Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 109: Bloody Eyesores

Chapter 109: Bloody Eyesores

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami walked through Mawold Town like they didn't have a care in the world. Their body posture was relaxed and yet appeared excited, as if they just came upon some good news.

Their eyes and Spirit Senses, however, were sneakily darting around the town.

Out of all the bands of people strolling around the town, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami had their sights set on one specific group of people.

They would dub those people as the 'silver eyes sores.'

For a few seconds, none of them talked, putting all of their investment in scoping the town out. But the trio actually didn't have to wait long at all before they sensed four presence trailed behind them.

Admittedly, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami did see other members of the Silver Bloody Hammer group strutting around the town like they own the whole place.

But the trio could tell just who was trying to tail them.

Like this, the trio walked towards the entrance of the town. And as they neared their exit, a slow smirk curled their lips up.

In Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami's senses, those four presences began to completely erase their bearing to go fully undercover.

However, that trick wouldn't work on Darce, Aniela, and Yasami. Still, the trio acted like they didn't know they were getting tailed.

Upon reaching the town entrance, Darcel had simply brought out the map saying, "From what it says here, that ape should be on a mostly direct path. Let's go."

Aniela and Yasami nodded at Darcel while also feeling rising anticipation swirled inside their chest.

Taking the lead, Darcel walked out first, with Aniela and Yasami following in tow. They acted blissfully unaware of the ones who were bold enough to follow them.

And little did either side know that this event will cause a chain reaction that'll affect the whole town.


Under the map's guide, Darcel led the girls almost immediately into the pure snowy grounds of the Plunged Tundra.

As Fruna mentioned before, Darcel knew this part of the Plunged Tundra was explicitly known as the Wild Snow.

This was mainly due to the fact that mages and cultivators working on the icy road couldn't cover every spot in these snowy lands. Doing so would require an immense amount of power that is not easy at all to gather up.

Furthermore, there also lies hidden dangerous unknown in the wild snowy lands that not even titled Heavenly King cultivators would want to face.

But, none of this hindered Darcel's group.

They fearlessly ran through the snow, dashing about for minutes on end. And already with their fast speeds, Darcel's group put several miles distance between them and Mawold Town.

The further they went from Mawold Town, the quicker the four presence tailing them got.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami still acted as if they didn't know but a battle-hungry smile slowly formed on their lips.

Finally, then, when the trio got further away enough from town and the icy roads to where no one else was around them. The four presences tailing them explosively increased their speeds!

A sliver flash popped in front of Darcel's group eyes, forcing them to abruptly stop their runs. Blinking their eyes, what had appeared in front of them were the four silver eyesores they wanted.

The four silver armor men they clashed with by the entrance of town impede in Darcel's group way, standing imposingly in front of them.

The men all held sinister smirks and had slugged their large battle hammers over their shoulders. For kids that acted so unruly to them in the town they practically own, of course, they wouldn't let them go!

"Tch, tch. Would you look at this, guys? It seems like these kids truly did manage to curry the favor of those Fang gnats. And hey, they even got their first mission from them!" The silver armor man in the middle mockingly spoke up first.

His eyes gleamed over Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami in brazen killing intent.

No matter how weird these three brats' aura was, the man knew in a real fight none of them could match up to true Innate Core prowess!

The man even got rid of that hesitation feeling trying to swirl in his gut about facing Darcel and Aniela.

Although, while the man wanted to witness despair surging on these kids' faces, he got absolutely nothing from them.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami all remained neutral with small relaxed smiles spouting their faces.

Seeing such a causal attitude quickly got the man and his partners to become even more irate at these kids' arrogant attitudes.

"Heh, not only that, but these kids are acting as if they can truly back up their words and fight us. I wonder, is this blind foolishness? Or are they just acting to cover up their fears?" Another one of the silver armor men spoke to intimidate the trio.

But once again, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami remained calm.

Having enough of their annoying attitude, one of the silver armor men from the right end of their group hotly spoke up.

"You know, maybe not with words, they'll show their true fear. But what if we give them an appetizing taste of true despair!" Hearing his suggestion, all four of the silver armor men's eyes twinkle in a savage light.

Without any hesitation now, the silver armor men fully burst their seventh rank Innate Core auras!

The snow burst around the area, sweeping into a chaotic frenzy, causing the whole place to fall into a raging snowstorm.

As the combined might of four seventh rank Innate Core aura came crashing down on Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami, Darcel had finally opened his mouth to talk.

"You know.for petty-minded people like yourselves who want to kill us over one altercation. You all sure do talk a lot. I just hope the rest of you bloody hammer eyesores aren't as obnoxious as you all."

Rage flew into the silver armor men's eyes, hearing Darcel's condescending tone.

But before any one of them could react, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami all unleashed their auras at the same time!


Streaks of Darkness and white Light crackled out in the air akin to a sudden raging thunderstorm! Accompanying the Darkness and Light streaks was burst of blue flames that sizzled the air to blazing degrees.

The four silver armor men all felt their tongues get caught in their throats.

They were utterly gobsmacked at the tremendous changes in Darcel's group. Darcel had suddenly gained a rich, profound Darkness glow shrouding his right arm along with an exotic tattoo marking appearing.

Aniela's right arm had a radiant white glow enriching it and had exotic tattoo markings appearing.

Yasami had gained a blue flaming aura covering her body and appeared to take the shape of a fox. Two blazing blue fox tails sprouted from her back and swayed majestically in the wind.

The silver armor men all violently clenched their battle hammers as they bear the full brunt of these youths' aura.

And to their utter dismay, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami's transformed aura were rivaling their Innate Core prowess!

Their powerful seventh rank aura couldn't suppress two measly True Soul Core kids and one small fifth rank Innate Core kid?!

Not only that, they felt a noticeable push back from their auras, and a medium suppression fell upon their bodies and souls.

"What's wrong! Surprised?! Well, here's another surprise!" Aniela's sweet, bright voice broke the four silver armor men from their shocked stupor.

But right then, Aniela's bloodline arm sparked up in a blinding white light!


A blinding white flashbang burst from Aniela's bloodline arm, covering the snowy lands for miles.

The silver armor men's eyes instantly closed shut, and their bodies froze. Their souls abruptly froze, causing the men to become utterly stunned. They all were unprepared for Aniela's powerful flashbang.

Yasami was in awe of Aniela's blinding attack.

She felt a gentle power cover her body, protecting her, which only further pushed her amazement in Aniela's power.

But quickly then, Yasami's mind refocused back up. She could save the questions for later, now was the perfect opportunity to strike!

Yet before Yasami could attack,

"Ah-Ahhh?!? The hell?!?"

The confused shouts of the silver armor men blared into her ears. Turning her head back towards them, it was hard to see, but Yasami could vaguely make out lines of Darkness covering the men!

Darcel was calm and steady as he specifically controlled eight Darkness tendrils at the same time.

With each time, he had to split his sense to create multiple people's shadows means the fewer Darkness tendrils he could make.

But while Darcel wouldn't be able to completely restrain them for an attack, he had instead crazily interjected lust energy inside the men's bodies.

Thanks to Aniela's flashbang, none of the men could react at all as lust energy invaded their bodies and wreaked utter havoc.

The men felt their bloodstreams fall into a chaotic, disruptive state. Their blood flow couldn't handle the lust energy and wildly raced all throughout their bodies, trying to find a source of release.

In turn, the chaotic state of their bodies caused their souls and Innate Qi to fall into utter chaos!

Without a precise handle of their bodies, the men's soul couldn't properly contain their Innate Qi and surge it for energy to attack or defend with.

For Innate Core cultivators, wanting to mess with their bloodstreams would be a near-impossible task.

Even if an Innate Core cultivator was wholly suppressed by a titled Heavenly King. Not even they could make their bloodstreams erupt into chaos and disrupt their Qi flow.

There is a hidden natural defense that all cultivators' souls would create to protect their bloodstreams from getting manipulated and having their Martial Veins get affected.

A cultivator's Martial Vein is what directly connects their bodies to their souls and the most significant source of how anybody can gather and use Qi.

It doesn't matter how average or weak one soul is. Throughout the course of cultivating, the soul will automatically create that hidden defense in anyone's bloodstream.

Yet Darcel's Darkness tendrils had the specific ability many other cultivators lacked during early cultivation realms.

And that is the ability to bypass that soul defense, invade a Martial vein and directly affect one's soul!

As he knew from Aniela, Darcel, even without his bloodline state. He could manipulate his Darkness energy to smoothly enter Aniela's bloodstream and enter her Martial veins.

And while Aniela would feel pleasurable lust, the silver armor men felt as if the lust energy would make their bodies burst!

The only main difference Darcel did for the men was overloading his lust energy with the more destructive side of his bloodline power.

Yasami didn't let herself get surprised again at the duo's unique powers.

She instantly reacted, leaped up high into the air, and pointed her blue fire claws cloak hand at the silver armor men. Her two blue flaming fox tails sparklingly shimmered, causing her power to explosively increase even more!

A lustrous blue light sparked from her hands, spewing out sizzling wisps of blue flames.

In a split second, Yasami blasted out a massive flaming blue fox claw straight at the silver armor men!

The vast blue fire fox claw sailed at lightning-like speeds, causing the men's eyes to bulge out of their sockets.

The power of Yasam's blue fire claw was tremendous! They felt their bodies locked in front of the vast blue fire fox claw.

The silver armor men could only weakly surge a small bit of their chaotic Innate Qi in hopes of some sort of defense.

However, their tiny bit of Innate Qi meant absolutely nothing.


Yasami's blue fire fox claw crashed into the men's silver armor, heavily denting it, and tossed the four around into the snow!

Although as the men crashed into the ground, they got right back up.

But as they got back up, all four of the men had to violently hack up crimson blood. Scorching blue fire Qi raged in their bodies and was quickly sizzling their organs and bones.

In a state where their Innate Qi was weak, the men could barely put up any internal defense against Yasam't blue fire Qi.

However, none of the men were even given a chance to try. All of their pupils dilated as immense waves of power came crashing down on them.

Aniela had instantly reacted when the silver armor men stood right back up. She fished out her Scimitar and dashed straight towards one of the men.

Her speed was like lightning, and Aniela neared the men in just a mere second.

The silver armor man reacted on instinct and threw a fist at Aniela. She, however, easily dodged the punch and swiped her Scimitar up at the man's fist.

Like the man's silver armor was made up of paper mache, Aniela's Scimitar easily sliced through it and had lobbed off the man's hand!

Blood sputters like a fountain from the man's hand, dying the snowy ground in a chilling red paint.

The man went utterly still as his brain even register the pain.

But Aniela wasn't going to give him the chance to do so. Aniela had swiftly swiped her Scimitar towards the man's head, and her blade felt no resistance when cutting through the silver armor.

Aniela's Scimitar cleanly tore through the silver armor and sliced the man's head off!

Blood gushed out of the man's neck, and up in the air, the man's head had his eyes bulged out. He couldn't even comprehend how he died. All he last saw was a spine-chilling green flash of Aniela's blade.

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