The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 94: New Comrade

Chapter 94: New Comrade

Arent you living in quite a nice room. As expected of a prince though.

Well, thanks. Now, lets hear your story. How did you end up looking like that?

As Finne started preparing tea for us, I asked him the question.

Sieg looks down with a serious expression and,

Its about half a year ago. I met a woman in a forest.

I see. So its your fault then.

I havent explained anything yet have I!?

I can already tell that much without hearing your story! You tried to make a pass on her right!?

Not yet! I was turned into this before I could even make a move on her!

Sieg hits the desk regretfully.

The regret feeling can be felt from his gesture.

Just how much does this guy love chasing women Was that woman the one who did this to you?

No. it was her elder sister

Well, if some bad insects start coming close to her sister, of course, she would protect her.

Thats not it! I was turned into this after I was made to take some strange medicine! I thought she was angry at me for aiming for her sister too but she just told her sister that I am cuter this way you know!? She turned me into this just because she thinks a bear cub is cuter you know!!

Sieg starts to cry but he says the word cute a lot so maybe he actually likes this appearance though.

But to think that someone would turn a human into a bear just because she thought that he would be cuter. What is up with her.

Just which forest did you go to?

Thats..a secret. I went there on a request.

Sieg averts his eyes.

As expected of a high-ranking adventurer, it seems hes a splendid adventurer in that regard.

He climbed up to S rank but he was held down because hes a womanizer huh.

The tea is done.

Oh, Finne-samas tea! Thank you!

You can drink?

Yeah! I can eat normally. The only thing that changed is this appearance.

So you are not a simple stuffed animal huh.

My body just looks like a stuffed animal. Ouch! Fuu Fuu.

Sieg tried to drink his tea but he frowned and hurriedly breathed on it.

I try drinking it too but the tea itself isnt particularly hot. Is it just a common bears characteristic? This might be surprisingly difficult huh.

About a way to turn you back, I will look for it.

Hm? You got a clue?

Silver might know something about it.

So you are acquainted with Silver!?

He stopped blowing on his tea and looked at me with a surprised expression.

Rather than an acquaintance, I am the person himself though.

Well, I cant tell him that anyway, lets tell him some appropriate lie.

Well, yeah. Silver is cooperating with me and my younger brother for a lot of things. I will ask him about your case. Just look forward to it. Dont get your hope up alright? Silvers specialty is not medicine after all.

Still, thank you! If its that masked adventurer then he might actually know something about it!

Okay, Sieg. Let me confirm this with you. We will put you under our protection and ask Silver about the way to turn you back to normal. In return, you will give us your cooperation. Is that alright with you?

Yeah! No problem. So can you remove this soon?

Saying so he urged at the collar on his neck.

Still, I didnt feel like removing it yet.


Why not!?

I will leave that on so that you cant do anything weird.

No way!? Isnt that too much! Finne-sama!

Sieg then lightly jumps up and tries to hug Finne. Finne was also prepared to catch him but on his way up, Sieg suddenly fell down.


Thats exactly why I left that collar on you.

Are you okay? Sieg-san.

D, Damn you

The collar was instantly heavier.

Because of that Sieg suddenly fell to the floor.

Sieg who managed to raise his face, glared at me while bearing his fang like a ferocious carnivore.

Then I will do it myself! Hand me the key!!

Saying so, Sieg ran up to me and grabbed my arm.

His appearance looks like a koala rather than a bear now.

Hows that! Want to give up now!?

What are you on about?

Eh? Im not heavy?

It only weighs so much that you cant move. I do feel the weight but you are originally light though.

While saying so, I continue increasing the weight on Sieg.

I feel the weight of a child hanging on my arm but Sieg already slowly falls down.

Despite that, Sieg desperately put more power in his arm but since his arm was trembling so much, he might have reached his limit already.

Damn it..Dont think you have won with this! I will definitely get that key away from you and let you taste the samUgh!!

In the middle of his sentence, Siegs arm separated from mine, and Sieg himself fell flat on the floor in a prone position.

He still tries to get up somehow so I put even more weight on him.

Anything to say?

Im sorry, please make it lighter please.


Saying so, I remove the weight on him.

However, Sieg jumps towards me as if he was waiting for that chance.

You fell for it!

No, you.

A-hhhhhh!!?? Ugeh!

Sieg who jumped up at me slammed his face on the floor from an even higher height. He let out a strange voice and no longer move.

I think he will stay like that for a while.

Call me when you are willing to cooperate. Stay quiet until you decide to do so.


After such an exchange, I moved toward my paperwork. Sieg slowly crawls on the floor and tries to get back on a chair.

On his way, he tried to look under Finnes skirt so I tripled the weight on him. Sieg screamed out and collapsed right there but I decided to leave like that as a punishment.

Even though he became a bear cub he is still an S rank adventurer. Theres no doubt that hes powerful but I certainly just recruited a troublesome guy to our side.

Well, all I have to do is use him right.

I thought so while sipping on Finnes tea.

Hey, kid. Werent you out looking for me because you have a job for me?

Yeah, didnt I just tell you about the job?

Kuu-chan! This bear can talk!

Wow, so fluffyhe feels so good.

You wanted me to babysit!!!?

Sieg protests while making a slightly bear-like angry face.

Seeing Christa and Rita playing with him like this make it not that convincing though.

Since Rita and Christa came over to play, I have Sieg act as their playmate.

It seems Sieg isnt just gunning for any woman, children seem to especially be his no go zone. Because of that, theres nothing to worry about even if Christa and Rita touch him. He just made it feel like its troublesome for him but he isnt angry at the children or anything after all.

Hey, young ladies. Even like this, I am still a human you know?

OH! Rita wants to be a bear too!

But you are a bear.

No, listen to me!

He then got pulled around and stroked all over.

After being played with so much, Sieg desperately appeals to them but the two dont seem like they were listening at all.

They are still children and hes a bear cub right now after all. His appearance is also adorable and soft to the touch, so of course, they would want to pet him.

I will be done with my work soon so just play with them until Im done.

Work huhKid, I thought people are calling you the Dull Prince though? Arent you supposed to be incompetent and lazy? Wai-! Dont pull on me at the same time! Imgonnarip!!

The rumors are not wrong. Theres just a lot to do lately so even an incompetent like me got to work thats all.

So its not that you cant do it but you simply didnt huh. Arent you in quite an envious position, damn it.

A prince can live comfortably without doing any work after all. Since I was born into a good family it would be a waste to not get spoiled rotten right.

While saying so, I organized various information that Sebas reported to me.

Most of the time it doesnt have much use but there can be times that such information can be used as well.

From now on I have to search for Rebecca and support the faction from the shadows. Information is my lifeline.

This kind of work can not be neglected.

Arent you quite a good brother to try so hard to make your little brother into an emperor. Oi! Stop with the eye! Not the eye!

Im not doing anything difficult at all. I just moderately put in my effort. If the other guys win I might get executed after all.

Then isnt it fine if you just run away by yourself. No matter how incompetent you are supposed to be, you surely have the mean to do that right.

Well, alone that is.

While saying so, I look at Christa and Rita.

If I run away, I have to bring these children with me. From now on the faction will gradually grow bigger and bigger while the thing I have to protect will increase at the same time.

Escaping might be an unrealistic measure already.

I are quite soft huh.

Just say whatever you want.

Well, I dont hate guys like you. But remember this. If you give me a job, I will do it my own way. You cant come back to complain about it later alright?

He would look cool while saying that if not for the fact that Rita and Christa are pulling both his ears and face making it stretched into a weird shape.

The word surreal might not be enough to describe him now.

Well, I will leave the method to you. I will take the responsibilities so do whatever you want. If you can get the result then I dont have any complaints.

Nice. I will do that then. Oi! Stop pulling my ears already! At least play with my hands or feet!

One thing though, dont bring any woman related problem to me okay?

I have this kind of body now after all. It will be tough you know. Well, maybe a woman or two might fall in love with me but thats not my fault alright.

Sieg said such a thing while being pulled on both hands and is now floating in the air.

Well, at least there would be no woman who would fall for the current Sieg.

thats not what I am worried about so you dont have to worry about that. Alright, Im done. Christa, Rita. what are you going to play today?


Rita wants to play tag! Sieg will be it!

Bring it! I will end this in an instant! Oi! Making me heavier is not fair right!?

You are playing against children so its a handicap.

You say that but you are playing too right!? You cheat!?

Leaving Sieg who was stuck on the floor from the weight alone, I took both Christa and Rita and run away from him.

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