Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 33 – Guild war

Chapter 33 – Guild war

"Hey, you female mage, are you stupid or what?"

Lin Jichen's voice suddenly rang out, clear and distinct.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood who he was talking about.

"Master Lin, what do you mean by insulting my boss?" Su Wanling was immediately displeased.

Lin Jichen ignored her and continued speaking to the female mage, "Right now, the Medicine Spirit Falcon has the highest aggro on you. Why are you using skills to provoke it further? And your skills are all over the place. Falling Rock Rain isn't used like that; it should be paired with Earth Immortal Binding Hands to maximize damage."

As a former top mage, Lin Jichen's insights into mage skills were unparalleled.

Out of some past acquaintance with Su Wanling and unable to bear watching the female player's poor performance, he decided to offer some advice.

Hearing Lin Jichen's mockery, the woman wasn't angry but rather pondered his words.

Then she nodded as if enlightened and asked for guidance.

"So what should I do next?"

Her voice was light and elegant, like wind chimes, very pleasant to the ear.

Lin Jichen didn't hesitate to teach her.

"Your Earth Immortal Binding Hands should be off cooldown. Use it first, then let others use their skills. Your equipment seems excellent, and your damage far exceeds your teammates', so you shouldn't waste damage skills. Focus on control and let your teammates deal the damage. Otherwise, if the falcon scratches you a couple of times, you'll die."

The female mage found Lin Jichen's words reasonable and began to follow his advice.

Sure enough, after she stopped using skills and only attacked with basic Fire Burn, the falcon's target shifted to others and no longer focused on her.

The falcon was now being led around by this group of female players, its health steadily decreasing. Although the progress was slow, they would likely defeat it in about ten minutes.

However, just as everything was going smoothly, a group of uninvited guests disrupted the balance.

"Blood Fiend Guild is clearing the area. This BOSS is ours. Stop what you're doing and leave, or don't blame us for being rude."

Dozens of unfamiliar players appeared, led by a man with an arrogant expression.

Su Wanling immediately stepped forward.

"This BOSS was found by our Moon Shadow Guild, and we've been fighting it for a while. You want us to stop? Keep dreaming!"

"Dream or not, you'll find out. I'll give you ten seconds to reconsider," the leading man said impatiently.

"Are you sure you want to go against our Moon Shadow Guild?" Su Wanling frowned.

The man sneered, "What third-rate guild is Moon Shadow? Go ask around about Blood Fiend Guild. In the online game community, who doesn't know us? Be smart and scram. If you weren't all women, we would've sent you back to respawn already!"

Su Wanling knew this couldn't be resolved peacefully, so she asked the female mage beside her.

"What should we do?"

The female mage replied confidently, "If they want to fight, then let's fight."

Su Wanling hesitated, "We're short on manpower, and we've already lost a lot of health and mana dealing with this falcon. Many skills are on cooldown, and now the falcon is targeting us. The odds are against us."

The female mage thought for a moment and said, "Call for reinforcements immediately. Get all nearby Moon Shadow Guild members here. We have to fight this battle, even if we lose. A guild without spirit can't achieve my goals."

Su Wanling understood, "Got it. I'll call the sisters for support. Try to avoid the fight if you can. Your equipment is valuable; it would be a huge loss if you died and dropped it."

The female mage nodded and said no more.

A guild war was about to begin.

Su Wanling suddenly remembered Lin Jichen and quickly looked around, spotting him by an inconspicuous rock.

"Master Lin, help us deal with these people. Name your price."

Without hesitation, Lin Jichen refused.

"Don't drag me into your guild affairs. If I help you take them down, they'll hate me. I don't want that kind of trouble."

Lin Jichen was no longer a naive young man who would rush to help a beautiful woman without thinking.

Offending a major guild like Blood Fiend for a bit of money wasn't worth it. He knew Blood Fiend Guild, one of the top fifty guilds in "Tale of Immortal," notorious for their tyrannical behavior in many games, bullying solo players and small guilds.

Why would Lin Jichen invite such trouble for himself?

Seeing Lin Jichen refuse, Su Wanling was disappointed but understood and gave up on asking him for help.

But then Lin Jichen spoke again.

"I won't help you kill people, but I can help you deal with this falcon. If it drops Yin Sustaining Grass, it's mine. I also get to pick one other item as payment. Deal?"

Su Wanling didn't answer immediately but looked at the female mage, clearly indicating that she couldn't make the decision alone.

The female mage thought for a moment and nodded.

Su Wanling kindly offered, "I'll leave a few people to help you with the falcon."

"No need. You all go fight the guild war. I'll handle the falcon alone."

"By yourself?"

Su Wanling couldn't believe her ears and reminded him, "This falcon is at the later stage of Qi Refining. We've only taken down a small portion of its health. It's very strong with many skills. It's not like the Wild Boar King in the novice village."

Lin Jichen was firm, "Go fight your guild war. Leave it to me."

Seeing Lin Jichen insist, Su Wanling had no time to argue and gathered all her members to face Blood Fiend Guild.

The battle began immediately.

"Hey, everyone watching the livestream! Good news! According to our fan Qingjiu Banhu, there's a guild war at Canglan Medicine Valley. Today, Xiazi risked getting caught in the crossfire to bring you live coverage. I hope that fan wasn't lying."

Another inconspicuous figure appeared on the scene, clearly not there to fight.

"Oh my! It's really a guild war! Brothers, you're in for a treat. Xiazi will be your spectator today. Grab your beer, peanuts, and water, and make yourselves comfortable."

"Wow! Look, there are so many young ladies in the guild war. Do you see those two in the center? They're really pretty, almost as pretty as me, Xiazi. Haha..."

"Damn, someone said I look like a flower compared to them. Moderator, ban him for 365 days!"

"Thanks for the gifts, everyone. Since I'm sneaking a peek, I won't thank you all individually. Let's watch quietly and leave quickly. It's so thrilling."


While Blood Fiend and Moon Shadow Guilds were fighting.

Lin Jichen acted as if he didn't see them, helping neither side.

He circled around the battlefield and approached the Medicine Spirit Falcon.

While the two guilds fought fiercely behind him, Lin Jichen's eyes were only on the falcon.

The falcon still wanted to attack Moon Shadow Guild members, its aggro not yet dissipated.

But Lin Jichen wouldn't let it go.

He thrust his sword forward, the movement clean and swift, without a trace of smoke.

The falcon, just taking flight, was pierced through the chest, the sword tip easily penetrating its feathers and sinking into its flesh.

The falcon let out a mournful cry and fell from the sky.

‘Critical Hit! -550!’

If the Moon Shadow Guild members saw this, their jaws would drop. They had only been dealing tens of damage to the falcon.

The highest damage was just over a hundred, from the female mage's skill.

Lin Jichen, with just one sword strike and no skills, dealt damage that far surpassed theirs.

Unfortunately, they were too busy with the guild war to notice Lin Jichen.

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