Versatile System Online

Chapter 90 Helping Fight The Mad Wolves

As Fin and Van fled for their lives, so did some others who worked for them while the students who were brought along using money and other means stood still.

The reason?

They were afraid, afraid of the dean's strength as well as his position. Afraid that if they tried to run, there would be no place for them in the academy or anywhere else as they knew that if they got caught running, they would be sent to their deaths in the harshest of places.

These students just lowered their heads in shame and stood still even letting go of the wolves they had captured, not knowing of the mistake they made.

The dean, being oblivious to all that, went straight for those who ran away. Not even knowing of the catastrophe he was leaving behind.

On the other hand,

Seeing the dean going straight for the ones running away, Ray got to work as well.

As he knew that the reason the dean didn't stop for the mad wolves wasn't that he didn't account for it, rather it was because that was what Ray had to do it.

It was what the dean had told Ray before they went on for the mission. However, before stopping the wolves from wrecking even more havoc. Ray had to gather his teammates and inform them of it as they knew nothing about this part of the plan.

Therefore, Ray picked his pace up and rushed toward the others.


Standing on some dense trees, a few students looked down at the chaos downstairs.

"We should help them", Elina said with worry.

"Why should we? They were the ones to do all this to force these wolves to this extent. I say we should let them suffer, it's their karma coming back at them", Aliya retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, I think Elina is right. Whatever they do, we can't let so many students die just like that", Tim spoke up in favor of Elina as he jumped down from the tree.

"Guess we don't have a choice", Elina said as she also jumped down from the tree followed by Noah not long after.

"Busybodies", Aliya muttered as she also jumped after everyone else.

"Now what?", Aliya asked as she caught up to everyone.

"What do you mean, we knock them all out", Tim spoke as he ran towards a mad wolf slashing at a first-year student.

"You are so gonna regret being here", Tim spoke as his body gained a silver metallic sheen while his body buffed up as well.

"Crackk!! Bangg!!",

The sound of bones cracking sounded as the wolf flew over and hit a tree, fainting right on contact.

As for the first-year student, he fainted from shock right after.

"Such a sissy", Aliya said as kicked the fainted student to vent some anger.

"God Aliya, you are such a hypocrite. Just look at you, kicking an unconscious student and calling him a sissy? If he is a sissy then what are you", Elina scolded Aliya while drawing several curses with her pen.

Listening to Elina call her a sissy, Aliya's anger flared up as she summoned her beast souls and shouted,

"Calling me a sissy, now you look at what this sissy does", Aliya shouted as she rushed forward and joined the fight as well.

"Always works", Elina muttered in satisfaction as she swept her hair and continued to fight with Tim as she wrote curses and debuffed others while Tim knocked them out cold.

These two siblings quickly took out plenty of wolves and students without even breaking out a sweat.

Meanwhile, Noah also contributed as he battled without the worry of his life and rushed into the wolves like a madman.

This continued for a while before the wounds on Noah started to pile up and he slowed down considerably,

However, he didn't stop even when wounded. He was so sure to earn back his respect and make it up to everyone else.

Just as he was going to charge into yet another battle, a hand held his shoulder as a voice sounded,

"That's enough Noah, you have shown your courage and determination for the team, I am sure they will understand. No need to charge in there, lest you kill yourself. You should understand where your strength lies and it isn't close combat",

Listening to the voice, Noah's expression changed as the previous crazed and troubled look turned into a calmer and more relieved expression.

"Ray, you are alive", Noah exclaimed in excitement as he turned around and faced Ray.

"Why would I die, that too at such a young age? Let me tell you, I will make sure to live my life fully and as for death, I won't be dying alone. You all are coming with me", Ray answered with a laugh.

On the other hand, Noah stood stunned at Ray's answer, particularly a small part of his answer.

Still, shaking his head. Noah also laughed it out and asked,

"What do we do? Now that you are here, you should have a plan",

"Yeah I do have a plan, but for that, I need everyone else", Ray answered.

"I know where they are", Noah spoke as he pointed in a direction. Sounds of fighting could be heard from there.

"Then lead the way", Ray said as he looked Noah right in the eyes.

Noah nodded in determination as he turned away and showed Ray the way while Emma followed behind them, constantly scanning for any harmful presences. This was the job given to her by Ray as she had little to no combat abilities.

"Clash.. Clack.. Splatt.. Clash",

Sounds of weapons clashing and claws piercing through bodies could be heard as two mad wolves constantly pounced and slashed at a group of first-year students who defended or tried themselves from the relentless assault of the two wolves.

"Swoosh.. Splatt",

The air split as a claw pierced right through the abdomen of a first-year student. Tearing a hole right through the abdomen.

"Jimmy Noo", a friend of the student shouted as he blocked another claw strike and approached his friend.

"Leave him here, I will heal him. You join the fight", A female voice sounded from behind,

"Who are you?", the friend asked. His eyes were bloodshot as he turned around and glared fiercely at Aliya,

"Someone here to help, now if you won't mind. Could you please go back and cover my back so I could heal this friend of yours", Aliya said as she shoved away the student and stood beside the injured student named Jimmy.

After that, she raised her staff while her eyes glowed a whitish hue. Pointing the staff in front of the injured student, she used her spell,

[Healing Touch],

The gem at the tip of her staff glowed a whitish light as it touched the wound on the student's stomach. As the spell took hold, the injury started to close itself while the vitality of the student also got into work as the healing continued.

While all of this happened, Aliya's face turned a bit pale from excessive use of mana as healing such a wound took a lot of her stamina.

Yet, Aliya held on and healed the wound to a point where the injured student could continue without further healing.

"Nice job Aliya", Ray said as Aliya finished healing the student.

Listening to the sudden voice, Aliya's heart jumped in shock. Turning around, she looked at Ray and spoke,

"Good heavens, Ray! You nearly gave me a heart attack",

"Yeah, sorry for that, but considering that we are in a hurry. I guess that was necessary", Ray said as he told Aliya of the plan and along with her, rushed on to find Tim and Elina.


A/N:- Another fun chapter up for you all, hope you guys like it. If so, don't forget to add it to your library and vote power stones.

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