Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 125: Personal Gift

Chapter 125: Personal Gift

Darcel and Aniela took one look at the three blue treasure boxes and had then exchanged a brief stare between each other. Their lips curved up in knowing smirks, feeling satisfied over the smooth trade.

As Darcel and Aniela flashed their spatial rings and bought each of their own treasure boxes inside the rings, Aniela was especially feeling giddy. 

Being able to swoon a powerful Mage on the level of Innate Core warriors is no small feat at all.

And even then, Aniela wasn't putting forth all her soul energy into her eyes. The prospect of this trade made her zealously bubbly for all other future 'negotiations' she could potentially swoon for their team.

Speaking off their team, Aniela's eyes glanced back to Yasami, who was still a bit stunned. 

She was gauging the Mage reaction to see if he would pick up on Aniela's tactics. Yet, the Mage was much more interested in the several Ice seeds he had just gained.

When Aniela turned her attention on her, Yasami flashed her a mild ludicrous stare. 

But Aniela didn't react, only broadening her smile, indicating for her to take her treasure box.

Shaking her head, Yasami quickly walked over to the vendor and took the last blue treasure box inside her spatial ring. 

"A pleasure doing business with you! May you find luck on your alchemist way!" Aniela politely told the Mage, getting him to briefly take his eyes away from his blue spatial sack. 

However, all the Mage did was merely nodded to Aniela's words before focusing his attention back down.

Seeing as they were practically getting ignored now, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami all exchanged a brief glance between each other. They simply shrugged and began walking back into the crowds of people.

Blended back into the crowd, Aniela suddenly released a small sigh. 

"Huuu.using that much soul energy for the first time was a bit taxing. But hey, not only did we not have to spend any valuable crystals. My mind is also brewing up several useful tactics for my persuasion skills!"

"Normally, I wouldn't share your overly bubbly excitement. But that stunt you pulled back there, Aniela, just spiked my interest in this fair. Sooo, who will be our next target?" Yasami spoke in a mischievous tone. 

It was a bit uncanny for Darcel as he listened to Yasami. 

She and Aniela nearly have the same seemingly excited grin over trying to swindle people. 

A small wry smirk etched on Darcel's face seeing the girl's mischievous side come out a bit.

Still, before Aniela could talk and plan out any further mischief. Darcel already had the next vendor in mind to go to. 

He swiftly told the girls, "Before we get too crazy now, I do have a specific vendor we should go to. And this time, I'll just pay upfront. No tricks."


Aniela was about to adorably pout to Darcel's words until she saw where Darcel's gaze was directed to. Her eyes took a quick glance at Yasami, coming to a smiling realization. 

"Heh! I see! Well then, lead the way next, Darcy!"

"One question before that, though. Yasami, you don't have a weapon, right?" Darcel suddenly asked, causing Yasami to momentarily pause. 

She quickly rummaged over Darcel's question before answering him with, "Eh? No, I don't. Why? Are you sneakily planning something, hm?" 

Yasami's voice turned a bit teasing at the end, trying to prod the answer out of Darcel. However, all she got from Darcel was a mysterious smile.

Without explaining anything, Darcel began walking over to the vendor he had his gaze on for quite some time. 

"Eh? Hey! What's up with this sudden attempt to be mysteriously cool?"

Yasami directed her question to Aniela since she knew Darcel wouldn't answer. However, Yasami felt a further annoyance build-up when Aniela also gave an enigmatic smile, telling her,

"Hehe~, want to know? Just come and follow us." 

With that, Aniela began following behind Darcel, swiftly catching up to him. Yasami simply exhaled a small sigh before quickly catching up to the duo. 

At least she can somewhat tell with how sneaky they're suddenly being; whatever coming up is bound to be good. 

Soon, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami approached the other vendor.

And this vendor was notably different from the last one. For starters, the most obvious difference was the better abundance of cultivators gathered around here, all of who had more curious expressions at the items being displayed.

This Mage Vendor is selling various exotic and uniquely crafted weapons, all with vary ranging tier of quality and power. Next to each weapon was a short description of the weapon, detailing its name and price.

Quickly, Yasami put two and two together on why Darcel was so mysterious in coming here. 

Inside her chest, Yasami began to feel a strange, tingling feeling.

Even though Aniela had just gifted them all fantastic pills, Yasami could tell Darcel's action is going to mean something different. 

Because this was going to be a personal gift to her! At least that's what Yasami's mind quickly jumped to.

While Yasami couldn't stop the small tingles from running through her, Darcel had already neared the stall. Aniela was off to his right side, staring at all the intricate weapons they have on display here.

Darcel, however, had his eyes on a particular weapon or weapons. 

It was two beautifully designed claw weapons that naturally spewed out a dangerous vibe purely on appearance alone. The two claw weapons had three long sharp blades and a perfect grip that just smoothly slid on anyone's two hands. 

Taking his eyes off the claw weapons, Darcel suddenly spoke, "Middle Tier Earthen Spirit Weapons, and fifty red crystals, huh? Quite a steep price. But I'll take these.aura claws."

While Darcel spoke, he ignited his spatial ring, bringing out a small sack that glowed a brilliant red sparkle. 

The Mage behind the stall, who was a decent looking man, nodded at Darcel seeing his glowing red sack, telling him,

"Good eye, you have their kid. There's a unique property to these weapons. You see, these claws can amplify your Qi, making your aura stronger and majorly boost one heavily concentrated attack. Martial Skill or not."

Darcel felt even more verified in his purchase when hearing the weapon's full description. 

He paid a significant amount of attention to how Yasami fought and her go-to attacks, knowing these claw weapons would suit her for now.

"Oooh~! These are a pretty yet dangerous pair of weapons. Hehe~, a fine choice indeed, Darcy!" Aniela came over to Darcel as he handed the red crystal sack to the Mage. 

She had nothing but praise over seeing the claw weapons, sensing these claws to be a decent tier for Earthen Spirit weapons.

Yasami watched in slight anticipation while the Mage sensed the number of crystals Darcel gave to him in the red glowing sack. 

For Yasami and any other cultivators around their Province, while Green crystals are obviously superior. Gaining Red crystals is no simple task. 

Even she would prefer to save her crystal resources in any way she can and won't spend it on anything expensive. 

Yet here Darcel was, just casually spending fifty crystals without even a moment of hesitation. He didn't even have Aniela use her weird but effective swaying tactics!

"All fifty crystals in full. Alright, you can take the claws." 

The Mage gave Darcel the ok before swiftly turning his attention to the other cultivators already there.

Darcel smirked, took both claws into both of his hands but didn't put it in his spatial ring. He and Aniela had then turned over to Yasami, who was quiet in budding anticipation.

"Let's get to a more.secluded part. Shall we?" 

Yasami slowly nodded to Darcel; her gaze was directly glued not on the claw weapons but Darcel himself.

Aniela didn't speak any other words, only spouting an alluring yet magical smile for what is about to come.

Searching through the jam-pack crowds of people, Darcel did manage to spot one decently secluded part they could walk over to.

Darcel reckons they could even get a few minutes alone to themselves with them masking their presence. 

With his impromptu plan in mind, Darcel began walking over to that specific spot with Aniela and Yasami trailing right behind him.

During the walk over there, Yasami felt her frustration begin to build. Still, neither Darcel nor Aniela talked on their way to the spot. She already knows what they're planning, and it's obvious to tell. 

So why not just spill the beans already!

Yet, despite thinking so, Yasami didn't make any attempts to bring it up to Darcel and Aniela, staying quiet in anticipation. 

Once they were at the secluded spot, Darcel and Aniela stopped and quickly turned around to Yasami.

"You may not have a weapon on you now. But you used to train and fight with claw weapons. I can tell from all those clean, fancy attacks of you going up and personal with aura fox fire claws." Darcel told Yasami in an assured tone as if he knew what she was going to say already.

And like Darcel expected, Yasami was momentarily stunned at his accurate guess. More so, Yasami was a bit flatter that Darcel had paid so much attention to her fighting style, calling it fancy even.

Nevertheless, Yasami nodded to Darcel's inquiry, explaining to him, 

"Hmph, someone has prying eyes. But, you're more than correct. For me, being up and personal, I found, is the most direct and efficient way to end any fight quickly. A lot of people always seem to lose their wits when you get right up in their face."

Darcel and Aniela were both a bit fascinated by that confident smirk and captivating tone Yasami had when explaining her fighting method. 

She made it seem like her method never failed, no matter who the opponent was.

And that just gave Darcel all the more confidence to go through with his little move. "Is that so, well then, let's first." Darcel trailed off his sentence at the end, getting Yasami a bit confused.

But before she could react, Darcel quickly captured Yasami's hands! 

Yasami froze up, yet Darcel didn't just stop there at grabbing her soft hands. He had then gently placed both claw weapons into Yasami hands, making her unconsciously grasp onto them.

"There we go. Now with these, you'll become even more deadlier than you are now." While Darcel talked, he didn't let go of Yasami's hands for a single moment.

It wasn't just because he liked the soft elastic texture of her hands. Darcel was also sneakily surging pure Darkness essence that came directly from his soul and into his own hands.

After his hot sexy rump with Aniela last night, Darcel began to ponder the ways he could use his Yin Pleasure skills to more of his advantage. 

With the extra confidence Aniela inspired into him, Darcel was sure he could find another smooth way to charm the fiery Yasami.

It was then Darcel recalled how he had interjected pure warm flames into Yasami's body to heat her up from the cold. And since he could use flames from his soul, what about his Darkness essence that came from his soul?

It was a bit of a gamble, but after coming into the trade fair, Darcel found it as an appropriate time to test his theory. 

Not only was he gifting Yasami a decent enough gift, and he also had a reasonable excuse to touch her hands without suspicion. 

Darcel only needed an instant to gather his Darkness soul essence into his hands. And much to Darcel's delight, Darcel sensed his Darkness soul essence slowly transferred right into Yasami's hands!

However, Darcel abruptly felt his Darkness soul essence stop as soon as it entered Yasami hands as if there was a blockage. 


From an outsider's perspective, Aniela didn't see anything different occurring in Darcel or Yasami's hands.

But, Aniela did manage to spot Yasami shifting closer to Darcel. It was like she was under some sort of trance, and Darcel was a beacon of light for her. 

'Hehe~, seems like Darcy already hook, line, and sink the little cutie!' Aniela thought to herself, watching the interaction in quiet enjoyment.

And just like Aniela thought, Yasami did fall under a slight daze. 

Almost immediately when Darcel touched her hands, Yasami felt her body and soul cooed under his touch.

And while the tantalizing sensation of Darcel's hand cooed her entire being. Yasami had then felt as if there was some sort of gentle warm force waiting for her to either accept or reject Darcel's gift.

As Yasami stared into Darcel's handsome face, she felt like accepting if she were to accept his gift, then she'll become even closer to him. 

And on instinct, Yasami felt no rejection about Darcel and so badly wanted that warm force to course through her body.

They only knew each other for two days, yet in those two days, Yasami just couldn't stop herself from growing quickly attached to Darcel. 

She couldn't tell if this was weird or if she was rushing it.

All Yasami could accurately tell was; she was happy being with both Darcel and Aniela. Arriving at this conclusion, a blooming smile blossomed on Yasami's face like she was a beautiful spring peach.

"H-Hmph! Since you're going so far out your way, then I have no choice to accept you!" And when Yasami declared this, she instantly felt a flood gate of soothing warmth wash over her body and soul.

Yasami fully grasped the claws in her hands, transferring them to her spatial ring but didn't let go of Darcel's hands. For some reason or another, Yasami just felt like she got a lot closer to Darcel. 

Like she had just accepted a part of Darcel into herself, and by the beautiful smile on her face, she didn't mind it at all. 

Darcel, though, didn't quite understand what just transpired.

For a brief second, he felt his Darkness soul essence just up and stopped all on its own. It was like a part of his soul has a mind of its own.

And then, in the very next second, his Darkness soul essence continued to smoothly pour into Yasami's hand.

In his slight confusion, Darcel didn't even catch on to Yasami's slip up at the end, saying she accepted him, not his gift. 

"I knew you would like them. So-"

"So, now that you got Darcel's personal present, Yasami. You're going to get mine next! The question now, though, should we head out the fair or see if we can test our luck here?" 

Aniela had suddenly came into their conversation and gently grasped both Darcel and Aniela's shoulders. She had put her head between them, getting the three even physically closer than before.

Yasami felt some embarrassment about being so close to each other, but this time, she didn't duck her head down and manage to meet the eyes of Darcel and Aniela. 

Their deep black eyes suddenly felt a lot more alluring to her now.

"I say we head back after exploring for a little bit more. We do have that splendid Qi pill to digest." Darcel and Aniela smiled at Yasami's answer.

And right then, a bright idea popped into Darcel's mind. 

To make a gigantic step in his relationship with Yasami and even Aniela, Darcel felt a perfect plan brewing for when they returned back to the Nobe's Fang group place.

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