Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 118: Morning Sights

Chapter 118: Morning Sights

A new day has donned over the Nobe's Fang group place, and in the Bronze ranking resting quarters, numerous members were walking out of their rooms. 

At one specific area of the Bronze ranking resting quarters, only a few people were coming out of their room at this time of day.

Yasami was one of those few people as she walked out of her door, donning a new set of clothes. Instead of just her long blue robe hoodie, she had also donned a warm brown leather jacket over her clothes.

Yasami leaned on her door, feeling comfortable and warm from the simple jacket. 

Indeed, she can admit that Mages sure know what they're doing when they want to make cultivators' lives that much easier.

Even though she was inside the warm town and inside a heated building, the Plunged Tundra cold still penetrated deep inside every town and its buildings. 

Yesterday, it was like a slight shiver tingling Yasami's spine as she walked throughout the town and building.

But now, with this one jacket, Yasami felt her body warm to a comfortable heat that made her body feel toasty. 

While Yasami leaned on her door. Her eyes had also passed by the numerous groggy members trailing out of their rooms.

As the Bronze ranking members passed her, some interest appeared in their eyes since none of them recognized this seemingly random hooded girl. 

But, once their eyes spotted the Bronze fang badge symbol on the right side of her chest, they all continued about their mornings.

However, Yasami didn't pay any attention to whatever fleeting glance she might've received. Right when she leaned on her door, her eyes immediately locked on to the door just across from her. 

Though she hastily left in a hurry yesterday, Yasami did spot where Darcel and Aniela's room would be when they received their bronze keycard. 

And they were quite literally her next-door neighbors. 

'Tsk.I hope that shameless duo doesn't take long coming out.' Yasami snarkily thought to herself. 

Though as snarky as she thought about Darcel and Aniela, Yasami truly couldn't get them out of her head.

Especially after that situation yesterday, her mind was practically glued on what both Darcel and Aniela told her. No matter if she tried to think of something else or do something else.

Aniela's warm embracing arms and Darcel's soothing heavenly hands swirled in her mind all throughout the night. 

Even when she was in the midst of cultivating, it was like Darcel and Aniela were right there, watching her in her mind.

Yasami quietly sighed to herself and briefly closed her eyes. And as she expected, the stunningly gorgeous face of Darcel and Aniela immediately popped into her brain.

As Yasami wrinkled her eyebrows, she just couldn't get why! 

It was like her mind was trying to make her succumb to that idiot couple without them even being here.

It was a mix of emotions for Yasami. She knows for sure that she's never the one to easily open to someone new or get along so well with them. 

Yet, it was like Darcel and Aniela was quickly pricking into her soul, trying to mix in with her.

The worst part that made Yasami the most frustrated was the fact that.she was honestly enjoying the thought of getting closer with the shameless duo. 

Out of all things Yasami expected when going on her journey, she definitely didn't care a single bit about making friends.

In fact, she simply wanted to ride solo during her time in the Nobe's Fang group. 

Yet now, here she was, patiently waiting for Darcel and Aniela to come out of their room so they can get the day started.

Abruptly then, before Yasami confusing trains of thoughts could continue, her head quickly snapped up to the duo's door. She heard the cracking of the door opening as the door automatically began to open.

And expecting who was coming out, Yasami slightly cursed herself in her mind as a small smirk couldn't stop from forming on her face. 

"Well, well, seems like you two are early birds," Yasami said out loud to Darcel and Aniela as they finally appeared fully out the door. 

And taking a quick look over at them Yasami's eyes lit up a bit at their new appearance.

Now Darcel and Aniela wore full brown leather outfits, ditching their old Zakira Academy uniforms. The outfits suited them nicely and accentuated their already charming looks.

Although, the most significant change Yasami instantly took notice of was the fact that they both had suddenly broken through! 

Now Darcel and Aniela were at the second layer link of the True Soul Core realm!

As Yasami marveled in slight shock over Darcel and Aniela's sudden breakthrough. The duo themselves also marveled over a new change in Yasami. 

When their eyes trailed over to her, they noticed the brown leather jacket on her, suiting her cutely.

And, just like them, Yasami also broke through last night! Now she was a sixth rank Innate Core warrior! 

Darcel and Aniela felt some surprise surge in their eyes. Considering this is the first time they met someone else who can achieve a sudden breakthrough in just a day.

"Well, well! If being an early bird means we can see a wonderfully good morning sight, then I have no complaints!" 

Aniela spoke in her usual bright tone and began walking over to Yasami.

Yasami already got up from leaning on the door, feeling a bit warm under Aniela's compliment. However, she didn't let it show on her face. 

When Aniela came up right next to her, Yasami didn't resist as Aniela casually slinked her arm over her neck.

"Oh? And what's this? Someone else showing their genius talent and breaking through overnight? Good job on reaching the sixth rank!" 

Aniela's body weight on Yasami was nearly non-existent. Almost like Aniela was a big fluffy pillow that exuded a beautiful fragrance. 

Yasami snorted at Aniela's remark but didn't make any attempt to move the bubbly girl off from her. "Heh, I'm also sharing in the morning shock, too, you know, with you two also having an overnight breakthrough. Hmph! And from guessing how, I would've thought your roguish night would have you two far more spent in the morning."

Though Yasami seemed more innocent when it came to man-woman relations. Darcel was a bit surprised seeing her so easily guess they had sex.

Thinking about it now, Darcel does recall reading a few books detailing dual cultivation methods that can allow lovers to simultaneously improve each other's bodies. 

Although for him and Aniela, they never used any of those methods, and their bloodlines just reacted independently.

Pushing the intriguing thought down for later, Darcel strolled up to Yasami with a cheeky smirk. His eyes glanced to the left and right of the hallway seeing if someone would try to come up to them.

But, thankfully, with his and Aniela's new outfits and Bronze fang symbol badge, the groggy morning members just took them as the more unknown members.

Once reaching up to Yasami, Darcel noticed a slight shift in her gaze as if she was a bit embarrassed to meet his eye specifically. 

Darcel smirk grew further once noticing it and told the cute fox girl,

"You should never underestimate our stamina. We can go for long hours of the night and still be ready to greet your cute self in the morning." 

From under Yasami's hood Darcel spotted a faint red hue that reminded him why it's fun to tease this cute girl.

Yasami, though, she had quickly turned her head entirely away from Darcel, suddenly finding the rest of the long corridor attractive. 

Without facing either of the duos, Yasami practically stutters out, "Wh-what mission will be first for our agenda today!"

Aniela began to sweetly giggle, hearing Yasami's embarrassment. 

The soft melodic shaking of her body while giggling sent tingling verberations down Yasami's body.

"Hehehe~, no warm relaxing breakfast? Or even a nice warm cup of coffee to soothe the morning cold? You shouldn't skip out on those small but pretty essential steps in the morning!"

Yasami, however, her stare turned a bit ludicrous hearing Aniela's response. "Since you got in the Nascent Core realm when was the last time you truly needed to eat? Or, for that matter, drink anything else that wasn't some kind of special drink?"

"Now that's just Aniela enjoying the more finer things in life. Still, it is nice to simply sit together and relax over warm, comforting food and a cool drink. Even if we don't really need it."

Darcel smoothly explained to Yasami, getting her to think for a minute. 

In all honesty, sitting down and having a nice breakfast with the shameless duo didn't sound like the worst thing in the world. In fact, Yasami reckons it could be a bit interesting.

Seeing how Yasami went quiet with contemplation, Darcel continued to talk, telling her,

"Still, I can understand your more eagerness to get right into the action. We, too, are also itching to test our new might. And, in a way, morning missions can also be seen as another form of a nice bonding activity."

Once Darcel finished talking, Aniela got off Yasami's shoulder and pointed down the long hallway saying, "Since we need no preparations, let's get our show on the road!"

"Best not to keep her waiting. Most of the time, I say nearly all day, she'll just never run out of energy." Darcel inclined his head towards Yasami and began walking towards Aniela.

Yasami took a look back at Aniela and still found her brightly smiling at her. 

In this situation, Yasami unconsciously put her hand to her chest. A strange but soothing feeling began to bud in her chest at the thought of bonding with their team.

For a reason or another, Yasami couldn't exactly put her finger on; she just knows it felt relaxing being on a team with the duo. It didn't matter at all that they only knew each other for merely one day. These feelings couldn't stop from blossoming in Yasami's chest.

With these various thoughts in mind, Yasami quickly caught up to Darcel and Aniela, who already began walking down the hallway. 

They all hoped they could find a more regular mission today to easily break into the start of their day.


In the Nobe's Fang group's lounge area, the room was currently far less crowded than it was yesterday. Mainly due to the fact it was morning, and most members take hours to prepare before going on a mission.

At one section of the lounge area, Fruna, Robert, Reyney, and Hurey were all up and talking with each other. 

Although, Fruna had a more calm expression while the three men had a slightly concerned face.

"I know we keep saying this, Fruna, but it needs to be mentioned. Are you truly sure it's the right path to keep getting involved with those monstrous youths? I feel like chaos just naturally follows them like it's their shadow."

Robert spoke in small hopes of somewhat swaying Fruna's mind. He can tell that Fruna was dead set on helping Darcel and Aniela. 

But he hoped that just maybe, through repeated talks, they could get through to her.

However, the three men were soon to be slightly disappointed as Fruna began to shake her head. 

She began telling them, "You three seriously need to ease up on them. They're truly not as monstrous as you're making them out to be. And, let's not forget, they seem so fearful because you all brought it upon yourselves."

Neither Robert, Reyney, nor Hurey could really argue that point. 

Indeed, Robert and Reyney were the ones that were going to throw the first punches when trying to rob them.

And while Hurey didn't directly go against the duo, he did absolutely nothing to respond to Fruna's call, letting the robbery slide under his nose. 

Still, Hurey thought to bring up at least one valid point, saying,

"Even as that's true. We and even you, Fruna, can't deny the possibility of those youths antagonizing the Bloody Silver Hammer group more than we already are with them. Moreover, since you said their Bronze ranking members now, their status will mean more in that group's eyes. Their individual strength may be monumental, but against Heavenly Kings, it'll only be theirs and our downfalls." 

Admittedly, Fruna did have to take a moment to consider this point. 

Just from yesterday, of how Darcel and Aniela fearlessly went against the four silver armor men even, Fruna knows there will be further escalations. 

Fruna exhaled a small sigh and said to Hurey, "Haah.I can't deny that point. But still, let's not jump to hasty conclusions. Even the Silver group knows they can't just casually start out a whole wide-scale attack on us. But I will talk with them about it."

Fruna's words didn't alleviate any concern for Robert, Reyney, and Hurey. 

But at least she was willing to listen. Hurey was going to speak again until his attention abruptly turned to his right.

Robert, Reyney, and Fruna, too, snapped their attention to their rights, only to quietly groan at who was coming towards them. 

Frey and his girl partner's bright silver badges already were causing slight headaches to Fruna as they casually walked over to her group.

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