The Wandering Inn

Book 4: Chapter 22: E

Book 4: Chapter 22: E

Day 66

So here it is. My first test as an [Emperor]. I, Laken Godart, am facing my first true crisis since I claimed Riverfarm. The avalanche was one thing, but I had the means to save the village at my fingertips. This time, I have no such ability.

The Goblins are here. Monsters with the cunning of people who want to destroy my village, slaughter my people, take all weve made. I dont know who they are or what to do.

I have protectiontwo Silver-rank adventuring groups. I thought it was enough, but in their first attack they killed one of my adventurers and nearly got Beniar. Now theyre out there, probably planning to strike again and I have no idea what to do.

Im no military buff. I dont know how to deal with an enemy that fights like this. And yet, ironically, I can put myself in the Goblins minds. I know what I would do if I came to a village like this. Pick off my enemy one by one. Hide, ambush them, whittle them down and starve them if possible and then go for the kill.

So I suppose I do know what I have to do. I need to find the Goblins and kill them before they kill me. Simple to say, hard to do. I have to rely on others for this. I cannot fight. I cannot see past the boundaries of my village.

Odveig, take your Trackers and find the Goblins. Dont attack if you think its dangerous, but I want to know where they are and how many there are.

Yes, your majesty.

Prost, I want those palisades built now. Forget about the housesgo around the village and find out how many entrances there are. Dont go alone thoughfrom now on, no one strays beyond the boundaries of the village unless theyre with an escort. And within itwe need sentries, weapons in case theres an attack, a place for children and the elderly to hide

People around me burst into action as I snap, breaking the silence Beniars words have caused. Im scrambling, searching for the right orders. Are they the right ones? I dont know, but I am obeyed. And no one else will take charge; thats my job.

The minutes after Beniar tells me about the ambush are watchful, tense. The rest of the Windfrozen Riders and the Celestial Trackers led by Odveig head out while Wiskeria mixes more of the poultice to neutralize the poisoned arrow.

Beniar has fainted. He screamed as we pulled the arrow out. Now hes pale, but the poison in him seems to be neutralized by whatever Wiskerias made. I saw her pulling roots, dried bugs, and even an egg out of a pouch and pounding it all into the paste she made.

Im glad shes here. I pace around the barn until I realize everyones staring at me. Then I force myself to wait for an age before Odveig gets back.

We found the place where Beniar was attacked. Theres no sign of Fabiel or his horse. We followed the tracks for a bit, but we pulled back.


Odveig hesitates. She draws me aside and I realize I shouldnt be discussing this where all of the frightened villagers can hear. She whispers to me.

I felt we were being watched from afar. I couldnt tell where the Goblins were and if we were ambushed

I understand. I trust your decision. However, we have a problem Odveig. What should we do now, according to your expertise?

She looks at me. I can sense her head turning, hear the hesitation and fear in her reply.

Iyour majesty, Ive hunted Goblins before. But Ive never been hunted by them. Were I alone, Id track them and risk a battle on their terms or retreat until I could set my own traps. But defending a village means I cant do either. I could send half of my group out and keep the other half here to defend, but that would create two weak points for them to exploit.

Shes explaining. That means she doesnt know. I nod.

In that case well wait. Pull your team back around the village. Illdecide whether to send out scouts later.

Yes, your majesty.


So there it stands. As Wiskeria finishes tending to Beniar, she estimates that hell be able to take a healing potion the next day. Prost is mustering the villagers, and theyve begun working. The Celestial Trackers and Windfrozen Riders are keeping a tight perimeter around the nearby forest and village.

And Im sitting by myself, trying to figure out what to do.

The enemy is out there but invisible. Their numbers are unknown. Their levels unknown. They could be just a stones throw outside the villages limits and I wouldnt know. Theres a way to deal with that, actually. Ive been working on it for a while, but Ive been told that it will take a few more days. I want to insist, but its only a chance. Not worth counting on.

What are my assets? What are my weak spots? My assets are two Silver-rank teams. My weakness is a need to defend my village. The Windfrozen Riders are a group of tenwere a group of ten suited to rapid attacks and retreats. Perfect for scoutingnot for taking out armored enemies or hunting hidden foes. If they know where the enemy is I can send them at the Goblins. Assuming theyre not hopelessly outnumbered.

The Celestial Trackers are the opposites of the Windfrozen Riders in many ways. Theyre experienced at ambushes, tracking their preyfinding hidden monsters, in short.

Ive a [Mage] in the Windfrozen Riders who can cut his opponents with air spells. Nothing powerful; itll take an eye out and he can cast while riding, but Wiskerias the only truly specialized spellcaster in either group. And she cant throw fireballs. I asked.

Your majesty? Prost is asking permission to fell a few trees further into the forest. Miss Odveig thinks its safe, but he wanted to ask you.

I look up and sense Gamel hovering about me. I nod.

Thats fine. Ah, what else is going on? Have you, Durene and the others begun training? Without Beniar, youll need to get another adventurer to teach youand what about the markers Jelov was working on? How many has he finished?

Three, sire, with one for varnishing. But he says hell have another one tonight

And just like that, the day continues. Villagers get to work, taking care not to stray far but doing everything they were doing yesterday. Cutting wood, buildingonly theres an undercurrent of fear to everything, now.

Odd, it feels as though everyone should be hiding or getting ready. But you cant tell when the enemy will come. So the day passes, filled with anxiety and watchfulness, but nothing else. Thats life now. The threat of death is in the air, but we have to continue living.

Damn the Goblins.

Day 67

I think everyone in the village was awake late at night. Certainly the villagers were a lot quieter the next day. I felt awful and Durene wasnt her spirited self; but we got through the morning and midway through the day without incident.

Beniar was up and about by that time. The poison had been flushed out of his system and a healing potion had him on his feet in minutes.

Your majesty, Im as fit as can be. Id ride out to hit those Goblins in a flash if we knew where they were! Just give the order and Ill scout with my groupfar faster than the Trackers!

Hes also itching to find the Goblins and exact payback for Fabiel, his teammate. I have to overrule Beniar, though.

I cant let you leave the village unprotected, Beniar. Im sorry for your friends loss, but its too risky. If youre shot at again

Ill know its coming this time, sire. Last time was an ambush. This time Ill dodge.

I have no doubt you would. But my villagers cant dodge arrows like you.

Instead of Beniar riding forth, I let him teach the villagers and Durene. Theres definitely a renewed interest in learning to fight now, and thanks to my Skill, the villagers are fighting well. But we dont have enough swords to go around; Helm is working on forging some, but he lacks enough iron, let alone steel to make many. Without that, people are training with pitchforks, shovelsGamel has a club hes hammered nails into. He keeps asking to trade it for a sword with someone.

A ragtag army, sire. But itll do for a small group of Goblins.

Beniars professional opinion is that the villagers are ready for a fight if the adventurers support them. I wonder if theyll break and run if it comes to that. The villagers might have the ability to fight thanks to my Skill, but the temperament? No.

As the sun is halfway down in the sky, I hear a horn call and leap to my feet, abandoning a lunch with Durene. Its not a Goblin hornthis ones from the Celestial Trackers and urgent. I rush outside with the others and see a woman wearing a dark brown cloak sprinting into the village, shouting.

I think we were all waiting for it. The villagers freeze and I turn my head.


Shes already running to the adventurer.


Theres no hesitation in her voice now, as there always is around me. The woman gasps for airshe must have been on the perimeter, scouting the forest.

Goblin group. Five hundred meters to the southeastI saw two Hobs and at least thirty smaller Goblins!

Thats our cue! Lets ride!

Beniars already mounted. Odveig turns to me as Wiskeria runs up, clutching her magical wand.

Your majesty?

I hesitate only for a moment.

Do it. If you hear a horn call from here, double back at once.

The adventurers nod and race out of the village, Beniar leading and shouting, sword already drawn. Theyre gone for five agonizing minutes and I hear nothing. Then, to my surprise, they all return at once.

Odveig and Wiskeria are on foot, and practically dragging an incensed Beniar back. He dismounts, shaking with anger.

Nothing. Theyve covered their tracks. We could follow them, but Wiskeria and Odveig both agreed wed be walking into an ambush. We let them get away!

It was the only smart choice, Beniar.

Wiskeria defends herself as she argues with the leader of the Windfrozen Riders. Beniars voice is hot.

Id ride them down if I knew where they were, ambush or not! We could have attacked

And done what? Two Hobgoblins were in that group. If they got the drop on your riders

Better than letting them attack again! Im telling you, we had the advantage!

Against thirty? You idiot, together were only twenty in number, and with two Hobs


I raise my voice to stop the argument. Everyone looks at me. Im aware of the villagers listening to the adventurers shouting. This cant be good for morale.

You three, come with me. Prost? Were going to make a plan.

And so we do. Its not easy, and no ones happy by the end of it. All three adventurers reluctantly agree that pursuing the Goblins is a bad idea without making absolutely sure theres not a trap waiting. If there are only thirty, its a close match thanks to the two Hobgoblins. If theres more we havent seen

Guard duty. The Windfrozen Riders are now to stay in the village while the Trackers keep watch. At the nearest sign of trouble, the Riders will attack any Goblins that are spotted. Thats all we can do. Meanwhile, Prost is working double-time on the palisades. Weve got the portion of the village around the barn walled off; hopefully that will help if were attacked.

If were attacked.

What a thought. That night, I stay up while Durene sleeps beside me. I cant say shes not as worried as I am, but shes been hammering sharpened logs of wood into the ground and lifting felled trees all day. She sleeps like a rock, snoring gently beside me.

Frostwing is agitated. I think she can smell the Goblins, or sense the tension in the air. She flaps her wings at night, forgetting shes supposed to be asleep. I have to get up and soothe her.

Shh, Frostwing. Theres a good bird. Eat some meatdamn, not my finger! I know. I know. There are monsters out there. But you have to wait, understand? We dont know where they are.

She cocks her head at me in the darkness. I think shes beginning to understand more of what I say. I smile as I stroke her head.

A shame you cant find them for me. I did ask, you knowIm not an idiot. But Odveig says Goblins eat anything they can kill, and I wont risk one putting an arrow into you.

Frostwing nips at my fingers as if to agree. Im laughing when my heart stops. It does stop, Im sure. For a moment the steady beat in my chest falters. The next, Im shouting.

Theres a Goblin in the village!


Durene wakes up as I shout. She struggles in her bed, flailing around for me.

Laken? Whats happening? Is something wrong?

Durene, get up! Theres a Goblin in the village! Its gotten past the adventurers!

Oh no! Dead godswhere?

She springs to her feet. Durene sleeps practically naked. I grab her bare arm.

Its got a bow and a knife. I think theyre poisoned.

I can sense the Goblin all the way in the village. Its moving slowly, very carefully avoiding the attention of anyone awake. And its making for

Where, Laken? Ill raise the alarm!

Durenes voice is tense. I can sense her fists clenched. I hesitate for a moment out of fear. What if shes hurt? But shes Durene. I make up my mind.

Go! Its behind Prosts house!

She doesnt wait for another word. I hear thundering footsteps, and then the door to Durenes cottage is thrown open. The half-Troll girl races down the road, running faster than Ive ever seen her go. I pause at the doorway, about to run out myself and realize Ill never catch her.

So I close the door as the icy wind pours into the cottage and Frostwing screams. I find one of Durenes knives and dress myself as I mentally follow her progress down into the village.

Shes running. The Goblin is doing something behind Prosts house, checking a window, seeing if its unlatched. It freezes as Durene comes running into the village and squeezes down, hiding. Durene races around Prosts house and it freezes.

It has a dagger in its hand. I can see it all in my mind, like some kind of awful movie without sound. Durene doesnt see the Goblinshes looking right in its direction, but she doesnt see it.

Then the Goblin leaps. It jumps out of the place where its hiding and slashes at Durene. She recoilsthe Goblin runs around her, racing for the forest. I see Durene turn, and then her hand. She grabs the Goblin and it slashes at her arm.

I sense the blade sinking into Durenes skin; see her mouth open in my head, the wordless howl. But then Durenes other hand comes up. She breaks the Goblins neck like she would a chickens, in a moment.

Its all over. I can sense Prost and his family waking up in alarm, sense villagers and the adventurers racing towards Durene. By this point Im running towards the village.


Thats the first pronouncement one of the [Scouts] in the Celestial Trackers makes when were all in the village. The Goblins corpse has been dragged out into the center of the village and everyone is shivering around it, staring down at the small body in the snow.

Im there too, the only person whos dressed. Durene is hiding in Prosts house. Shes naked, and by that I mean shes got underwear on andyeah, thats about it. Modesty came after saving Prosts life, and so shes a hero everyone politely thanksthrough a closed door.

Wiskeria is kneeling by the Goblin, intent on it. Beniar and Odveig are both patrolling, looking for more Goblins. Theyre rattled by one getting through their perimeter and worry another ones out there.

I know theres not another Goblin in the village, but I dont tell anyone how I know. To the villagers, Durenes simply a hero who uncovered the Goblin by accident. Its better that way.

Youre sure its dead?

Yesel asks the [Scout] anxiously as she clings to her husband. Prost has a pitchforkhardly an elegant weapon, but the tines are sharp and he seems ready to use it. The [Scout] nods as he inspects the body.

Necks broken. Not many Goblins survive that. You say that Miss Durene did it with one hand? Never heard of that before.

He shakes his head and whistles quietly as the other villagers murmur. Im not surprised; I know how strong Durene is.

So what was the green skinned bastard doing here?

Prosts voice is rough as he steps forward and looks at the Goblin. I start.

Green skin? Ive never seen colors, but I know how things are supposed to look. Grass is green. And Goblin skin is the same color? I cant imagine it, or fit together the feel of grass withwith a Goblin.

At a guess, it was coming here to slaughter you all in your sleep. The dagger isnt poisoned, but its dressed in black, see? No need for poison when you can cut a throat easier.

Dead gods.

Yesel buries her head in Prosts shoulder. He clutches one of his daughters to his side.

Weve you to thank Durene, truly.

Im glad youre okay!

Durene calls from inside. The [Scout] is checking the Goblin for anything else as I kneel down next to him.

You said the Goblin has green skin? Ahits Jeighya, isnt it?

Yes, your majesty.

I sense him looking sideways at me, and starting a bit as he realizes that I wouldnt know what a Goblin looks like. He clears his throat.

Theyve all green skin, some shade of it, sire. Red eyes, too. The color of monsters. Just as well this one wont open its eyes again.

It takes me a minute to remember how our eyes are supposed to look. White and colored in the center, right? Just another thing to distinguish Goblins, but in my head

Ive never seen one. Its not dangerous in any way now, right Jeighya?

No sire, but why

I kneel down and gently feel the Goblin with my hand. I pat gingerly at the skin, feel the arms, and then, slowly, the face. Its a surreal feeling, touching something dead.

So this is a Goblin. I kneel down and touch the body gently. It feelslike any body would, I guess. Only smaller. Colder.

I feel like Im touching a dead child. I shudder and pull my hand back. But for the sharp ears and pointed teeth, Id think it was a young Human kid. I cant see the green skin or the crimson eyes.

Standing, I look at the other villagers. Theyre anxiously clustered around. I raise my voice, grateful Im dressed. The dignity of an [Emperor] and all that. Im not about to recreate the story of the emperors new clothes right now.

Were safe for now. Please thank Durene for finding and taking care of the Goblin. In the morning, though. Right now I think everyone should get to sleep; I doubt well see more trouble tonight.

The villagers are hardly reassured by my words, but they do take some comfort by a dead Goblin. They disperse slowly, murmuring anxiously. I turn to Jeighya.

Keep a watch. They might try this again.


Unfortunately, that night Im made into a liar. There are no Goblins that I sense entering the village, but they are active after Durene makes her way back to her cottage, modesty preserved by a borrowed towel.

Two hours after the Goblin is caught, someone fires a flaming arrow into the side of the barn. The villagers put the fire out before it spreads, but a second arrow hits a house and sets the roof ablaze. The village is filled with fear and no one gets a lot of sleep that night.

Day 68

Discontent. Thats the mood in the village the next day, after the villagers wake up from a sleepless night and see the smoke and burnt roof.

Many of them havent slept since the first fire. Neither have I. I slept through the first arrow until Gamel ran to wake me, and when I sensed the second fire starting I went down to the village and stayed there until morning.

The roof of one of the villagers houses is toast, but it could be worse. Thats what I tell myself as I cough, smelling the burnt wood in the morning. But its still bad.

The Goblins are harassing us with attacks, striking and fleeing since their attempt to send an assassin in failed. The two arrows were fired from the forest. Both times the Celestial Trackers found the Goblins and exchanged shots with them in the dark. The second time they got one of the Goblins in the stomach, but they found only bloodstains and no body when they went to check.

No ones happy about that. But the villagers are the least happy it seems. Especially the ones from Windrest.

They dont know me. Im an [Emperor] to them, a strange, majestic class and a blind man with few impressive qualities to recommend him blended into one being. I must confuse them terribly.

Ive talked with them of course, and tried to reassure them along with the Riverfarm people, but I know Im not too convincing at this moment. I dont have the same bond with them as I do with the Riverfarm people. And it shows.

If I separate the interactions I have, the people fall into three broad groups. The first are like Helm and the older villagers like Jelov. They treat me like Prost and Gamel and the others, grateful for the protection I offer mainly.

The others are more distant. Im a [Lord] to them, and since the aristocracy of this land can be touchy, theyre wary of me. Still, if they have their complaints they keep their feelings private.

However, the last group is vocal in their grievances. Quietly vocal since saying Im a bad ruler is an invitation to a fight if someone like Gamel hears it. But nevertheless, the lid is boiling. And things get worse when the Goblins step up their attacks the next morning.

One of the [Hunters] comes back with an arrow in his thigh and cuts along his arm.  The Windfrozen Riders gallop off as I hear what happened.

Arrow. I was at my post when I saw a group of Goblins coming towards me. They showered my positionran before help came.

Hes not badly wounded, but the incident speaks to how defenseless we are. And the Windfrozen Riders dont find the Goblins either. Too slow, and the Goblins know how fast the horses can move. So we get back to work. We have healing potions, but how long until they run out? I can hear the villagers talking, sense their nervous postures, and sense the few who are vocally worried. That worry and fear turns to resentment.

But what can I do? Wiskerias still arguing against any attempts to go out and hunt the Goblins down, and I agree. But Beniar points out the obvious each time tooif we dont do anything, well just keep being attacked. I think Odveig wants me to decide and I

I cant risk it. Its too dangerous. And while the adventurers understand that, the villagers only see them patrolling and not hunting the monsters. That leads to an incident at lunch.

Im about to go check on the villagers training with Beniar. Its the one thing I feel like I have control over, the thing that I can do to really prepare for the Goblins. I hear someones voice raised as I pass by one of the tables set up in the barn where food is distributed communally.

Some [Emperor]. Any proper [Lord]d keep his people safe, but this one just sits about while we suffer in fear. I thought we were supposed to be safe here!

Im clearly meant to hear that. I turn my head and sense a group of Windrest folk sitting at a table. The person who speaksI think its a woman sitting in the middle of the party.

Her words dont pass by unnoticed either. Heads turn. There arent many villagers in the barn, but the ones who are from Windrest stare at me and the ones from Riverfarm stand up.

Uh oh. I wave to my villagers and walk over to the woman before her words can start a brawl. Shes sitting there, defiant, surrounded by her friends. I stop before her table.

Do you have an issue with me, Miss?

Im looking right at her. That throws her for a loop already, I can tell. But the woman rallies in a moment. She looks around the room and speaks directly to me.

I do. Youre an [Emperor]. You promised us folk of Windrest wed be safe if we joined your village. But those Goblins are attacking and youve not done a thing! You hide here while were shot atin a few days well be dead for you doing nothing!

Her words cause a susurration around the barn. And for all the people of Riverfarm are speaking angrily, watching the woman with ill-intent, I can tell theyre agreeing a bit with what she said. I speak calmly, looking down at her.

I am doing everything in my power to keep you all safe. I assumed two Silver-rank teams were adequate protection for Goblins. I was wrong, and for that I am sorry. However, you are still safer here than you would be on the road or in another village. Its too dangerous to risk sending the adventures out to hunt the Goblinsthey could walk into a trap or leave the village defenseless, and in both cases, wed all die for my mistakes. Im not willing to take that chance. You may disagree, but I am choosing the best options as I see fit.

My words are the truth. Thats my weapon and how I sway the villagers. I can sense some nodding around the room. How could you argue with that logic? And I do have a plan for the Goblins. I just need more time. A little more time andbesides, how could you argue with that?

With emotion, thats how. Perhaps she feels like shes at a disadvantage now, but the woman stands up. I think her names Rehanna. I can sense her glare, even if I cant see it.

Big words for a man who cant see! Howre we supposed to trust the word of a blind man? You cant tell who youre talking to, can you? We must all be the same to you.

That makes me mad. Why do some people seem to think that blindness means I cant tell people apart or sense where I am? People have voices, tones, and ways of speaking. Idiots who try and change their voices to make me think theyre someone else really get on my nerves. But I dont snap. I cross my arms.

I am blind. So what? I am an [Emperor], not a [Warrior]. Why shouldnt I be as capable as any other [Emperor]let alone a [Lord]at my job?

You know why. Blind people aretheyre not the same!

Now thatthats an insult. I hear a woman behind me shout something towards Rehanna. It sounds like a threat. I cut her off with a hand. Im angry now. My voice is loud in my ears.

If I was a [Warrior], I suppose being blind might be a problem. If I were a [Painter], I would understand people having their reservations. But I have known blind painters, blind singers; men and women who have done as well asif not better than any person with sight in their own way. A blind man climbed the worlds highest mountain. I have met him and shaken his hand.

Silence. I have spoken the truth. But the woman denies it. To my face. She shakes her head and makes a sound like a scoff. Because she doesnt want to believe what I say is true, she thinks Im lying.

The nerve. Im fighting not to open my eyes and use [Intimidating Glare]or punch her at this point. Either one would be satisfying, but its not how I win this argument. People are watching. Ill beat her with words.

I dont think youre a proper [Emperor], not a real one. I wont bow to you. What do you say to that? Will you throw me out for disobeying?

No, but I might cut off your head.

Just words. Satisfying, savage words. The woman chokes. I fight down some guilty pleasure as the people around me gasp in horror. I smile slightly.

I am an [Emperor]. Do you think a true [Emperor] would let a challenge to his rule go unanswered?

I dont think she did. I turn around the room, speaking to everyone listening. Calm. Project calm and confidence.

I am an [Emperor]. If I walked around naked or covered in tree sap, I would still be an [Emperor]. Your belief matters not. I am an [Emperor]. And this is my demesne.

I dont think she knows that word either. The woman makes another sound but refuses to back down. Shes cornered by her own actions now. I can sense her approaching. She stops a few feet away from me, glaring.


I dont speak to her, but to the Riverfarm men and women who approach, looking ready to grab her. They stop, reluctantly, and I stare up into the womans face. Shes glaring at me.

Hah. Thats funny. I smile and sense her stare faltering. She doesnt get the joke.

Fierce, glaringit doesnt matter. I dont bother to use [Intimidating Glare]; theres no point. I can show these people that I can stand up for myself without a Skill.

Shes pretty tall. I look up and meet Rehannas eyes with my closed ones. I feel her hesitate. I almost smile, but keep my composure. Internally though, I have to smile a bit. Yeah, thats right. Didnt think about it too hard, did you? Whats the point of trying to scare me?

Theres no way to stare down a blind man.

You are frightened.

She starts and opens her mouth. I talk over her.

You are frightened of the Goblins and afraid. I understand that. Everyone is frightened. However, we must work past our fear.

Heads are nodding around the room. I look past Rehanna, hearing her splutter for words, and then back at her.

That doesnt excuse what you have said, but it tempers my decision. I wont kick you out of my village because that would be cruel and you would die. And I wont order you beheaded or beaten, and Ill make sure no one harasses you. When this is over, youre free to go. But until then, you will address me with respect.

She hesitates. Now would be the time when she apologizes. Does she? Not a chance. That would imply shed thought any of this true. Instead, she thrusts her chin at me.

I wont kneel to you. I came here to survive, but I wont bow and scrape under your rule no matter what you offer.

I hear someone growl. Actually growl. I just sigh. Why is it that some people will keep digging a hole when theyre already ten feet under?

I wont ask you to kneel, but I will have you obey. And if I were you, I wouldnt say another word.

I turn. At some point you have to walk away from a stupid argument or end up being just as stupid. And I have more important work to do. Im halfway out of the barn when I hear the womans voice.

Or what?

Thats it. I pause. The barn is silent, and I can sense the woman behind me. Trembling with bravado and fear. Trembling. I can see in my head her every flaw, her imperfections. Why does she pretend? I can see right through her.

I dont turn. I open my mouth and say one word.


I hear a gasp and someone falls to her knees. I keep walking and dont look back.

Do I feel good about that moment? Yes. I gave Rehanna every chance and she kept pushing. I was lenient in this. Far too lenient, perhaps. But everyone saw.

Next time, if shes stupid enough for a next time, Ill have to get nasty. I dont want to imagine what Ill do, I only know that it will be unpleasant for meand quite unpleasant for her. I dont fully care. Sometimes you have to trample over people, I guess. Thats what it means to rule. Shell obey, or Ill have to crush her

Wait, crush her? Where did that thought come from?

Troubled, I make my way over to the training groundsa patch of cleared dirt where I can hear people shouting and hitting each other or the wooden sticks that have been set up. And then I hear a far more pleasant female voice.


Its Durene. I hadnt seen her this morningas usual shes been rushing about the village, helping people out. I regret not being able to spend more time with her. And she has a surprise for me.

Im a Level 9 [Paladin]! I got a Skillguess what it is? Guess!

She must have leveled up from the training and killing the Goblin. I smile at her.

Im no good at guessing.

Just guess anyways!

Okay[Shield of Radiance]? [Holy Hands]? [Sword of Justice]?

A pause. Durene sounds downcast.

Nothose sound like great Skills. Mine isnt that good.

DureneI made those up. Whatever Skill you have is wonderful. But you did ask.

I sigh, but smile at her. Durene perks back up.

You did? Okay, then. Well I gotare you sure you dont want to guess again? No? Okay, I got[Quick Strike]!

Oh! Thats great!

I try to sound as happy as she is. Honestly, I have no idea if thats a good Skill. It soundscheap? But Durene seems happy about it.

Let me show you how it works. I was going to try it with Beniar.

Yes, Durene told me all about it. [Quick Strike]s a basic move. Its more common to get [Power Strike] and move from there, but Durenes strong enough. Ive a shieldwhy dont you try and touch me? She hasnt so far Emperor Laken. Today might be her lucky day, though.

Beniars a bit too cocky and full of pent-up energy at the moment. Ive seen him training with Durene and the others and he doesnt let anyone touch him with a sword no matter how hard they try. I suppose hes got the Skills, but it does seem like bullying at times.

Durenes never come close before. She has that wooden club of course, and her shield, and both are too slow for Beniar whos adept at dodging and keeping his distance. Now Durene takes a stance and gingerly swings at him.

Too slow!

Beniar laughs as he ducks her club and nimbly springs forward to tap Durene on the stomach with his practice sword. She jumps and swings her shield at him, but hes already moving back. I sigh internally, frustrated a bit.

Its not that Durenes that slow, I think shes also afraid of hitting Beniar, a fact which he capitalizes on. Ive seen them do this before, and I dont want to see Beniar bullying Durene for a few minutes. However, todays my lucky day.

Take this!

Durene lashes out with her shield and Beniar sways back. The shield misses him and he grins. Hes taking a step back when Durene shouts.

[Quick Strike]!

Her arm blurs. I hear Beniars voice and a thud almost at the same time.

Oh sh

To his credit, I think Beniar saw it coming. He tried to block and then dodge when he saw the club coming. But he was too slow.

Thanks to my [Emperor] senses, I saw the entire thing. Beniar stepping back, the sudden acceleration of Durenes club to wicked fast speedsand the impact. I enjoyed it more than I should.

In the aftermath, Durene stands horror-struck over Beniar as everyone turns to stare at her.

I didnt mean to! I didntis he alive?

Hes groaning on the ground, which answers her question. I squat next to him and speak gently.

Good thing Durene was aiming for your chest, huh, Beniar? I dont want to imagine what your head would have been like.

Agh! No, sire.


A bit of fun, a bit of frustration. Neither occurrence goes unnoticed. Soon, Beniars up and treating Durene with a lot more respect, and Prosts seeking me out.

I heard what happened, Emperor Laken. Ive had a word with that Rehanna woman, and let me apologize for her words, sire. Few folk think like her

But they do think like her, Prost. Dont worry, Im not offendedor vengeful. But if people feel that way, Id like to know. Preferably without the rudeness, but Id still rather know than not.

Yes, sire. Im sure shed never have said as much, but that womans a hothead and a malcontent. And I think she was prompted to it.

That gets my attention. I stop as Prost and I walk around the village.

Prompted, Prost?

Yes, sire. Rehanna wont speak to mestubborn as a mulebut her friends say shes been talking with someone else, getting an earful of what to say to you, maybe. Apparently shes been having a drink as she does. Building courage to say such things.

Alcohol? I didnt buy more than a caskwe dont have any in the village, unless the Windrest people brought it?

No, your Majesty. And Rehanna didnt have any herself. Theres only one group that brought some drink with them

The adventurers.

Yes, sire. If you want I can ask around, see whos been spreading rumors about you

No, Prost. Thank you. I thinkI have an idea of who it might be. Ill handle it myself.

Yes, sire.

Oh boy. Thats not good. I excuse myself and leave Prost behind and go for a walk. I have a bad feeling in my chest. Ive had it before, but I was worrying about the Goblins. Nowa few things are falling into place.

Pieces. Its just pieces in my head, but they fit together in a way I dont like. A few odd events have caught my attention. Someone breaking into my cottage while I was away, the missing Mossbear fur and it attacking the villageand now someone stirring up trouble and prompting people to challenge me.

It could all be coincidence, but I know for a fact that the people of Windrest were all settling in on the day my cottage was broken into. None of them would have known where I lived, much less done anything on that day.

And the Windfrozen riders were all riding patrolsave for Beniar and a few who were training the volunteers from the village. That rules them out.

So that only leaves the Celestial Trackers and the people of Riverfarm as suspects. If you rule out Riverfarmbecause if they were going to snoop, why not do it when I wasnt there?then that leaves only one group.

And of that grouponly one person I can think of would want to get ahold of Mossbear fur. After all, [Witches] can hex opponents and cast all kinds of spells. Why not do voodoo tricks with hair? As for my cottage and stirring up the Windrest villagers, well, if its all part of a larger reason

Suspicions. I cant rely just on my intuition and throwaway guesses for this. I have to confirm it.

Its not hard to find Jeighya. Hes not patrolling and the man is maintaining his bow. I sit with him and he reactswell, cautiously but with a good deal of friendliness. Im not some aloof [Emperor] and we have bonded over a dead Goblins corpse.

Ive been wondering about your group, Jeighya. It seems weird to me that a [Witch] is part of your party. Ive never met one and I was hoping you could explain their class to me. Id ask Wiskeria, but I wouldnt want to be rude.

Oh? Id be happy to share what I know, your majesty. [Witches] are a rare class, Ill say, but theyve got useful Skills and spells most common [Mages] would turn their nose up at learning. Wiskerias been a boon to us, for all shes new.


My heart sinks. The man with the bow nods as he fumbles with an arrow.

She wasnt in our party last spring. Wiskeria and Odveigtheyre old friends. Oldern they seem, I know. Odveig formed our group a while backshes not always leading us, but shes always around Invrisil.

Oh. I thought shed been part of your group forever. And Odveigs not your leader?

He pauses, scratches at his beard.

Not so much that shes not our leader as much as that we dont adventure together all the time like most groups, sire. Begging your pardon. We dont take on that many contracts each year; a lot of us make our livings from hunting and join up when she says theres word of a good contract. But Wiskeria now, she joined the group not two months ago. Came out of nowhere, but Odveig knew her and shes a good thinker. Her spells have gotten us out of a lot of scraps.

I see. And shes got a lot of talents? Did I hear she can manipulate animals?

Oh yes! Very helpful that is. I saw her pull a Corusdeers fur out one time and summoned an entire herd later. Helped us take down some Snow Golems. Course, its harder to make animals do what doesnt come naturally, but Corusdeer love killing Snow Golems. Natural enemies.

You dont say.

Wiskeria. I let Jeighya drone on about monsters as the worry in my heard grows. It was just a suspicion. Nownow I think I have a serious problem.


That night I summoned Wiskeria to Durenes cottage. It wasnt hard; I mentioned that I wanted to see her, and so she came. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Nothing out of the ordinary with Durene being there either. Frostwing being gone might have raised an eyebrow, but she doesnt mention it. Durene barring the door though

Your majesty? Is something wrong?

Wiskeria glances towards Durene as I sit at her dining table, across from Wiskeria. I sigh. I dont want to do this. I dont want to be right.

Nothing much. I just wanted to clear up a few things, Wiskeria.

The [Witch] glances towards Durene and back at me.

Im at your majestys service.

Are you? Good. So tell me something. Whys there a clump of Mossbear fur in your pouches?

She freezes. I stare at her. It wasnt hard to sense the distinct fur in Wiskerias belt pouch. And when I found it, I knew.

I knew.

Silence. I can sense Durene glaring at Wiskeria. She knows. I told her, and no one else. I didnt want to alarm anyone in case I was wrong, butthe fur. Im waiting for an explanation and hoping against hope that Im mistaken.

Because I think Wiskerias trying to sabotage my village. I think shes my enemy, and I dont know why. But something Ryoka mentioned to me makes me think she might be in this Lady Magnolia Reinharts employ. Its just a hunch, but Ryoka says Magnolia sent [Assassins] after her. Why not a spy masquerading as an adventurer in Wiskerias case?

At last, Wiskeria opens her mouth. She glances at me and Durene, and Id bet shes lost all color in her face. I always wondered what that would look like. How would that work? And why does it happen when youre scared? Blood flow? It makes no sense.

Iknow how it must seem, your majesty. But I swear I took the fur before the Mossbear woke up, while it slept! I was sure I did it stealthily enough not to wake ityou have my oath on that!

Oh? And so this Mossbear just woke up around the same time you cut the hair? You didnt set it on the village with a spell?

Me? Set it on the village?

Wiskeria repeats my words as if she cant believe what Im saying. She hesitates. The pieces click together and she bursts out.

But Ino! I would never intentionally wake it if there was no reason! Emperor Laken, please believe me! My taking the hair was just a precaution! Ive no notion why the bear woke up. If it was my fault, it was a mistake I truly regret!


I stare at her. Wiskerias trembling. Is it an act? I clear my throat.

Very well. Say I believe you, Wiskeria. Onto another matter.


She says it as if she has no idea what might be coming next. I nod gently.

Someone was in my cottage. It wasnt one of the villagers. Id suspect one of the Windfrozen Riders, but they were patrolling a good ways out from the village. However, I recall that the Celestial Trackers were deployed closer to the village. Just in case. Which means you could have snuck in on that day.

Iare you

I fold my arms. I can hear Durenes teeth grinding from here. Wiskeria makes a few incoherent noises. Then

I didnt do it. I cannot prove I wasnt there, butI would swear to it under truth spell.

Too bad we dont have one. And I suppose you had nothing to do with a villager from Windrest named Rehanna challenging me publically today?

No! How could you assume Id

Mossbear attack, going through my cottage, inciting my subjectsall actions worthy of a [Spy].

You meanme?

Disbelief. Shock. A hint of outrage, but mostly confusion and fear. Thats what my ears tell me and my senses confirm Wiskerias posture matches these emotions. For a moment I feel uncertain.

She sounds very convincing for a spy. But isnt that what any trained spy would sound like? My stomach hurts. I can only trust in what Ive observed, the conclusions Ive come to.

Emperor Laken. Your majesty.

Wiskeria licks her lips, clearly afraid. She glances at Durene again before speaking urgently to me.

I did not doany of the things you believe I did. I did take the Mossbears fur, but only as a precaution! Its attack was a mistake, and I swear thats the truth.

And the other things? Are they coincidences?

Perhaps. Perhaps not. They seem suspiciousbut I can only say I had nothing to do with them.

She says it faintly, knowing how it must sound. I sigh.

I dont believe you, Wiskeria.

I hold up a hand as she protests.

But I cant prove youre not telling the truth. So heres what Im going to do. Im going to imprison you. Take away your wand, put you in a house and under guardand ask some questions. If you cant answer them, or your friends cant, well

I cant accept that. Sire.

Wiskeria interrupts me, sounding panicked. She half-pushes back her chair.

I would be in danger for my life if your villagers found out what I was accused of. Theyyour subjects would kill for you. I dont want to die or be held captive for weeks.

Sit down.

Durene growls at Wiskeria. The [Witch] hesitates, and does not. I look at her.

You have no choice, Wiskeria. Im not about to risk another incident, or working with someone I cant trust.

I cant. Not now so much is at stake. But Wiskeria is shaking her head.

No, I cantwont be held here when there are Goblins about! What if they attack?

She speaks pleadingly to me.

Im willing to leave and void my contract, Emperor Laken. After the Goblins are dealt with. Or return with a truth spell testimony proving my innocence. But I cant let you take my wand.

Wiskeria, I have no choice. You have to know how this looks

I do. And Im sorry for this. [Paralyzing Touch].

Before I can react, I feel her finger on my chest. I gasp and my body goes rigid. Durene shouts. I sense Wiskeria going for the door.

My bodys frozen, but my mouth can still move.

Wiskeria, stop! Dont make this worse!

She doesnt reply. Shes ducking around Durene, hand raises, shimmering with magic. I can sense Durene hesitating. What do I do?

No good answer. But I know she cant get away. I look to Durene standing by the door.

Durene. Hit her. Gently, so she cant get away.


Wiskeria backs up, hands raised as Durene makes a huge fist. She knows how strong Durene is. My half-Troll girlfriend could kill Wiskeria with a punch. Durene looms over Wiskeria, abandoning the door.

Give up or Ill hurt you.

Wiskeria slowly raises her hands and backs towards a wall. She glances at me, and realizes shes got no excuses. But she still speaks desperately.

Im innocent. Youll see that in the end. Just dontI dont want to die. Not here! I didnt even want to take this contract on! I was against it!


Durene pauses for a second. Wiskeria speaks rapidly, eyes flicking left and right, too afraid to move and be hit.

We normally take on contracts for monster exterminations, scouting, that sort of thing! We get the occasional request from the Reinhart family! I told Odveig there was no need to spend this much time on escort duty, but she insisted!

Odveig did?

Yes! She insisted! Said wed get no better deal though we could have been hunting Frost Golems or making gold coins selling pelts! I have no idea why she wanted

Wiskeria? I heard [Emperor] Laken wanted to talk to you, and I heard shouting. Whats going?

Someone opens the door. I sense Odveig come in.

What the? Odveig?

Wiskeria gapes at her friend. Durene turns, but keeps her focus on Wiskeria. Im

Dumbfounded. Was that coincidence? No, it cant be. That was movie-level timing right there. Was Odveig outside? Why was she here? I didnt notice she was outside the cottage!

And suddenly the pieces in my head change. Odveig. Wiskerias actions. One of the Celestial Trackers. I shout.

Durene! Shes the spy! Get her!

Durene swings around. Odveig curses.

Damn. He is smart.

She steps nimbly to one side, unhooking her mace. Wiskeria is gaping, staring at me. Durene raises a hand.

Hey, stop

Durene grabs for Odveig. The [Macewoman] steps back and as Durene misses, slides forward like a ghost. She taps Durene behind the knee with her mace and Durenes leg collapses.


The half-Troll girl goes down onto one leg, sounding stunned. She turns, reaches for Odveig, and Odveig taps her on the head with the mace.


I hear Durene hit the ground. My protector, my mighty [Paladin] knocked out. Just like that.


Wiskeria raises her hand. Odveig steps back as Wiskeria tries to touch her with the [Paralyzing Touch] spell. She hits Wiskeria; I hear a cry.

Sorry, Wis. I didnt want to let you take the blameor let you find out this way. But I have a few secrets.

The [Witch] crumples to the ground. Im still locked in place by her spell. I sense Odveig coming around behind me, still holding her mace.

Well, you are a very intelligent young man, Laken Godart.

Thanks. Is this the part where you tell me why you did what you did?

Im stalling for time. Odveig shrugs.

You guessed. Im a spy. Thats not my class, buthow did you know I broke into the cottage? How did you find out what was in Wiskerias bags without looking?

I sensed it.

Ah. Interesting.

I feel all the hairs on the back of my neck trying to dance. I wait. Odveig moves closer.

I have so much Id like to ask you, but your protector might wake up soon and my cover is gone. So Ill just say this.

I feel someone brushing hair around my ears, and then a higher-pitched voice, an elegant tone, so unlike Odveigs accented words.

Lady Magnolia sends her regards. She will be very interested to speak with you once I deliver my report. If you survive.

I feel a chill as Odveig whispers into my ear. Im afraid to make the wrong move, tense. I can sense her holding her mace at her side.

Who are you really? Why did Magnolia send you? What does she want?

Im afraid I cant say much, Laken. But my real name isSacra. I regret that we couldnt speak under more pleasant circumstances.

She shifts. I wait for the end, or at least, unconsciousness. But Odveig doesnt lift it and smash my brains out. She turns and strides out of the cottage. I sense her pick up speed as she leavesshes running down to the village incredibly quickly. Then shes on a horse, trotting it out of the village until shes out of sight, and then racing it

Shes gone.

It takes five minutes before my body starts being able to move again. Wiskerias magic wears off slowly, and I feel like Im moving through molasses. My arms and legs tingle like theyve been asleep. At last, I stand up, around the same time Wiskeria and Durene wake up.

Both of them get up and immediately start a riot. Wiskeria runs out of the cottage and Durene chases her shouting for Odveig. That leaves me in the cottage, alone. I put my head in my hands.

Damn. I feel like an idiot.


Im an idiot. Thats my conclusion after the chaos, with Prost rousing the village and the Celestial Trackers demanding to know why Odveigs run and Wiskeria trying to defend herself and avoid Durene hitting her. I sort it out by shouting at everyone and kick myself that night.

Im an idiot. Have I said it enough times? No. To put it in a delightfully American way, I done goofed. Thats an appropriate way of thinking of how stupid I was.

What was my plan? Confront Wiskeria and hope shed confess? And then what? Confine her as a prisoner orkill her? Let her go? Aside from the fact that I was wrong, I didnt give any thought to what I was going to do.

I panicked. And because of that, Odveigs gone and Im left with more questions and one less warrior to defend the village. If I had been smarter, I could have observed Odveig and let her help meor see how far Magnolia was willing to go to attack me and my village.

Now Im down another adventurer, and a good one if she can knock out Durene in a single hit. If only Id

Too late now. Too late. At least one of my worries has resolved itself. Only, now its a bigger worry and I still have to worry about them.

The Goblins.

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