Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 113: Chapter 112: The Nine Headed King

Chapter 113: Chapter 112: The Nine Headed King

[3rd POV] [1 week later]

A week had passed since the red tornado fight, and a few things had happened. For one, Talia had to deal with the pissed Lane, and the resentful Morrow. Lane was easy enough to deal with, but Morrow was...more dangerous. So, the man just happened to get into an accident on his ways home, leading to his death. Talia didn't feel bad for this, knowing that he was going to use Red Tornado to attack innocents, and had he lved, he would have created more androids of impressive power.

During this week, Talia had brought the girls on a group date, and had some "fun" with them. She had also focused more on completing her quests, as she wanted to level her classes. This had the side effect of her being busy, meaning she couldn't really talk with Kara much during this time. She felt bad, but she knew that Kara had a lot of her own shit she had to deal with. Astra (her aunt) and Non (Astra's husband) especially.

The last time they really talked, was during an earthquake that rocked National City. One that was quite large, and took Talia a decent bit of time to deal with.

Her "Silent Followers" had increased in size, with all 30,000 Low Level and Middle Level vampires coming out officially. With this, her rate of saving people had massively increased, to the point that she had completed several more quests, and even received a couple more stages to her quests as a side effect of it.

[Quests Completed]

100,000 Civilians Saved/Helped - 15 Levels.

250,000 Civilians Saved/Helped - 20 Levels, 1 item.

10,000 Criminals Defeated - 15 Levels, 1 powerful item (Random)

[Quests Received]

25,000 Criminals Defeated - 25 Levels

50,000 Criminals Defeated - 30 Levels

100,000 Criminals Defeated - 35 Levels, 1 incredibly powerful item (random)

Terrorists no more

Details - Terrorist organizations are a blight on the world. Wipe them out for good.

10 Terrorist Groups Destroyed - 15 Levels, Title.

25 Terrorist Groups Destroyed - 20 Levels, 2 items.

50 Terrorist Groups Destroyed - 25 Levels.

75 Terrorist Groups Destroyed - 30, 1 powerful item (random)

This new quest had turned out to be...very easy for her. Mostly because they were basically just a bunch of normal humans, but with more firepower. She had completed the first two subparts for the quest. This, in turn, had gained a LOT of worldwide attention. As she was effectively making the worldwide governments look like a bunch of clowns, since she and her followers were rapidly taking out groups they had been struggling with so much. She wasn't killing them, but they were imprisoned and she made sure they wouldn't be getting out. Most of them were more than likely getting a death sentence, but still.

This had netted her a total of 85 levels, 1 new title, and 4 items. She hadn't claimed them just yet, as she wanted to wait until she was used to her power.

During this time, she had also started to gain more and more worldwide attention as she took out more and more terrorist organizations, criminal groups, and saving 100's of thousands of people. She was being talked about more and more, to the point that she was even surpassing Superman. Through this, her divinity was rapidly growing as more and more people talked about her, and more and more people began to respect her and her familiars.

At the moment, Talia was in her dimension, preparing to finally receive her rewards.

"Alright system, claim that title and the items" Talia spoke, deciding to get them out of the way first.


The bane of Terrorism - The user has brought fear and apprehension into the hearts of all terrorists through their massive operations of wiping out terrorist organizations around the world. The user and their familiars attributes are boosted by 25% when fighting against Terrorists, Terrorism, Terror, and those who wish to commit similar acts.


Blessing of the Golden Demise - The blessing given by the Golden Demise. This blessing is immensely powerful. Increases all Kaiju abilities, powers, etc, by 5x. Grants the user the possibility to develop ???????????. Grants the user the potential of ?????????. Strengthens all magic/powers related to the void and nothingness, by 25x. Grants massively strengthened resistance to the void/nothingness. Grants the potential to grow a ???????.

[Item 2]

[True Exalibur (DXD) - The true excalibur from DXD, aka the combined version of the 7 split excaliburs that were created after it was shattered. This blade has 7 different abilities as a side effect of this. From Excalibur Destruction, the blade can unleash a wave of pure destructive power, said wave is strong enough to obliterate the surroundings and create craters. From Excalibur Mimic, it can transform itself into any shape, size, and material the user desires (Cannot transform into materials of other universes, materials of certain power, etc). From Excalibur Rapidly, the user (when wielding this) and the blades speed is 10x faster. From Excalibur Nightmare, allows the wielder to cast illusions and manipulate dreams, strengthens already existing ability to cast illusions. From Excalibur Transparency, allows the wielder and blade to go invisible. From Excalibur Blessing, The sword relates to one's belief in the teaching of the Christianity religion, and it has been said that it mainly shows its effects when used on holy rituals. For example, it can do things like weaken and during an exorcism, give blessing to those who are participating in the mass, as well as strengthen an Exorcist's power. From Exalibur Ruler (The strongest fragment), It grants its wielder the power to manipulate any living thing or organic material, allowing them to control the will of their opponents and fully subjugate them.It is later revealed that Excalibur Ruler is not limited to living things, but can instead control any phenomena, allowing its wielder to manipulate the attacks of others and use them against whoever they wish. It also allows its user to control inorganic materials and inanimate objects, but this is limited to a certain level. This blade also naturally strengthens the users light power by 10x while wielding it, and their damage to demonic

creatures by 10x]

[Excalibur (DXD) Fused!]

[Improvements - The blade and user is 20x faster when wielding. When wielded the users light power is 25x stronger. When wielded the user does 15x more damage to demonic creatures. All the abilities of this blade (such as the invisibility) are strengthened further]

[Item 3]

[The Snake of Ophis Ouroboros, the Dragon God of Infinity - The snake holding a small fraction of Ophis's "Infinite" power. When consumed, the users demonic power and light power are strengthened by 75x. When consumed the users Divinity is strengthened. Potential to develop ???????. All draconic abilities gained in the future start out 5x stronger. Potential to


[Powerful Item]

[The Crown of Black Fire - The crown of Black Fire, also known as the Crown of Surtur. This crown, when equipped, will strengthen the users fire manipulation abilities by 10x, their fire's power by 7.5x. Strengthens the users physical power by 5x. Strengthens the users mental abilities by 2x. Potential for ????????. Can grow stronger in the future]

'...Damn' Talia thought looking over the items. Each item was good, especially the Snake and


"Golden Demise...that's Void Ghidorah..." Talia muttered, remembering just how crazy powerful that thing was. It was more of an Eldritch God than a kaiju. A God that she wouldn't even be able to harm, much less kill. But, the blessing was truly fantastic, so she sure as hell

wasn't about to complain.

"System, go ahead and equip the blessing and the Crown. Replace the Goblin one with the

crown of black fire. Consume the Snake too" Talia said, as she felt power begin to flood her

being, as another system notification flared into her vision.

[Requirements met. Angel Class shall undergo an evolution...]

[Due to the presence of the Devil class, a even stronger evolution shall be undergone]

[Angel evolves into > Seraph]

[Beginning evolution]

Talia couldn't utter a word as soft groans began to escape her lips. Power began to flood her

very being as Light Power and Demonic Energy poured from her being, causing her dimension to shake and warp as power flooded into the surroundings. The surroundings rapidly grew illuminated in a blood red energy, while rapidly changing into a bright golden energy over

and over.

'Fuck this sucks' Talia thought with a low groan as pain the evolution of her class rapidly went


The evolution itself took over 5 minutes before it finally ceased, and Talia let out a happy


[Evolution Complete]

[New Class received]

[Nephalem (DXD) - A species made through the combination of Devil and Angel, a first for the

DXD species. Born of both species, this species is far stronger than the others by themselves. Every level massively strengthens the users light power and demonic energy. The users Demonic Energy has ascended into "Heavenly Demonic Energy" which is effectively demonic energy, but several times stronger than before, more pure, and much more well rounded. Light Power has ascended into "Divine Light Power" which is effectively Light Power but much stronger, being purified to an entirely new level. The users powers they gain from every 25 levels are now several times stronger, and use this new energy. The user receives 1 Holy Power and 1 Demonic power per 25 levels. This class can ascend even further should more angel or demonic classes be obtained]

As Talia read this, she breathed out with a grin as giant wings sprouted from behind her, showing off her Nephalem status, as her new energies flared.

"Fuck that feels great" Talia said with a pleasured sigh as she stretched her wings, before

they slowly receded back into her. As they fled back into her body, Talia began to speak again. "System, go ahead and claim the levels needed to get both classes maxed out" Talia said,

deciding to get her classes done with.

[Kaiju Class Maxed out]

[Ninth Species...Selected]

[Yamato No Orochi - Titanus Yamata No Orochi | Reiwa]

[Due to the nature of the Titanus Yamata No Orochi, and the users class, a mass fusion and evolution shall be undergone]

[Beginning Species fusion and evolution]

[Titanous Ghidorah, Ancient Shisa, Oxygen Destroyer-mutated Prehistoric Crustacean, Titanus Rodan, Hyper-evolved plant-based lifeform, Titanus Shimo, Mutated prehistoric marine animal, Extraterrestrial Godzilla clone, and Titatnus Yamata No Orochi fusing]

"Ah fuck not again!" Talia cursed loudly, as her bones began to pop and heal at a rapid pace. A deep grunt escaped her lips as her body began to glow powerfully. Her form began to grow larger and larger, as the glow began to get larger and larger. Soon, the figure that was Talia, began to form into something...much larger than before.

Slowly, the giant figure began to stand, standing at roughly 600 meters (1948 feet). Nine long heads began to slowly show themselves, as the glow began to subside. Gleaming golden and black scaled coated the large forms body. Each of the heads slightly different from one another, symbolizing the 9 different species that was fused to make it. One was Golden, one was a deep red, another was white, and so on, so forth. 9 giant tails trailed behind her back, as two wings larger than the body spread, golden crystals spiked at the end of them. [Something like this, but with tails similar to the one below.]

[Her wings are similar to the ones below, but the little spiky bits you see, are crystalline with

a gold color]

Slowly the heads backed slightly, before...


The dimension shook as the roar of the being billowed out. The roar was...strong, and

different. Akin to nine different roars layered on top of one another. Loud, powerful, earth

shattering, and absolutely terrifying. [Fusion and Evolution finished]

[Evolution into...Divine Nine-Headed Golden-King Ghidorah]

Talia's overall power in terms of Kaiju species, had multiplied dozens of times over. As her

physical strength was on an entirely different level at this point. Beyond even that of the average Kryptonian, allowing her to lift Tens of MILLIONS of tons. Of course, that strength wouldn't be worth much, it was speed that she really wanted. Someone like Kara, should she reach her full potential, would most certainly get to a much higher level than that, but that

wouldn't happen for a while.

Blinking her 18 eyes, Talia gazed around, her faces grinning eerily as she did 'This is

amazing!' Talia thought, her draconic faces grinning. Some of them being especially creepy, in the case of the "Shin Godzilla" and "Destoroyah" heads.

'I can probably lift over 40 million tons now...and that strength while seemingly not as strong

in my human form, it's still enough to lift several millions' Talia thought with a smile, as she knew she couldn't use that apocalyptic strength in her human form. Not yet at least. She was sure she'd be able to access it's full force eventually, but she imagined it was just a limit to the

class or her humanoid form or something of the sort.

Seeing as the evolution was completely finished, Talia's figure began to glow, receding back

into a much smaller form.

Back in her humanoid form, Talia noticed the feeling of strength, and the fact that she looked

ever so slightly more...divine? Beautiful? She looked different, more powerful, and more...royal. Her eyes that were silver, now had a noticeable faint color in them, golden in color, and noticeable if one was to look closely enough.

[4th Angelic Ability - Holy Earth: Holy "Earth" is a type of rock, crystal, etc that combines Divine Light Power and Earth together. More damaging against all demonic/evil/dark creatures. Has massively improved durability and blocking effects]

[5th Angelic Ability - Holy Creation: Holy Creation is the main ability of the Biblical God of

DXD. Allows the user to create holy objects, items, etc. With enough practice, training, and power, the user can do something like create sacred gears, holy blades, etc. These creations

are far stronger than any normal creation, and are highly damaging against all dark/demonic/evil creatures]

[6th Ability/Bloodline Selected]

[Belphegor Clan Ability - Crack]

Crack is a unique power that creates a tear in things within the range of the user. It has high

direct attack power, but if the user is skilled in its use, they can create a "tear" in the attacks of others. Through this, by finding the "Center point" of an attack, the user can use crack on

it, effectively creating tears or "Cracks" in them, scattering the movement of the attack. [7th Ability/Bloodline Selected] [Leviathan Clan Ability - Sea Serpent of the End]

This technique has the ability to control the sea and generate large amounts of water. At full

power, it's capable of summoning floods, drowning whole cities and creating a large variety of water-based creatures. This ability is potent enough to allow the user to control oceans in

the Human world, and it granted the user excellent talent in general demonic power-based

water manipulation.

[Main Class Maxed out, select new class]

[Main Class - Shinobi | Naruto] [Main Class - Avatar | ATLA] [Main Class - Magic Knight | Black Clover]

[Subclass maxed, select new class]

[Subclass - Green Martian | Arrowverse]

[Subclass - Demon | Demon Slayer] [Subclass Doctor]

Talia reading through the main class choices, went wide eyed at the options. Each of them

were powerful, and this...this was going to be a hard choice. Looking over them, Talia just had

one thought in her mind.

'... Which one do I choose?'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be her getting her main and subclass, and some more interaction with Kara.

I plan on uploading an interlude soon too, which will be a date.

Not sure how well I described her kaiju form, but she's basically a massive nine headed

ghidorah lol.

The items she got, as usual, were randomly picked from a selection of items. So she got pretty lucky lol.

Anyways, have a good day!

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