Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 74: Fire

Chapter 74: Fire

Under the green gravestone, the once-raging green flaming room was now undergoing tremendous changes.

Instead of green flames chaotically raging about the place, the flames had now halted, falling into a calm, equalized state.

Darcel and Aniela stood still like statues. No longer were their faces warped in anguish; instead, their faces were serene and tranquil. Blood no longer flowed from their mouths and their eyes were closed shut.

Upon their palms, Darcel and Aniela's pure essence black flaming ball was as well still steadily swirling in a rhythmic motion.

Only this time, the motion of their black flaming ball was nearly hypnotic to gaze upon.

Darcel and Aniela obviously didn't know how much time. It seemed like minutes, hours even all passed in a blink of the eye.

But during this unknown amount of time, Darcel and Aniela experienced significant and rapid advancement in the foundational properties of the element of Fire.

Their comprehension reached a profound understanding of the foundational level, significantly paving the way for when the duo would touch upon the Concept of Fire Laws.

Absorbing and combining two different Fire properties allowed for their sense of Enlightenment to take a step closer to the Law Concept Foundational level of Fire.

Although Darcel and Aniela Fire's comprehension was still deeply shallow and had a long way on this road.

What they had recently comprehended already put them above any other genius youths their age.

And suddenly then, after all this time of stillness, Darcel and Aniela slightly twitched their fingers.

Once they reached a point where they could no longer enhance their comprehension of the element of Fire, the duo now wanted to test an experiment.

Inside their souls, more profound, beautiful wisps of black flames shimmered around like flowing water.

Previously their black flames would always have a more vague, less defined shape in their souls.

Now, Darcel and Aniela's black flames transformed to a point where it could stand tall on its own without getting overshadowed by their birth element.

Upon this complete transformation, Darcel and Aniela were now mobilizing their profound comprehension of the element of Fire.

The swirling pure essence black flaming balls in their palms started to speed up a bit in its rotation.

While doing so, wisps of bright green flames began slowly floating towards their black flaming balls in an orderly fashion.

As soon as the wisps of green flames touched a single bit of the duo's pure essence black flaming ball, it smoothly got absorbed in without a trace of resistance.

And upon Darcel and Aniela's face, no expression of pain could be seen at all!

Instead, the foundation prowess of their black flames steadily increased!

The green flames that once rampaged through their entire beings now couldn't barely affect them at all besides providing Darcel and Aniela with a nice warm toasty feeling.

Through their Enlightenment of Fire and reaching near the Law Concept Foundational level of Fire, Darcel and Aniela's soul and bodies gained a far higher resistance to any types of flames.

And because their souls seemingly have the ability to absorb, the green flames Darcel and Aniela took in increased the base power output of their black Fire and the quality of their black flames.

Although the scorches of pain brought on by the green flames didn't completely go away. It was more than tolerable enough for Darcel and Aniela to withstand.

Initially, the green flames were slowly and steadily getting absorbed.

But after realizing how little they were getting affected, Darcel and Aniela rapidly speed up their absorption rate.

The sizzling green flames were now getting vigorously sucked into Darcel and Aniela's black flaming balls like a drain.

And during this entire time, Darcel and Aniela's black flames didn't change color, staying true to its natural Darkness.

Although no outward appearances changed, it certainly didn't mean inward changes weren't happening.

Like they had no limits, Darcel and Aniela tremendously increased their black flames' power, making the black Fire inside their souls grow even brighter.

Darcel and Aniela's eyebrows suddenly quirked while absorbing the green flames.

The rate at which these flames burn, some burning at a higher intensity, some burning at a lower intensity, created a remote connection in the duo's mind.

It was a steady and smooth chain of Fire that never once disrupts itself.

The idea of Fire's burning heat got implanted into Darcel and Aniela's mind like a small seed.

But quickly, the duo diverted their attention back on absorbing.

And after minutes passing, the once bright green flaming room was now utterly empty, barring four presences there.

Every wisp of green flames was mixed in quite nicely with Darcel and Aniela's black Fire.

At the same time, Darcel and Aniela's flung their eyes wide open.

They stood still in their same position but deep within their pupils' burning wisps of beautiful black flames elegantly swirled there.

And with a blink of Darcel and Aniela's eyes, their pupils returned to normal as if the wisps of black flames were never in their eyes. The duo dispersed their pure essence black flaming ball and let their arms drop to their sides.

Simultaneously Darcel and Aniela's heads snap towards each other.

On both their faces, equal satisfied smiles graced their lips. Their souls may have called them here, but they had just achieved a tremendous hurdle all on their own!

"Ahhh~! Even just standing here and talking, I can feel the warming but intense power of fire course all in my body! Darcy.our prowess probably just enter a whole new realm of craziness!" Aniela passionately said with eyes bright like the sun.

Seeing how beautiful and cute Aniela gets when she is so excited made Darcel's smile split even further wide.

He casually walked closer to Aniela, grabbing her warm, tender hands that sent toasty shockwaves in both of their bodies.

"Mnh.you're right. Even just touching you, ditzy girl, I can feel the warm heat radiating off your skin. But let's not get overly excited yet. We still have one more reward to go."

Aniela couldn't put her finger on why, but the way Darcel spoke now sounded more.alluring.

It was like his voice exuded warming energy that smoothly slithered into her ears, making her whole brain relaxed. She even temporarily forgot about those beautiful scimitars just floating feet away from them.

"Hehehe~! If the Darcy of the Parasol Organization were to see the current Darcy, he would think you're a total stranger! But thankfully for you, I adore this new upcoming side of you. Now then! Let's claim our new weapons!"

As Aniela lovingly squeezed his hand and pulled him towards the graceful scimitars, Darcel had also noticed some beautiful changes to Aniela's voice.

It was a bit tricky to notice at first. But her ever present sweet voice now had a more irresistible enticement that admittedly was slowly igniting his passion of lust.

Of course, as Darcel spends nearly every waking moment with Aniela, he basically built immune to her hidden seductive allure.

But Darcel was sure to anyone unfamiliar with her or just meeting her, their ears and mind would get slightly enraptured.

Pushing these intriguing thoughts about Aniela's voice down, for now, Darcel had then turned his attention to beautiful scimitars.

Still, even after all this time, these Earthen Spirit Weapons didn't move.

They kept their imposing graceful presence floating in midair. And even with all the green flames gone, the scimitars green flaming coat still held its luminous luster.

Darcel and Aniela were only several feet apart from the blades. Their eyes continually roamed around the scimitars, checking every inch of detail on there.

"Fuuu~....so this is what our souls were crazily driving us towards? Not bad, not bad at all! Shall we get started, Darcy?"

Aniela was repeatedly nodding her head in approval while also still holding on to Darcel's hand.

As Aniela was bringing it up, Darcel surged his Nascent Qi a bit.

And in expectations, Darcel realized there was no more suppression on his Qi, allowing his powers' free reigns.

"Alright.but remember, be ready for anything. This grave is proving itself several times to be dangerously surprising." Darcel, while talking, also didn't let go of Aniela's hand, now finding it too warm to let go.

A sweet smile etched on Aniela's face as she always loves Darcel's concern for her. She, too, began surging his Nascent Qi, getting her body in the most optimal state for any kind of attack.

Hand in hand, the duo trekked closer to the green silver hue scimitars.

And right when they were mere inches away from the blades, Darcel and Aniela abruptly stopped.

A sudden familiar unfathomable sensation overtook their souls and course throughout their bodies.

Darcel and Aniela furrowed their eyebrows since it was as if they encountered this type of sensation before.

And yet, their minds couldn't pinpoint where or who made them feel this unfathomable sensation. Though for sure, Darcel and Aniela guessed it had to be someone either inside Necrotic City or Zakira Academy.

Getting over this sensation, Darcel and Aniela refocus their attention on the beautiful green silverish hue scimitars.

They swelled all of their courage inside them and reached out towards the scimitars.

Neither Darcel nor Aniela experienced any blocking force or overwhelming suppression of power at such a close distance.

Their hands were allowed to go unhindered, and simultaneously they each both grabbed the handle of the scimitars.


Immediately upon the first touch, Darcel and Aniela lit surprise gasps as an influx of tremendous power attempted to overflow their bodies.

The green, slight silver hue scimitars had now fully ignited in a bright silver radiance!

But right when the massive influx of power transpired to them, Darcel and Aniela's soul intensely writhed.

The duo had no way of knowing how, but a faint silver light lit up in the deepest region of their souls, coursing their bodies in a warm sensation.

Their soul writhing, and the strange sensation caused the tremendous influx of power to immediately calm before anything could even happen to Darcel and Aniela.

Darcel and Aniela couldn't even process what just transpired. Only on instinct, they tightly clenched on to the scimitars handle.

Upon doing so, the duo felt entirely enriched!

Darcel and Aniela became utterly still, but inside they felt a holy presence purified their bodies as if undergoing a baptism.

A bright silver glow wrapped the whole of their eyes, and the duo also felt movement from their bloodlines.

Throughout this whole time, their mysteriously powerful bloodline didn't react to anything at all. But under current enrichment, their bloodlines smoothly swirled as if accepting a gift brought to them.

A few seconds passed under this enriched blessed state.

And once passing, Darcel and Aniela's eyes return to normal, and they slowly return to reality.

Now Darcel and Aniela entirely took the blades in their hands, feeling incomparably warm while casually wielding it.

Contrary to expectations, the duo found these scimitars were nearly weightless, even more so than their Mortal Spirit purple rapiers.

Darcel and Aniela traded a look with each other, both seeing faint traces of power run through their eyes. Just holding these scimitars, the duo felt as if they gained another massive power boost!

"Two times in one day, we stumble upon greatness! And since there's nothing else here, Darcy, you know how we should leave?"

While talking, Aniela's eyes were suggestively moving towards the green silverish ceiling.

Darcel's eyes took one look over the room. And indeed, there really was nothing left here. In fact, after taking the scimitars for their own, the colors in this space seemed to dull a bit.

Nodding at Aniela, Darcel had then told her, "Up and straight through the ceiling. Hmmm.let my try a little test run." Darcel had then pointed his scimitar up while talking.

Fully wielding this blade, Darcel felt like he was wielding holy power itself. He surged a bit of Nascent Qi and at the tip of his scimitar, a small black flaming ball instantly formed.

Swiftly, Darcel blasted the small black flaming ball towards the ceiling, reaching breakneck speeds.


Effortlessly Darcel blasted the ceiling open, revealing the Darkness of the dreary Demesne Grave.

Aniela's eyes sparkled seeing how cleanly Darcel's power was, but before she could comment, she and Darcel abruptly went rigid.

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