Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 152 - 74: The True Gods Purging Divine Edict 1

Chapter 152: Chapter 74: The True Gods Purging Divine Edict 1

A word became law, a scroll of edict transformed into the Laws of Heaven and Earth.

Under such circumstances, the White Deer Mountain God and the Golden Eagle Mountain God didn’t even have the time to feel distressed over the loss of 30% of their Incense Offering Divinity Path fortune.

Only then did they realize that this Divine Monarch in front of their eyes had never given any attention to their deeds. He had his aims set on the grand scheme of the whole divinity path and the whole heaven and earth.

With this thought, the White Deer Mountain God and Golden Eagle Mountain God couldn’t help but cultivate a sense of sincere admiration.

At the same time, they also understood why such a majestic Divine Monarch would hide his tracks and why the humans kept by the Black Wind Mountain God had managed to escape from Yunfu mountains successfully.

So, it turned out that as soon as His Majesty, the Divine Monarch, entered the Yunfu mountains, he began to observe the development of the Yunfu Incense Offering Divinity Path.

Being able to eliminate the Divine Monarch’s dissatisfaction by using 30% of their incense offerings was definitely the best outcome for them. If they were held accountable for their offensive acts, killing them all would not cause any objections.

As for the forbiddance on exploiting human faith again and the Laws of Heaven and Earth laid down by the Divine Monarch, they would not have a big impact as long as they did not deliberately violate them.

The Great Demons who could advance to the Qi Training Stage at this time could not simply get there with the power of incense offerings, and the power of incense offerings obtained by keeping the Human Clan was not a necessity for them.

On the contrary, they could exert pressure on other monster tribe Mountain Gods in the name of maintaining the Laws of Heaven and Earth laid down by the Divine Monarch and seize benefits from it.

As his thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, Shen Yuan, who had already dropped the Gods Purging Edict, slowly retracted his right hand.

This was his first time really using the Gods Purging Edict. Previously, whether it was suppressing various Mountain Gods or making all local deities kneel, it was all used on a verbal level.

The real purpose of this edict was simply a direct demonstration of power.

A mere verbal intimidation might not be able to subdue those Great Demons who were not Mountain Gods. After all, the Gods Purging Edict could only work on local deities and once those Great Demons retaliated, Shen Yuan’s true strength would be revealed.

Shen Yuan had to intimidate as much as possible to eliminate all potential risks.

As for the other purpose, Shen Yuan sincerely intended to help the Human Clan who were kept by the Yunfu demons and exploited for their faith.

By taking action in the name of purging the Incense Offering Divinity Path at the root to prevent faith exploitation, he could truly save these humans, and this would also fit his portrayal as a Divine Monarch.

Moreover, standing on the moral high ground of the Incense Offering Divinity Path, Shen Yuan would have the upper hand to accomplish some later thoughts.

With this in mind, Shen Yuan waved his hand casually and said:

Let these monster tribes all disperse!

The Golden Eagle Mountain God seemed to have received amnesty and promptly got up from his kneeling position, emitting a shrill cry.

Upon receiving the command, the yokai slowly withdrew from their siege of Yunfu Street. The hordes of small yokai returned to the Yunfu mountains like tides.

Atop this mountain peak, there were only twenty-eight Mountain Gods left, preparing to obey Shen Yuan’s orders with reverence.

Even if their incense offering fortune was reduced by 30%, none of the Mountain Gods minded the loss of this mere 30% incense offering fortune.

They were very clear that they were lucky enough to survive the wrath of the Divine Monarch, and they dared not hope for anything else.

Shen Yuan’s eyes glanced over the Mountain Gods present, and he said coldly:

Let’s go and meet your Mountain Lord.

Then, Shen Yuan’s gaze fell on the mountain giant kneeling on the mountain peak.

The White Deer Mountain God gave a slight nod, stepping lightly into the air towards the center of the Yunfu mountains, and the other Mountain Gods followed closely behind.

However, as the White Deer Mountain God passed over the trading arena, his eyes lit up as if he suddenly remembered something, and he began to communicate with the Golden Eagle Mountain God.

The Golden Eagle Mountain God also immediately lit up, glanced at Shen Yuan on the deer’s back, who seemed to ignore their whisperings, and immediately understood.

Since the Divine Monarch did not reproach, it means he agrees.

With that, he slowed down his flight speed and landed at the very back of the

Mountain Gods.

Watching Shen Yuan leave, the Golden Eagle Mountain God fluttered his wings and flew back in the direction of Yunfu Street.

As Shen Yuan led the Mountain Gods away, the dark cloud over Yunfu Street finally dispersed.

Especially those people in the trading arena who had once scolded Shen Yuan, their hearts were trembling. After Shen Yuan showed his extraordinary identity and strength, they had always been in fear, dreading that they would be retaliated against by Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan’s departure took away the monster tribe and relieved everyone as if they had received amnesty.

Sunn Lanyu, in the Sky Number Four Box, also showed a look of surprise at the moment, with a look of relief as if he had survived a catastrophe on his face.

Just then, accompanied by a sharp cry, a strong demonic power directly broke through the Formation of the trading arena. The golden wings overturned the roof of Sky Number Four.

A ferocious gaze swept over all the people in Sky Number Four. The swaying wings made the golden feathers like a pierce through the bodies of every member of the Sunn Family.

The five cultivators at the Qi Transformation Stage and more than ten servants at the Essence Refining Stage in the box had no resistance at all.

Even though Sunn Lanyu, who was in charge of the Sunn Family, had activated his defensive magical treasures, it was difficult to resist the life-saving magical treasure of a Great Demon in the Qi Training Stage. Several protective treasures were easily shattered.

The Golden Eagle Mountain God’s face showed joy, and his sharp eagle claws directly gripped the heavily injured Sunn Lanyu and asked in a low voice:

You are Sunn Lanyu?

As he spoke, a large amount of demonic power instantly crushed the other Sunn Family members.

From the direction of the trading market ruins, Yen Xiao, who had lost the backing of the Formation, hurried over. The spiritual treasure in his hand shone with the glow of thunder, and Yen Xiao said angrily:

Golden Eagle, what are you trying to do?

The immortalman told your yokai race to leave. Are you trying to break the immortalman’s order?”

An immortal? Truly ignorant.” The Golden Eagle Mountain God sneered. He raised his claw, shook Sunn Lanyu in his hand, and said:

You should also know that this fellow has repeatedly offended the Divine Monarch.

His Majesty the Divine Monarch knew of my intention to eliminate this waste, and his silence is seen as a tacit acknowledgment of my actions. Do you really want to protect this human, who has offended the Divine Monarch?”

A Divine Monarch?” Yen Xiao dared not inquire about the conversation between Shen Yuan and the mountain gods, but when he heard Golden Eagle Mountain God address Shen Yuan as Divine Monarch, he realized the gravity of the situation.

He looked at Sunn Lanyu, whose face was covered in blood and seemed to be struggling for help. Yen Xiao fell silent.

This matter involved a Divine Monarch and the Golden Eagle Mountain God was most likely not lying. Even Mount Laojun had no reason to offend a Divine Monarch for the sake of Sunn Lanyu.

In addition, he was already quite dissatisfied with Sunn Lanyu for breaking the rules. At this moment, he had no choice but to accept the situation.

Seeing that Yen Xiao did not continue to speak, the Golden Eagle Mountain God smirked coldly, “As expected, humans always present themselves with false virtues.”

As his words fell, the Golden Eagle Mountain God flapped his wings with Sunn Lanyu, preparing to follow the direction of Shen Yuan’s departure.

Sunn Lanyu’s eyes were full of fury but there was nothing he could do against the late stage of Qi Training Stage’s Great Demon. He could only do his best to pour all his mana into the Dragon Palace Edict in his arms.

The token from the River Ji Dragon Palace suddenly erupted in a burst of azure light. Then, a streak of light wrapped around Sunn Lanyu and quickly escaped from the clutch of the Golden Eagle God.

You audacious brat, how dare you…

The Golden Eagle Mountain God erupted in rage, and his wings spread open into hundreds, even thousands of feathers, congealing in an instant into a car-sized sword array that cut straight towards the streak of light.

Ripples of water surged as the Dragon Palace Edict, using the power of River Ji Dragon Palace’s incense offering, began to gather the power of the surrounding water sources to provide protection for Sunn Lanyu.

However, in these Yunfu mountains, there was a lack of any significant bodies of water. Without a sufficient source of water, the light streak was unable to completely protect Sunn Lanyu.


With a sharp cry, two severed legs, cut off at the knee, fell from the light and landed in the jungle below.

What remained of Sunn Lanyu, who had managed to save more than half of his body, was rushed out toward the direction outside the Yunfu mountain range carried by the accelerating light.

Damn it!

The Golden Eagle Mountain God anger was still not appeased even after his feathered sword shattered those legs into pieces.

In the end, the helpless Golden Eagle Mountain God had to put away his feathered sword and catch up in the direction Shen Yuan had left.

After a while, Shen Yuan looked strangely at the nervous Golden Eagle

Mountain God in front of him.

You failed to kill Sunn Lanyu and came to apologize to me specifically?

I was careless for a moment, and that Sunnn Lanyu escaped.

Golden Eagle Mountain God spoke in a timid whisper.

Shen Yuan was not aware that the Golden Eagle had gone to deal with Sunn Lanyu. He only knew about him and White Deer Mountain God communicating in secret.

Shen Yuan had never considered Sunn Lanyu a threat. He was merely a pawn that Shen Yuan intentionally baited to draw the attention of the River Ji Dragon Palace.

It would be beneficial for Shen Yuan if the River Ji Dragon Palace and the Yellow River Dragon Palace started a feud. Otherwise, if the River Ji Dragon Palace actually found Shen Yuan because of the Dragon Seal, it would be a real problem for him.

“It is only the River Ji Dragon Palace after all.

The Dragon Seal was lost, the old Dragon Sovereign passed away and even the

First Prince was beheaded. There is nothing to fear.”

Leaving a mad dog to cause a ruckus indiscriminately can be entertaining.

Shen Yuan commented casually.

The mountain gods were secretly taken aback at his words. The River Ji Dragon Palace, after all, was a giant entity that even the Yunfu mountain range wouldn’t dare to offend casually.

But in Shen Yuan’s mouth, they were merely an entity that could be casually critiqued.

However, all the mountain gods also knew very well that any who could become a Divine Monarch were rulers of a divine system. If the divine system controlled by the Divine Monarch in front of them was vast, naturally, they would not need to worry about the River Ji Dragon Palace.

After a few short exchanges, the main peak of Yunfu mountain range, Yunfu Mountain, was already in sight.

Shen Yuan could see that the mountain, over a kilometer high, had a clear humanoid outline.

In the upper half of the mountain, a giant face, as if chiseled by ghosts and gods, appeared before Shen Yuan. An expression of anger, unwillingness, and helplessness filled the face.

As an honorable, naturally born local deity, the Yunfu Mountain Lord was already six thousand years old and was one of the new gods born during the first spirit energy tidal surge after the Great Schism.

However, among the naturally born deities, Yunfu Mountain Lord could only be considered a teenager, and a brash one at that, devoid of elders’ teachings.

Even when Shen Yuan made him kneel with a single true word and diminished his Incense Offering Divinity Path by 30% with an Imperial Edict, he still could not truly submit.

Unwillingness filled Yunfu Mountain Lord’s heart, and he continued to glare angrily at Shen Yuan.

Seeing this, many of the mountain gods could not help but wipe the cold sweat trickling down their foreheads. They worried that their mountain lord might accidentally anger the Divine Monarch and have his Spiritual Wisdom wiped out, turning back into an inanimate mountain.

Shen Yuan remained unbothered by Yunfu Mountain Lord’s glare, but instead spoke with an indifferent attitude:

Yunfu, why haven’t you thanked me yet?

Thank you?

The mouth of Yunfu Mountain God opened and closed, and when he spoke, the wind of the mountains howled and the earth trembled. His eyes, made from rock, flickered with light and darkness, hinting at sparks of molten lava flowing underneath.

Of course you should thank me.” A smile tugged at the corners of Shen Yuan’s mouth.

Thank me for killing a practitioner of Demon Path Giant lurking between the Yunfu mountains, saving your life!”

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