Versatile System Online

Chapter 89 The Dean's Arrival

p On the crown of a couple of trees, 4 students could be seen standing and observing everything like hawks.

"Why hasn't the dean arrived yet?", Aliya asked impatiently.

"It takes time Aliya, also haven't you noticed something? The moment that strange fire started, Ray and Emma seemed to have changed", Elina said as she squinted her eyes towards the place where Ray was captured.

"What nonsense are you talking Elina, I don't see anything wrong here. Just that both of them seemed to have calmed down and are waiting for the dean to come, just as I am", Aliya said as she dismissed Elina's claim.

"I don't know, but they seem to act as if they were robots", Elina muttered but dropped the matter there seemed to be nothing wrong with either Ray or Emma, other than their strange behavior of course


Deeper within the woods, Ray and Emma continued to follow the researcher and kept on collecting more information.

"What is he doing?", Emma asked Ray as she tilted her head in confusion.

"I don't know for sure, but from what it seems. He is making some sort of drug to control the bestial side of these wolves", Ray answered as he scratched his chin in thought.

"But what benefit does he have for it? The bestial side won't retain for long", Emma asked as she started the facts.

"That's the worrisome part, even I don't know his final motive. Not to mention that he has already killed 7 wolves after he increased the dosage", Ray replied with a slight frown on his face.

Yet, they continued to follow the researcher in his experiments.

After following him a bit more, Ray looked at the time and said,

"It's enough, the dean would be coming here any second now. We need to get out before he does, lest we get caught in between their confrontation",

"Uhn", Emma nodded in agreement.

Seeing Emma agree, Ray turned around and beckoned her to follow him. After that, both of them started to trace back their steps and get back to where everyone else hid.

However, not long after they started moving Ray felt a chill run through him as a voice could be heard from behind them,

"Now! Where do you think you are running to? That too after I gave you a tour and showed you all my work and you go away without even thanking me", the voice said.

Listening to the voice, both Emma and Ray paled. Their footsteps halted as their bodies involuntary shuddered.

"Now don't stand like some statues, slowly turn around so we could have a nice chat, shall we?", the voice spoke though even more sinister than before.

Listening to what it had to say, Ray and Emma glanced at each other, gathered their courage, and slowly turned around.

Turning around, Ray didn't hesitate and activated his ability,

[Fusion Dome],

As soon as the ability got activated, both Ray and Emma got covered in an almost invisible barrier.

On the other hand,

Seeing the barrier cover her, Emma felt her heart palpate. She glanced at Ray and seeing the same barrier covering him, she almost panicked. But seeing that calm and cool attitude of his, she calmed down a bit and thought.

"This must have something to do with Ray, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm. Not to mention that it's a barrier that covers only the two of us", Emma thought as she tried to calm herself.

"What are you two waiting for? Hurry up, I also have to deal with the others", the voice spoke impatiently.

Listening to the voice being so impatient, Ray and Emma turned around at once, not delaying it any later. While within Ray's mind, a light bulb lit up as he got an idea of how to escape.

With that, he raised his head to look at the owner of the voice, only to find a lanky man in a lab coat standing a few feet away from them.

Seeing the man, Ray chuckled as he said,

"You could bluff all you want, what harm could a mere researcher like you do?",

"Nothing much, but enough to cripple you for life", the researcher said as a pack of needles appeared right in front of him.

"Why don't you have a taste of these bad boys", the researcher said as he flicked his finger.

With that simple act of his, the needles that previously floated in the air lifelessly seemed to have gained a sudden vigor as they all accelerated towards Ray and Emma.

This shocked Emma to the limit as she hurriedly tried to find cover, but for her, she was too close to the needles and before she could do anything, the needles hit her, and Ray,

However, nothing happened,

"Huh?", Emma exclaimed as she opened her eyes. Only to see that she was alive and well, without a single injury.

"But how?", she muttered as she looked down at her own body.

Only to find a bunch of needles stuck in the barrier that covered her fully.

After that, turning to look at Ray, he was just as always. Only more furious than before.

"Now let me show you what a real attack is like", Ray said as he smiled sinisterly and lifted his hand and pointed it towards the professor.

After that, his hand lit up in fire as a fireball formed above it. The fireball expanded for a few seconds until it reached the size of a basketball.

Afterwards, Ray swing his hand forward and threw the fireball at the researcher, letting him scream in misery and pain of being burned from the inside out.

With that, Ray and Emma turned to leave when a magnificent voice echoed through the whole forest,

"As the dean of this Academy, I command you all to stop what you are doing and be at your places", the dean's voice sounded out in the forest, laced in fury and killing intent.

Listening to the voice, Ray's expression calmed considerably as a slight smile formed and his lips curled up a bit.


In another part of the forest, Fin and Van stood in shock as they heard the dean's voice.

"What should we do now? We can't be caught like this", Fin asked as he panicked. His face was pale and his body trembled all over while he sweated bullets.

"What do you mean what to do now? We do one thing and that is run and avoid getting caught", Van said as he concentrated on where the voice came from.

A moment later,

"The voice came from the outskirts of the forest. It would take him a few more minutes to reach our location, let's run before he does", Van some again as looked for the best possible escape route to take.

"Where do we run to Van? There is no escape route in this vast forest", Fin said in fright.

"You moron, can't you shut yourself just for a second? Now let's go, I know a place where we could hide until all this resolves", Van said as he rushed straight into the depths of the forest.

Meanwhile, looking at Van rushing in deeper into the forest, Fin only followed. Fin knew that however of a scum Van was like, in such moments, his ability didn't fail to disappoint.


A/N:- Another chapter for you all to enjoy. Also, don't forget to add the novel to your library and vote.

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