enemys army. They are probably using the advantage of their high ground to hold the enemy at bay. The enemy seems to have challenged it many times already but they were repelled each and every time so they decided to change their strategy.

As long as the hill is ours, the enemy can not benefit from that vantage point.

Even if they want to take down the branch castle first, the hill where it is located is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Such an elevated position made it difficult for the enemy to take advantage of their large number and forced them to send only small units.

If they took too much damage before taking on the main castle, they will not be able to topple Castle Dick.

Thats why the enemy has switched their strategy to encirclement.

As long as the branch castle is still standing, Castle Dick is safe. But in the meantime, the enemy will use that time to strengthen their army. Before that happens, we must deliver supplies to Leo. They cant move without enough supply after all.

At the same time, I want to destroy the enemys supplies as much as possible.

After all, the enemy can not move without supply as well.

That is our current situation.

And here is the main subject.

I turned my eyes to the map.

The enemy has surrounded Castle Dick and placed an army at the branch castle to restrain the branch castle from making any move.

Behind that army is the enemys reserve force with a mountainous area spread out behind them. There is no doubt that the enemys base is somewhere inside those mountains.

The problem is its exact location.

The enemy has a base somewhere in these mountains. Moreover, it is hard to locate its exact location.

If we know that they are somewhere in these mountains then isnt it better if we scout out their location from the sky?

The fact that it is hard to find means that their ground movements are also restricted. The reason why they built a base in such a location is that they have Dragon Knights under their command. The surveillance in the sky will be much stricter than on the ground.

I see..then we have no choice but to steadily search for them right?

I shook my head at Lambert.

We have no time to do that.

If we dont move quickly then the enemy might realize that we are trying to do something.

We cant waste time here.

Taking our time to search for them will only increase the risk of being discovered. This time we will work with a prediction.

And in case the prediction is wrong?

It is exactly fine because we can be wrong.

Saying so, I put a number of small pieces on the map.

It was the confirmed placements of the enemys small units.

They are probably liaison units or transport units that travel to and from their supply base.

I put the pieces down on the map and simulate their routes in my head.

Assuming that there is Base-A inside these mountains, if there are some strange or unreasonable movements of these units then it is unlikely that Base-A is on that mountain.

When doing so, one mountain stood out.

The confirmed movements of the enemy units here are linked without any waste in their movements.

I point at a mountain located in the middle of the spreading mountainous area.

The enemys supply base is here.

Excuse my rudeness but what is your basis, Your Highness?

That was what the movements of their smaller units pointed out. Given that their supply base is hidden in a difficult to find location, it is unlikely that their transport units will use a camouflaged or decoy route. They are not at disadvantage enough to be so careful. After all, if they do that, it will significantly delay their supply transportation. Thats why judging from the movements of the enemy around this area, I concluded that the base is somewhere on this mountain.

I heard that Your Highness had a very poor performance in military tactics class though?

Well, I mostly skipped or slept through the lesson. Besides, I dont need any military tactic to do this. All I did was just predicting the enemys movements. I dont need to rely on a theory to do that.

Military tactics are the accumulation of the knowledge from past wars.

You will be able to apply that knowledge if you studied them but you can manage without them as well.

Well, I ended up learning a lot of it from Gramp when he taught me ancient magic though.

There is no need to bother explaining that anyway.

I will leave the surprise attack on their supply base to the Narbe Ritter. I will accompany you halfway there. After that, we will withdraw and make our way to persuade the Northern Nobles.

What should we do in case the plan fails, Your Highness?

You should think in terms of [Even if the plan fails] instead. If the supply base isnt there and the Dragon Knights are not distracted, the Narbe Ritter will continue to sabotage the enemy from behind. That way the enemys eyes should be more or less attracted. Just use that time to carry the supplies to Leo as much as you can.

That will be easier said than done, Your Highness

I think that you all are capable enough to pull it off after all. Well, thats my plan. The problem now is you guys.

Even if the Dragon Knights were successfully lured away, there would still be a lot of Dragon Knights around Castle Dick.

Even if the quality of our air force is higher, they have greater numbers.

It is necessary to come up with a plan to compensate for that.

Our mounts, weapons, and skills are all superior to the enemy. We have enough factors to gain dominance over them but I want to win this without suffering any loss if possible.

Isnt that hoping for too much, Your Highness?

There is nothing wrong with hoping for more. Now, lets think in our enemys shoes. Are all the Dragon Knights always on the lookout in the sky during the siege? The answer would be No. only a few of them would be on alert while the majority of them are on the ground.

The Flying Dragons can not fly forever nor do the Dragon Knights can keep up their focus.

They are probably taking turns watching the sky in a shift.

Thats why.

Finn. You are going to charge ahead first and attack the Dragon Knights who are on standby on the ground. If possible, I want you to incapacitate their Flying Dragons. It would be enough if you damage them enough so that they can not be deployed.

I, Im going alone..?

Thats right. You are going to assault tens of thousands of troops alone. Using the element of surprise, you will attack them from the sky and withdraw toward Castle Dick. Of course, the enemy will chase you. This time, the 6th Corp will intercept your pursuers with concentrated fire.

Finn has two roles.

Neutralization of the enemy Flying Dragons and acting as a decoy.

If they want to pursue Finn who escapes to the sky above Castle Dick, the enemy will have no choice but to use their air force.

Using that chance the 6th Corp will descend and shoot them down.

If all goes well, we should be able to get rid of a considerable number of their Dragon Knights.

If the enemy spots the Divine Falcons, they will realize that it is the 6th Imperial Knight Corp. Moreover, we need the firepower of the type-62 to pull this off.

The type-62 wand has multiple firing modes.

There is a mode that shoots one thunder magic and a diffused mode that shoots multiple lightning at the same time.

It consumes a lot of magic power but it can be used to defeat multiple enemies at once. This firing mode is exclusive to the type-62.

It is the perfect fit for this operation.

What do you say? If you hate the idea then we can go with another strategy. I have never heard of a lone rider taking on an entire enemy army either. There is no shame in refusing you know?

does Your Highness think that I can do it?

I think that you are more than capable enough to pull it off though?

Hearing my words, Finn kept silent for a while.

He then slowly opened his mouth.

..I will do it. Please let me do it.

If you fail, it will affect the operation as a whole. Do you have the confidence?

I dont know if I have enough confidence but there is one thing I am sure of.

Hou? And that is?

Nova is faster than any Dragon Knights in the sky. I think that it is possible to escape after I assaulted their position.

Hearing that, I give him a nod.

If he is not scared then there is no problem.

Then it is decided. We will go with this strategy. I will leave it to you all.

In response to my words, everyone who was there gave me an affirmative reply.

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