Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 119: Undetectable

Chapter 119: Undetectable

"Well, would you lookie here? It seems we got lucky in the morning, Frey. Fruna! Don't look so distraught; we only have a couple of questions for you." 

Frey's partner spoke in an assured tone that left no room for Fruna to answer no to them.

Robert, Reyney, and Hurey took a slight step away from Fruna but didn't try to leave the upcoming encounter. They know it will only do them more harm than good, even if those two weren't directing their attention to them.

As Frey and his partner got close to them, Fruna sighed a bit, saying, "Cecie and Frey.just exactly who I wanted to see in my mornings. Haah, so? What is it now?"

Though really, Fruna was far under Frey and Cecie in terms of status and power. She didn't feel any fear or intimidation from the silver rankings members. Only a tone of annoyance leaked from her voice.

Cecie put her hands up in the air in a slightly joking way, indicating they didn't mean any harm or trouble coming up to them. 

She even told Fruna, "Hey, hey. Is there a need to be so serious for a casual talk?"

"Indeed. We're all members here, after all. And as members, we simply want to know about those three young new members you're so swimmingly getting along with." Frey continued to speak after Cecie finished talking.

Like many others who were in the lounge yesterday, Frey and Cecie had various thoughts about Darcel's team. 

Though they showed that they somehow completed an Expert tier mission, many doubts still remained in numerous people's minds on just how they did it.

Was it really that they genuinely held an outrageous realm jumping combat prowess? 

It may seem believable, but even then, that thought still seemed a bit too unreal, considering no one saw Darcel's group fight.

As for the more logical conclusions, people started to reckon Darcel's group must hold various exotic and or Heavenly Treasures on them. 

For two True Soul Core juniors being able to kill a sixth rank Innate Core Spirit Monster, it was one of the few logical conclusions people could come up with.

And for Frey and Cecie, they were going to find out the truth no matter what. 

Of course, for Furna, this wasn't the first time she was pestered about this type of information about Darcel's group.

Throughout yesterday, numerous people came up to her, trying to subtly interrogate her about Darcel's group. 

Fruna simply had to roll her eyes every time and only gave out the most basic of information about Darcel's group.

And once again, it seems like she'll need to say her usual spiel. 

"Look, all I know for sure is that Darcel and Aniela hold incredible potential in their souls. They had greatly helped us in the Misty Haze Pits, which is why I brought them back here. Other than that.I'm just as clueless as you two."

Frey and Cecie wrinkled their eyebrows at Fruna's answer. 

She spoke with a neutral assured tone that left little room to judge. Neither Frey nor Cecie could pick up any ticks that Fruna's lying or did her body language change when talking.

Still, Frey and Cecie weren't willing to give up so easily. Especially Frey since he did see Fruna chasing after Darcel's group all the way up to the third floor yesterday.

"Is that so? Have they truly told you nothing else? I mean, from what I have seen, you're a lot more friendlier with them than some other members here." 

Frey casually pressed on, causing further annoyance in Fruna.

Robert, Reyney, and Hurey watched their conversation in silence. Although, in their minds, the idea that Darcel and Aniela will only cause chaos of trouble no matter where they go was getting slightly reinforced.

Fruna already saw this conversation may turn into a meddling one. But, she kept her cool and only let a slight glance of annoyance swirl around in her eyes. 

Right, when she was about to talk, however,

"Are we really so interesting that you're going such a roundabout way to ask for answers? Well, if you really want your answers, why not just try asking from the direct sources." 

From merely a couple of feet behind them, the alluring voice of Darcel slinked into the group's ears.

Frey, Cecie, and Fruna's group all nearly jumped out of their skins at the unexpected voice. Their eyes widened, and they all snapped back to stare at Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami getting right near them.

"Huee~? So surprise to see us? Sorry about that! We just didn't want such a noisy commotion to disturb our morning." Aniela causally spoke like it was nothing that their group had just sneaked behind them.

For that matter, more shock enters into Frey, Ceice, and Fruna's group eyes then. 

Their eyes briefly zipped off from Darcel's group to glance all over the whole lounge area.

And like Aniela pointed out, everyone wasn't making any sort of commotion and was going about their mornings. 

Barely anybody even glanced over to Darcel's group direction. And the ones that did, didn't linger their eyes on them for too long.

"You.you. Hey.what did you all do?!"

Cecie exclaimed in mild shock since she knows for damn sure people would recognize the shocking brats from yesterday.

Even as it was hard to tell Yasami's real appearance, Darcel and Aniela still stick out like a sore thumb. 

Darcel had gorgeous deep black hair that elegantly swayed all the way down to a bit past his shoulder, and he had a captivating handsome face.

While Aniela, anyone could spot her beautifully long bright white hair from miles away. 

Furthermore, not only are all three of them are wearing their trademark leather outfits, the right side of their chests held something outrageous.

"Wait, before any of that. Bronze badges?!" 

Frey exclaimed further shock, causing Cecie to also notice their Bronze Fang symbols badges. All of this news was shocking to them, so why isn't anyone else trying to make a fuss about it?!

Yasami simply smirked at both their disbelieving reactions. "Yes, we are Bronze members. What of it?" 

Truthfully, while Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami were acting calm and collected on the outside.

Internally, they were amazed for an entirely different reason. As they made it through the Bronze ranking resting quarters, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami could see the apparent interest in them because of their Bronze ranking status.

And if they go to the lounge room just like that. The trio knows all of the attention will gather on them again. 

So, before they even made it towards the stairs, Darcel suggested masking their presence. Aniela and Yasami were quick to agree, wanting a more calm morning. 

Recalling the lesson taught by Vice Principal Zelle, Darcel and Aniela smoothly flowed their Qi's to mask their alluring presence.

Initially, Darcel and Aniela thought they would need to teach Yasami a thing or two about efficiently masking their presence. 

But to their slight surprise, Yasami obviously had training in this and managed to even suppress her cultivation all the way back down to the fifth rank of the Innate Core realm.

And to their delight, mostly everybody treated Darcel's group just like another trio of Bronze ranking members once they masked their presence.

Even when they went past ninth rank Innate Core members, their eyes only passed a fleeting glance to them.

Compared to the time they used Vice-Principal Zelle's method in the Nascent Core realm, Darcel and Aniela could say they were practically unnoticeable. 

What also helped was the fact that their bloodlines seemingly reacted on their own, helping to mask their presence even further.

"Tch! Enough of this ludicrosity! Look, we're all members here. And it's best to get along, right? Being with us means you'll have extremely powerful enemies always targeting you. So, why not just let us in your method on how you all killed that Soul Weaver ape. And, understandably, you can have your suspicions against us. But just know, under the Gold ranking members here, Frey and I have the most weight here among the Silver ranking members."

Cecie put on her most alluring persuasive tone possible, trying to convince Darcel's group mind. She thought, since Darcel's group are Bronze ranking members, they would all surely understand the tiers of ranking here. 

And Cecie believed inevitably, she and Frey would come up in talks since they had the highest power among Silver ranking members. 

Rays of hope did flash into Frey and Cecie's eyes, seeing Darcel's group taking a moment to contemplate their words.

It was forbidden to use violence or force on other members, so seeing these youths seriously consider their words means, at least to Frey and Cecie, they must have a good head on their shoulders.

Fruna's group, however, strangely enough, didn't believe for a second that Darcel's group was genuinely taking Cecie's words to heart. 

And once seeing a bright, toothy grin from Aniela, they can just tell a snarky remark is about to come out of her.

"Hmmm.you know, that actually wasn't a totally bad argument. Alright, alright, we'll let you all in on a little bit of secret.just after our mission, that is. We can't let the morning go to waste!" 

The bubbly tone Aniela spoke in made Frey and Cecie's eyes twitch. This brat sure knows how to joke! 

Frey and Cecie were half attempted to leak just a bit of their eighth rank aura to make their arguments sound more.convincing.

However, when they were surging their Spirit Sense, their curiosity raised when Frey and Cecie finally sensed Darcel's group aura. 

There was something.off about these three. 

Like, if they didn't concentrate on sensing them even as they were right in front of them, Frey and Cecie would've mistaken the trio for being ordinary cultivators.

Their train of thoughts was promptly interrupted when Yasami began to speak after Aniela, telling them, 

"If you just so happen to be wondering, we're taking on a hard tier mission. Soo, you can just leave your troublesome prying attempts for later."

And without giving a chance for Frey and Cecie to respond, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami turned on their heels and began walking towards the lounge entrance.

While they were walking off, Frey quickly put his hand out as if he wanted to touch Darcel's shoulder. 

But, when he neared an inch from his shoulder, Frey abruptly froze.

Completely out of nowhere, Frey felt a sickening feeling assault his gut. It was like his instinct was screaming at him that if he were to continue his action, he wouldn't even have the time to regret it.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami didn't look back at Frey and continued walking towards the entrance. They left the Nobe's Fang group silently and sneakily.

Frey and Ceice silently exchanged a look between each other. 

But, their gazes quickly shifted towards Fruna's group, who was curiously staring at them, waiting to see their next move.

"Tch, what a bunch of uppity children. No need to further waste our time here. Let's go, Cecie." 

Cecie snorted in agreement about Frey's assessment of the trio, saying out loud, "Out of all the highly overconfident brats I've encountered. Those three are indeed unpleasant to even talk to." 

And without even taking a second glance at Fruna's group, Frey and Cecie quickly walked off to their other partners.

"See what we're talking about? Trouble is like leach for those kids. We're only warning you for your sake Fruna." Reyney worriedly spoke up this time to Fruna. 

Fruna, though she didn't let her stride of Darcel's group break, telling the others, "I guess, I'll always believe the exact opposite then. Who knows? Maybe one day some good unexpected changes really will happen for our group because of them."

Fruna's eyes trailed at the entrance as Darcel's group left. 

She didn't need to look back to know Hurey, Robert, and Reyney were giving her disbelieving stares.

Still, while Fruna guessed she may be the only one thinking like this, her mind wouldn't sway that easily. 

Fruna suspected it was a faint premonition feeling that she felt in the upcoming days, not only their group. But the whole Mawold Town will get flipped over because of those three.

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