Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 179: Distinct Snow Angels

Chapter 179: Distinct Snow Angels

Towards the east corner of the massive New Branch City, here it was what people around the city called the Angel District. This area of the city was by far the most isolated and less bustling than other parts.

Although this area expanded at least dozens of miles, making it entirely spacious for hundreds of people to walk through, not many litter the streets in this District. 

However, what was in this District, was truly deserving to be called the Angel District.

For starters, there was only one building in this expansive District. But this building quite literally took up miles in this area. This overly large building had more luxurious vibes than even the largest mansions.

The building's structure was intricate, having many interconnected buildings nearly as tall as the main building. 

Unlike other designs in the city, for this building, it was coated in a pure stainless bright white paint.

Anybody who passed by this District couldn't help but get their eyes drawn to the extensively large white building. 

However, the building wasn't the only glorious site in this District.

There weren't many roaming the street in the Angel district. But the occasional ones that did walk were all beautiful sights that could turn the eyes of hundreds of men.

All who roamed the streets here were angelic, beautiful women. 

Each of them wore a pure white robe that shined even brighter than their buildings. And each woman's pure white robe, was of course, stainless, showcasing their untouchable purity to the whole world.

For the residents that lived in this city, there wasn't a single person that didn't know about this District. 

After all, this is where the Snow Angel mercenary group resides!

And currently, at the exit of the District, three distinct, beautiful women gathered there. 

One was a surprisingly tall woman, standing at a towering statue of six foot three. 

Her face was proud, exuding boundless confidence that showed she wouldn't back down no matter the situation. Her stature stood cleanly upright and was ready for any sign of trouble.

The natural aura around this woman was almost suffocating for any far weaker than her. This woman was a high-ranking member of the Snow Angel group, Zara, a seventh-level Heavenly King powerhouse!

Standing right next to Zara were two women who had different contrast in their beauty compared to her. 

Whereas Zara spewed an daunting confidence that could intimidate people with even average wills.

These two women had a surprisingly friendly vibe about them. They had small smiles on their faces, and their arms were playfully crossed under their moderate busts. 

A little bit of annoyance can be seen in their eyes, but their stature was far more casual than Zara's.

One of the women had illuminating white pearls decorating her long blue hair, making her have a distinguished look compared to the others. 

And for the other woman, she had a radiant white necklace dripped around her neck.

The woman with the white pearls in her hair was named Lauren, while the white necklace girl was named Abby. 

They had a weaker aura and a lower status than Zara, but they weren't women any average person can mess with.

Both Lauren and Abby were sixth-level Heavenly King powerhouses. 

These three women were actually waiting by the exit for quite some time. Which would explain the slight annoyance swelling Lauren and Abby's eyes.

Though for Zara, her face remained calm and serene throughout the wait. 

Lauren was complaining to her team, saying in a cute annoyed tone, "Muuu.Bella just always takes sooo long with just everything! I mean, we don't have all day here!"

In contrast to a lot of the Snow Angels members, Lauren's voice had a more bubbly, upbeat aspect about it. 

Her bubbliness was also shared by Abby, who was continually tapping her foot. "Seriously! Out of all people, we just had to be unlucky enough to be paired with the sloth." 

Zara calmly peered over to her teammates. She inevitably ending up sighing as they both brought up some good points.

"Haah.she should be getting the rest that we need. Although....about ten minutes already passed and yet-" 

"Alright, alright. No need to get further antsy now. I have arrived."

A tired voice called out to the group. 

Zara, Lauren, and Abby turned around to a beautiful woman slowly walking up to them. This woman's eyes drooped low, almost like she was ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice.

Her hand was shoved into her robe pockets, and her body posture was slightly slouched over. Even her Heavenly aura radiated a tired feeling that would make people become lazier around her.

And compared to her fellow members, neatly kept hair. This woman's black hair was more unkempt, as if she had just woken up and haven't bother with styling it up.

Although, none of her lazy qualities could detract from this woman's natural beauty. She, just like the other members, radiated a pulling bewitching allure, whether it was her gorgeous face or sexy body.

Furthermore, this woman was actually on equal standing with Zara. 

She was Bella, a seventh level Heavenly King powerhouse! As she got near her group, Bella slightly yawned, exasperatedly saying,

"You know what's serious, girls? How are we assigning so much importance over this damn.damn.uh, what's this flower called again?" 

"Haaah." Lauren, Abby, and Zara all leaked exasperated sighs.

Abby was the one to tell Bella, "It's the Silver Virgin Flower. You know, the flower that can dramatically push all of us to the head of the pack? Yea, it's pretty important."

"Yea, yea. Getting high ranks or whatever. I got the detection talisman so let's just get this over with already." Bella already began walking out of their District while talking.

Lauren became amped up as she clasped her hand around Abby's hand. They both had sparkling radiant smiles, and Lauren excitedly said, 

"This is sooo exciting! If Chloe's group is right, then we'll never have to worry about those White Demons' annoyance again!"

"Let's go." Zara turned around and began walking behind Bella. 

But suddenly, Bella stopped walking. She half-turned around towards the others with a curious expression. "Say.when you mentioned Chloe's group, didn't you girls find it just a bit weird on how they dealt with the White Demon members they encountered?"

Zara, Lauren, and Abby stopped. Their thoughts quickly flashed back on what Chloe's group told their whole group. 

"I mean.a horde of Spirit Monster ambushing them shouldn't be that uncommon. Especially in the Wild Snow, right?" Lauren nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders.

"Yea, I mean like, the chances of getting ambushed by Spirit Monsters out there is literally a hundred percent chance." Abby followed the same causal action as Lauren.

"Hmmm.is that so?" Bella turned her lazy eyes to Zara. "And just what do you think, little Ms.Perfect." 

Ignoring the annoying nickname, Zara did seriously think about what Chloe's group said.

A moment later, she told them, "Perhaps because the White Demon members were all fifth level Heavenly Kings does raise some suspicions on how they didn't manage to deal with a random horde of Spirit Monsters. But with our prepared items, we need no such fear."

Bella peered into Zara's face for a second. For a very brief moment, Bella's eyes changed. A different atmosphere compared to her usual carefree lazy one sparked within the depths of her eyes.

Lauren and Abby didn't catch on to it. But Zara did. However, she didn't show any change in reaction. 

And as quickly as it happened, Bella returned to her usual lazy self.

"Hm. If you girls say so. Well, come on then. Our 'high rankings' awaits." And with that, the group proceeded to altogether leave their District. 

Their thoughts all pertaining to the Silver Virgin flower's effectiveness and how life-changing it could be. 

Well, them going to find the flower was life-changing but not in the way any of them could've ever expected.


Out in the gray mixed Wild Snow, Zara's group was already making swift progress. 

The four Snow Angels had gone on the same path Chloe's group went on. And they quickly caught up to where they stopped and went even beyond that point.

After walking for so long, the four Snow Angels eventually ended up far away from New Branch City, far away from anybody else. However, none of the four Snow Angels were worried about being so long gone.

Bella was looking at a talisman that was slowly glowing blue in her hand. As they continued to walk, the talisman slowly but noticeably increased the intensity of its blue glow.

"Hmm.so I guess this truly won't be a bust." Bella's words seemed hopeful, but the tired tone she used showed she was evidently disappointed about having to stay out here longer.

"Come on, Bella. Don't be like that! The Silver Virgin flower would be good for even you too!" Lauren exclaimed with genuine excitement in her tone. 

She, along with Abby, was ecstatic that they are nearing close to that unique flower.

Bella didn't respond to Lauren's excitement and trailed her eyes over to Zara. 

As usual, she kept a calm head and was concentrating on her surroundings. Since Bella had brought it to attention, Zara was continually going over Chloe's group words.

And their words were them basically saying they got extremely lucky to escape both the White Demon group men and that horde of Spirit Monster. 

The question in Zara's mind from this is, why weren't they scratched at all?

Even if they did get extremely lucky, none of them was even the slightest bit out of breath. Furthermore, when Zara had sensed Chloe's group, all of their energies were rich and vibrant, like they didn't go through any trials.

These odd suspicions didn't enter Zara's mind yesterday. But now, she was hyper-aware of it. 

So Zara was keeping her eye peeled for any of the slightest strange mishaps. 

"Still thinking about what I said, Zara? It was just a little passing thought. No need to get all serious about it." Bella tried to casually relax the apparent tension coursing through Zara.

But Zara turned her head towards Bella, explaining to her, "No.your words hold some truth. Though I'm not as worried, you're making me out to be. It's still impera-"

Zara abruptly stopped talking. She, Bella, Lauren, and Abby all stopped walking simultaneously. 

A detection sense was formed around the four, and it was crazily going off.

Their bodies whipped around to see four white glowing objects sail at them with swift speeds. The Snow Angels were a bit surprised. 

The four white glowing objects accurately blitz right at each of them.

And in sync, Zara, Bella, Lauren, and Abby perfectly caught the white glowing objects, and their lips twitched. 

Whatever was thrown at them actually stung them a bit.

Ignoring how their mighty Heavenly Kings bodies could even get stung, Zara, Bella, Lauren, and Abby attempted to destroy whatever was in their hands by clenching it.

However, their eyes soon widened in mild surprise. They all looked back down at their clenched hands, noticing the white glow was still there. 

No matter how hard they clenched, they couldn't destroy the object in their hands.

Out of curiosity, the four women opened their palms and their shock only increased. 

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