Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 127: Sensual Kiss

Chapter 127: Sensual Kiss

"I'm saying it again. But I'll keep saying it again and again so my feelings can truly reach you. Yasami, it may have only been two days. But. I truly do like you." 

Darcel couldn't precisely see Yasami's whole face under her hood. Yet, he still stared directly at her, unblinking as he made his confession.

When declaring his confession, Darcel was calm, steady, and serious. His tone was firm but gentle, transmitting all of his blossoming feelings he felt towards the fiery girl in the last two days.

Darcel didn't even put it on Aniela that he was now quick to catch feelings for someone. 

No, Darcel knew his words came straight from his soul. The innate soul attraction he first ever felt towards Yasami was no joke.

And while Darcel was firm and steady, Yasami is undergoing an entirely different wave of emotions from Darcel's confession. She felt like she had a heart as she felt her whole soul quiver in emotional excitement.

Being in this strange soulscape pushed all of Yasami's embarrassing but longing desire to the full front of her soul. 

Even though she clearly knows, Darcel and even Aniela have a romantic interest in her. Hearing Darcel say it out loud and in such a firm passionate tone was essentially the confirmation she hiddenly desired for. 

Yasami quickly put her hand to her half translucent chest and nervously shifted her head down.

Over the swirling cascade of emotions that are bursting in her mind, Yasami began to talk. 

"I-I just.why? You already have Aniela, and I don't need to remind you that she is on a whole other level when it comes to personality. Plus, her beauty and charm are almost too alluring. Yet.and yet, even she is also trying to charm me into being with you two. I-"

Darcel had promptly cut Yasami off by gently raising her chin, getting her to stare directly into his Darkness soul eyes. 

Darcel understands that even as multiple relationships are common in their society. Not every woman would be like Aniela, who could easily forgo jealousy or possessive feelings.

Moreover, there was still the plain fact they only know each other for a short amount of time. 

But even with all those valid reasons, Darcel won't let this prime opportunity slip from his fingertips.

"You're all confused about how fast this is going and sharing me with Aniela, right? Well, you know my answer to that? Really, who cares about normal standards or any sort of unnecessary thoughts! None of that applies to us. Quite literally right now, we're transcending the merely physical and emotional aspect of a relationship. What we're sharing right now is a raw soul connection bond. You.you feel it too, don't you?"

Yasami went still, not responding to Darcel's claims. 

Yet, she couldn't deny any of Darcel's points in her mind. He was entirely right on the mark. Yasami did indeed feel it; in fact, her feelings just grew stronger with each passing second.

The innate soul attraction drew her to Darcel like a moth to flames. And for that matter, none of this felt unnatural to Yasami at all. It was like on instinct, they were predestined to quickly grow attached to each other.

Still, Yasami didn't want to lose all of her pride to Darcel just so easily. 

She snapped her head back up Darcel, calming him to, "Hmph! Even if all you say may hold some truths. Th-then give me one solid reason why you like me so much besides our soul attraction!"

"Oh? Shouldn't it also be obvious to you why I like you so much and why you're growing quickly attached to me? To us?" 

Darcel gave Yasami a cheeky smirk but her mouth only curved into a pout, indicating she wants a real serious answer.

Finding her reaction cutely amusing, Darcel continued to say, "It's simple really. We just compliment each other so well despite all of us having varying odd personalities. I mean, just your fiery personality can captivate anyone, and you genuinely make it a joy to have any sort of conversation with you. You radiate a whimsical charm both me and Aniela couldn't help but fall for. Aaand."

"Aaand?" Yasami picked up when Darcel teasingly trailed off the end of his sentence. 

Darcel's honest and smooth words caused a bundle of joy to soothe her entire being, even making Yasami leaned more into his hand.

"In a more simple answer. Aniela and I don't even know your full appearance. Yet we like you, simply because you're cute." Darcel became a bit surprised as Yasami parted her lips like she was shocked over that simple answer.

But right then, Darcel found it as the perfect timing. 

Darcel had no hesitation and swooped down to kiss Yasami right on her beautiful half translucent lips! 


A burst of Yasami and Darcel's feeling of desire and longing erupted all at once, causing Yasami to coo into the sudden kiss. 

At first, Yasami froze up at Darcel, suddenly kissing her but quickly got over the shock and accepted Darcel's kiss.

Yasami wrapped her arms around Darcel's neck, leaning even more into their gentle french kiss. 

All of Yasami's budding feelings explosively increased, enjoying the kiss to its fullest extent. She finally accepted looking past normal limited standards and shared her beautiful desires with the shameless boy she's growing attached to.

'No more hesitation.no more teasing! Since this idiot pervert is growing on me so fast, I'll just-No.I want to accept all of him and her!' 

Yasami felt pure bliss as a huge weight lifted off her shoulder. Her fiery soul just seemed to seamlessly blend into Darcel's Darkness soul.

After an unknown amount of time of the two sweetly kissing each other without the need for air, Darcel finally pulled back from the kiss.

Promptly Yasami shot her head down, obviously too embarrassed to meet Darcel in the eyes.

Seeing how cute she's being, Darcel hugged Yasami around the waist, bringing her fully into his chest. Her soft bountiful breast caused a soothing sensation to run through Darcel, yet he couldn't completely feel it since they were still just soul bodies.

Yasami accepted Darcel pulling her in close, feeling serene as she rested her head against his soul body. 

"Yo-you're only allowed to do this much ok." In the smallest yet cutest voice she could utter, Yasami told Darcel under the blissful warmth of confirming their relationships. 

Even though Yasami didn't explicitly say out loud, Darcel knew she agrees to be with him.

Hugging together so close like this where it seems like their soul bodies would mesh together. It provided that much-needed affection between Darcel and Yasami. 

Darcel couldn't be happier seeing how smoothly this all went down.

"Don't worry, my little fiery cutie. We'll go completely at your pace. But, don't get surprised when you get addicted to kissing me." Darcel gently squeezed Yasami's waist tighter to emphasize his point. 

Although when he had done so, Darcel swore he felt something in the general area of Yasami's backside of her waist. He curiously raised his eyebrows, not being able to precisely identify what it was. 

But it was a question for another time.

Darcel felt his attention get distracted when he felt Yasami cutely squirm into his chest after hearing his statement. 


Yasami tried to lightly admonish Darcel's words, but she couldn't stop the blissful warming sensation that spread throughout her the more she leaned into Darcel's body.

From all relationships she ever experienced, Yasami couldn't quite put on her finger on what she overall felt about Darcel. It was a mix of stirring new emotions she rarely ever felt towards people.

Happiness, warmth, satisfaction, content emotions like these course in the very essence of Yasami's soul. And the more she experienced these feelings, the greater Yasami felt accepting Darcel was the right decision.

Suddenly then, both Darcel and Yasami felt an added extra layer of warmth soothed down on their souls. 

This warmth carried a particular presence that Darcel and even Yasami quickly understood what or who it was.

"Hehehe~! That was all too smooth, Darcy! I wish I was there to see the beginning. But now that I am here, this is some perfect team bonding!" 

The half translucent Light body of Aniela appeared right behind Yasami, and she immediately wrapped Yasami and Darcel in a tight group hug.

As late as she may be to the party, Aniela did catch the last bit of Darcel gently kissing Yasami. 

And contrary to whatever reaction some other people may have during this situation. Aniela only felt warmth soothe her soul because of her soul linking to Darcel and Yasami's feelings.

The Darkness Soul link that fully solidified in Aniela could nearly share the same sensual experience Darcel and Yasami shared during that moment. 

Furthermore, Aniela can also feel a Darkness Soul link give birth in Yasami's soul.

It was a faint one, obviously not as solid as her. However, she could still feel a strong connection with Yasami nonetheless. 

Even more so, Aniela had felt after their intimate kiss, both Darcel and Yasami faintly thinking about her, wishing she was there to complete the moment.

And on that thought, Aniela was more than happy to oblige. 

As her arms pulled them close for a tight group hug, Aniela coos happily under the budding passion of their feelings.

"Fuuu.I was wondering when you would show up." 

Yasami felt her eyes drooping being perfectly cozy between Aniela and Darcel. Like she thought just a day ago, being with this duo truly is making her happy.

Under this content thought, Yasami let her body relax, and her eyes slowly close shut. 

Darcel looked towards Aniela as Yasami fell back to sleep, only to find Aniela already had her eyes close.

Darcel simply smiled, staying still and enjoying the serene moment until they were inevitably booted out of the soulscape space. 

It only took a few more seconds after the girls fell asleep, and Darcel felt his scenery changing once again.


Snapping his eyes open once again, Darcel found himself back in Yasami's room. Two soft weights on his chest and power coursing in his soul and body was at the forefront of Darcel's immediate attention.

Looking down at his body, Darcel spotted Aniela and Yasami snuggling even closer in his chest. 

On both of their faces, content, satisfied smiles graced their lips. It certainly was a beautiful image to gaze upon when first waking back up.

Taking his attention away from the girls for a second. Darcel spread his Spirit Sense on to himself and found out he was still in the middle of powerful changes to his body and soul.

His body was now automatically sucking in Spirit Qi, transferring it to every inch of his body and into his transforming Nascent Core. 

Very soon, Darcel could feel another Spirit Qi link will connect to his soul, breaking him into the third layer link of the True Soul Core realm.

And oddly enough, Darcel didn't feel any sort of mental block come to him at all. Even for his insane comprehension abilities, Darcel would at least feel a mental block before immediately shattering it.

However now? 

It's almost like he didn't even need any sort of comprehension to breakthrough! 

Darcel pushed down this oddity for later since he has zero information on any cultivator, even legendary geniuses not experiencing a mental block.

Focusing on his soul now, Darcel finally felt a part of Yasami's soul swirling around in his Darkness Soul link. But more than that, Darcel felt as if his soul was changing. Like it was growing more powerful from this event.

Darcel was trying to find the right ways to describe what he felt from his soul's changes. But all he could accurately say was that his Darkness Soul link was slowly fundamentally changing for the better.

Despite using his soul a lot and even managing to manipulate other souls in combat. Darcel couldn't say he had one hundred percent accurate information on his soul.

He mainly went off the feelings and what he could pick apart with his own Spirit Sense. 

Books and scrolls that detailed explanations about one's soul actually weren't very detailed at all.

Most books and scrolls explaining the souls are often left vague or have unclear information that's hard to decipher. Even Vice-Principal Zelle, in her teachings, glossed over the soul aspect of cultivation.

All she and what most everyone else can say for sure is that one's soul plays a significant part in determining a cultivator's potential and talent. 

And some more special cultivators are even born with varying powers in their souls that give them diversifying edges over other average cultivators. 

Shaking his head, Darcel decided to just get as comfortable as possible to digest all these changes happening to him. 

Darcel scooted towards the wall while having both of his arms wrap around the girl's waist, pulling them with him.

Once he got to the back wall to lean on, both Aniela and Yasami bodies shifted to make themselves more comfortable. 

Smiling at their cute actions, Darcel closed his eyes, letting himself get immersed into cultivating.

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