Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 114: Chapter 113: New Classes

Chapter 114: Chapter 113: New Classes

[3rd POV]

'Subclass is easy enough. As while Doctor sounds appealing, it's not really something I entirely need, considering I already have masterful knowledge in the area. Green Martian sounds more appealing, mostly because of the possibility of it evolving into something like a Burning Martian. Not to mention the fact that I've still got 59 levels left to claim, which would get me to level 60 or so' Talia thought as she looked over her options.

'The main class though...thats much harder. Magic Knight is appealing for the sheer variety of magics, the grimoires, and the devil magic. Avatar is appealing for the stronger manipulation of elements, and the connection to Raava. But Shinobi...Shinobi is on a different level. If it's what I am thinking, then there's a good chance this will give me not only chakra, but it will also potentially give me kekkei genkai's, like the Sharingan, or even the Rinnegan. Not only that, but it would also give me a stronger connection to the elements either way. Hell, I could even get Sage Mode and other similar modes' Talia thought with a hum, contemplating her choice.

After thinking fo a few more moments, Talia decided on Shinobi and Green Martian. Green Martian would be useful for the psionic capabilities, shapeshifting, increased strength, and sheer potential for future evolutions.

[Shinobi (Naruto) - Grants the user chakra, a combination of physical and spiritual energies. Every level increases the users chakra in every way, the users physical attributes, their connection to the elements and nature, and several other areas. There are many techniques, arts, and jutsu that shinobi use for a variety of different situations, from making balls of fire, to creating blasts capable of obliterating entire cities. Every 25 levels the user gains a Kekkei Genkai, and 1 upon receiving this class. In the case of something like the Tenseigan, Rinnegan, Rinne Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, etc, the user must obtain the previous evolutions first in order to unlock the later ones. Every level also increases the strength and power of the users kekkei genkai. This class has the potential to evolve further]

[Green Martian (Arrowverse) - Every level increases the users physical capabilities, psionic capabilities, and mental capabilities. Strengthens the users mental immunity to new levels. Allows for further uses of telekinesis beyond what the user could accomplish before. Can evolve further in the future]

[1st Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan]

Individuals with a Byakugan have a near-360° field of vision around themselves, save for a small blindspot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra. he Byakugan's vision can penetrate almost any object, allowing users to see through walls, peer underground, or even examine the contents of a person's body. Users can focus their vision on anything and everything within the Byakugan's range, allowing them to monitor individuals from afar or to quickly survey a vast area and pinpoint specific locations within that area. The user can see the chakra and potentially even other energies within others. The user can see through illusions, these eyes increase the effectiveness of the users illusion by a decent amount. The current range of sight of these eyes, are 25 miles (40 KM), this will increase as the user levels their


[2nd Kekkei Genkai: Crystal Release]

Users of Crystal Release can convert any matter into pink, jade-green, red, or blue coloured crystals, from physical material to moisture in the air, allowing them to turn anything into a weapon. This extends to other physical natures, rendering earth, water, and wood useless against it. When used on living creatures, targets can be crystallised down to the cellular level, imprisoning them so long as the crystals are in place and shattering them if the crystals are struck, killing them. Crystal Release users can also manipulate pre-existing crystals and crystalline structures. Crystal Release cannot crystallise raw energy or chakra, as they have no physical mass to crystallize, allowing those with good chakra control or the lightning or fire natures to counter it. Crystal Release is also susceptible to a specific sound wave frequency: because crystal requires a very precise build-up of molecules, the proper sound waves can break down the build-up before the crystal can properly form. These weaknesses can eliminated by leveling this class.

[3rd Kekkei Genkai: Senrigan]

The Senrigan (, literally meaning: Clairvoyance) is a dōjutsu ability that can project one's consciousness to any location to see and hear any present event, even taking place in a different dimension, as well as any past event up to the moment of their birth. They also remain limited by the context of what they can witness as they are unable to understand the information beyond their natural general knowledge. They also cannot perceive events within a separate spiritual or mental plane, and cannot see into other universes.

[4th Kekkei Genkai: Ketsuryugan]

The Ketsuryūgan (■, literally meaning: Blood Dragon Eye), is a dōjutsu. This dōjutsu confers genjutsu casting abilities, either by making physical skin contact with the target or meeting each other's gaze. Upon which, they can hypnotise the victim in a variety of ways, or even delve deep into their minds to extract information. The Ketsuryūgan also gave the users the ability to manipulate iron, or more accurately, anything with a high iron concentration. As such, fitting with its moniker, the Ketsuryugan can manipulate the blood within a living target, whether it be themselves or another being. In the case of the user, is will essentially boost their blood manipulation capabilties and illusions capabilities by a decent margin.

[All these Dojutsu can work at the same time. But they cannot be used in conjunction with the Odins Vampiric Silver Eyes...yet]

[Would host like to assimilate the new classes and abilities?]

'Hmm, not bad. Byakugan is...kind of useless in the beginning, but it's potential for evolution into the Tenseigan is what's incredibly powerful. Not sure if I can even get that in the class, or if I need to get something like the blood of an Otsutsuki or something. Senrigan is really helpful, especially in regards to some of the stuff I plan on doing in the future. Crystal release isn't bad, and could be strong when combined with my Space Godzilla crystals. And Ketsuryugan is...kind of useless to be honest, it wouldn't give me much beside making my already incredibly powerful blood manipulation even stronger' Talia thought with a small smile, pleased with most of the Kekkei Genkai she had gotten.

The only one that was pretty useless was Ketsuryugan.

[Class - Shinobi | Naruto]

[Level - 84/200]

[Subclass - Green Martian | Arrowverse]

[Level 60/100]

'About at the levels I was expecting. Alright system, go ahead and assimilate' Talia thought, after checking what level the classes would be at.

The second she did, she felt a slight prickling feeling in her eyes, as they began to softly glow. Veins bulged around her eyes, as a large blue energy swirled around her form, as pure chakra poured out of her being. Her muscles bulged and glowed ever so slightly, as her form warped for a moment before returning to normal.

The overall assimilation took less than a minute, as this assimilation was easy enough. It was mostly just a new energy, and some kekkei genkai.

Opening her eyes, Talia blinked as she noticed her surroundings 'Wow...the Byakugan is not bad afterall. Nearly 20 miles of sight around me, and it's only going to get stronger. The other two dojutsu will need to be tested later, as Senrigan is...going to be interesting, while Ketsuryugan will only really be testable with a subjects to test it on' Talia thought with a hum, as the veins that bulged around her eyes, receded back, returning her eyes back to their normal silver with hints of gold.

[Shinobi Starter Pack]

[Scroll of all E-Rank Jutsu]

[Scroll of all D-Rank Jutsu]

[Scroll of the History of the Elmental Nations]

"Hmm, E and D rank? Not bad for the starter pack. They don't have many good jutsu in their, but there's gotta be a couple of use to me. Alright, go ahead and consume them" Talia spoke out loud, as knowledge began to fill her mind.

[Scroll of all E-Rank Jutsu Consumed. Scroll of all D-Rank Jutsu Consumed. Scroll of the History of the Elemental Nations Consumed]

It didn't take long to look through the knowledge, and sighed 'About what I was expecting, but still kind of disappointing to be honest' Talia thought as she looked through the Jutsu she had gotten, none of them were particularly good, but the Body Replacement Technique (Kawarimi no Jutsu) and Body Flicker Technique (Shunshin no Jutsu) are both actually decent. Body replacement was basically just a jutsu that'd let her replace her body with something like a rock, tree branch, or something else. A good way of dodging and getting away from


'Now that that is over with, let's get back' Talia thought, deciding to return to the real world after being within the dimension for the past hour or so.

[A few hours later]

A few hours had passed since Talia had assimilated her new classes, and not a lot really happened, besides her showing off her new abilities to the girls a bit.

At the moment, she was flying through the skies of National City in her Solaris suit. Why? Because Kara needed her help. Lord Industries which was run by Maxwell Lord, was under attack by Non and his followers, which included other Kryptonians.

As Talia drew closer and closer to the location, she could hear the sounds of fighting, as she focused her immensely powerful hearing on the location. 'Hmm, looks like Kara's already there and fighting Non' Talia noted, as she began to fly closer and closer, before eventually.


A loud boom sounded out as Talia slammed to the ground, right in front of where a surprised Kara was standing. Her hand was up as she effortlessly the caught fist of the Kryptonian, Non. Non's eyes widened at the sight, as Talia looked at the man, unimpressed underneath her helmet. Looking at the man, she spoke.

"Huh...I was expecting more"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Sorry about the ending being rushed, but I ended up falling asleep in the middle of writing

this and only just now woke up...oops. Next chapter will be some action, some moments with Kara, and probably an interlude chapter with Talia's date with the girls.

And I know a lot of people wanted Avatar, but Shinobi has way more use to Talia at the

moment, than Avatar. The next main class she choses will more than likely be Avatar though. As for the subclass, she's already a master in most sciences, including everything having to do with a Doctor. I have plans for a new subclass coming up soon, and it'll be a good one that will

give her some incredible knowledge. Anyways, have a good day!Nôv(el)B\\jnn

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