The Wandering Inn

Book 4: Chapter 21: E

Book 4: Chapter 21: E

Day 61

I used to be afraid of getting up in the morning. Or rather, reluctant. There are days when I want to crawl into my warm blankets and hide. Sleep is an alluring thing.

Funny. Having someone I love changes that. I feel Durenes presence when I sleep and when I wakeshes inevitably up before I am. And because I miss that, I get up.

That still doesnt mean I like the sensation of wandering around Durenes cottage and getting dressed in the morning any better. Durene is quite warm at nightenough so that blankets are necessary and clothing is not, but in the morning, her absence makes things chilly.

Is it undignified for an [Emperor] to walk around looking for a clean shirt and arguing with his pet bird? If it is, only Durene sees that aspect of me. When I exit my cottage, I am dressed, fed, and mostly coherent.

Todays a big day. Just like yesterday. The man from Windrest, Helm, is due to return with his villagers tonight. I sent him back with an escort and the Wildfrozen Riders will have left already to escort the villagers down the road to my village.

I hope they make it here safely. Goblin attacks are on the rise and many villages are in danger. Thats why this morning I make it a priority to talk with the two adventurers who are waiting for me first.

Odveig, Wiskeria, can I trouble you to talk this morning? Durene has some tea hot in the cottage. Prost, is there anything I need to take care of at the moment?

Nothing, sire. Gamel and I will await you in the village.

Prost gives me a surprisingly elegant bow and he and Gamel retreat. The two female adventurers, the leader and sub-leader of the Celestial Trackers, exchange glances. The shorter one with the mace shifts uncomfortably.

I would hate to intrude Mister LI mean, your majesty!

No need to worry about formalities, Odveig. Ive told you that.

Sorry, milord.

I smile reassuringly at her. Shes clearly uncomfortable around me, still. Wiskeria on the other hand seems to have adjusted to the current situation quite well.

Its quite cold out. Id like to ask about the Goblin attacks and what you know of them.


Odveig seems relieved; I can hear her tone lighten and sense her posture change. She nods at Wiskeria.

If thats what the problem is, we can talk about the Goblins. Theres nota problem in my eyes, but well know more about the threat once the villagers return, right enough.

Theres something funny about the way she says not a, as if its one word. Perhaps its because Im blind, but that instantly puts a smile on my face to hear an accent so nicely distinct.

Funny, I cant help but think of her as Scottish or of some similar heritage. Her accents a good bit different, but theres that name andwait, is Odveig a Scottish name? NoI dont think so. What country then?

Ah, does it matter? Theres only so many ways words can be written in any language, and this worlds fixation on the English language means there would be parallels. And why does everyone speak English? Ryoka had a theory

I lead the two young women insidewell, Odveig is definitely older than I am, and Wiskerias probably older tooand they take a seat on one of Durenes oversized stools and sip from her mugs. Durenes already left to help in the village.

It seems like a lovely cottage, sire.

Wiskeria sits comfortably in Durenes home. I cant detect a hint of disingenuity in her voice, so I hope shes being honest.

Yeah, its ah, a really nice place, your majesty.

Odveig is a poor liar. I can sense her sitting across from me, looking around anxiously and then at me while she clutches her mug in both hands. She hesitates.

Not to pry, but why are you staying here? As I said, its wonderful butwouldnt it be safer to sleep in the village? I know a few good houses have been dug outtheyd surely be more comfortable than herenot that here is

She stumbles over her words and shuts up, embarrassed. I smile at her again.

Im sure it would, but this cottage has sentimental value to me, Odveig. I first met Durene here, and its a fine place for me to sleep and work from. I seldom stay here anyways; its got a few of my possessions, and a bed, which is all a good home needs.

Ah. Well. Thats good. Uh, you said you wanted to talk to us about Goblins? Your majesty?

I hope she can get over her awkwardness soon. Covering an internal sigh, I reach for my mug. Oops. Its empty.

Allow me.

Wiskeria takes the tea pot over the fire and fills the cup for me quite gracefully. Im surprisedshe could be a [Maid], not a [Witch] for how coordinated she is. I nod to her.

Thank you, Wiskeria.

Yes, Wiskeria and Odveig are an odd duo. Odveigs clearly at home with the mace she uses, but shes far more awkward outside of battle, and thats presumably why she turns to Wiskeria for advice so often. Wiskeria, the [Witch] often seems to have answers when Odveig falters.

Shes competent, quiet, well-spoken andmy first pick if it comes to it. But enough about that. Ill get to know them more over the next few days. I steeple my fingers together as if Im at a board meeting and lean over the table.

Goblins. I know theyre attacking villages all over the place. Is that normal? It seems like these villages are prey to any kind of monsters that come along. How could anyone survive like this?

Wiskeria and Odveig exchange a glance. Its Wiskeria who speaks for the both of them. I can sense that she wears some kind of glassesspectacles I think these ones are called. She adjusts the frame as she speaks.

Goblin attacks are common in most places of the world as Im sure you know, sire. However, around Invrisil, theyre known to be well-coordinated and particularly nasty. Not that theyre particularly common or this viciousmostly, Goblins will raid a farm and steal what animals they can, make away with a [Farmer]s storessometimes kill, but usually they just want food. These ones are different.

Its this new Great Goblin Chieftain. There was word a while backa group of women were found outside the gates of Merendia not two weeks back. Apparently a Goblin tribe of all things left them there.

A Goblin tribe? But waitthese womenwere they?

The silence from both Wiskeria and Odveig confirms my darkest suspicions. Odveig clears her throat.

Its just rumor and hearsay, but I heard that this Goblin tribe actually rescued them. Apparently, theres a huge Goblin tribe living in a nearby mountainDwarfhalls Rest its called. We had no notion it was occupied, but theres a Great Goblin Chieftain living there, or so the women claim.

A Great Chieftain?

Id never heard of it myself, your majesty. Its caused panic all over the nearest cities once they heard of it, especially with this Goblin Lord to the south.

Right. Goblin Lord south, Great Chieftain around here.

Its hard keeping track of this Goblin news Durene and the others seem so well-versed in. Ive never met a Goblin. They sound like horrible monsters, though. Very Tolkein-esque. And a Great Chieftain is apparently bad news. City-ending bad news, which is a horrible thought.

It seems this other Goblin tribe splintered from the mountain. The woman claimed there was fighting and they were helped to escape. Well, the upshot of that is that the Goblins that still remain in the mountain are hopping mad. Probably lost a lot of food or whatever they were hoarding, so theyre hitting villages and towns with massive raiding parties. Not just a few Goblin stragglers with knives and rocksHobgoblins and lots of smaller Goblins with real weapons.

That sounds like exactly the sort of thing I didnt want to hear. I must look worried, because Wiskeria hastens to assure me.

You paid for both our group and the Windfrozen Riders, sire. Were capable of fighting off any lone raiding party aimed at a village. However, it might be best to take precautions.

Indeed. Thank you for telling me. If you dont mind, Id like to discuss exactly what you had in mind. These Goblinssay they came to this village. How would you prefer to fight them off?

Thats the first part of my day. After talking with both adventurers, I immediately head into the village and find Prost.

Hes busy supervising a bunch of young men and women who are busy cutting down and then cutting up trees. Im no carpenter, so the flurry of movement is all a mystery to me. But this is the first step on getting those new houses done.

Mister Prost.

Your majesty! What can I do for you?

A lot, unfortunately. Ive just talked with Wiskeria and Odveigtheyre concerned about Goblin attacks and so am I.

My voice is loud enough that the other villagers working on the trees glance up. Prost sounds concerned.

Yes, your majesty. Weve heard the same. Its customary for a few of the older folk with levels to organize a militia of sorts, but thats only if we think theres a handful of Goblins hiding out. If theres a lot, we can only trust to adventurers.

True. But that doesnt mean we have to sit idly knowing there are Goblins around. I was thinking we could add a palisade to the list of things were building.

A palisade, sir?

Palisades. Fences made of sharpened wood stakes. Prost is certainly familiar with the idea, but Riverfarm never had any walls of any sort. Nevertheless, when I give him the idea he agrees its possible. Only

Only, its difficult, sire. I have this lot hewing the wood and then planing it for construction with hand-tools, but thats a far cry from a sawmill, which is what Id prefer. Itll be slow going without more hands

Well get those soon enough. However, Im not suggesting we put up walls all the way around the village. A few to block off the most undefended routes would be good to start with. I was thinking around the barn, using the back as a wall, you see?

Oh! Right!

Prost and I do a short tour of the village and go over how many trees hed need for that, and the time it would take. When he goes off to shout that he needs more hands for trees, I wander back over to Gamel. I heard his voice and sensed he was among the workers there.

Gamel, hows work going?

The young man pauses with some sort of long iron bar in his hands. Hes using it to keep the log steady while others hack at it with axes. It looks complex, and Im sorry to have stopped him, but he and the others immediately jump to their feet.

Your majesty!

I dont want to disrupt you. I just thought Id ask how youre doing.

Well, sire. Im happy to be helping and be back in the village. I uh, this is Tessia and Erhart. Tessias a childhood friend. She and I, uh

Gamel stammers and introduces me to two people, one of whom is a young woman hes clearly biased towards. They introduce themselves, bowing and curtseying awkwardlyalthough both are wearing trousers and thick clothing because its cold.

Your majesty, Im honored.

The young woman known as Tessia has a quiet voice as she introduces herself. Erhart seems tongue-tied at meeting me.

I smile at Tessia, and then remember a young woman with a shard of wood sticking out of her leg as the digging team pulls her out of the snow. She remembers too, and bows low over my hand as I offer it.

II wanted to saythank you. I cant ever say what it meansI thought when I was down there

Her voice breaks. I grip her hands as Gamel reaches for Tessias shaking shoulders.

I know. Im glad I could help.

Thats all. I leave the two to the tree and step away. Ive had similar conversations with almost all of Riverfarms people at one point or another. Its not embarrassing so much as painful when I speak to them.

I wish I could have saved them all. But I know what was impossible.

Something else attracts my attention as I talk about how many trees need to be cut for the new defenses. I sense a large number of bodies entering the outskirts of the village and hear shouts coming from that direction.

Prost. I think the people from Windrest are here.

Prost and I hurry over to where the commotion is happening. In my sense of the village I can tell a huge crowd has entered, accompanied by a few donkeys pulling wagons, overloaded carts with valuable possessions

Its a nightmare. I didnt expect an entire villages worth of people! NoI did expect it, but seeing the population of Riverfarm double in a moment blows me away. If I didnt have my inner view of the village, the noise alone would render my sense of hearing useless.

There he is!

I hear a voice. Helm is shouting and waving towards me and Prost as we stride towards the crowd. I hear the majority of voices cut off, and then every eye is on me. A few people begin whispering incredulously in the crowd.

Is that him? Is that

An [Emperor]? In Izril?

Whys he got his eyes closed? You cant mean hes truly blind? Not


Prosts voice shouts across the entire village. I can sense the man standing tall beside me. He waves a hand and the villagers fall still. Oh, well if Prosts got itI relax a bit. Too soon!

Kneel before Emperor Laken, the Protector of Riverfarm! In his mercy, he has allowed you to

I elbow Prost in the side and cut him off before he can say anything more. Okay, not what I hoped he would say. I clear my throat, and take a few steps forwards. Every eye is on me. I speak, calmly, reassuringly.

I am Laken Godart. An [Emperor].

Voices. Murmuring. I wait for silence, and go on.

I welcome you to Riverfarm, people of Windrest. Please know that you will be safe here. However, while you stay in my domain, you must obey me as your ruler.

ShockI wish I could see their expressions, with my eyes. I sense people shifting around me. But I dont move. I am that I am. Calm. This is how it is.

I own these lands. If you cannot accept that, I am afraid there is no place for you. But know this: while you are here, I will do everything in my power to protect you. You have my word on it.

Silence. Then I hear someone clapping. Prost. This time its whats needed. The people of Riverfarm begin cheering my name, and then I hear the people of Windrest take up the feeling. They shout my name and cluster around me.

Do they believe Im an [Emperor]? I dont know, but Durene tells me I have a look about me that makes me different. And whatever they believe, Ive promised them safety. So they shout my name and a man fights his way to me.

Your majesty, its me! Helm, sire!

I find my hand being shaken rapidly by huge, callused hands that nearly break mine. I extricate myself from Helms grip as he shouts at me.

Were ready to work, sire! I know theres houses needing to be dug out and more builtus Windrest folk have brought our tools and theres some good [Carpenters] and [Builders] among us! Just say the word and well do what needs doing, milord! Im a [Blacksmith]! I have my anvilId sorely love to ply my trade here, if your lordships willing?

Didnt I hear that Izril has a lot of [Lords] and [Ladies]? It seems like Im being treated like a more outstanding version of one. I nod at Helm, raising my voice so the people around me can hear.

Well have work for you soon, Mister Helm. If youve an anvil, all the better. We could use nails, repairs to tools that were damaged in the avalanche, more nailstheres always work for a [Blacksmith], as Im sure youre aware.

Yessir! And the rest of my kinIve a cousin and two daughters, what will they

Helms voice is anxious. I place a hand on his shoulderamazing the people around me since Im talking and moving with my eyes closedand reassure the man.

Everyone will work, dont you worry, Mister Helm. So long as people work, theyll have a roof over their heads and a hot belly and a place to sleep. We might have to build the roofs first, butif you have any concerns, Prost, my [Steward], will handle them.

When I mention Prosts class I hear gasps, none more loudly than Helms own. As if my words have summoned him, Prost strides into the crowd and takes the attention of the group off of me.

The [Emperor]s not a man who has the time to deal with you louts himself! Line updivide yourselves by classes, the lot of you! Ill put families together once weve sleeping places sorted outleave your tools and such over there! Well organize it later I said! And well share what we haveno hoarding! Helm, whos the [Village Head] around here?

I walk away from the group and watch Prost get to work. Hes efficient. The people of Windrest know what to do, and when he tells them where to put their belongings and what needs doing, experienced workers like the [Carpenters] immediately peel off and get to work on the felled trees, while other [Woodcutters] grab axes and head towards people cutting.

More people go to the barn to help unload the carts, quite a number of women and a few men stay to manage the children, and in the midst of it all, an old man with a limp, bad posture, and a desperate note in his voice grabs me.

Your majesty, I beg a word.

Certainly, uh

Jelov, your majesty! Im afraid that your man Prost might not have a job for me! IIm old and might not be worth the effort of keeping, but I beg your mercy! Please!

He looks desperate, and no wonder. Hes the oldest person Ive seen in this world, and his hands are as contorted as his back. I calm him down and take him a few feet away from the crowd around Prost.

Im sure theres work for you Jelov. Whats your class?

Woodworking sire!

Oh? Well, if youre a [Carpenter]

The mans voice contorts with equal measures agony and indignation.

Im no [Carpenter], your eminence. Im a [Carver]damned class though it is! I carve toys of wood, hilts, handlesmy hands cant hold an axe in my old age, much less lift all that weight! Theres not a call for it at the moment, not now with folks building and whatnot. No need for toys when theres not enough places to sleep, but its all I can do!

He looks pleadingly at me.

I wouldnt dare ask normally, but Ive a granddaughter and if I cant work

Of course you can work! If carvings what you do, well let you carve, Jelov. Toys? Why wouldnt we need them? Children have to play after a disaster, and Id consider it a blessing to have things to occupy them.

The old mans eyes widen as I interrupt him. He looks so relieved he might faint. I can see whyif a village is in dire straits, the elderly might be the first to be deemed expendable.

Why thank you sire, Id do whatever needs doingI could fletch too, although Im a slow hand if its not with a carving knife

No, no. Carvings just the thing. You could help me with a project I need doing.

Is it coincidence Jelov found me? I recall one of the thingsa piece of advice Id been given. Intrigued, Jelov cocks his head to one side, his beard blowing in the wind.

Youd like something carved, [Emperor] Laken, sire? I can do detailed woodwork. A piece for your mantle?

More like a pole in the ground. Im thinking of a large wooden pole, Jelov, the kind of thing you could plant in the ground and leave for years. Like a signpost, onlyetched.

Etched? Ah, you mean illustrated with letters and so on, sire? I could do that! Is there a name for this piece youd want?

Less of a piece, and more of a marker. Lets call it a, uh, totem pole of sorts.

The old man starts looking worried again, and just when Id calmed him down.

Totem, sire? What kind of wood is totem? Weve naught but cedar trees around here mainly, although I know a good birch

Uh, not that. Its a kind of carving. Which Id greatly desire. Do you think you could take a large block of wood, around this wide

I measure a square about a hand-and-a-half wide in each direction and eight feet high for Jelov and tell him what Im thinking. Soon the old mans stroking at his beard and chattering to me, spraying me and the nearby surroundings with a bit of spit as he does. His earlier timidness is gone as his love of the craftand pridetakes over.

A pole like that? Pshawoops, sorry bout that, your majesty. Carving a few fancy shapes into this much wood? Naught a problem. See, the issues in varnishing and I know a few young lads whod do it right quick if you let me have themand Ive the oils and resins I bought from an [Alchemist]. Served me well these last few yearsno, I could have it carved up in a day or two. The processings the thing, see? And design of course.

So quickly?

I edge away from Jelov, but he just crabs over to me, talking excitedly. Aw, well, who needs a dry face anyways? Isnt spit good for the skin?

Im not this old for nothing, sire! Ive many a Skillreckon I could get a good start, just so long as I know what youre wanting. Got anything in particular you want on it, or just some fancy etchings? I can do fancyfolk think Ive written mage symbols when theyre nothing but scribbling on the bark.

I have an idea, thank you. Id like the top to have a symbol. This would be a, uh, marker of sorts, so I want it to show that.

Right, right. What kind of symbol?

How aboutan eye?

I really hadnt though this part through too much. I need a symbol of my domain, so an eye naturally pops into my mind. I sketch an Egyptian-style eye into the ground and Jelov nods appreciatively.

Not hard at all. You want two of them?

Ones fine. It would go here at the top, and then maybe carve a line to separate itcan you put the eye in a, ah, triangle? A pyramid? It would look like this.

Ooh, now thats occult, sire. Feels like its staring at me, so it does. And them little linesare they bricks?

Yes. Yes, thats a pyramid. An ancient structure. And below it, some ground

Ah! A floating eye in a pyramid-thingy! Very good. I can carve that no problem sire.

Jelovs making encouraging noises, probably taken with the symbol Im designing for him. Myself, I feel a bitembarrassed. Its not as if Im coming up with the design, obviously.

Its just a silly thought. But the Eye of Providencea part of the U.S. bill and often associated with the Illuminatiis a cool symbol. It makes for as good an inscription as any, and I have a sense that this totem pole, this marker, needs to have this kind of symbol.

Because it will represent my people, my village. Me. And I can always change it later.

Thats the head taken care of your majesty. Whats the next bit?

Next bit? Uh

Theres a lot of totem pole to go. I frown, thinking on the go.

How about some fancy symbols below it? You could do aa hawk. And a village, maybe? And then you write on it sidewaysClaimed by Emperor Laken Godart. How about that?

Jelovs busy drawing in the dirt. When hes done, I stare at the plans for a totem pole practically covered by fancy occult stuff that has the old man rubbing his hands together in glee. I smile.

Add whatever you think might be good. Maybe carve it so its not just a rectangle of wood? Ill leave it to you, but when you have the final design, show it to me. Illneed quite a few once we have the design set.

At once, your [Emperor]-ness! Ill uh, need a piece of wood

Ill have Prost get some to you right away. And helpers if you need it, but for now the pole?

At once! Dont you worry milord, Ill have the pole ready to show you tomorrow. Let me just find my best knifehave to cut with the best tools I say. Have you met my daughter? Want to show her the trade, by your lords leave of course. A natural. Woodworkings in the family blood. Youll seeitll be my finest work, my word on it. Wont let you down. I recall one time I did a piece

Somehow, I get away from Jelov and by the time I do, the village is bustling with activity. Prost is in the thick of it, and I find myself talking with people, reassuring them, pointing out my adventurers andbeing an [Emperor], I guess. I have an answer for every trivial problem, which isnt hard, but Im doing it and everyones watching, which is apparently all they need.

The sun has set by the time I have a bowl of hot soup in my hands and am eating it standing up. Im exhausted from talking, but I have time for one last person who approaches me on horseback.

What news, Beniar?

The adventurer and captain of the Windfrozen Riders ducks his head towards me, for once not showering me with compliments or praising himself. He sounds grim, and a bit worried.

Trouble, your majesty. Windrest was mostly devastated, but its hardly the only village. I met a group of travelers on the road heading straight for Invrisilthey say their village was attacked and torched. The Goblins took everything and slaughtered everyone they caught. Theyre killing this time, not just raiding.

I feel coldness inside my heart. Goblins. I nod to the village.

Do you think theyll come here?

Unless they get what they want, its a surety, sire. Well double our patrols, but Id be more comforted if I knew how many Goblins might come our way. We can handle Hobgoblins, a large band, even a Goblin [Shaman] if one of those bastards is hiding among them. But Goblins can come at any time, from anywhere. Thats what makes them dangerous.

I understand. And I have a plan to deal with that, Beniar.

Do you, your majesty?

He sounds skeptical. I just smile at him.

Trust me.

He hesitates. I can hear him getting off his horse, and then shouting for some soup for himself and fodder for his mount.

For some reason, I do your majesty. Emperor Laken.


Im a bit uncomfortable with Emperor Laken, but it is who I am. And Beniar seems to think so too. I sense him nodding towards the villagers.

Ive never seen a [Lord] shaking common folks hands before, much less an [Emperor]. It gives them hope. IIm glad you care about villagers, sire. I was one once, too.

Villagers. Lords. Were all people, Beniar.

He laughs shortly.

Yeah, but youd not see a [Lord] care so for common folk.

Really? Thenhere.

I hold one of my hands out to Beniar while I cradle the hot soup bowl with the other. He stares at it. I waggle my fingers impatiently.

Go on, shake it.

He does, tentatively. I smile at him and take another hot spoonful of soup.

Well? How does it feel? Youve just shaken hands with an [Emperor]. Im no [Lord], Beniar. Im better than that. I care about all of my subjects. And Ill protect them no matter what.

He stares at me.

Does that include us, sire? Me and my riders?

Ive hired you. While you work for me, Ill do my best to make sure youre as safe as anyone else.

Thats reassuring to hear, your majesty.

Yes, it is, isnt it? Lets work hard to make sure Im not made into a liar, Beniar.

Yes, your majesty.

[Emperor Level 10!]

[Skill Empire: Low-born Militias Obtained!]

[Skill Rallying Presence Obtained!]

Is there an instruction manual or something?

Whuzzat, Laken?

Nothing, Durene.

Day 62

People skills. Thats all being an [Emperor] is. People skills. Or is it more like a video game about allocating resources? My job as an [Emperor] is not to manage the details of what I doI have Prost, Helm, and the other older villagers to take that duty off of me. I look at the grand scheme, give broad orders, deal with situations

And make sure people do whats most effective. Which is why Beniars enthusiasm can be a problem.

Give us the order, and well bring back enough game to feed the village, sire! My team can cover countless miles and be back by the end of the day!

Beniar seems determined to be of help the next day, but in an odd way. Hes offered to hunt, and I admit, having a food source might be just the thing now that we have far more mouths to feed than I had projected for. Prost calculates that we have enough supplies to last for a month, but not through till spring anymore.

Still, I shake my head as I talk with Beniar and the other adventurers in the morning.

Id rather have your people patrolling. A few hunters might be acceptable Beniar, but your riders need to patrol.

As you say, sire.

Hes disappointed, but his idea is solid. I turn to Odveig and Wiskeria.

Do you think you could hunt with your group, Odveig? Wiskeria? If the Windfrozen Riders patrolled, I think we could spare the Celestial Trackers.

Theyre not a mounted group, so the idea seems fine to me. Wiskeria voices her agreement immediately.

We could send several groups out, sire. There are trails of deer and other animals we picked up

Its Odveig who interrupts her, shaking her head adamantly.

Not a good idea, Wiskeria. I think well keep our group here by your leave, your majesty. There could be trouble and Id hate to fail our contract if we dont keep you safe from all dangers.

She frowns at Wiskeria and I frown too. But Odveig is the leader and she makes sense. The Mossbear could wake up, or something else could happen.

If youre sure. In that case Beniar, Ill let you take three of your riders and huntthe rest will spread out with the Celestial Trackers nearby

Every day has a challenge. Todays is rats. Apparently, the new ground Prost is trying to dig up has rats.

In the winter.

How are there rats, Mister Prost?

I walk around the edge of the new village boundary. I can vaguely sense this place, mainly because the villagers are laying down the foundations of the new houses as we speak. Prost grimaces.

The little devils have to make their burrows somewhere, Emperor Laken.

Yes, butwhat do they eat? How can they survive?

Theres root stores in the ground, and the rodents prey on our fields. I reckon theres a few burrows heretheyll infest the houses and cause a mess if we cant get rid of them first.

Righthow do we do that?

Prost sighs, sounding vexed.

Only way is to dig up all the ground about here with pitchforks and kill the damned vermin as they come out.

I frown.

That sounds like itll take a lot of time and effort we dont want to spare.

Yes sire, but its the only way. We dont know where they could be hiding

Wait. I frown as Prost says that. Rats, hiding in the ground? I feel likeI feel like I might be able to solve this one. I cut Prost off and stare at the ground. This area is mine. Vaguely mine. And I can sense what goes on in the ground, cant I? I saved the villagers that way. So why cant I look


My senses go beneath the earth. I sense thick, rich loam beneath my feet, rootsthe remains of a grass stalk and its system. And across from metwo feet down, a tunnel network. Something moves in it. Big, furry, chewing at a bug that wriggles through the soil

Emperor Laken? Sire?

A hand touches my shoulder and I nearly jump out of my skin. I start, look around. Prost is staring at me with concern in his eyes. I blink at him, and then grin weakly.

Mister Prost, I think I can solve our problems. But well need a way to kill the rats when they come up. Unless youre planning on stomping the rats to death or hacking them apart?

I dont think I could stand to see that. But Prost only smiles.

No sire, weve a time and tested way to deal with that!



Dogs. Eight dogs of varying shapes and colors snuffle around my feet and sniff me, wagging their tails as they circle around Prost and a group of [Farmers] with shovels and pitchforks. I watch as Prost sticks his pitchfork into the loose, frozen earth thats been broken up and lift it with a grunt.

Something squeaks. I recoil, and the dogs go nuts as a group of rats unearthed by the pitchfork flee. The dogs growl and run down the rodents in moments. The [Farmers] cheer them on, whistling as they unearth more rats which the dogs hunt down with almost contemptuous ease.

Terriers. The worlds finest ratters. Of course, thats what they were bred for, back when they werent just pets but companions. I feel stupid for not thinking of it, but Im both gratified and entertained to see the dogs in their elements. They clearly love to hunt down the rat nests which I can pinpoint with ease.

Thats right. Just like the villagers trapped under the snow, I can see under the ground. And that means I can see every rat thats infested the fields were trying to turn into a new area for houses.

It feels almost dirty to have this ability. And I have to say, when Prosts pitchfork comes up with a tiny impaled rat on it, still squeaking and struggling I feel awful. But they are rats. Theyll destroy a field and breed until they start eating each other given half a chance, and Prost and the other farmers clearly hate them with a passion.

Damned fine work, your majesty!

One of the farmers shouts at me, earning a jab from his friends for swearing, but I only grin and wave at him. This is one of the cases where my [Emperor] talents really help the villagers in a concrete way. I wonder if all [Emperors] can see their lands like I do. Am I just attuned to these senses more than others because Im blind?

Ah, well, I cant tell.

I hear a squawk as another group of rats makes it to the surface to be pounced upon by the dogs the villagers of Windrest brought with them. I look over and hear fluttering wings.

Frostwing giving you trouble, Gamel?

I think she wishes to join in the hunt, sire.

Gamel struggles with my pet bird. Frostwings bigger than ever and antsy at being cooped up in Durenes cottage all day, so Ive asked Gamel to bring her with me when I walk around the village. It might have been a mistake. Frostwing is struggling as she perches on his armhe has to wear a cloth armguard to keep her talons from puncturing his skin.

Calm down, Frostwing.

She shuts up for a second, and I can sense her head turning to glare at me. I nod to Prost.

Heres another nest.

I tap the ground and the man comes over and sticks his pitchfork in the dirt. The dogs tense and he heavesrats go flying.

Frostwing shrieks as the rats run about. I hear Gamel struggling to keep the bird steady on his arm as she flaps wildly. Then her wings open. She launches herself from his arm.

She flies.

Five feet. Frostwing smacks into a rat as it tries to scurry away from one of the dogs. She knocks the rodent aside and then hops towards it, wings spread aggressively. I see Prost yanking one of the excited dogs back as Frostwing pecks at the large rat with her sharp beak. It tries to flee and she hops right after it.

There have been epic battles waged in the name of survival between different animal groups. The duel between the lone rat and the fledgling Frostwing is not one of them. She pecks at the rat and the rat tries to run. Frostwing pursues, hopping rather than flying, and I give her a bit of assistance, blocking the rat with my foot.

Hop, peck. Hop, peck. In the end Frostwing downs the rat, but I have to say, she does not deserve the sense of satisfied pride I feel from her in my mind. As my bird savages the rat shes killed and begins to disembowel it, I kneel by her side.

Whos a good bird? You are. Youre a good bird. Even if you are fairly bad at your job.

She pecks at me with a bloody beak, and then flares her wings aggressively as one of the villagers dogs sniffs near her. It retreats, whining, and I decide to pick Frostwing up before she can cause trouble. She agrees to perch on my arm only after grabbing her kill in one talon. On the way back to the cottage she drops the rat. Twice. Nothing would do but I let her grab it again.

Ah, birds. Theyre quite stupid. Dumber than dogs at times, which Ill admit is difficult. But I love mine even so.


Emperor Laken! Your majesty, I have your pole of totems! Here! Wont you inspect it?

At the end of the day Jelov comes to me with a finished pole, just as hes promised. I inspect the pole with my hands, running my fingertips along the carvings, and feeling the deep-cut symbols in the wood. I get a splinter. Twice.

Its not smoothed yet, and theres work to be done rounding and varnishing, but if youre satisfied, I can copy the design onto however many poles you want, sire!

That will be excellent, Jelov. Youre a fine craftsman.

Thank you, your majesty!

He beams. I wonder whether anyone else in the world has ever been so happy to have their work praised by a blind man. But this new totem pole has caught peoples imaginations. Certainly Durenes.

Its so creepy, Laken! Are you sure you have to have the floating eye-thing? I keep thinking its staring at me and Jelovs carved it onto all four sides, so its staring at you no matter where youre facing!

Its important because its a marker, Durene. The symbol marks who I am. Okay, maybe it was a mistake to make it the Eye of Providence, but

Oh, if its a symbol, thats fine. I was worried itd be on our flag or something!

I have to laugh as I sit next to her.

Flag? Our flag? What are you talking about?

Durene turns to me, surprised, as she munches on some fresh bread that Prosts wife, Yesel baked in one of the ovens we uncovered this morning.

Well, were obviously going to have a flag. This is your empire, right? Our empire, I mean. Youre going to rule us so weve got to have a flag! And a name! I think the Unseen Empire sounds cool, dont you?

The question throws me completely for a second. An empire? I suppose that is the logical step, but Ive just seen what Im doing as managing a village. But Durenes already talking about it as if its an empire. I try to quell the uneasiness her words provoke with a slight joke.

Were far away from an empire, Durene. Were just a village

Two villages, now.

True. But the people of Windrest are just staying here because theyre afraid. Once the Goblins are gone

Theyll still be your subjects. They said so.

Who did?

The people of Windrest, silly! You promised to keep them safe, remember? Its as good as being protected by a [Lord], they say, only youre real. I dont think theyd go anywhere even if the Goblins were gone.

The statement leaves me flabbergasted. Silent. Durene chews happily.

Want some bread? Its really good and doughy, the way I like it! Laken? Hello? Laken?

[Beast Tamer Level 5!]

Day 63

The reports of Goblin attacks continue. Beniar brings in two travelers on the road who say their caravan has been attacked by Goblins, a group of well-armed ones that looted their wagons and slaughtered their guards in a moment. I take them into the village. What am I supposed to do?

The situation with the Goblin incursions is clearly getting worse. I have an impromptu meeting with Beniar, Odveig, Prost, and Wiskeria and come to a quick decision.

Train them.


Anyone who wants to be trained. My village needs soldiers to protect it, and not just your adventurers.

I rest my hands on the table and stare at Beniar, Odveig, and Wiskeria. They sound uncertain, but my minds made up. Odveig coughs.

Begging your pardon sire, but were adventurers, not instructors. We can teach basic swordplay and fighting skills I suppose, butbut we cant lead a group. And itll take weeks to make proper warriors out of most of this lot!

You dont have to worry. I have aSkill that might help matters.

I grin at Odveig. I gained the [Empire: Low-born Militias] skill two days ago and Ive been wondering what it does. I cant help but suspect it would grant my subjects some combat prowess on the field. As for [Rallying Presence]I cant help but feel thats one of the reasons why Windrests villagers have grown to trust me so quickly.

Regardless, relying on the two adventuring teams Ive hired isnt a good move long-term, which is why Ive come up with this idea. I nod towards the [Witch] as she adjusts her pointy hat. Indoors. I guess she just likes wearing it.

Wiskeria, do you think you could teach some of the people with magical aptitudes some magic? Gamel knows a fire spell, but its not useful for anything but lighting quick fires. If he could throw fire on the other hand

I could teach them a bit, sire.

And Ill show your young folk some swordplay your majesty, dont fret! If Odveig wants to look out for Goblins, Ill gladly demonstrate my Skills!

Beniar is only too happy with the idea, of course. I smile sardonically.

If youre willing Beniar, Id be grateful. However, Id like you to take a certain student under your wing personally?

Who? Your man Gamel? I could turn him into a decent [Warrior] with enough time. Itd be my pleasure

No. Durene.

The tent goes silent. I sense Beniar gaping at me, but its Wiskeria who agrees first.

Durene? Shes stronger than anyone Ive met. As strong as a Minotaur. Stronger perhaps, with her [Enhanced Strength] Skill. Give her a sword and wed have a warrior capable of facing down a Hob.

Shes untrained! And theres not a sword that would fit her hands. Wed need a custom-built greatsword, and that would cost

Odveig protests, but my mind is made up. Within the hour, I have Durene, Gamel, and a bevy of young men and a surprising number of young women who have volunteered to train with the adventurers.

Beniars all for teaching everyone how to use a bunch of practice swords that Jelov and some [Carpenters] have thrown together, but I stop him and ask him to run the trainees through some exercises first.

Exercises, your majesty? What, like swinging a sword? I can do that, but holding a swords important. Half of your folk look like theyd cut their thumbs off, swinging the swords like they are.

I nod, watching Durene lift a huge club made from hammered-together bits of wood. It looks like a poor weapon, but I cant help but wonder how much damage it would do if she smacked me with it. Certainly the other villagers are keeping away from her, and shes using a partially-converted door as a shield. It still has the door handle on it.

I know swordplay is important, but from what I understand, classes and Skills still rely on the body of each individual and their skill, dont they?

TrueI suppose I could have them train their bodies a bit. Although your villagers are fairly hale, milord.

Hale isnt the same as trained. Im thinking of giving them a little test first. Some running, arm exercises


I nod to the excited villagers and eye Riverfarm. Its an expanded mess of tents and lean-tos as the first few proper houses are going up. But the snows mostly cleared by now and theres a good path for people to run around in.

Six laps around the village might be good. Its not too far. If they do that every day when they wake, I think it would help. And pushups. Sit-upsIll show you how to do burpees. Its a delightful exercise that everyones sure to love.

Is there a bit of devil in me? Perhaps. I smile a bit as I see Beniar go over to the villagers and watch their enthusiasm drain away when they hear what theyre going to be doing. I also studiously ignore Durenes glare as Beniar leads the villagers away at a run.

Im no expert at swordplay. I have listened to descriptions of how soldiers train, though, and I am aware that a fit body matters a lot in battle. Is this the right method, teaching villagers how to do exercises that have half of them groaning with muscle pains by the end of it? Maybe, maybe not.

All I know is that by the end of the training session, the excited young villagers are a lot less excited about the prospect of training to be [Warriors]. By the time Beniar has them learning to hold a sword, half of them are looking longingly towards the other villagers and their normal duties.

Thats where I step in. Everyone turns to stare at me as I walk forwards. Beniars busy showing them how to strike properly. I raise my voice and address them all.

Im glad so many of you want to learn to fight. But please know this: if you want to train, Ill expect you to do what you just did every day, not just today. Youll have days to rest, but youll be exercising like this as well as training and doing your jobs.

The young men and women look horrified at the thought. Durene opens her mouth, and I shake my head slightly at her. No favoritism. I look at them all, and then do a rare thing. I open my eyes slightly. I cant see obviously, but I want to look into their eyes like Ive heard all good leaders do.

Yes, I know how you feel. These exercises are grueling. But thats the point. Learning to fight is not fun. Its not easy. In fact, if you want to fight, youll have to work twice as hard as everyone else.

Theres silence. Im sure if I let them go now, not more than one or two would turn up tomorrow. Which is why the next bit has to count. I look at them all, trying to convey my feelings as openly as possible.

You might ask why you have to work so hard. Well, its because being a [Soldier], being a [Warrior] isnt an easy job. Youre fighting for your life. Not just your lives eitheryoull be fighting to defend your families, your loved onesits not a game. If you want to learn to fight, Ill gladly let the adventurers train you, but only if you are serious.

Thats all. I nod to them and step back. I sense the villagers looking at each other. I dont know how many will come back tomorrow, but to my surprise, Prost comes over for part of the sword fighting lessons. I dont make him run around the village. He runs about enough without that.

To my surprise, Helm and a few of the other older villagers know how to fight too. Beniar trains with them and some of the adventurers and puts the young people through their paces.

What do you think?

I ask him that when the adventurer has returned to drink some water. Beniar mops sweat from his brow and frowns at me.

Maybe its luck or a Skill you have, your majesty, but Id swear half of those villagers could put up a good fight if you gave them arms. Id hate to be a [Bandit] gang that tries to rob this place.

And Goblins?

He grimaces.

Your average Goblin? Hardly a threat, sire. But Goblins around Invrisil are nasty. They have to bewe purge every tribe we come across as a matter of course. And the monsters around here get nasty. So the Goblins

Are just as nasty.

Just so, sire.

Well, keep training them. Ill

I break off. Frowning, I stare away from the village, in the direction of our cottage. Beniar stares at me.

Something wrong?

Theres someone in my cottage.

I sense it. But when I get there with a panting Durene and Beniar, theres no one to be found. However, Frostwing is shrieking her brains out. I ask Durene to look around, but nothing seems to be missing.

Maybe it was someone from Windrest?


I frown, but theres nothing I can do, and theres certainly no reason for me to post a guard on the cottage. Still, I wish I could identify people precisely with my [Emperor] senses. Who would want to check out my cottage in the first place?

It might just be a coincidence. But the next day, I find something else unexpected.

Day 65

Are you sure we should do this, Laken?

Durenes voice quavers a bit as I hike up the slope with her in the lead. Im grasping the back of her shirt as she walks. Id normally use my cane, but Ive grown so accustomed to moving about without it that I leave it in the cottage most days.

However, my [Emperor] senses dont extend beyond the village limits, and so Im blind out here. Blind, and possibly making the dumbest mistake of my life.

Were trudging up a small hill towards the bears cave. Yes, the Mossbears cave. Durene has a large basket of dried fruits, cured meat, and other goodies. All things a bear might like.

Why are we doing this, Laken? Couldnt we just let it sleep?

Yes, but the trouble is, I dont think its asleep anymore, Durene. The bear woke up onceit might wake up again. And Id rather not have it go looking for food, especially if we can parley.

With a bear?

If we can. Just let me do the talking. You hang back a little bit.

What if it charges at you? Im coming with you!


In truth, Im grateful. Its one thing to have a stupid idea, and another thing to carry it out. But the Celestial Trackers have said the Mossbear is moving from his cave now and then, and Ive been worried about what he might do.

What would you do if a bear was active in your vicinity? Run from it? Set a trap? Hunt it? Bury it in its cave? All of these options were given to me, and so I chose the dumbest idea I could think of myself: feed it.

Its not entirely insane. Ive explained my reasoning to Durene and she doesnt buy it, but it makes sense to me. I was able to speak to the bear once. Intimidate it. Get it to leave. True, I had a bunch of scary humans and Durene with me at the time, but I am a [Beast Tamer]. And what is a bear if not a beast?

Its justa lot bigger than Frostwing is, thats all. I feel Durene stop and stop with her.

Is it?

Just ahead. I can see the entrance. Laken, if it attacks

Beniars waiting with a group of his riders. If the bears angry, hell lure it away. Just run, and take me with you.

If it comes after you Ill kill it.

Theres a steel core of determination in Durenes voice. It shocks me for a moment.

Dont risk yourself, please. Running is fine. I know youre strong, but I couldnt bear for you to get hurt.



Bear. You said bear

Oh, right. Haha.

Im too nervous to laugh at my own pun. I reach out and feel Durene deposit the heavy basket into my arms. I step forwards with it, and guided by Durenes voice, place it at the entrance of the cave.

Hello? Bear?

Something ahead of me growls. I back up fast, and hear Durene move. I hear movementand wish with all my heart I could sense whats ahead of me. I get the impression of something big and heavy coming my way, and then a wet snuffle. The bear is investigating the basket, but it smells both me and Durene. It growls warningly.

Time for my brilliant plan to go into action. I clear my throat nervously.

Uh, hi.

The bear growls. I hear Durene shift and raise a hand.

Hold on, Im friendly.

The bear doesnt seem to listen. I hear it take a step and then Durene speaks.



This time the bear stops dead. I stare ahead, sightless, and hear Durenes breath catch. Yes, now the feelings in me. Will. That is what an [Emperor] is. I project it at the bear, ordering it.

Listen to me. I am not your enemy.

It makes a whining sound and I think it backs up. I step forwards and Durene squeaks. But in this moment, as I am, there is no fear. An [Emperor] cannot be afraid when he is ordering a subject, and this bear is my subject. Thats how I must think of it.

Look at me. See? I am a friend. Friend. And this is food. For you.

Its like speaking to Frostwing, I feel. I have a bond with my bird that allows me to feel what shes thinking. With the bear, I have no such link, but I can still imagine what hes feeling. Confusion, hunger, maybe a bit of fearbut I am not his enemy.

And I think my voice reaches him. The bear doesnt retreat and he doesnt whineinstead he makes a whuffing sound that sounds tentative, almost inquisitive. I smile.

Hello there. Im Laken. Who are you?

Shuffling. Durene makes another noise and I turn to signal her to stay put. And thenfur. I jerk in surprise and feel the bears face jerk back from me. Durene moves.

Stay put, Durene.

I breathe the words. The bear is only a few inches away from me. I can smell his sour breath, hot on my face. Hes sniffing at me almost like a dog, and I can feel his size. My knees want to quiver. A small, primate part of me wants to shriek and flee. But the rest of me is calm.

He is not my enemy. He is my subject.

And then the bear nudges my face with his. He blows hot air into my faceI sneeze on him. We become friends.

Of a sort. The bear is wary, but when its clear neither I nor Durene are openly hostile, he immediately turns his attention to the basket. Its got all the food I know bears love. He paws at it, knocking the basket over and begins gulping down the food on the floor.

Laken, do you think I?

Durene starts to the bear and it backs up in surprise. I wince as it nearly tramples my foot with its claws.

Better not, Durene. I think you might be a threat to him. Youre as big as he is

Take that back! Im not as bigwell, maybe Im sort ofhes a lot heavier than I am!

I can hear Durene flushing, but the moment breaks the tension. The bear continues eating. I poke it in the side and it doesnt even feel the gesture. So I take the moment to run my hands along the bears side. It grunts. In pleasure?

You really are crazy.

Durenes voice is wondering. I can hear her edging around the bear for a better view, and then her voice lifts in surprise.

Hey, whats that?

Whats what, Durene? Is there something in the cave?

No, on the bear.

What on the bear?

It lookslooks like theres a patch of his fur missing. I cant see at this range.

Wait, what? Where?

Along the neck. Can you find it?

Tentatively, moving very slowly I run my fingers down the bears head, trying to find the spot Durene mentioned. The bear lets me do itit might be my insanity talking or my [Beast Tamer] class, but I have the sense that I can interact with him, at least to this level.

My fingers run across something odd. Short hairs, bristly. The bear farts. I recoil and Durene gags. When the air clears I go back to the bear, coughing.

Hm. Thats odd.

Durenes right. A patch of the Mossbears fur is indeed missing. Its hard to tell with my fingers, but my impression of the bear is that a good chunk of his fur is definitely absent near the nape of his neck.

Whys that there? Do you think someone cut it off when we were fighting?

No, theres no blood. And the furs too neat. This was no accident buthuh.

Another mystery. And not one the bear can solve; he eats all of the basket, turns, sniffs me, goes to crap in the woods and walks into his cave. Thats about the extent of my interaction with him; I never claimed I would be best pals with him, and nor is this Winnie the Pooh.

Lovely book. Not many people know that Winnie the Pooh came from a book written by an English author, long before he became a Disney animated character. But I digress.

Durene and I leave the bears cave and twenty meters later, Beniar rides out of the woods, practically shouting his amazement. The rest of the village clearly thinks Im insane and fearless by equal measures.

Its just more embellishment for my reputation as an [Emperor] if you want to be cynical, but I did it because I wanted to see if I could. I know something now. An [Emperor] can command more than people. I know this because the second test I did was to get a few dogs and march over to the fields where the first houses walls were already standing upright.

A few rats survived the purge of two days ago. I sense a few under the earth. The dogs pad around me and warily edge back from Durene as I stand in the frozen snow. I point at the earth. At the rats hiding there.


The earth shifts. Three rats wriggle out of the earth and the dogs bark and fall on them. I stare at the ground. One of the rats is staying put.

So it doesnt work on all of them.

So you can command rats? Can you call me a deer? Id love to eat fresh meat for dinner.

Durene looks wistfully at me. I shrug.

Worth a shot. If I expand the boundaries of my domain, I could try it. Not all of the animals obey me entirely, though. Maybe if I level up as [Beast Tamer]or is it [Emperor] that decides it?

Dunno. Look! Ew! One of the rats is in pieces!

Im just as glad I cant. Durene, could you kick up the dirt right here, please?

She does so obligingly. I failed to mention the rat. I didnt think it would be an issue, but when it ran up Durenes leg and she screamedwell, I supposed I didnt think to ask how afraid of rats Durene is. It took several apologies and some cuddling that night to calm her down. But on the whole? Another successful day.

[Beast Tamer Level 7!]

[Skill Animals: Basic Command Obtained!]

Wow. Ill finally be able to make Frostwing stop crapping on my hands.

Wha? Laken, you say something? Its late.

Nothing, Durene.

Day 66


Its just past midnight when I hear the pounding on Durenes door.

Emperor Laken! Sire! Please get up!

The shouting wakes me and Durene in an instant. We untangle ourselves from the sheets and Im the first one at the door. I yank it open and Gamels there, gasping and panting for air.

What is it, Gamel?

Its Beniar! Hes hurt!

What? How?

Gamel opens his mouth and I hear a mortified cry from behind me.

Laken! Close the door!

Oh shit.

I realize Durenes in a considerable state of undress as it were. I leap through the doorway as Gamel ducks back, flushing and apologizing. Standing half-naked in the cold, I hear Durene banging around the inside as Gamel shuts the door.

Im sorry sire

Whats this about Beniar?

He rode back to the village half-dead, sire! His own group found him as the first patrol never came backweve got healing potions on him, but theyre not working fully! Wiskeria says to come quick because shes got to mix up a brew!

I leave the cottage at a run, stopping only to grab a coat. When Durene, Gamel and I get to the barn, theres a crowd of villagers around Beniar, staring and talking anxiously.

Everyone move back! Give him space!

Being an [Emperor] has its advantages. The way clears and I can see Wiskeria bending over Beniar, mixing together something in a bowl.

Theres an arrow in his stomach, and a half-empty healing potion on the ground beside him. Despite that, Beniar looks closer to death than life. His face is greenish and Wiskerias telling his party not to give him any more of the healing potion.

The poisons preventing it from working. The wound wont heal and youre wasting potion! Let me finish this.

Your majesty.

Beniar croaks as I kneel by him. Hes still conscious. Apparently he was on his horse and riding this way when his team found him. As for what happened, he insists on telling me himself. He cant sit up and has to whisper to me as I bend my head down.

Arrow. Got me and Fabiel while we were riding. Didnt even seeFabiel died in a second. I thinkI think its poisoned.

Who shot the arrow?


Its a whisper that silences everyone around him. I feel something begin churning in my gut. Of course.

Five of them. They were waiting in ambush. Never seenheard they did it sometimes. But didnt expectthey rushed the horses. Fabiels is goneI got away. They didnt want to pursue. Just kill and loot.

Beniar choked as someone tried to give him water. He coughed it out and continued as Wiskeria grabbed at her pouch, searching for something to add to the paste she was making.

Theyre not just coming, sire. Theyre already here. Hiding.

I stared at him. Beniar down. One of my adventures dead. All while Id slept. All without me knowing. The Goblins werent anywhere in the village, that I could vouch for. But beyond it? Suddenly, the limits of my senses made me feel as if I was blind all over again.

I have to apply this. Beniar, we need to take the arrow out, understand?

Wiskeria brushes past me, not bothering with formalities. I step back and watch as Durene bends down to hold his legs. Someone else gets Beniars armshe screams as Wiskeria pulls the arrow out and then applies the mash.

The people around me are worried. Children are crying, families are hugging each other. And all eyes are on me. Only this time, I dont know what I should be doing. I search for words to reassure, and then hear something.

A horn call in the distance. It wailsa high, piercing sound that cuts through the night and makes the people of Riverfarm sit up and wake from their comforting dreams. It goes on for ten seconds, and then stops. Then it blows again.

Mocking. Taunting us. Telling us that we are not alone. I can see Beniars pale face in the moonlight, Prosts worried expression, Odveigs intent eyes on his wound and Wiskerias gaze. Hers traverses the room to find mine, cold, expectant. Waiting.

They are here. They are coming. It turns out theres evil, real evil in this world, and its not just us. It has a name. It hungers. It enjoys our suffering.

It is my enemy. And I will hunt it down. I hear the horn call a third time before it fades. Its a prelude, an ending of the few moments of peace we have. They are coming.


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