Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 110: Start Of A Team

Chapter 110: Start Of A Team

Simultaneously while Aniela killed off that man, Darcel rushed the silver armor man that spoke the most during their encounters.

His extreme speeds caused the man's pupil to dilate as Darcel hurriedly approached him.

During his rush up to the man, Darcel had also split his attention. His hand pointed to another silver armor man who was continually hacking and wheezing blood.

A shadow suddenly spewed from this silver armor man's feet, yet he didn't notice it. Instantly when the shadow appeared, multiple Darkness tendrils erupted from it and tightly wrapped up the man.

The man was utterly shocked as he felt a crushing bind nearly crack all the bones in his body.

In a desperate attempt, the man tried to surge his chaotic Innate Qi to break the Darkness tendrils. Only, the measly little bit of power he could gather was absolutely useless against Darcel's Darkness tendrils.

And while the man struggled with the Darkness tendrils, Darcel didn't slow down his rush to the other silver armor man.

He had fished out his scimitar and thrust his blade towards the battle hammer crashing down at him.

The man poured whatever power he could in this hammer strike, hoping it could at least throw Darcel off balance for a moment.

However, the man was doomed to be devastated.

Darcel's scimitar violently clashed with the hammer, but he had immediately overpowered the man.

The man's battle hammer got violently flung out his hand by Darcel's overwhelming power, causing his hand to split open.

Darcel didn't get lax in his momentum. Under the rising shocked eyes of the man, he had quickly plunged his scimitar deep into man's silver armor chest area.

Darcel's blade easily broke through the armor and quickly tore into the man's chest, causing blood to burst out of him.

With the scimitar deep into the man's chest, Darcel quickly ignited his blade in raging black flames and unleashed a powerful stream of black flames that ripped right through the man's chest!

It simply didn't matter that the man had an Innate Core body; it was frail like glass under Darcel's power.

Immediately the silver armor man died as its heart and lungs were vaporized to utter ashes.

Pulling his scimitar out, Darcel didn't even look back as the silver armor man corpse crashed into the snow.

A vast burning hole was now visible at the chest of the corpse.

With him done, Darcel turned his attention to the wrapped up silver armor man.

He swiftly rushed towards the man, and during his rush, Darcel spotted a silver aura trying to surge through his Darkness tendrils.

Darcel cruelly smirked at the silver armor man's last-ditch effort.

Darcel had then surged more of his bloodline powers and burst off with sudden explosive speeds!

He instantly reached the man, tore through the silver aura and his own Darkness tendrils with his scimitar, and sliced the man's head off.

All of this happened in a single second, and Darcel once again didn't turn back as the man's neck gushed out blood like a fountain.

At the same time Darcel and Aniela finished their kills, Yasami had also finished her kill.

She was able to float in the air thanks to being in the Innate Core realm, and she had focused her attention on the last remaining silver armor man.

Her two blue flaming foxes tail suddenly brightly lit up in a radiant blue shine. By her tails liting up, Yasami erupted with explosive speed and dived right down at the man.

When the man had raised his head up, Yasami was already right near him!

Before the man had a chance to do anything, Yasami had quickly smacked down her blue flaming fox claw on the man's head, tearing through his silver armor and smacked his bare skull.

Yasami's overwhelming power caused the man's skull to crack like a spider web.

Yasami had then spewed blue flames inside the man's head, frying everything inside it.

The man had a more clean death than his other partners, but the pain of having your brain fried was akin to hell itself. But he didn't even have a chance to scream as the light quickly left his eyes.

Landing on the ground, Yasami watched in slight surprise as the silver armor man's corpse fell over.

She had only one blaring realization; all of their kills were extremely quick and easy!

And all of this could be done thanks to the combined abilities of Darcel and Aniela. Aniela's flashbang made the men's souls utterly freeze, making them nearly defenseless for any attack for just a few seconds.

And Darcel's chaotic lust energy wreaked havoc in their bloodstreams and caused chaos in their souls.

In turn, the men's Innate Qi became too chaotic to use, making their defenses almost non-existent beside their armor and based Innate Core bodies.

But, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami's overwhelming prowess cut through any and all regular defenses they had.

"Phew.now this was a job well done! More and more, I'm really starting to like that I was lucky enough to be paired up with monstrous geniuses. Good work, you two!" Yasami released her blue fire fox aura, returning back to her normal state.

She turned over to Darcel and Aniela and found their reactions a bit amusing. For the first time on the duo faces were expressions of slight surprise.

Truthfully, Darcel and Aniela were surprised at Yasami. That fire fox cloak aura she donned was precisely the same as Vice-Principal Zelle's!

However, not only was Yasami fox cloak aura more defined, and had even two tails coming out of her. There was just something more.profound about Yasami's fire fox cloak aura.

Compared to Vice Principal Zelle's, Yasami aura felt like it was completed and far more special.

The specialness, neither Darcel nor Aniela could accurately describe.

But the duo was sure Yasami's latent abilities far surpassed Vice-Principal Zelle's fire fox powers. Still, Darcel and Aniela weren't going to mention this similarity to Yasami. At least not yet, that is.

Aniela quickly got over her slight shock and had then sweetly giggled.

"Hehehe~, it really does feel more natural to be with people similar to us! Moreover, I'm sure this is a prelude to us, forming a great team!"

Aniela was genuinely impressed with Yasami's prowess and wasn't afraid at all to express it.

"Indeed. Having a fiery and decisive component such as yourself, Yasami, will be a wonderfully welcome edition. Now then, let's collect our spoils, shall we?" Darcel was already bending down to take the first spatial ring from the silver armor man.

And unseen by Darcel and Aniela, a natural smile couldn't stop from forming on Yasami's face. Their words may have been short and sweet, but they blatantly told their honest feelings in a smooth way.

Unconsciously, Yasami didn't even realize it at this time, but she was slowly falling under the enigmatic charms of Darcel and Aniela.

"With pleasure!" Yasami eagerly snatched off the spatial ring from the silver armor man she killed.

Aniela followed in suit and snatched the spatial ring from her silver armor man as well.

Darcel walked over to the silver armor man who talked a lot, took his spatial ring, and began interjecting his Qi into the two spatial rings he took.

Aniela and Yasami followed in Darcel's lead and spewed their Qi into the spatial rings they took.

Since the silver armor men were dead, the spatial rings all had only a feeble Spirit Presence.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami quickly erased the Spirit Presence and delved their Spirit Sense inside the spatial rings.

Immediately, the trio's faces all lit up by what they sensed.

There was an overabundance of cultivation resources, exotic talismans, and other such useful items in it! As expected of the biggest and strongest organization of Mawold Town, these grunts had loads of good stuff.

"No wonder these guys strut around like they own the whole world! None of them certainly lack in riches. Though I know it won't happen, but there are things in here that would be greatly useful if that ape gives us trouble." Aniela ecstatically spoke up and began walking up to Darcel.

Darcel and Yasami as well began walking towards each other so they all could group up and plan out their next move.

When they got close to each other, suddenly then Yasami's face flashed in realization. "Ngn.we may have killed these eyesores now. But.what if one of their members saw them leaving to go after us? We may get linked to their disappearance."

It was a legitimate pressing issue of concern that Yasami at least thought they should think about a bit.

However, when observing Darcel and Aniela's reaction, she couldn't say she was surprised seeing them be so relaxed and calm about this.

"That may be certainly true, Yasami. But, for people like us, where our prowess is freakish, and our cultivation speed is a breeze. Can you honestly say you're that worried?"

Darcel didn't even know that Yasami may or may not have insane comprehension abilities that give her a breakneck cultivation speed. But he could just guess it was accurate given all that he saw from her.

Yasami took one look at Darcel's slight handsome smile and one look at the bright, encouraging smile of Aniela. She had then shaken her head and gained a small smirk on her lips.

"No, I'm not. I'm just making sure we all have the heads up about them."

"Either way, even if these four didn't come at us. Sooner or later, we would've come into conflict with them, just from the way they act around town alone. Now then, let's dispose of these bodies and kill that supposed, 'deadly ape.'"

Darcel confidently spoke without a hint of tension in his voice. Aniela and Yasami as well felt zero pressure about the mission.

A beast that can kill even seventh rank Innate Core cultivators will at most be a fun battle for them.


A large Spirit Monster wolf towering at least eight feet tall, dyed in a white snow paint, is currently scurrying for its life. The wolf poured all of its power into its legs, blasting through the snow, and sailed at swift speeds.

From behind the Spirit Monster wolf, it was trying to outrun a stream of black flames that moved at lightning-like speeds.

The stream of black flames sizzled the snowy grounds beneath them and was rapidly gaining on the Spirit Monster wolf no matter how fast it was running.

The Spirit Monster wolf was a fifth rank Innate Core being, an extremely high tier among the average standards of Spirit Monsters.

And yet, it was desperately hopeless in trying to escape its inevitable fate.

Abruptly then, in a split second, the streams of black flames explosively increased in speed!

The stream of black flames overtook the Spirit Monster wolf and shot right through its chest, instantly killing it.

On its last breath, the Spirit Monster wolf didn't even register how the flames suddenly caught up to it. Its vast body toppled into the snow ground, its eyes remaining in utter disbelief.

"Ah! And that makes another kill for me! Truly, these Wild Snow lands make for the ultimate target practice. We just never run out of ammo here!"

The sweet, lovable voice of Aniela echoed throughout the snowy land.

She, Darcel, and Yasami took a brief stop to stare at the Spirit Monster wolf corpse just a few meters towards their left.

Currently, the trio were all walking at a brisk pace and was on route for the Soul Weaver Ape's igloo.

And along their way, Aniela suddenly suggested they play a little game.

Rightfully so, as they made their way through the Wild Snow land, the abundance of Spirit Monsters really began to show themselves.

It quickly got to the point where the trio couldn't take a small bit of distance without encountering several Spirit Monsters at the same time.

But, the thing was, none of the Spirit Monsters could pose a threat to any one of the trio. In fact, that fifth rank Innate Core Spirit Monster wolf was one of the strongest beasts they encountered.

So Aniela had decided to see who could snipe the most Spirit Monster before they made it to the igloo.

And admittedly, Darcel and Yasami were finding the game fun and competitive. The Spirit Monsters all immediately try to kill them anyway, so why not indulge in a little bit of fun?

"I-I'm not even sure what the count is now, Aniela. But I'm pretty sure you're just at the slightest bit ahead of us." A slight stutter slithered from Yasam's voice initially, but she had quickly covered it up.

But this didn't go unnoticed in Darcel's eyes. A certain gleam swirled in his eyes as he glanced over to Yasami.

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