Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 153 - 75 Savior of Yunfu’s Mountains 1

Chapter 153: Chapter 75 Savior of Yunfu’s Mountains 1

The glow in Yunfu Mountain Lord’s eyes flickered for a moment, and his booming voice was filled with confusion.

What do you mean by your words?

Not only Yunfu Mountain Lord, but all the other Mountain Gods also looked at Shen Yuan with curiosity.

Shen Yuan glanced around at the numerous Mountain Gods, noting their reactions, before asking Yunfu Mountain Lord:

Have you heard of the name, Kuang Tianjie?

Kuang Tianjie!”

The master of the Blood River Yuan Slaughter Path?

A demon path giant who terrorized the world ten thousand years ago and initiated the Demon Transformation turmoil, Kuang Tianjie?”

The sounds of fear came from the mouths of several Qi Transformation Stage great demons. Yunfu Mountain Lord didn’t say anything, but a frightened expression could be seen on his grand face, which seemed to be exquisitely crafted by divine sculptors.

Clearly, he also understood what Kuang Tianjie represented.

However, apart from a few great demons who possessed inherited memories, the majority of the monster tribe Mountain Gods didn’t have related inherited memories, and even what the demon path was might be unknown to them.

The Mountain Gods dared not ask Shen Yuan and Yunfu Mountain Lord. They could only whisper to the few Qi-training great demons:

Who exactly is this so-called Kuang Tianjie?

Is he very powerful?

The green giant python in the Qi Transformation Stage sneered as it looked at the Mountain Gods and said:

Powerful? Such a description is utterly foolish!”

Kuang Tianjie controlled the Blood River Yuan Slaughter Path ten thousand years ago and dominated the Primal Chaos Realm for thousands of years. Countless Tao Harmony Taoist Doyens and monster tribe emperors died by his hands.

During his era, the demon path flourished to such an extent that it even rivaled the immortal path.”

He always acted recklessly. Once, he used the Blood God Child to become a mortal and joined a sect. He cultivated and was eventually regarded as the successor by the entire sect.

However, on the day he took over as head, his true body slaughtered everyone in the sect.”

He also used the Blood God Child to reincarnate in the womb of the Huai River

Dragon Consort, nearly becoming a Great River Dragon Sovereign recognized by the Huai River Dragon Sovereign.

When his identity was exposed, the Huai River Dragon Sovereign rallied the aquatic tribe of the Huai River personally to attack the Blood River Yuan Slaughter Path, only to have his advances blocked by Old Monster Kuang. This standoff lasted for a hundred years before the Huai River Dragon Sovereign retreated back to his waters and no longer meddled with issues of the demon path.”

After the Great Schism, Old Monster Kuang even widely propagated so-called Demon Transformation methods to the world, claiming that as long as one captures a monster tribe Demon Transformation Pool, one can avoid the great power of the Mortal Emperor’s Absolute Heaven and Earth Passage and ascend to the Upper World.

This turmoil disturbed many, causing Immortals and monster tribe’s saints to perish, and the monster tribe also regarded Kuang Tianjie as a great threat.”

The explanation of the Green Python Mountain God finally made the Monster Tribe Mountain Gods understand how powerful Kuang Tianjie is.

Considering the name mentioned by Shen Yuan, they immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Shen Yuan kept his composure on the surface, but also learned from the Green Python Mountain God’s mouth what the turmoil of Transformation really was.

The fact that Kuang Tianjie paid great attention to this Demon Transformation turmoil indicated that it was not as simple as what the Green Python Mountain God had described.

However, now was not the time to delve into the secrets behind it.

Upon arriving at the top of the Yunfu Mountains and seeing the overarching Yunfu Mountain Lord, who was suppressed by the Imperial Decree of Truth, yet showed unmasked hostility towards him, Shen Yuan realized the crux of the issue.

As a natural deity born after the Great Schism, Yunfu Mountain Lord was also a canonical god bestowed by the Heavenly Court and thus ruled over these mountains.

Even the old monster beasts of the Yunfu blessed land would show some deference to him.

This led to Yunfu Mountain Lord being arrogant and unscrupulous.

Moreover, this place was a stronghold for the Monster Tribe. Yunfu Mountain Lord grew up without having ever being truly threatened. Even after Shen Yuan intimidated the Mountain Gods with his absolute suppressive display, Yunfu Mountain Lord did not display any fear.

If Shen Yuan were a Divine Monarch, he could remove Yunfu Mountain Lord’s canonical god status with a wave of his hand, turning this natural deity into a stubborn stone sealed in these mountains as punishment.

However, Shen Yuan was not a real Divine Monarch. If he were to make a move against Yunfu Mountain Lord, the Lord of the Mountains, there was a high chance that it would provoke a backlash from the Yunfu blessed land.

Ignoring Yunfu Mountain Lord’s attitude completely wouldn’t work either.

Shen Yuan was very clear that his identity as Divine Monarch was upheld solely by the Gods Purging Edict.

If he couldn’t even handle an insignificant canonical god from the Heavenly Court, it would inevitably lead to unnecessary doubt.

After thinking it over, Shen Yuan decided to use the simplest method on Yunfu Mountain Lord, who was still not of age among the natural deities— intimidation!

Once Yunfu Mountain Lord was frightened, he would naturally change his mind.

As for the object of intimidation, it naturally was Kuang Tianjie, whom Shen Yuan had just killed.

Kuang Tianjie’s fame had already transcended the Human Clan, and he had even wreaked havoc within the Monster Tribe. Without a doubt, he would be the perfect puppet.

The most important point was that Kuang Tianjie had appeared in Yunfu Mountain Range and killed several Mountain Gods. There was solid evidence for this.

Even invoking Divine Skills for deductions wouldn’t pose any problem.

You call yourselves, the Gods of Yunfu Mountain, who rule over the mountains and rivers within a thousand miles radius and yet you are oblivious to the fact that a Demon Path Giant has been lurking within your hills for a long time.”

Shen Yuan’s countenance remained calm, but his words were a harsh rebuke:

That old demon somehow survived the period of Spirit Energy depletion and planted Blood God Children in major sects during the Spirit Energy Tidal Surges of three thousand and six thousand years, causing numerous sects to suffer endless chaos till this day.

At the early stage of this Spirit Energy Tidal Surge, I discovered the traces of

Old Monster Kuang outside Black Wind Mountain.”

As soon as Shen Yuan’s voice fell, the face of the Yunfu Mountain Lord revealed a bit of unease, and he quickly asked:

Black Wind Mountain? The same Black Wind Mountain whose believers fled after being the first among the mountains to witness a god’s death?”

Even the Yunfu Mountain Lord, who didn’t fear Shen Yuan, was finally gripped with fear at this moment.

He had heard about how Kuang Tianjie, the master of Blood River Yuan Slaughter Path, had captured a born-local deity and refined it into a blood river with resentful spirits that lingered for three thousand years.

This was something much more terrifying than death itself for the born-local deities.

At first, the Yunfu Mountain Lord suspected that Shen Yuan was just trying to scare him with this information, but when Shen Yuan mentioned Black Wind Mountain, the Yunfu Mountain Lord immediately realized that what he said might be true.

As the Lord of Yunfu Hills, he had personally overseen the area after the death of the Black Wind Mountain God, indeed felt a deeply hidden Demon Path aura had remained in the Black Wind Mountain, but couldn’t tell where the traces originated.

When Shen Yuan mentioned Kuang Tianjie, the Yunfu Mountain Lord already believed him about eighty percent.

Shen Yuan glanced at the Yunfu Mountain Lord with a cold look and said:

“Did I ask you to speak?

Shut up!”

Once again the Imperial Decree of Truth fell and the large mouth of Yunfu Mountain Lord was instantly closed.

The Yunfu Mountain Lord glared with wide eyes, subconsciously trying to show his anger, but the thought of the Demon Path aura lingering on Black Wind Mountain made him immediately stand down and lower his head reverently.

Noticing the reaction of the Yunfu Mountain Lord, Shen Yuan nodded slightly and continued to speak:

Kuang Tianjie hides in the famous Taoist artifact, Blood Sea Ring, and tempts ordinary humans hiding in Hea Family Village at Black Wind Mountain.

While passing through Hea Family Village, I sensed his aura and planned to find Kuang Tianjie’s traces, but that Mountain God of Black Wind acted recklessly, killed lots of humans recklessly, and had already deviated from the way of the Mountain Gods with his heinous crimes.

I severely injured him and used him as bait to lure Kuang Tianjie, who swallowed it.”

Indeed, as expected, Kuang Tianjie could not resist the temptation of the severely injured Black Wind Mountain God and used his Divine Skill, Blood Sacrifice Demon Luo, to absorb all his essence, which allowed me to confirm Kuang Tianjie’s true location.”

Shen Yuan did not hide the fact that he had killed the Black Wind Mountain God. When Shen Yuan mentioned that he had baited Kuang Tianjie with the Mountain God of Black Wind, many of the Mountain Gods couldn’t help but show admiring looks, not caring about the fall of the Black Wind Mountain God at all.

In their view, since a Divine Monarch had determined the death of the Mountain God of Black Wind, he was bound to die. Being able to bait Kuang Tianjie, the old demon, before his death, counted as making full use of his residual value.

Upon hearing this, the White Deer Mountain God’s expression shifted slightly, and he lowered his head humbly, saying:

A few days ago, while searching for the killer of the Black Wind Mountain God, several Mountain Gods were seriously injured and died, their bodies drained of blood by an unknown Divine Skill.

Those Mountain Gods…

Were also killed by Kuang Tianjie. ” After a pause in speech, Shen Yuan added, “More accurately, they were killed by a human under the control of Kuang Tianjie.”

“Old Monster Kuang has already ascended to the Immortal Realm, and has managed to survive to this day through the era of Spirit Energy Tidal Surges. His cultivation and Divine Skills are unfathomable.

He never acts recklessly but uses his words to bewitch ordinary people to serve him, then refines them into Blood God Children who plague the mortal world.

The human who killed those Mountain Gods was just an ordinary hunter a few days ago.”

At these words, many Mountain Gods gasped in surprise.

Those Mountain Gods who were killed were all at the Peak Stage of the Qi Transformation. A few days ago, he was just an ordinary mountaineer, and in just a few days, under Old Monster Kuang, he was able to kill a Mountain God, a feat that truly exceeded the imaginations of the Mountain Gods.

At the same time, all the Mountain Gods also had another question.

If even an ordinary human can be made so strong by Old Monster Kuang, then how strong would Old Monster Kuang’s true strength be?”

At this moment, the unruly Golden Eagle Mountain God seemed to have thought of something. His feathers trembled slightly and he subconsciously blurted out:

Could that world-altering phenomenon be the result of the Divine Monarch’s battle with Old Monster Kuang?”

At these words, all the Mountain Gods were in an uproar. Even Yunfu Mountain Lord, who was rendered speechless, couldn’t help but widen his eyes in shock.

None of the many Mountain Gods present would forget that rising Great Sun or the terrifying phenomenon of the changing heavens.

If that phenomenon was indeed left behind by Shen Yuan’s battle with Kuang Tianjie, then all doubts could be completely explained.

Under the gaze of the Mountain Gods, Shen Yuan spoke with nonchalance:

Kuang Tianjie attempted a desperate last stand by using his soul to perform the Blood Transformation Divine Sword. I merely triggered my sword to slash it, that’s all.”

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