Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 75: Domination

Chapter 75: Domination

Darcel and Aniela's eyes quickly shuffled to the right side of the grave room. They didn't need to speak to each other, and at the same time, they both rushed to a blind hiding spot in the room.

At this position, whoever would look down from the hole would not be able to see them unless they go in the hole.

But the duo didn't just stop at hiding out of views ways.

Darcel and Aniela flashed their scimitars into their spatial ring and surged their Nascent Qi in a precise way.

Their usual alluring presence was significantly toned down as if they were making themselves invisible!

During their training with Vice Principal Zelle, she had also taught them the skill of masking their presence and aura.

Darcel and Aniela were still at a rudimentary stage of this skill, but it was enough to hide from people at the same prowess as them.

And right when Darcel and Aniela masked their presence, they both heard a rough man voice boom into the grave room.

"Now, do you see! More than ever, I can say everything about this place is a terrible omen. Someone or something is literally trying to fry us from under the ground!"

Aniela had promptly suggestively turned her head towards Darcel, all while spouting a teasing grin. That grin already explained to Darcel all that she wanted to say.

And right then, the duo heard another man's rough voice.

"Look quite worrying already, would you. They already told us this gravestone would act weird once we got close. Besides, it's not like we have any other options but to go down here. After we do go down here, at least we can finally start crushing those Zakira rats and Quicksilver rats for good."

Darcel and Aniela quirked their eyebrows up. They now had genuine curiosity over these mysterious explorers.

After all, to so boldly say they can crush two top-level organizations simultaneously isn't words anyone can throw around lightly.

"Haah.right. That horrid thing doesn't let anyone off.huh? Uhh.hey, I think we're too late." The first man had peered down, the man-made whole, shock and weary filling his face.

"What are you-What?! Damn! They said it was ectoplasm flames of the highest order down here, and yet someone not only got rid of it, but they also took those supposed great weapons!"

The second man joined in to peer down the hole, his face also in disbelief shock.

Both of these men held an older middle age appearance. Their clothes consisted of bright, unique-looking green robes, indicating they were from the Ravenous Void Clan.

Upon seeing the objects they were supposed to retrieve missing, both men spread out their Spirit Sense in the dulling green room.

And in no time at all, both men eyebrows furrowed, sensing something odd that they couldn't precisely identify.

"Even if there's nothing down here, we're still checking this out. I know you also sense something strange down here." The second man stated with utmost assurance.

The first man helplessly nodded, but he didn't have many worries about going down.

After all, he and his partner were both fifth layer link True Soul cultivators! It'll be hard for even a seventh layer link cultivator to take them down.

The hole that was made was considerably large, allowing for the two men to smoothly jump down.

They were about a couple of meters from hitting the ground. And right then, both men abruptly sense a tremendous sensation of impending crisis!

They only had a nanosecond to turn to their right, ignite their hands in bright green flames, and hastily spewed out a green flaming shield.

Just before they clashed, the two men could barely spot two bright green blades attacking them.


Overwhelming power shocked and overwhelmed the two green robe men as they violently blasted right into the dull green wall.

Dull green stones flew out from their crash, and the wall behind them cracked like spiderwebs.

The two green robe men manage to land back on their feet, though their faces were warped with pain.

Just this one impact caused their backs to be sore, and in their right hand and arms, intense scorching burning pain wreaked havoc.

For a split moment, Darcel and Aniela were a bit surprised seeing their surprise attack be so powerful. They did fully unleashed their bloodline state, but they were currently up against powerful fifth layer link True Soul Core cultivators!

Just in their previous fight, they evenly matched with third layer link cultivators even at full power.

And yet now....Darcel lightly smirked since Aniela was really right about their insane prowess.

However, this little revelation didn't slow down Darcel and Aniela.

They dived down with lightning-like speeds to hover just above the two men as they landed back on their feet.

Quite literally, Darcel and Aniela surpassed the green robe men's reaction times; they weren't even glancing up at them yet.

And Aniela used this prime opportunity to enrich her bloodline arm in a blinding white glow!

The green robe men were just in the middle of picking up their heads.

When abruptly then, even more, incredible surges of power clashed against their bodies, and a bright white glow clouded their visions.



Both green robe men squealed out surprise yelps as an intense white flashbang blinded their whole vision!

Along with the flashbang, both green robe men also felt entirely stunned, leaving their bodies utterly vulnerable for a single second.

A single second Darcel so graciously used to his advantage.

Instantly two of his fingers ignited in a pure, beautiful deep Darkness glow.

With a flick of his fingers, Darcel had then blasted two streams of heavily concentrated Darkness energy directly into the green robe men head.

"Guah?! Wha-Wha?!"

An assortment of emotions laced the green robe men's voices as Darcel Darkness threw their minds into total chaos.

Joy, sorrow, rage, and lust all chaotically clashed against each other.

The green robe men's faces contorted into a variety of expressions, trying to fight off whatever was causing chaos in their minds.

During this moment, both green robe men felt their Spirit Qi become disturbed and unorder.

In this fatal lapse of concentration, Darcel and Aniela already landed right near the green robe men.

With swift and precise movement, Darcel and Aniela swiped their bright green scimitars straight towards the men's chests.

On instinct, both men felt the impending looming threat of death hurdle towards them like a thunderous storm.

Hastily and in pure rage, their bodies moved on their own. They punched out towards the duo's scimitars, using only a small portion of their Spirit Qi in their fists.

Green, bright scimitars clashed against fleshy fists, and immediately there wasn't even a contest of strength between the two.



Both green robe men unleashed blood-curdling screams as they were violently flung back into the wall, making an even deeper dent in it.

Fresh blood spewed in the air staining the now dull green walls.

The men felt their hands got torn, blazing shreds, their pure bloody flesh was open to all to see in a horrifying sight.

Plus, the men also felt multiple bones in their arms cracked and the scorching pain razing their arms only grew intenser!

Furthermore, from the men's backs and frantically coursing throughout all of their bodies were immense suppression brought about by Darcel and Aniela's powerful black flames!

However, when the men crashed into the wall, Darcel and Aniela didn't allow any breathing room.

In their state of significant suppression, the green robe men were utterly helpless as Darcel and Aniela got near again.

Swiftly, Darcel and Aniela plunged their scimitars deep into the right side of the green robe men's chest, causing further fresh, bright red blood to spray out in the dull green room.

Along with puncturing them, the duo didn't let up. They simultaneously unleashed raging, powerful black flames throughout all of the green robe men's bodies.

"GAAH!! YOU?!?" Both green robe men's voices were hoarse and wracked with tremendous pain.

Yet their eyes couldn't believe just who was attacking them.

Their bodies were now entirely immobilized under the duo's powerful black flames suppression. They were forced to helplessly stare directly into two youths' deep black eyes.

Not only was it just two mere juniors, it was two juniors from the Zakira Academy!

Moreover, these juniors were only at the fifth level of the Nascent Core realm?!

Nothing about this made any lick of sense!

"Well, well, well. So since you two have prime Zakira rats in front of your faces, what are you going to do now?"

As Aniela spoke, a wide cruel smile etched on her face, already knowing how the green robe men would respond.

And, of course, neither of the green robe men could attempt anything.

Their minds were still in a chaotic maddening state, and their Spirit Qi was utterly suppressed by the duo's powerful black flames.

The green robe men found this situation deranged. Just too insane and infuriating!

A wild savage glint appeared into the eyes of green robe men Aniela was holding up. His mind snapped as a big mocking smile suddenly etched on his face.

"He-heh, we-we can't do-anythin-bu-but-do you thin-think you won?!?"

A faint blue glow tint immediately appeared in the green robe men's eyes once the first men finished talking.

"Hmph!" However, both Darcel and Aniela merely snorted.

Right when they felt the first wave of the men's incredible surge of power, Darcel and Aniela savagely twisted their scimitars, causing further blood to spray. They had unleashed even greater flames in the men's bodies.

"AH-AH?!! You-You!!"

Both men roared with curses as their transformation of power was abruptly stopped.

Darcel and Aniela, however, ignored their rage and recalled a particular process from the past.

This process, much like everything in the Parasol Organization, was quite a cruel one. It was what most would call even a fate worse than death, and the duo vividly remembers the process done for it.

From Darcel's scimitar, he unleashed several pure Darkness tendrils inside the man's body. He dug his Darkness tendrils deep into man's veins.

Instantly Darcel's Darkness traversed to the man's soul, and Darcel's eyes hazed in a savage light.

Frantically swirling around the man's soul as if it wanted to crush Darcel's black flames was a different source of massive energy that resembled a human lifeform.

Quickly, Darcel's Darkness tendrils latched on to this energy source, tightly holding it in place. The energy source frantically squirmed, trying to break free, but Darcel's Darkness tendrils kept an ironclad grip.

In the other man's body, Aniela unleashed light beam like tendrils that latched on to a similar energy source that resembled a human-like figure.

The energy source attempted to fruitlessly squirm to no avail of escaping Aniela's grip.

However, on the outside, both of the green robe men's eyes still lit up in an entirely bright blue glow. And yet, there was no vast explosion or force of a massive increase in power.

Without any fear on the green robe men face, they chilling stare into Darcel and Aniela's eyes.

"Ju-just how did you brats manage to stop us?!" The man Darcel held onto threateningly demanded.

Darcel, nevertheless, merely smirks at the man, not finding him any threat at all.

"You know, what I sense from you two. it's eerily similar to those Quicksilver gnats we crushed a while ago."

"I would go even further than that, Darcel! I can now link both those Quicksilver bugs, and these two are quite similar to that ghost you quickly crushed. Perhaps.they are ghosts?" Aniela quickly added on, wearing an inquisitive expression.

The man Aniela held up only snorted disdainfully. "Heh, so what you figured out we're ghosts? What good would this knowledge do you?"

"Ravenous Void Clan!"

Aniela abruptly spoke up in an entirely confident tone. And for a second, both men became silent, their faces faltering under Aniela's words.

Seeing this reaction, Aniela wildly smiled.

"Hoh! Vice Principal Zelle mentioned this place a few times saying they're not really mysterious. Still, they wore bright green robes and could seemingly communicate with ghost spirits. How lucky for us to encounter not only but two possess humans!"

"Yo-you.what do you plan on doing." The man Darcel was holding up asked as this situation was taking an odd turn.

"Hmmm.maybe Aniela and I will take a trip down to this Clan." Darcel plainly stated without a hint of joking in his voice.

And yet, both green robe men's faces contorted into a mocking expression.

"He-Heh! What can you two brats do against a whole clan! In fact, I really want to see you two try to successfully escape these Woods with your lives tonight!"

Feeling a slight foreboding feeling, Darcel didn't let this bother as he then told the men, "No matter if we live or die here.you two won't be here to live it!"


Blood-curdling screams now echoed from the ghosts as both Darcel and Aniela unleashed black flames upon the gripped energy source in the green robe men's souls.

Quickly the light left the men's eyes, experiencing a short yet excruciating death.

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