The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 318: First Love

Chapter 318: First Love

Our strategy has been decided.

However, it doesnt mean that we can commence the strategy immediately.

After all, the Narbe Ritter must get behind the enemy line without them noticing first.

After carefully planning our route, Lars concluded that it will take us two days before we can arrive at their rear while avoiding enemy detection.

Thats why I and the Narbe Ritter will head out first.

I wish you good luck, Your Highness.

Good luck to you too, Captain Lambert.

We will be fine. At worst, we can always withdraw. However, Your Highness will be acting with the Narbe Ritter, no?

Halfway there that is. The surprise attack itself will be done by the Narbe Ritter. After we can confirm the location of their supply base, I will be waiting on standby at a distance away.

Even so, it doesnt change that Your Highness will be advancing to the enemy position. Is that not too dangerous?

As long as I can only have a small number of troops accompanying me, his worry isnt so strange.

Originally, my protective details were left to Lambert and his subordinates.

Since I have absolute confidence in my personal safety, I came up with a strategy that gets me close to danger. I was being inconsiderate to the people around me.

It is certainly dangerous but it would take too long if I wait for the Narbe Ritters return here. Besides, If I want to persuade the Northern Nobles, I will have to meet the nobles who are at the frontline. Putting myself in danger is already inevitable. Dont worry. The Narbe Ritter is a versatile unit. If it just to let me escape then they will manage just fine.

You are being optimistic.please be careful, Your Highness. If something happens to you, you will not be able to get back at the people who ridiculed you after all.

I dont really feel like getting back at them though. I dont really hate being called the Dull Prince either. Rather, I dont want people to treat me differently, cant say that I am a fan of seeing that happening at all.

Its fine to make a fool out of me. I can just make a fool out of them in return.

But I dont want people to suddenly treat me differently just because I raised some achievements.

Their fake smiles only serve to irritate me. If you want to make fun of me then just keep it up.

They might recognize me for my recent achievements but I want them to say that such achievements can not override what I have been doing until now. Such a person is more trustworthy and way more pleasant to see.

Even if Your Highness doesnt like it, this war will still change the way people look at you. No, I think that they have already begun to see you differently. Both enemies and allies have begun to understand how skilled you are with the rebellion at the Imperial Capital. Working with Your Highness directly like this made me think that such an evaluation is still too naive of them though.

Thats troublesome. Even though I want to stay as I am now, it seems that they will not let me huh. The troublesome thing about this is that if I act like a prince and tackle our national crisis, my wish will never come true.

You really are a strange person, Your Highness. I think people often call someone like Your Highness a genius though.

A genius huh. Wont Leo fit that description better than me?

I have thought so at first. However, I am sure that His Highness Leonard is a hard worker. Your Highness is a genius at inspiring others. I was always wondering to myself. Ever since His Highness Leonard was a child, he was always compared to you. If a normal kid were to be told that he is much more excellent than his incompetent brother, that kid might become overconfident. But His Highness Leonard did not turn out like that at all. He worked even harder instead. Now I understand him. Since His Highness was closer to you than anyone, he truly understands how amazing you are.

Thats an exaggeration. Leo is just a serious person, thats all.

If Your Highness says that then it must be so.

When I said that to him with a sigh, Lambert replied with a bitter smile.

He then bowed and took his leave.

Instead, Finn came up to me.

Your Highness, please be careful.

Dont worry. As long as you perform your duty well, you have no need to worry about me.

Please rest assured.

Saying so, Finn looks straight at me.

There is no hesitation in his eyes.

It seems like I can rest easy huh. Alright, lets have a small chat for a change. What kind of person is the daughter of Marquis Greisner? She rides a dragon even though shes a noble lady right. A normal young lady wouldnt do that, no?

W, what is Your Highness asking so suddenly!

Come on, just answer. What kind of person is she?

..Ojou-sama is a straightforward person, Your Highness. She does what she thinks is right and she is strong enough to do it. Moreover, she is an extremely gentle person.

Finn smiles.

Thats a soft smile. So he is that proud of his young lady huh.

So, when did you start to like her?

If the question is whether I like or dislike her then I think I like her. But, I still dont know if that is the love for the opposite sex or not. I was an orphan. It was Ojou-sama who saved me when I was all alone. She showed me the path of a Dragon Knight and tread it with me. I owe her a great debt of gratitude. My desire is to repay that debt to her.

..I see. Well, I guess that is a normal feeling people have toward their childhood friend huh. Eventually, the feeling of like or dislike will just disappear on its own.

You are quite familiar with this, Your Highness. I heard that Your Highnesss childhood friend is the young lady of the Brave house. What has become of that?

Finn asks about Elna as a counterattack.

However, such a counterattack can not faze me.

Like or dislike huh, if I have to pick one then I have to say that I like her. She was my first love after all.


Finn looked like he just heard something strange.

The Princes first love is the prodigy young lady of the Brave house. Thats probably a big deal but right now it doesnt matter anymore.

I also have a heavy debt of gratitude toward my childhood friend. I want to repay her someday as well. And from now on, I want to walk on the same path as her. Whether in the end we are together or notwe will never change. Even the Holy Sword can not cut this magic tie that is our bond even if we wanted to. Even Silver himself can not undo this tie. Thats how important a childhood friend go help her. Right now, you already have the power to do it after all.

The feeling of helplessness.

The feeling of despair that no matter how much I put in my effort, it wont bear fruit.

Those feelings will never go to waste.

Every time you think back upon it, you will remember the gratitude you have toward your childhood friend that was there for you.

When you felt weak when you felt that there is nothing you can do.

The person who was there for you becomes important. A childhood friend who will always stay by your side is not something that anyone can get.

Thats why such a person is important. Thats why such a person is worth struggling to the death for.

Your Highness

Finn, this is your first battle. I am sure that there will be many thoughts that can make you hesitate on the battlefield. When the time comes, just listen to your heart. You already took a step forward because you have someone you want to protect. If you ignore your heart you will have to live with regrets. Even if things become worse because you listened to your heartyou now have the power to overcome it.

You can not accomplish anything if you are weak.

You can accomplish one thing if you are mediocre.

And if you are strong, you can accomplish everything.

Thats the privilege of the strong. Protect your childhood friend and make the strategy successful.

Finn has the power to do that.

..I will carve Your Highnesss words into my heart.

Just show me with the result. Let me witness your strength. The sky of this Empire belongs to you.

Yes..I will do my best to meet Your Highnesss expectations. I will definitely bring you the good news.

Saying so, Finns eyes become even stronger.

The feeling I get from his eyes is the determination to protect.

When I first met him, what I saw was a wish to protect.

Eventually, that wish changed into determination. It has become a firm belief.

The little worry he still has before has disappeared.

If that is the case then I have no need to worry anymore.

I parted from Finn and started walking. Waiting for me are the Narbe Ritter who all don a black hooded cloak.

I also covered myself with the hood and straddled on the horse they prepared for me.

Lets go. Be bold but not careless. We must get behind the enemy line without them noticing.

Yes, sir!

And thus the Narbe Ritter and I left the city of Thale.

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