
Chapter 542: The Most Trusted Confidant

Chapter 542: The Most Trusted Confidant

Xiao Nanfeng brought Ao Zhou to a plaza on the floating island on which the Hall of Martial Aspects was located.

Various officials blanched and secretly pointed at the duo on the plaza. A few Martial Aspects watched their antics with interest.

Xiao Nanfeng ignored them all and walked up to a hall of officials. He retrieved his commander's token and a scroll, which he placed on the table before him.

"I've finished the mission to subjugate Thousand-Spirit Island and am hereby returning my commander's token. This scroll describes the details of what occurred during the mission and should be stored for record immediately," Xiao Nanfeng instructed.

"Understood!" an official replied.

"As far as the reward for the mission goes, convert it all to fortune and distribute it quickly. Do not delay," Xiao Nanfeng said.


"As for this, this is a recommendation to nominate Ao Zhou as a substitute Martial Aspect. He will participate in the upcoming competition for the next opening in two days' time. Prepare the paperwork immediately and provide an identification token," Xiao Nanfeng commanded.

The official claimed the papers and bowed respectfully. "Understood!"

After all the paperwork was complete, Xiao Nanfeng and Ao Zhou left the Hall of Martial Aspects immediately.

He didn't bother trying to investigate what the other Martial Aspects were doing. The Eastern Aspect had been holding meetings continuously since yesterday to determine their quadrant's plan for the upcoming competition, but Xiao Nanfeng hadn't been invited at all. He knew he had been isolated, but he wasn't worried. Just because he had no allies now didn't mean he wouldn't have more later.

On the way back, Ao Zhou said, "Xiao Nanfeng, will the competition be dangerous? Why don't you have the senior in the black fog help me? And would you lend me the princess' access token for the Palace of the Moon?"

"You wouldn't be able to bring them inside even if I were to help you," Xiao Nanfeng replied, shaking his head.

"Of course I can, I'm sure I can!" Ao Zhou exclaimed.

Xiao Nanfeng shook his head. "Neither of those are secrets anymore. Do you think those Martial Aspects who hate you to their very core would allow you to enter the competition with them in tow? They must be discussing how to counter them right now."

"But without them, they're going to beat me up!" Ao Zhou fretted.

"Don't worry. They can't," Xiao Nanfeng replied, shaking his head.


"I've already arranged everything for you. You'll surely be able to become the new Martial Aspect," Xiao Nanfeng promised.

Within the Spirit Emperor's hidden realm, Chang Bing smiled as he presented Xiao Nanfeng's avatar with the fruits of his labor. "Division Leader, we've finished concocting pills with these two spirit kings. We made six Heaven Immortal pills in all, and the Dazheng Empire is soon to be home to six more Heaven Immortals."

Xiao Nanfeng's avatar smiled in satisfaction. "Very good. Have the Earth disciples keep working hard and improving your cultivation, and some of these pills will go to your lot, too."

"Thank you, Division Leader! However, we've all just ingested Earth Immortal pills, and we're far from being able to reach the realm of Heaven Immortals for now. You won't have to worry about us in the short term, Division Leader," Chang Bing replied.

"Can't you all grow stronger by concocting pills? Work hard on that, then."

Chang Bing smiled wryly. "We'd need high-quality ingredients to work with, and it's rare that we'd get the opportunity to make Earth Immortal pills, let alone Heaven Immortal ones."

"Who said that? Once the spectral guards finish investigating the spirits from Thousand-Spirit Island, your lot can concoct pills to your hearts' content with the malevolent ones. You won't have time to rest, I'm sure," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"What? What spirits from Thousand-Spirit Island?" Chang Bing was clearly out of the loop.

"We've brought back all spirits at Spiritsong-realm and above from Thousand-Spirit Island," Xiao Nanfeng said.

"All? What do you mean, all?" Chang Bing remarked, taken by surprise.

"I mean, all!"

Chang Bing gaped. "Division Leader, you kidnapped all the spirits on the island? How could that be?"

"It's a pity that most of the spirit kings have died. Only three still survive..."

"Truly? Three True Immortals? Doesn't that mean that we can keep making Heaven Immortal pills?" Chang Bing exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course. There's plenty of work for all of you."

"Good, good! We advance rapidly when we concoct pills, especially higher-level ones!" Chang Bing replied in excitement.

"Right, do you know how to make True Immortal pills, too?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"True Immortal pills? We do, but they require parts of a Golden Immortal to concoct. Where would we find that...?" Chang Bing replied.

"How's this?" Xiao Nanfeng brought out the carcass of a headless rat.

"This is..." Chang Bing's eyes widened as he inspected the carcass.

"This is what's left of Sage Yellowbrow, but his head and inner core are gone. Even so, this is the corpse of a Golden Immortal. I thought it would be a waste to consume it directly, so why not have you make pills with it instead?"

Chang Bing's jaw dropped. "Division Leader, just what did you do to Thousand-Spirit Island? How did you take down a Golden Immortal?!"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no, not at all! We'll definitely give it a try. A Golden Immortal—I can't wait! Our cultivation is going to advance rapidly for sure!"

"List whatever ingredients you need. You'd better start quickly. Otherwise, the spiritual aether within this carcass is going to dissipate."

"We'll start at once, Division Leader!"

Within the capital's prison in the divine empire of Dayin, Yin Tianci's main body was interrogating Tang.

When he saw Tang kneeling before him, manacled and with blood streaking down his body, Yin Tianci frowned. "Tang, what was so important that you had to see me even at risk to your life? What are you trying to accomplish?"

"Your Highness, I was interrogated by the warden last night because of what happened at Thousand-Spirit Island. I suspected that something had gone very wrong. I'm not here to beg for mercy. I just want to know, Your Highness, if you were able to review the plan I submitted to you beforehand," Tang asked anxiously.

"What plan?" Yin Tianci frowned.

"The plan I wrote after being imprisoned! Did the warden not pass it to you, Your Highness?" Tang asked.

Yin Tianci raised an eyebrow. He turned to the warden beside him. "Is this so?"

"That... Your Highness, I apologize. I inquired with Sir Mo about the situation, and he said not to permit Tang to contact the world at large, let alone Your Highness. Furthermore, the document was highly improper, so..."

"Bring this plan over," Yin Tianci commanded.

Quaking, the warden handed over a tattered piece of cloth on which words had been written in blood.

"Your Highness, despite my wrongful imprisonment, out of fear for your safety, I have nevertheless penned this document that I will submit for your perusal.

"Xiao Nanfeng is a sly and crafty man. Given his experience from the battle at Yongding, he will surely be on guard. He may even have installed spies on Thousand-Spirit Island. Your Highness, please be mindful regarding these spies. Their presence will surely expose your actions. Perhaps you might be able to hide what's going on, but given Mo Lengxuan's lacking ability, he will surely reveal something to the spies willingly or otherwise.

"Xiao Nanfeng commands tremendous authority and is backed not only by the Dazheng Empire, but also the Martial Aspects of the Imperial Court. The Imperial Court is particularly dangerous.

"Considering Xiao Nanfeng's manipulative tendencies, Your Highness, you ought not to compete with him in terms of wiles and intelligence. If Mo Lengxuan were to be his opponent, Xiao Nanfeng would easily secure complete victory.

"Your Highness, I cannot be by your side. Please permit me to at least provide these small reminders, lessons I have paid blood, sweat, and tears to learn. If Mo Lengxuan incites you to deal with Xiao Nanfeng, Your Highness, you must bring the full force of Thousand-Spirit Island to bear. Let Xiao Nanfeng cower in the face of overwhelming might, his plans unable to come to fruition. Remember this, Your Highness!"

The blood-streaked cloth left Yin Tianci deeply unsettled. He thought back to the battle that had recently occurred. If he had done as Tang had suggested, Thousand-Spirit Island wouldn't have fallen, and their invasion of Yongding would have been a complete victory.

Yin Tianci could have won handily; it was Mo Lengxuan who had caused everything to go to ruin.

"When did Tang submit this document?" Yin Tianci demanded, glancing at the warden.

He felt that he wouldn't have ended up in such dire straits if he had seen the document in advance. Of course, this was nothing more than mere 'feeling'—by then, he no longer trusted Tang, and he would have ignored Tang's advice even if he had been in possession of it.

"The third day after Tang was imprisoned," the warden replied with trepidation.

Yin Tianci sent him flying with a smack. The warden smashed against a wall, blood trailing down half his body by the time he slumped to the ground. He was badly injured.

"How dare you not report this at once?" Yin Tianci bellowed. "Die!"

The warden had withheld the document ever since it was presented to him. Tang's warnings could have saved Yin Tianci and the divine empire of Dayin from incredible losses if Yin Tianci had been made aware of it in advance—wasn't it normal for him to be upset?

"Please spare me, Your Highness. Sir Mo forbade me from handing it over, from facilitating any connection between Tang and Your Highness! Furthermore, this cloth was far too tattered, so..." The warden kowtowed repeatedly in fear.

"Your Highness, my cultivation was sealed while imprisoned, and I was manacled. I had no choice but to tear off my clothes and bite my finger until it bled to write this letter to you. I apologize for the state of the document," Tang said, bowing.

Yin Tianci shook his head. "You did your best. It was all Mo Lengxuan's fault, that fool! Not only is he useless, he even tried to pin the blame on someone loyal and capable like you!"

"Your Highness, did he cause a mess again?" Tang asked.

"Who else? He completely overturned your strategy and caused total defeat. I lost another of my avatars!" Yin Tianci fumed.

"Mo Lengxuan really was willing to do anything to take revenge on me—even going so far as to sacrifice your avatar, Your Highness! Your safety is paramount. Isn't he aware of that? He accused me of being an omen of calamity, but he's more like one himself!" Tang cursed.

"Hm?" Yin Tianci suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He thought back to what had happened. Mo Lengxuan had claimed that Tang was an omen of calamity who was working with Xiao Nanfeng.

Now, however, it became apparent that Mo Lengxuan's command without Tang was far worse than when Tang was around. Didn't that mean that Mo Lengxuan's failure wasn't caused by Tang? Tang was no omen of calamity—was he even working with Xiao Nanfeng at all?

"Mo Lengxuan dared lie to me? He'll pay the price for this!" Yin Tianci roared.

"Please calm down, Your Highness!" Tang exclaimed.

"Tang, I blamed you wrongfully. Mo Lengxuan tricked me. I apologize that you had to suffer needlessly." Yin Tianci immediately freed Tang from his manacles.

"Your Highness, I don't blame you for my imprisonment. If not for you, Mo Lengxuan would already have killed me. Your choosing to imprison me was, in some sense, a way of protecting me. I should be grateful—it's just a pity that Mo Lengxuan has squandered away all our reserves of strength on Thousand-Spirit Island!" Tang sighed.

Yin Tianci grew more and more enraged with Mo Lengxuan as the conversation progressed. By now, he was deeply infuriated with him.

"Go on. You're free now. From now on, you'll be my most trusted confidant. If anyone dares to treat you badly, let me know. I'll stand up for you!" Yin Tianci declared.

"Thank you, Your Highness! Thank you!" Tang got up and bowed, his eyes 'tearing up'.

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