
Chapter 543: Ao Zhou VS Ao Shuai

Chapter 543: Ao Zhou VS Ao Shuai

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Many Martial Aspects were standing outside the translucent purple barrier leading into the Palace of the Moon, having escorted substitute Martial Aspects with whom they were familiar there. They were preparing to fight over the newly vacant position that the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost had held.

The Martial Aspect of Violetfrost stood by the entrance to the barrier. "Substitute Martial Aspects, as you've all learned by now, the Palace of the Moon will be the location of the upcoming competition to choose the new Martial Aspect. This is the Martial Aspect's banner. When the Palace of the Moon is opened up a month later, whoever emerges with this banner shall replace the position once held by the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost."

Then, with a wave of his hand, the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost sent the banner floating through the barrier and into the palace.

The substitute Martial Aspects on the plaza eyed the banner greedily.

"In addition, the substitute Martial Aspects are not to receive assistance from others or bring any tools in to ensure the fairness of the competition."

"What? Nothing at all?"

"Not even our own treasures, relics, or armaments?"

"That's ridiculous! I'm a swordmaster. How am I to compete without my sword?"

The substitute Martial Aspects were taken aback by this unexpected restriction.

"All of you, get your belongings in order and step over here for an inspection. You'll be able to enter the palace thereafter," the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost continued.

While the other substitute Martial Aspects were glancing at each other, Ao Shuai had already stepped forward with a group of cultivators. Those who were inspected first would have a head start when it came to chasing down the banner, after all.

The other substitutes had no choice but to hand their belongings to their friends for safekeeping as they subjected themselves to the inspection.

Ao Zhou frowned at Xiao Nanfeng. "It's just like you predicted. They're deliberately targeting me. Not only are they preventing me from bringing the Palace of the Moon's access token in, I bet that relic over there is specifically for detecting cursed effigies. They don't want the senior in the black fog to enter alongside me, do they?"

Xiao Nanfeng was unperturbed. "Go on. You'll be fine."

Ao Zhou nodded and stepped forward, passing through the inspection and then the barrier into the Palace of the Moon.

Not far away, the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost and the others stared at Xiao Nanfeng until he left. Only then did they relax.

"Is everything alright over there?" the Martial Aspect of Violetfrost asked a Martial Aspect by his side.

"Don't worry. Everything inside is going according to plan. There's going to be a hunt for Ao Zhou, and he'll surely die within. We'll avenge Silverfrost then," the Martial Aspect replied.

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost nodded, satisfied.

After Xiao Nanfeng left, he looped around to the far side of the barrier around the palace. When he found a secluded area, he covered his traces with fog as he used his candleflame powers to make a portal leading in.

"Senior, I'm counting on your help. This is the Palace of the Moon's access token. Feel free to use it as necessary."

"Got it!"

The black lotus slowly flew out of Xiao Nanfeng's mindscape and into the palace with the access token in tow.

Then, Xiao Nanfeng dispelled his candleflame powers and flew off.

Just then, the moment Ao Zhou stepped into the Palace of the Moon, a claw struck at his skull.

Ao Zhou frowned and stopped short. He barreled forward in the form of a black dragon, knocking that claw aside even as he was flung back himself.

He could sense scales falling from his head as he exclaimed, "A dragon's claws? Just who are you?"

Just then, another cultivator tried to launch a sneak attack on him from behind. He didn't have time to investigate further; he quickly shot into the midst of a few purple-furred monsters nearby.

"Don't let him escape. Chase after him!" a voice shouted.

Four figures shot toward Ao Zhou. Two of them even morphed into dragons as they gave chase.

"Ao Shuai, I see you! Challenge me on your own if you dare! Did you send all these cultivators after me? You coward!" Ao Zhou howled.

Hidden within a forested part of the palace nearby, Ao Shuai's eyes twitched. "There's no way he saw me, but he's trying to pin the blame on me anyway! Everyone knows that I'm responsible now. Is he trying to besmirch my reputation?"

Beside him, one cultivator replied, "Not only is he doing that, Master, he's trying to malign the Eastern Aspect as well. I'm sure quite a few people here have avatars, so whatever happens within will be transmitted to the world outside as well. The Martial Aspects outside must have learned of what's happening."

"So be it! Keep an eye on him until we manage to kill him," Ao Shuai commanded.

"Understood!" The cultivator beside Ao Zhou bowed respectfully.

At the same time, the black lotus found a group of purple-furred monsters as well. Although it was now strong enough to handle True Immortal purple-furred monsters, out of safety, it had chosen to strike at a single Earth Immortal purple-furred monster first.

It surrounded the monster in black fog, binding it, before devouring the golden lotus hood on its head with the underside of its body.

Then, the purple-furred monster blinked and shook as it awakened.

"This—what happened to me?" the purple-furred monster exclaimed, glancing at the black lotus warily.

The black lotus tossed it a jade tablet. "This is a message that Zhang Lingjun and the others left you. Read it first and ask if there are any questions."

The purple-furred monster took the tablet and began to read, though it was clearly still wary of the black lotus.

It quickly understood what was going on, then bowed down toward the black fog before it. "Thank you for your assistance, Senior. Please allow me to cooperate with you."

"Although the Palace of the Moon is filled with fog, try not to alert the substitute Martial Aspects just yet. For the moment, join me and capture a few weaker purple-furred monsters. Let me awaken them—and then we can use them as cover as we take down those of higher cultivation."

"Understood!" the purple-furred monster replied.

The black lotus formally began its conquest of the golden lotus hoods.

A whole month passed in the blink of an eye to the backdrop of vigorous fighting.

Ao Shuai, with the assistance of many substitute Martial Aspects, had obtained the Martial Aspect banner long ago. Before long, he would be able to leave the Palace of the Moon and become the next Martial Aspect.

On the other hand, Ao Zhou had been chased around for the entire month. Dealing with one or two cultivators would have been easy enough for him, but there were quite a number of True Immortals giving chase. There was no way he could make a stand for himself; he had only been able to avoid certain death by hiding within groups of purple-furred monsters.

Atop a fog-shrouded mountain peak, Ao Shuai glanced at the Palace of the Moon from high above. "Is Ao Zhou still not dead after an entire month?"

"He's wretched. The moment he senses any danger, he hides within a group of purple-furred monsters. He's particularly troublesome to deal with," one of Ao Shuai's subordinates replied.

"Count him lucky," Ao Shuai spat out. "We'll wait until he leaves the Sieve of Heaven, then strike then. His life will be forfeit!"

"Very wise, Master. Ao Zhou will fall to us sooner or later. He's nothing to be concerned about. As for you, Master, now that you've acquired the Martial Aspect banner, once the barrier leading out of the palace opens up, you'll be a brand-new Martial Aspect. Congratulations!" another subordinate cried out.

Ao Shuai glanced at the banner in his hands with satisfaction. "Silverfrost was among the eighteen Martial Aspects of the East. Fortunately, none of the three other Cardinal Aspects interfered with the selection competition, or it would have been troublesome indeed. However, all that's over now. I'm going to be the new Martial Aspect!"

Just then, a wave of frenzied shouts could be heard from afar.

"Run, Master! The purple-furred monsters are suddenly stampeding!" someone cried out.

"Stampeding?" Ao Shuai glanced over dubiously.

Countless purple-furred monsters were rushing toward Ao Shuai's location by land and sky, poised to suppress him.

"Master, something's wrong. We have to flee!" one of his subordinates cried out.

"Flee!" Ao Shuai called out immediately.

However, the True Immortal purple-furred monsters caught up to them in no time.

"Protect the young master!" the cultivators cried out, charging forward.

A huge fight began. The purple-furred monsters forced the substitute Martial Aspects surrounding Ao Shuai aside, but Ao Shuai himself remained completely unharmed. He was surprised that the purple-furred monsters seemed to be avoiding him.

Just then, a black dragon flew toward Ao Shuai. A bolt of lightning launched out of his mouth, forcing Ao Shuai back.

"Ao Zhou? You!" Ao Shuai shouted angrily.

"Ao Shuai, you've had your fun chasing after me for an entire month, haven't you? It's time to settle the score. Die!" he shouted.

"Rather confident, aren't you? Don't blame me for this, then. Die!" Ao Shuai echoed.

He transformed into a gleaming golden dragon and shot forward. The two dragons clashed in a flaming tempest, neither quite able to overpower the other.

"A golden dragon? You're descended from the dragon kings of the Southern Sea? Weren't they destroyed a few centuries ago? So this is where you've been. Does that mean that Ao Canghai was the former Dragon King of the Southern Sea, then?" Ao Zhou exclaimed.

"If nothing else, you boast good eyes. We Southern Sea dragons knew what was coming and managed to preserve our strength—unlike you Eastern Sea dragons. You're the only one left, aren't you? And now that you've landed in my hands, I'll finish you off, too. Die!"

"Ha! You're fools driven far from home. I might be the only descendant of the Eastern Sea Draconic Palace left, but I can restore it to its former glory. You, on the other hand—you might be alive, but you've lost all your courage. Die!" Ao Zhou shouted.

The two dragons clashed against each other.

Both dragons were True Immortals. Although Ao Shuai had the superior cultivation, Ao Zhou had an ancestral dragon's inheritance and blood, and was no inferior to him. The two dragons began to fight more and more violently.

Those substitute Martial Aspects who attempted to protect Ao Shuai found themselves stymied by the purple-furred monsters, who cleared the battlefield for the two dragons.

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