The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 95: Night Battle Prelude

Chapter 95: Night Battle Prelude

A few days after Sieg joined our faction.

I dispatched men to collect information in the imperial capital. What I was searching for is if anyone sees someone unfamiliar or if there are any new faces in the imperial capital. Naturally, this is all for the sake of looking for Rebecca.

So? Is it still not my turn yet?

No, not yet. It will be your turn when we confirm that Rebecca has entered the imperial capital.

About that, is she really going to come here?

I unhesitatingly nod at Siegs question.

Shes a knight that deliberately escaped after Earl Sitterheim entrusted his letter with her. The content of that letter is almost certainly a confession.

If thats the case then her destination is the capital.

If the Southern Nobles are involved in the case then the only one she can make an appeal to is the Emperor himself.

She will definitely come to the imperial capital.

You seem very confident huh. Well, I dont really mind that but how would you go about looking for someone when you dont even know what she looks like?

Theres no problem about that. We already asked for information about her appearance from people who know her in Bassau and have a portrait made. It should arrive today.

Quite a thorough preparation huh?

It was my younger brothers instruction. Not mine.

Hee, as expected of the Hero Prince huh. He sure does a thorough job.

Of course, he gave that instruction because he already anticipated this kind of development, still..Leo felt responsible for her. He probably wants to protect that Rebecca woman.

Earl Dennis von Sitterheim rose up against them because he knew that Leo was coming. Perhaps there was some dissent among their organization before that as well. Still, there was no doubt that what triggered him was Leos arrival.

Leo thought that if he was just a little bit faster or if he chose to stay in Bassau, perhaps the incident could have been avoided.

If its Leo then he will surely feel responsible for it.

Hes soft. Too soft.

Sieg made a fed-up expression.

Well, its true. I also think that Leo shouldnt worry so much about it either.

But, thats Leo.

Sometimes, that softness can save people.

Probably. But a half-ass softness can be an opening for you right?

Sieg points that out with a sharp tone.

As expected of a veteran adventurer. He can be severe at a time like this.

Adventurers always put their lives on the line. Even if they lose their comrades, they have to defeat the monsters. If they give up their request just because of that, everything will be meaningless.

Adventurers are great at controlling their own emotions.

Dont worry. Leos softness is hardcore. Its definitely not some half-ass kindness.

Im not trying to say that

I know. But there wont be any opening created because of that. I am here to guarantee that.

Then I dont mind. I dont want to do something reckless just because my client is too soft alright? I will not take any responsibility for anyones lives besides mine. Especially now.

Thats enough for me. Rebecca will probably be in hiding after she enters the capital. Her pursuer will be Zandras assassins. Maybe another candidate will be deploying some thugs for her as well. If they can get the letter they can negotiate with Leo after all. I want someone who can act in a safe manner in that environment and you cleared that requirement, Sieg.

Whether or not Zandra is directly involved, the Southern Nobles are an important base of her faction. She will not want anyone to attack them. If so, erasing Rebecca and disposing of that letter is the quickest and surest solution. Still, the opposite is also true. Either way, Rebeccas letter is the key to get rid of Zandra.

Thats why if she enters the capital, she will definitely be targeted by multiple factions.

The power structure will completely change depending on the outcome of this battle for Rebecca.

It might be possible to make Zandra drop out of the succession war with this.

If that happens, we will be able to make a big step forward to the throne.

Hey, Kid. Can I suggest to you the most efficient way I can think of right now?

Let them fight each other right? We can just stand by and let them crush each other then we can snatch both Rebecca and the letter away at the final stage.

What. so you already thought of it huh. Why dont you do that?

Well, even if you ask me.

It is certainly the most efficient way to do this.

With Sebas and Sieg we have a high possibility of success. However, if we are going to do that, it means that we will be using Rebecca as a bait.

If you are Rebecca, would you give the letter to the guy who appeared before you at the very end?

I would. Its a hassle after all. I have no use for it and it would only invite danger to me.

Thats a difference between your mindset and hers. Shes a knight. Her purpose is probably to restore the honor of Earl Sitterheim. She will never give that letter to someone she cant trust. No matter how much she has to risk, that letter is still more valuable than her life. For her, that letter is her pride itself.

Prioritizing her pride over her life? Thats just ridiculous.

Yeah, its ridiculous. No matter what, life must be your first priority. Still, a knight is someone who ridiculously places their pride above their life. Thats how a knight is. They are not like us.

You cant do anything with pride.

Pride doesnt make you stronger nor does it can feed you.

But the knights always sing of pride.

Pride is unnecessary for you to live. Still, that unnecessary thing can attract people. The pride of a knight isnt just for an individual. It is something that accumulates. That woman also carries the pride of Earl Sitterheim. Unless she can trust Leo, she will never hand the letter over.

They are really a difficult creature huh, those knights.

You say that but you also have your pride as an adventurer right?

Nope, the heck is an adventurers pride anyway.

Really? I do know of many proud adventurers you know?

Adventurers are free. Therefore, the thing that they decide to do themselves will never be displaced.

Aside from that will, everything about them is terribly lawless so they tend to be looked at as outlaws but most of the adventurers possess an iron will.

They feel responsible for the request they receive. If they dont do that then their reputation will fall. Thats why they will never do that.

The fact that Sieg never talked about the forest he went to shows that he also has that pride as an adventurer. Its clear that it would be better for him if he tells us about it but he still decided not to.

I can feel his strong will from that.

Haa. for me, a proud adventurer is not an adventurer at all though.

Saying so, Sieg put the teacup to his mouth and sip on the black tea.

Then, at the same time, the door opened.

Excuse me. Arnold-sama.

Whats wrong? Sebas?

The portrait has arrived. We also received a report that someone who has a similar description seems to have entered the capital.

I see

I received the portrait from him.

Brown almost orange hair trimmed at the shoulder with a face full of vigor.

I can say that shes beautiful. This is still just a portrait though.

I show the portrait to Sieg.

He then showed a fearless smile.

Well, looking for a beauty like this rather than a monster is more motivating anyway. Lucky me.

Saying so, Sieg prepared to head out with the portrait.

I stopped him and asked Sebas to get the thing.

Oi Oi, you still have more restraint for me?

Its not that. It would be inconvenient for you to carry a spear looking like that right?

Well, yeah.

Sebas soon returns with a small stick in his hand.

The length of the stick is about 30 cm. When I received it from Sebas, I pressed the button on the stick, it then turned into a two meters long spear.


Its a transformable magic tool. How about it?

I put the spear back to its original form and threw it toward Sieg.

Sieg receives it and turns it into a spear again.

Its a bit light..well, not bad I guess.

Saying so, Sieg casually swung it around.

Even though the room is filled with many things, he doesnt hit them at all.

Sieg stops swinging his spear and instantly thrust it out.

The speartip stops just before the teacup that Sieg had been drinking from.

Its a good spear. Whats its name?

Magic spear [Ruin]. If you like it then feel free to use it.

Yeah, I willAh, thats right.

Sieg, who was about to leave the room, stopped his legs.

On the other hand, Sebas who was leaving left the room regardless.

If I cant save her lifeI will be prioritizing the letter alright?

I told you that I will leave the method to you right?

You cant complain to me later okay. That letter will be my top priority. You got that?

Thats fine with me. But


I look straight at Sieg.

Sieg asked me that after he made his resolve.

If so, then I have to answer him with mine.

You have to make sure. I will not forgive you if you do not try saving her. Help her with all your power. If you still cant save her then prioritize the letter.

I gave him my command while placing my elbows on the desk and put my hands together.

Perhaps he didnt expect such a strong sense of intimidation from me, Siegs eyes were opened in surprise.


I see, isnt that a great eye you have there. Got it. Look forward to the results.

Thank you.

Saying so, Sieg walks out following Sebas.

Leo will be searching for Rebecca as well but the move that will matter in this will probably be Sebas and Siegs.

Whoever can get their hands on Rebecca will be able to decide the future of the succession war.

From now on, the night will be our main stage for a while.

The other side is prepared for a bloodbath as well.

Thats why we have to win.

Now, I will have you exit the stage soon. Zandra.

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