Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 126: Special Cultivation Session

Chapter 126: Special Cultivation Session

Darcel stood relaxed, his arms crossed under his chest, and his gaze stared down Yasmi, who was in front of him. 

In Darcel's chest, slight anticipation bubble as he watched Yasami hang her head down in deep contemplation.

Aniela was on Darcel's right side, also watching Yasami with a huge bright smile of her own. 

They were currently outside her room in the Nobe's Fang group place and were one of the few out and about in this lonely section of the bronze ranking quarters.

"Hehehe~, Yaasaami~! You don't have to worry about taking your time, you know? We have aaall day to wait for an answer." Aniela teasingly egged on Yasami using a lovely high pitch voice.

Much like how Darcel actually finds Yasami's higher pitch voice when she gets embarrassed, cute, and sweet to listen to, Aniela's voice was incomparably melodic to listen to.

Darcel had even briefly pulled his eyes over to the smiling Aniela. 

He realized, in fact, not only is her teasing higher pitch voice like a beautiful melody, but it was also incredibly captivating to hear.

It was akin to a mesmerizing song that just slinked into your ears and swirls in your minds for hours.

And when Darcel looked back over to Yasami, he could definitely see she also shared the same sentiment about Aniela's teasing voice.

Darcel smirked as Yasami lifted her gaze up to directly stare into Aniela's eyes as she was taken off guard by the absolutely mesmerizing voice. Not even when Aniela swoon that Mage did her voice get that beautiful! 

While Yasami was nearly about to crack open to them, Darcel faintly recalled how they got to this point. 

They had only spent mostly about ten or so minutes in the trade fair after Darcel's gift to Yasami.

Unfortunately, though, neither Darcel, Aniela, nor Yasami could spot anything noteworthy to spend their crystals on. And for the rare exceptions like powerful Artifacts or talisman, the Mages had outrageous prices for them.

So, the trio had just settled on several special Mage's potions and healing pills. 

They were actually quite lacking in this field since the Silver Bloody Hammer group members they killed oddly lacked many healing and recovery items. 

After getting what they needed, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami double up on masking their presence and left the trade fair. 

Although, even as they got close to the Nobe's Fang group place, neither Darcel, Aniela, nor Yasami still didn't spot any Silver Bloody Hammer group members.

Once they made it in the Nobe's Fang group place, the trio quickly went up to their rooms after gaining the rewards for their missions. 

Fruna was Darcel and Aniela's only friend there, but she wasn't at the lounge at that time, so they had no reason to stay a second longer.

And it was then, during their walk to their rooms, that Darcel proposed that they all go into Yasami's room for a 'special cultivation session.'

As Darcel internally grinned at what he had brewed up, he suddenly heard Yasami speak in a small cute voice.

"I-I'm not getting duped, right?! Th-this isn't just some shameless excuse, right?? Would our cultivation speed really enhance if we all sat close together and held hands?"

It sounded odd but innocent enough, surely. 

But Yasami could just tell, if it's something Darcel and Aniela want to do, it'll be anything but ordinary. Despite thinking so, Yasami actually couldn't find any reason to not go with them. 

Nor did she really want to find any reasons. 

It was only her embarrassment and, really, lack of close social interactions that caused some slight hesitation in the girl.

Aniela's eyes twinkle with great delight seeing her slight hesitation. She also just knows that with Yasami, all she needs is that gentle but firm push! 

"Mnh! Why would we lie to you, Yasami? Plus! I just know you'll love the arrangement. One of your hands connected with Darcy's warm, firm ones. And the other connected with my soothing soft ones. Sounds heavenly, right?"

The more Aniela explained it in-depth, the more it sounded like an excuse to just get intimate with Yasami. 

But, Darcel truly didn't see it this way. He was, in fact, utterly serious about the cultivation aspect of their session.

Darcel can't say for sure he understands or even knows much about his mysterious Darkness Soul link. Nevertheless, Darcel is positive that when linked with Aniela in any shape or form, he can draw forth extra soul power from his Darkness Soul link.

Other than that, the only other time his Darkness Soul link activates is when he makes love to Aniela. 

Although, during those times, his Darkness Soul link just activated on its own to enhance their passionate rump by a hundred times.

So Darcel hypothesized making his Darkness Soul link activate during regular cultivation should significantly boost their absorption speed or perhaps speed up their comprehension abilities. 

Darcel never really found the time to test this theory before since he and Aniela had to deal with constant troubles. 

Presently though, Darcel found it was a perfect time to do it. As he could attempt to form a soul link with Yasami, massively improving their relationship and strengthening his soul link bond with Aniela.

Darcel knows the attempt at forming a new Soul link with Yasami may be a faint one, provided that her soul accepts him in the first place. 

And Darcel was absolutely sure Yasami's soul would accept him.

Some may call it speeding the steps to a relationship; Darcel didn't see it that way in the slightest. He knows a bond of the souls is the most rawest way to connect with any kind of person.

Yasami, though, went into a slight trance about the thought of grasping the warm hands of Darcel. Every time she had felt Darcel's hands, a burst of tantalizing warmth and pleasure always flow through her soul and body.

Seeing her state, Darcel decided to strike while the iron is hot, speaking up to say, 

"Being upfront with you, Yasami. We like you and want to help you succeed in any way we can. Also, you can just think of this as a nice, calming team bonding exercise for us."

"Haah.Moou! Fine! I'll do it! Just don't get too comfortable, hmph!" 

Yasami finally caved in under Darcel and Aniela's firm pushing. After declaring she would do it, Yasami snapped towards her door and brought out her bronze key card.

As the door automatically opened, Yasami quickly shuffled into her room. 

Darcel and Aniela smiled at each other before following closely behind Yasami.

"Huuu~, now that we're all alone together in a safe space. We can all truly let our hair down with each other." Aniela remarked as her eyes roamed around Yasami's room. 

And essentially, it was precisely the same as her and Darcel's room.

While Aniela and Darcel shuffled into her room, Yasami stood with her hands behind her back. Her head pointed to the floor in a cutesy fashion. 

She couldn't deny some nerves were building up inside since this will be the first time they'll be so close together in a safe space.

"Hmm." Darcel seemingly let a curious grunt as his eyes wander around the room. 

But, what he had actually got and wanted was Aniela's attention. When she turned around to face him, Darcel sneakily trailed his eyes over to the slightly nervous Yasami.

Aniela's eyes lit up, and she assuredly smiled at Darcel. 

Quickly Aniela walked over to Yasami, surging white Light under her palm, and gently placed her palm on Yasami's shoulder.

Instantly, Yasami felt her slight nerves and tension drain from her. Aniela's Light calmed her mind, body, and soul, getting her to stare into Aniela's smiling face.

"See? You're relaxed, right? We're your friends, right? We won't do anything you don't like!" While Aniela patiently talked to her, she smoothly slid her hand down and gently grasped Yasami's hand.

Yasami went rigid for a brief second but quickly calmed down under the tranquility of Aniela's natural aura. 

"Fuuu.alright, alright! So-so, how are we doing this?" 

Yasami had suddenly gathered all of her courage, doing an action that was incomparably cute in Darcel's eyes.

Darcel watched as Yasami held out her other hand for him, but she couldn't keep her gaze on him, shifting her head to the side. 

Darcel smiled, quickly walked over to Yasami, and grasped her soft hands.

This time Yasami nearly cooed under Darcel's hands. The same tingling tantalizing sensation reappeared, coursing in her soul and body, already making this cultivation session feel great. 

Darcel as well felt the same tingling sensations as he began explaining to Yasami, "It's quite simple what we have to do. Firstly we'll need to get into a proper formation. Then bring out the Ice Qi pills and ingest them while holding hands. After that.well, it's better to experience it in full than explaining it."

"So let's not dilly dally anymore and get into formation! Otherwise, we'll be standing for hours. Darcy is in the middle; I'm on his right side while you're on the left side Yasami."

Quickly under Aniela's goading, she, Darcel, and Yasami sat down in said formation. 

Neither of the three really cared about sitting on a floor since it doesn't matter whether it's a hard or soft surface they rest on for cultivating.

Once in position, the trio simultaneously ignited their spatial rings and brought the blue treasure boxes. When Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami took out the Ice Qi pills, they were already impressed by the pill's texture.

It was cold yet smooth to touch, feeling almost like actual ice in a way. 

The smell radiating from the pill was like the vibrant, rich air of a fresh blossoming garden in its blooming time. 

"Now then, just ingest this pill, and all three of us will immediately grab on to each other's hands. Got it?" 

Yasami quietly nodded at Darcel, still unsure what exactly is about to go down. But, from Aniela calming her nerves, Yasami let herself go with the flow and see what Darcel has up his sleeves. 

Aniela took it a step further than just nodding and began to say, "On three. One.two.three!" 

Right when Aniela said three, she, Darcel, and Yasami quickly tossed the cold pill into their mouth. 

An immediate burst of cold aura discharged in Darcel's body, but it was the sort of cold he could easily handle. Already, the Ice Qi pill energy began to enrich Darcel's organs and bones, reinforcing his bodily defenses.

Darcel also didn't forget, and he quickly grasps both Aniela and Yasami hands while he smoothly dealt with the cold aura of the Ice Qi pill. 

Aniela and Yasami similarly efficiently dealt with the Ice Qi pill cold aura. And just like Darcel, the two girls reached a bit out to grasp each other's hands. 

Hand in hand with each other, the trio went still as statues. 

Around them, however, Spirit Qi and Innate Qi frantically surged towards them like a chaotic storm. Furthermore, like Darcel expected, his Darkness Soul link activated upon touching Aniela.

On its own, Darcel's Darkness Soul link pulled Aniela's soul into a trance, and had it even began to pull Yasami's soul over into its hypnotic trance.

Darcel, though, he only felt a constant tingle stir in his soul, being unaware of what is Darkness Soul link was actually doing. But he knew that his soul will never bring harm to him or the girls no matter what.


After an unknown amount of hours, Darcel snapped his eyes open. 

The first thing that immediately greeted him was Aniela leaning into his chest, snoring lightly while still holding on to Yasami's hand. Yasami as well leaned on the left side of his chest, her eyes still shut tight.

Despite the girl's position, what had cause Darcel to wake up was an immense stirring in his soul. 

When he was absorbing the Ice Qi pill effect, Darcel didn't feel his Darkness Soul link react that much. 

But upon this sudden intense stirring and abrupt awakening, Darcel felt an immediate tug on his soul.

Before Darcel could check out what the Ice Qi pill did to him, his whole scenery abruptly changed! From the tug on his soul, Darcel rapidly blinked his eyes as he ended up in an empty space, a soulscape space!

Darcel could identify it as a soulscape space since he sensed his soul's full presence here. If he was still in the outside world, at best, Darcel could grasp only a small portion of his powerful soul.

But in a soulscape space, he was at one with his soul. 

Furthermore, Darcel also noticed he was in a half translucent body, just like when he first visited his soulscape after the first time he had sex with Aniela.

The interesting thing about this sudden soulscape space was that it was immensely different from his own or the one he shares with Aniela.

This soulscape space was a mix of a beautiful blue shine, hypnotic Darkness, and radiant white Light. 

Darcel felt a smile graced his lips in his soul form body as he knew exactly what this meant. His gaze quickly looked around the soulscape, and his eyes promptly fell on a beautiful sight. 

Just a few meters away from him, Yasami was looking down at herself in utter surprise.

'Is-is this a dream? But why does it feel so real?! It's like I'm standing right in my soul! Is this what he meant?' Various questions like these ran through Yasami's mind as she stared at her body's current state. 

Now she almost translucent, kind of like a ghost but Yasami could still see parts of her flesh.

Though, the most striking thing Yasami found was how her body now in a shiny blue aura! Moreover, never before in her life did she feel so connected and in touch with her soul. 

And it was all this strange place doing....

"Just what is this place.I-I just have to be dreaming! Because...." Yasami was trying to orientate herself but was having trouble. 

All throughout her short time here, she was trying to push down this longing feeling of immense desire that wanted to snap her attention away.

And this feeling of desirable longing connected right to Darcel and even surprisingly Aniela. "I can't.ngh. Darcel, did that perverted idiot just send me into a dream all about him and her?"

Yasami tried to push down all these longing desires to just be a dream since she had no way to confront them now. Until she heard,

"Nope. This is no dream, Yasami. But instead, you can call this a soulscape space. This is you and my soul walking around here." 

Yasami snapped her head to the oh so smooth voice that constantly plagues her mind.

There she saw Darcel, in his half translucent Darkness soul body. 

Finding the source of her longing, Yasami was half tempted to turn her head away. Yet, Yasami couldn't keep her gaze off of Darcel as soon as she found him.

"Soulscape? Can it really be.ah!" 

Yasami had unconsciously surged the power of her soul and was shocked to sense and feel her pure fire soul essence swirl in and around her hand. 

But even though Yasami created dazzling blue flames on her hand, her gaze still didn't leave Darcel. 

Or rather, she didn't want to take her eyes off of Darcel.

"See? You understand it now, right?" Darcel smiled as he saw Yasami slowly nod at him, still in her slight trance. 

When she nodded, Darcel began walking up to Yasami, telling her, "And now that we're here, I have something important to tell you, Yasami." 

Darcel neared only a few inches apart from Yasami, getting right up in her personal space.

Yet Yasami didn't mind at all. Rising anticipation swirled throughout her, eagerly waiting for whatever Darcel had to tell her.

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