Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 32 – Canglan Medicine Valley

Chapter 32 – Canglan Medicine Valley

At this moment, it was still night. The bright moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the Medicine Valley, making the entire valley of flowers and trees look as if it were draped in a layer of dreamy gauze.

The scene was hazy and indistinct, with shadows flickering under the night breeze. The rich fragrance of medicinal herbs filled the air, making one feel as if they had stepped into a fairyland, their mind and soul intoxicated.

Every scene in "Tale of Immortal" was so realistic, full of immortal charm.

Even though it was nighttime, there were still many players in the Medicine Valley grinding monsters to improve their cultivation.

Although it was hard to see at night, the game provided lanterns for illumination. Lanterns were very cheap, costing only a few coins of mundane money.

Lanterns were hung all over the Medicine Valley, so many that they almost made the valley as bright as daytime.

The main reason was that "Tale of Immortal" was too popular, and players were incredibly enthusiastic about the game.

So even at night, there were still many night owls grinding away.

The most powerful monsters in the Canglan Medicine Valley had the strength of the later stage of Qi Refining, making it suitable for novice players to complete tasks and grind monsters.

The monsters at the front of the valley were the weakest, such as Blue-winged Flying Mice and Iron-coated Yellow Wolves, which could be handled even at the initial stage of Qi Refining.

Therefore, there were more players here. The deeper one went into the valley, the stronger the monsters became, and individual players often didn't dare to venture in alone.

Those who did were usually in teams, and the deeper they went, the fewer people there were.

Lin Jichen had fought the Medicine Spirit Falcon before and knew it well.

This type of monster usually resided in the deepest part of the Medicine Valley and was considered a BOSS-level monster, often hiding in the areas with the densest herbs.

Lin Jichen kept walking deeper, occasionally encountering and instantly killing a few other monsters with a single sword strike.

As he walked to the depths of the Medicine Valley, Lin Jichen found an area with a large number of herbs and indeed saw a Medicine Spirit Falcon.

The Medicine Spirit Falcon had silver-gray feathers and was much larger than an average bird, almost the size of an ostrich.

Its claws were as sharp as blades, and its beak could easily pierce through human bones.

Coupled with its ghost-like speed and the ability to spit out soul-burning green flames, it was best not to provoke it unless one's strength far surpassed it.

Lin Jichen was on a mission and couldn't afford to back down.

However, when he saw the Medicine Spirit Falcon, he frowned.

At this moment, the Medicine Spirit Falcon was being surrounded by a group of players, about a dozen of them.

They seemed to be from a guild, with someone commanding and others cooperating in an orderly manner.

It looked like the monster he had his eyes on had been claimed by someone else.

This was unexpected for Lin Jichen. With over ten people on the other side, the best course of action would be to let them have it and come back tomorrow when the Medicine Spirit Falcon respawned.

But Lin Jichen clearly didn't have the patience for that; his mission had a time limit and couldn't wait until dawn.

Lin Jichen approached, and the other side immediately noticed someone coming. A few players came over to block his way.

"Sorry, this BOSS was attacked by our Moon Shadow Guild first. We can't allow others to take it. Please understand."

The other side spoke politely, and indeed, they had every reason to stop others from trying to get a share of the loot since they had attacked first.

Lin Jichen then noticed that the players blocking him were all women. Not just them, but upon closer inspection, he realized all the players were female.

So it was the Moon Shadow Guild, old acquaintances.

As Lin Jichen approached, everyone could see his appearance by the lantern light.

Some of the female players recognized Lin Jichen and immediately exclaimed with delight, "It's that handsome expert!"

Being called handsome in front of so many beauties made Lin Jichen feel a bit pressured.

Why did they only call him handsome? Was he really good for nothing but his looks? He felt a bit melancholic...

The player who was commanding turned around upon hearing this. It was Su Wanling, who had a bit of a history with Lin Jichen.

Su Wanling was surprised to see Lin Jichen appear and then became a bit nervous.

She was worried that Lin Jichen might try to snatch their BOSS.

"Wanling, do you know this person?" asked the woman standing next to Su Wanling. Lin Jichen couldn't see her face clearly.

But this woman wasn't wearing the same Sword Sect Attire as everyone else.

Instead, she wore a light green robe and held a staff instead of a sword.

The staff looked somewhat familiar, but Lin Jichen couldn't recall it at the moment.

Su Wanling, who was usually the leader of the Moon Shadow Guild, was very respectful towards this woman.

"This is the expert I told you about, the one who single-handedly killed the Wild Boar King in the novice village and got a full-server announcement. He also sold us a lot of equipment and information."

The woman didn't seem too impressed upon hearing this, merely nodding and saying, "Then talk to him nicely. This BOSS belongs to our Moon Shadow Guild. Even if he's a friend, we can't give it to him."

"Got it, I'll go talk to him."

Su Wanling then immediately walked up to Lin Jichen.

"Master Lin, you're here for the Medicine Spirit Falcon too?"

Lin Jichen admitted openly, "Yes."

Afraid that he might want to snatch it, Su Wanling awkwardly said, "I'm really sorry, but this falcon is needed for our boss's mission. We must take it down. Could you wait for it to respawn tomorrow?"

Lin Jichen hesitated; his mission was also urgent.

Just as he was still considering, the Medicine Spirit Falcon suddenly let out a piercing screech, flapping its wings and releasing a cloud of pale yellow powdery air towards the crowd.

Those who inhaled the pollen immediately fell into a dizzy state, wobbling and barely able to stand.

Seizing the opportunity, the Medicine Spirit Falcon soared into the sky and began attacking the dazed players.

Its sharp claws easily tore through a female player's defense, and with just a few strikes, the player in the initial stage of Qi Refining turned into a soul burial mound.

The Medicine Spirit Falcon then attacked others, killing three female players within a few breaths.

"Not good! Those who aren't dizzy, get up there immediately and attack its weak points. Don't give it a chance to attack."

Su Wanling couldn't care less about talking to Lin Jichen and rushed back to command her subordinates.

The female player with the staff beside her also began attacking the falcon. She raised her staff and chanted a spell.

"Earth Immortal Binding Hands!"

As the spell was completed, the ground beneath the falcon's feet turned into a swamp, which surged up and firmly trapped its claws.

The falcon struggled but couldn't break free immediately.

Next, the staff-wielding woman chanted another spell.

"Blazing Fire Lamp!"

The air around the falcon suddenly became scorching hot, and then a large flame enveloped it, causing the falcon to screech in pain.

However, the falcon's strength far exceeded hers, and within seconds, the flames extinguished, and it pulled its claws out of the swamp.

Once free, the falcon vengefully targeted the staff-wielding female player, darting towards her like a shadow.

"Watch out!" Su Wanling immediately warned, but it was too late.

The falcon's sharp beak struck the female player, causing her health bar to drop significantly.

But she didn't panic; instead, she quickly retreated to create distance while chanting another spell.

"Falling Rock Rain!"

Several rocks fell, thoroughly enraging the falcon.

In a moment of urgency, Su Wanling bravely stepped forward, ready to sacrifice herself if necessary.

Su Wanling successfully held off the pressure and engaged the falcon, while the female spellcaster prepared to cast more skills.

But then, Lin Jichen's voice came from the side.

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