Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 120: Secrets & Suspicions

Chapter 120: Secrets & Suspicions

A bright clear shine dawned over Mawold Town, making its icy blue design exude a more beautiful atmosphere in contrast to the night. 

Fewer groups of cultivators were out and about in the morning, but there were still some early birds strolling about the place.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami were one such early bird's group. 

They leisurely strolled through Mawold Town, not in a particular hurry to get their missions done. As they walked, the trio just had to praise Mages again in their minds.

These brown leather clothes made it comfortably warm to stroll throughout the cold air penetrating inside the town. 

Now, none of them needed to use any bit of power to keep their bodies warm. Even though Yasami only had a single piece of brown leather jacket, it still worked wonders to keep her body warm. 

Suddenly then, while they walked, Aniela raised her gaze to the sky.

The sky was its ever-present serene blue color, and numerous clouds floated in the air. It was a peaceful sight to look on upon. 

However, for Aniela, she began squinting her eyes and eyebrows raised curiously.

"You knooow.I've never really taken a good look at the sky. But.why isn't there a blazing sun shining down on us? I at least know for sure there are some really intriguing books detailing all about the sun. And from what I read, there should be a sun in the sky!"

Aniela's words did get both Darcel and Yasami to curiously raise their gazes to the sky. 

Darcel was spreading out his senses, making sure to catch on if anybody was trying to mark them. 

While Yasami was thinking more intimate private thoughts about her team.

Their train of thoughts all got interrupted, though, as their eyes searched around in the cloudy blue sky. And just like Aniela mentioned, there wasn't any sun in sight.

"Huh. I've.never really thought about it. It's a bit bizarre since we never saw any kinds of sun around our previous place. Plus, night does fall upon the world, and yet I didn't spot any moon in the sky either. Did you girls see any?"

Aniela took a moment to recall their last night's walk back to town from Darcel's words. 

After a quick search of her memories, she soon found out Darcel was also right. "Nope! There was a darker haze in the sky, but no moon!"

"Heh, nothing less out of you two, but I think you guys are the only one to ever seriously question about the moon and sun. Although most cultivators and even mages tend to just ignore this oddity."

Darcel and Aniela flashed their eyes over to Yasami in genuine curiosity. 

Back from where they grew up, they may have not received much information in the Parasol Organization. But they were able to read on the fundamental basics of a world. And the texts they read did depict a sun and moon always hanging over any kind of world.

So Darcel had to ask, "What do you mean, they just ignore it? You're telling me, no one in history ever curiously tried exploring the sky?" 

Yasami suddenly began giggling at Darcel's question, getting both Darcel and Aniela to like the melodic sound of her sweet cute laugh.

"Fufufu~, seems like you two really need me for this subject, huh? Alright, I'll explain it to you. Of course, there have been people with a burning curiosity to explore the skies. But no one, not even those mystical Grand Sages, can explore deeper into the sky. Every single one that tried almost got crushed by a tremendous suppression when trying to go beyond the skies."

Darcel and Aniela put their hands to the chins, digesting what Yasami told them. 

They vaguely know that cultivators who hold the titles of Grand Sages are ones who managed to surpass the Heavenly Transformation realm.

Unfortunately, though, that as far they know since there weren't many books in Zakira Academy detailing the levels beyond the Heavenly Transformation realm.

All they know for sure that titled Grand Sage's cultivators were simply unfathomable existence that commanded utmost respect with just their presence. 

Yet, for all of their power, they still couldn't explore out into the sky?

"Oooh.oooh! I think I get it! There just has to be some profound and deep cultivation meaning to breaking past the skies. And for sure, the ones who will know that are probably only in the absolute top of all the Provinces. Yet such information is too valuable for us ants, is what they probably think. What do you think about my right guess Yasami?"

Yasami briefly paused at Aniela's response. She raised a finger as if she was going to further explain but stopped herself. 

"Should've expected a sharp mind from you even though you're so bubbly. But yes, to us so-called 'ants,' we only know about the Sun and Moon from various cultivation methods. And for people supposedly above us, they do indeed hold all the secrets."

"Hm, those secrets better be out of this world then. I'm sure for geniuses like us, we won't wait to have hundreds of years just to see a chance to make it to the top." Darcel confidently stated without a hint of arrogance.

Though his words sounded unbelievably arrogant, he was just making conclusions off of existing facts about his and Aniela's talent. 

Plus, with Yasami breakthrough from this morning, Darcel was sure she was a unique genius in cultivating speed as well.

Aniela and Yasami assuredly smirked at Darcel's assessment as well, only serving to further accentuate his point. 

Honestly, if anyone else were to listen to their conversation, they would think these brats haven't gotten a taste of reality yet.

But with the less packed groups of people out today, nobody knows there were three legendary figures in the making, walking right in their town. 


Eventually, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami neared the entrance to the town.

As they walked up there, the trio was a bit surprised. They haven't sensed any of the Silver Bloody Hammer group members try to lock on to them. 

Initially, Darcel, Aniela Yasami were going to believe maybe it was just too early for those silver eyesores.

Before they began walking through the town, Darcel told Aniela and Yasami to stop masking their presence. He explained to the girls that he wanted to experiment with a new card up his sleeve he was thinking about since last night. 

And the Silver Bloody Hammer group were just the perfect lab rats for Darcel.

Of course, Aniela and Yasami weren't against this decision. They even felt a rise in anticipation once Darcel told them what his experiment would be.

Now, near the town entrance, the trio thought Darcel's experiment would have to be for another time.

However, their expectations were soon met when, abruptly, three immensely powerful presences locked on to Darcel's group. And this time, these Silver Bloody Hammer group members went further beyond as one openly spoke out to them, saying,

"Hey! You three! Little Fang kids! It's quite early to be out, but we have an important question to ask. Now you three, you wouldn't happen to have run into four of our own yesterday?"

It was a rough man's voice that tried to drill directly in Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami's ears. Furthermore, the trio felt the three men eighth rank Innate Core aura increase on to them, attempting to slightly suppress their movements.

However, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami weren't affected much by the eighth rank auras. In fact, their bodies didn't feel any restraint; it was like a breeze brushing past the trio's faces.

If it was yesterday, Darcel, Aniela and Yasami believed they would've felt some pressure against the three eighth rank auras. 

But now, thanks to their recent breakthroughs, they felt boundless confidence against the late ranks of the Innate Core realm.

With assured courage building up inside them, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami causally turned around to see who was trying to stop them. 

Their eyes met with, of course, three silver armor men dauntingly walking up to them.

When their gazes matched, several questions began to fill the Silver Bloody Hammer group member's eyes. For starters, they are positively sure they spread some of their auras on to these kids.

Yet, none of them appeared sluggish or even had any sorts of strained expression on their faces. 

Darcel's group remained calm and collected, though Darcel did spot something different from one of the members. 

The man in the middle, he had a golden hammer badge symbol on the right breastplate of his armor. 

Like the Nobe's Fang group, Darcel guessed that this is supposed to signify some sort of higher status. 

But, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami only regarded the silver armor men as wanna be fierce men trying to put on an intimidating front. 

Still, Aniela gave the silver armor men a small smile, answering them with,

"Hmmm.well beside our run at the entrance with them yesterday. Since then, we haven't talked to another one of you silver people or even seen those same silver armor men. You three will be our second run-in with your group now."

The three silver armor men stopped a mere few feet from the trio. Their eyes still held blatant suspicions, obviously not really believing Aniela for even a second. 

Although, before any one of them responded to her, the men's eyes trailed down to the Bronze fang symbol badges on Darcel's group outfits. 

Immediate confusion swirled in their minds then.

They were absolutely positive that yesterday they saw these brats getting tailed by four of their members. But at that time, it looked like Darcel's group was just joining the Nobe's Fang group.

The three Silver armor men had then returned back to their tasks, believing their other members were about to potentially wipe out some new rats of the Nobe's Fang group.

However, when Darcel's group returned absolutely spotless to town after finishing their missions. These three silver armor men were one of the few that took brief notice of the trio before not paying them anymore mind.

They had thought then they were mistaken about their partners, and it was only weird timing that they left on the same path as Darcel's group. 

But when the other four members still didn't return even throughout the night. That's when their suspicions were raised.

They had asked around their group, and nobody saw any trace of them. In fact, others even claim they also saw those four members leave after Darcel's group.

And now, at present, not only have they encountered Darcel's group in their morning outings. Somehow these three were quickly promoted to a higher status in a mere day? 

And still, the other four members of their group haven't returned?

It wasn't like any swarm of Spirit Monsters in the Wild Snow land could stop a powerful, experienced group of four seventh rank Innate Core warriors.

As their suspicions towards the trio grew more and more, the silver armor man in the middle started to talk, saying, 

"You haven't seen them again at all, huh. Is that right? You wou-"

"Tch! We have no time for your bullshit! If you clearly didn't see from our pace, we have important business to do! Let's get back to it, guys." 

Immediately when Yasami finished talking, she and Aniela swiftly turned back around and began walking off.

Darcel stayed behind for a moment and smirked at the stunned reaction of the three silver armor men. "Well, then. You heard the fiery little lady. Our business is far more important than what you silver eyesores have to say. Till next time."

With that, Darcel quickly turned around and caught up with the girls. 

In terms of offending the Silver Bloody Hammer group, Darcel, Aniela and Yasami didn't care in the slightest.

Them just being with the Nobe's Fang group already put them at odds with the group. And this wasn't even taking into account how the trio already highly disliked these Silver Bloody Hammer group members' unruly attitude.

The most significant factor in the trio's uncaring attitude about the group was the fact they all were assured about their own prowess against them. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami can tell just by how the men's eighth rank aura didn't affect them at all; they can easily wipe them out.

Practically, at the current prowess, they have now, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami didn't really fear any Innate Core warriors. 

Plus, for the peak rank Innate Core warriors, Darcel has a nightmarish surprise for any that dares to come at them.

Watching Darcel's group parting back, the silver armor man with the golden badge snorted. "Hmph, as expected from brats. They're arrogantly throwing their weight around yet are too foolish to see how they're acting. Now I'm even more sure, with their pitifully low realms, they all have some outrageous exotic treasure that's doing all the work for them."

The silver armor man on the left side's eyes had lit up in sinister greed. 

"Heh, it only makes sense. How else two True Soul Core brats and some mere fifth rank brat become bronze members in just a day. No mistake about it, we definitely saw Zeal's team suspiciously leave town just mere seconds after that trio. And they even went on the Wild Snow lands just for them."

"So hows about we try our luck at interrogating them, with some support." The silver armor men on their right side spoke with a frightening malicious smirk.

"Indeed. Indeed. Whatever those kids are using, it must be an extremely rare Artifact that doesn't require Heavenly Qi. Or maybe some powerful tier weapon they can luckily use. Zeal's team may have just gotten surprised by those kids' unexpected tricks, But for us.we'll come fully and overly prepared." The Silver armor man with the golden badge had a sinister twinkle in his eyes. 

No matter what the kids have, none of the silver armor men believe they can compete against overwhelming power and numbers.

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