Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 180: Suffocating Heavenly Kings

Chapter 180: Suffocating Heavenly Kings

"....Ehh?? It's just some rocks??" Both Lauren and Abby said in utter puzzlement. 

Yes, what was in their, Zara and Bella's hands were just plain white glowing rocks.

But besides the strange white glows shrouding the rocks, none of them felt any mass of power, aura, or energy surging around their area. 

They had only whipped around to catch the rocks because their detention talisman alerted them to something flying at them.

Zara curiously held up the glowing white rock. She pushed her Spirit Sense in it, but try as she might, there wasn't anything peculiar about the rock she could sense. The only thing it had was this strange white glow.

Bella simply shook her head. "What a waste of ti-" 

Whatever her sentence was couldn't be finished when an intense burning pain wrapped around her hand. 

And it wasn't just her feeling the burn.

Zara, Lauren, and Abby all froze up when their hands holding the rock began to crazily burn. And immediately when the burning sensations coiled around their hands, 


"AHHH!!!" Lauren and Abby's screams echoed in the air as a mix of blue and black flames burst from the glowing white rocks! 

The power behind these flames was immense, completely taking everyone off guard.

Lauren and Abby were flung backward like ragdolls, their petite bodies skidding through the gray mixed snow for several meters. Their sixth level Heavenly auras burst in the middle of their rolls, but the damage was already dealt to them.

Meanwhile, neither Zara nor Bella screamed, but they were just as taken off guard. 

They sailed straight up in the air, going several meters high. Their arms were crossed over their faces and were covered with a mix of blue and black flames.

Their seventh-level Heavenly auras managed to protect them more than Lauren and Abby but only by a tiny margin. 

"Ha!" Both Zara and Bella grunted, flexing the full extent of their Heavenly auras.

The flames on their arms blasted off them, but both Zara and Bella felt a deadly crisis swell in their minds. Their expressions severely hardened, but a small sense of fear nestle in the depths of their eyes.

Despite having a detection talisman creating an invisible aura around them, none of them could pick up on that power.

Furthermore, the power behind that attack was immense! 

Just a second slower, and both Zara and Bella would've ended up in a pitiful state like Lauren and Abby.

Although, as soon as both women cleared the fire on their arms, two tremendously powerful auras blared from right above them. 

An immense suppression crashed onto their entire beings. Their full power seventh level Heavenly aura couldn't contend against these two mighty auras.

'The hell?!?' Both Zara and Bella puzzledly roar in their minds. Their breathing hitched, and it felt like their bodies were being crushed under hundreds of enormous mountains.

This kind of power.it was like facing high late ranks Heavenly Kings! 

They were in the seventh level, but these two auras frighten both women to their wits. Not even their superiors can make them feel such fear so quickly.

Zara wanted to move and desperately escape the suppression. She tried to understand any of what the hell is happening. 

But even before she could attempt to move, Darkness wrapped her vision.

And when the Darkness came, so did a crushing, tightening feeling wrap her body together. 

'Nnng?!?' Zara leaked a small groan of pain mixed in with another confusing feeling.

Whatever was crushing her was causing her bones to crack under the tremendous power. But at the same time, a small sensation of pleasure jolted her body and soul. 

Zara attempted to push past this weird mixed feeling and surge her Heavenly Qi. 

However, it was merely futile. 

Before, she was already under immense suppression.  But now wrapped up, her Heavenly Qi flow got disrupted and became chaotic. 

Only a small bit of Heavenly aura remained inside her body as nearly all of it was suppressed or disrupted. More dread and fear began to swell inside Zara. 

Just who or what the hell was doing this?!

What was crushing Zara was multiple Darkness tendrils. And a meter above her, Darcel was there, hanging on to Darkness tendrils that shot out of his palm. It allowed him to stay afloat in the air.

As he heard that mixed groan from Zara, Darcel smirked. 

He clenched his Darkness tendrils and made his Darkness Energy invade directly into Zara's Martial Veins.

Now at the fifth layer link of the True Soul Core realm, Darcel's bloodline state took him to unimaginable heights. He didn't need to rely on Aniela freezing an enemy soul.

Darcel's powerful bloodline state was enough to utterly overwhelm Zara's seventh level Heavenly Transformation power.

"NNG?!?" A bigger groan leaked from Zara's mouth as she felt Darkness Energy rampage in her Martial Veins. 

Her automatic soul defense was vaporized by Darcel's Darkness Energy, and his Darkness quickly absorbed all of Heavenly Qi.

At the exact same time Darcel trapped Zara, Bella was under the threat of Aniela. 

Bella felt like she would pass out from a lack of air under Aniela's tremendous aura. She only had the thoughts of moving before she felt a soft hand firmly grasp the back of her neck.

When that soft hand grasped her, Bella's vision became white, and her entire being froze. 

A large smile encompassed Aniela's face as she clutched Bella's neck. "You'll be the subject for my new technique! Hand Flash!"

A white glow covered Bella's entire body then. Inside her soul space, it and her soul core was covered entirely in a radiant white glow! 

Bella couldn't do anything at all now, nor can she even attempt to struggle.

Her whole soul was entirely frozen by Aniela. 

"So? What did you think of my new attack name?" Aniela peered her head around Bella's, gazing directly at Darcel. Because she's latched on to Bella, they both can stay afloat for a few minutes, as long as Bella's power doesn't drain.

Both Aniela and Darcel had their black and white masks, so neither could spot their expressions. Although, just by the jovial tone of Aniela, Darcel knew she just had the widest of smiles.

Darcel crossed his eyes over to Aniela as Zara writhed in the loss of power and a rising pleasure. 

He shook his head, recalling a nostalgic scene they had back in Necrotic Woods. "It still needs some, well, a lot of work. But, it's cute to hear the names you come up with." 

Instead of being happy at being called cute, Aniela huffed and put her other hand on her hip. "Muuu.I bet little fox would actually appreciate my names!"

While Darcel and Aniela were slightly bantering, Lauren and Abby had finally stopped rolling in the gray mixed snowy ground. Their sixth-level Heavenly aura managed to clear the blue and black fire on their arms.

But it did not manage to lessen their pains. 

"Uuuug." Both girls groan in pain as their bodies writhed on the gray mixed snowy ground. They both were going to try and get up.

That is until an immense aura locked on their bodies. 


Both Lauren and Abby shrieked as they felt utterly suffocated under this powerful aura. Their bodies became entirely suppressed, and neither could move their bodies at this point.

But the nightmare wasn't over yet. An intense burning sensation wrapped around their necks and a powerful force was crushing their wind's pipes. 

"Ge-Ah! Hu-hurts!!" Both Lauren and Abby clawed at their necks under immense pain.

But when their hands touched their necks, they immediately pulled back. 

Quite literally, touching their own necks almost caused their hands to burn off! Lauren and Abby struggled to look down at their bodies.

And what was crushing their necks were two fox tails wrapped in a blue flaming aura. 

"Hmph! Just a little trick and a bit of my aura, and you two become so helpless. Not so stainless now, are we?"

The sweet voice of Masami blared into Lauren and Abby's ears. She willed her foxtails, pulling them up from the ground, and brought them towards her. 

Lauren and Abby helplessly dangled in front of Masami, being unable to resist anything she could throw at them.

Masami smirked as she knew it would be easy like this. Though she didn't have as high as combat prowess as Darcel or Aniela, or prowess still made significant leaps when breaking through to the sixth rank of the Innate Core realm.

Lauren and Abby's sixth level Heavenly Transformation auras was quickly shredded apart by Masami's bloodline state.

And just when she thought the battle was over, two spikes of power streaked in her Spirit Sense. 

Masami shot her gaze up at the duo. But she wasn't worried at all by what she sensed. 'Looks like the fun part coming soon.'


Back in the air with Darcel and Aniela, they, of course, sense those spikes of powers. And it came from both Zara and Bella. 

Darcel curiously watched as the right side of Zara's chest burst in a chilling blue glow.


Suddenly, numerous crystal ice shards popped out of Zara's body and started to shred Darcel's Darkness tendrils. 

Zara's power grew dramatically, quickly climbing to the eighth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm.

But right as she was about to entirely free herself, 

"AHHN~?!?" A colossal moan squealed from Zara's mouth! 

And this wasn't a moan of pain or a mixed one. This was a scream that exuded pure, unfiltered pleasure!

Inside her soul space, a Darkness hue invaded and coiled around her soul core. The ice shards popping out of Zara's body ceased, and her rise of power quickly fell back down.

With her hidden trump card destroyed, Darcel decided to end this. 

Using his last remaining Darkness tendril that wasn't shredded by the ice shards, Darcel pulled himself to Zara, sailing at her at lightning-like speeds.

He coated his hand in pure Darkness, and once he neared her, he violently slammed his palm right onto Zara's chest. 


Zara's voice raised even higher as she felt all of her power leave her.

The life-saving talisman in Zara's clothes got overpowered by Darcel's mighty strength. His Darkness Energy fully invaded Zara's body and soul. 

Darcel swiped his palm off Zara's chest and sent her flying back to the snowy ground.

Meanwhile, with Aniela, she had actually directly sensed where Bella's life-saving talisman was coming from. Her other hand glowed white, and she shoved her hand inside Bella's white robe.

"Ah! There it is!" Aniela quickly took out a gray talisman that was vibrating under her palm. 

A white glow shrouded the talisman, suppressing its rising surge of power.

With a smirk, Aniela clenched her hand and completely crushed the gray talisman!  The sudden power trying to surge inside Bella quickly left her, leaving her entirely powerless.

Aniela began to slowly float back to the ground due to Bella's loss of power, her hand still grasping Bella's neck. She landed on the ground a bit after Darcel fell gracefully to the ground.

"And for you, Darcy!" Aniela eagerly presented Bella like she was a gift. 

Bella could only hopelessly watch as the masked Darcel neared her like he was her executioner. 

Without saying anything, Darcel violently smacked his Darkness palm onto her chest. 


A colossal moan of pleasure squealed out of Bella exactly like Zara.

"Hehe~, now rest while we get the other two." Aniela giggled to Bella, who was writhing in intense pleasure. She tossed her into the mixed snowy ground, making her land right next to Zara, who was also writhing in pleasure.

"Hmmm.you know? I think these two have a similar talisman. But I guess it was too weak to stand against my flames." Masami's boasting voice caused both Darcel and Aniela to turn around.

They saw her walking up to them with both Lauren and Abby dangling from her blue flaming foxtails. 

"Oh my little fox! Hopefully, you didn't burn them too badly." Aniela lightly chided, though she didn't spot any flames on either girl's bodies.

"Of course I wouldn't. I know our shameless perverse boyfriend wouldn't like it if their pretty faces were ruined." Masami joked as she presented both Lauren and Abby to Darcel

"Looks like a little fox needs to be reminded of who's the hidden perverse one here," Darcel smirked behind his mask. 

Masami jumped a bit and quickly shifted her head to the side. Even with the mask covering her face, Darcel knew there was a big beautiful blush crossing Masami's cheek.

Masami knew exactly what Darcel was referring to. Her hidden desire and love of Darcel sweetly dominating her caused a burst of embarrassment to rise in the fiery fox girl. 

"Just get this over with already!!" Masami blurted without even looking at Darcel, her voice being incredibly cute.

Darcel smiled widely and turned his attention to the silent Lauren and Abby. In just a split second, Darcel smacked his Darkness palm on both girls, causing them to both loudly moan and writhe in pleasure.

"Hmph." Masami tossed both girls at Zara and Bella, lining up the four Snow Angels perfectly. 

And without any sort of struggle at all, two sixth level and two seventh level Heavenly Kings were utterly defeated. 

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