Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 78: First Strike

Chapter 78: First Strike

Upon pressure and pressure, the horrid creature could barely move its body now. All the option it had left was forming a purple silver hue misty barrier that protected its body.

Darcel and Aniela smirked seeing the creature's last-ditch attempt.

They had other plans for this thing, and they for sure weren't going to allow it to escape or do any other devious tricks!

Immense power surged from the tip of the scimitars, shifting the whole air to them. It only took Darcel and Aniela a couple of seconds to finish forming their Martial Skill.

A thin line of black fire brightly glowed at the tip of their Scimitar, exuding tremendous power.

"Fiery Slice!!"

Both Darcel and Aniela unleashed a mighty roar as they even willed a small portion of their soul powers into this attack!

The whole black glossy cave got adorned in bottomless Darkness as,


Darcel and Aniela blasted out two thin streams of powerful black flames!

The streams of black flames directly sizzled the ground in its wake and wildly barrel straight at the horrid human-like creature.

Darcel and Aniela's streams of black flames tore through the purple silver hue misty barrier vaporizing it from existence with extreme ease.

The powerful streams of black flames didn't just stop there and had precisely torn right through the horrid creature's chest!

The creature's heart immediately burst into raging black flames. Its soul was scorched into wild black flames, and a small mysterious silver core hidden inside the creature's body also erupted into black flames.

There were no agonizing shrieks of death as the light quickly left the human-like creature's eyes.

It's heart, soul, and mysterious silver core were all melted into puddles of sizzling black flames.

The creature's lifeless body slowly slumped to the ground as rancid purple blood stained the black glossy wall and floor.

After all this time, this seemingly invincible creature was thoroughly destroyed inside and out.

"Haaaah.fuuuu." Aniela breathed out a huge sigh of relief and exhaustedly collapsed into Darcel's chest. "Fi-finally.at least we're able to finish a variant or something like that red creature? Either way. I'm glad it didn't sneakily runoff."

Darcel had lovingly wrapped his arms around Aniela's tender waist, both feeling warm sensations course through their bodies like relaxing water. He had also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling proud of Aniela and himself for killing a once terrifying creature.

"Whatever that thing was, we can't find any information on it by standing here. We'll need to leave soon, so don't get too comfortable in this spot, ditzy girl."

Aniela merely relaxed more into Darcel's body despite his chiding.

Even at this moment, she and Darcel were still feeling mild pain run through their bodies.

There were remaining horrid purple mist swirling inside their bodies, but thanks to their souls continuously stirring, the poisonous mist was swiftly getting cleared up.

So for a few seconds, neither Darcel nor Aniela moved. They remained comfortably standing in the same spot as their souls and bloodlines pushed them back to their optimate state.

Peering down at Aniela, who was smiling contently despite the mild pain, warmed Darcel's heart.

The dependence Aniela relies on him even as she is admittedly just as strong as he will always be engraved into Darcel's mind.

After taking this short but intimate quality moment, Aniela's eyes suddenly focused on the creature's rotten corpse.

Rancid purple blood still poured on the ground, creating a small putrid puddle under the creature.

The sight of the rotten corpse should've been of no interest to Aniela and Darcel. But after experiencing the terrifying mist at first hand, a bright idea popped into Aniela's head while she gazed at the rancid purple blood.

Reluctantly Aniela got off from Darcel's chest though she still held his firm, warm hand. She flashed her spatial ring on her right hand and fished out the Parasol Organization scalpel, much to Darcel's surprise.

"This small thing, it's truly so dangerous and saved our lives a couple of times already. But.I don't think it's at its true potential!" Aniela proudly proclaimed.

Darcel raised a curious eyebrow. During his work at that Organization, he rarely would encounter any strange tools or items used by the Doctors.

"This thing? What are you on about?"

"You see before I got my hands on this scalpel, I saw the Doctors using it a few times. They would drop this thing inside some disgusting purple liquid, and the scalpel would absorb every drop of it. And they would then use it on the stronger people they captured. So you know what I'm thinking?"

Towards Aniela's question, Darcel quickly put together the pieces of the puzzles. His eyes shifted over to the creature's corpse, and he nodded, saying, "Alright, but let's be quick about this."

Aniela broadly smiled and pulled Darcel's over to the creature's corpse.

She had then crouched down and took a second to find a suitable spot to plunge her scalpel into.

Vivid memories of how the Doctors would plunge the scalpel into their subjects' necks flashed in Aniela's head for a brief second.

And following in their footsteps, Aniela had also plunged the scalpel deep into the creature's rancid neck.

"Ok, no-Woah!"

Immediately then, Aniela exclaimed in surprise as the scalpel took effect instantly.

The creature's corpse began to intensely twitch and spasm like it was experiencing a violent seizure.

Darcel and Aniela's eyes brightly lit up as the scalpel began to promptly change. The scalpel started to intensely glow in the same chilling purple silverish hue tint the creature had once exuded previously.

Darcel and Aniela didn't expect that much results, but they were pleasantly surprised by how long the scalpel glow did last.

It took five whole seconds until the scalpel's bright glow had died down, returning to its original slightly ominous state.

"Mnh? It really is like this scalpel just sucked all the remaining fresh blood from it." Aniela had remarked while taking back the scalpel.

The creature's corpse now looked more dried up, and its rancid purple blood ceased flowing out of it.

"With this, our trump card just entered a whole new level. Now then, let's take these Mortal Pills those Ravenous Void Clan men so graciously gifted to us." As Darcel sarcastically spoke, he flashed his spatial ring and brought out two clear white pills.

Holding those two pills, Dracel and Aniela already felt their pores open and hypnotic medicine fragrance that slinked into their noise.

Aniela became a bit starry-eyed once seeing those beautiful smelling pills.

For the whole region of the Necrotic City, despite the common sounding name, Mortal Pills are nowhere easy to come by.

Nearly all medicine such related items are created by Mages Alchemist, and they run a high price for even the lowest of quality pills.

Though this may seem outrageous on paper, the pills' real effects more than certainly made up for any high cost.

As such, when Darcel and Aniela are now taking the pill and ingesting it in their mouths.

Promptly they soon understand the high price all pills run for. All injured or crack bones in their bodies were getting quickly repaired. Their fatigue was replaced by vibrant energy that refueled their whole winded state.

The duo's faces were also restored back to their usual beautiful rosy complexion, showing the magical might of a Mage Alchemist pill.

"Ahhh~! That truly hit the spot!" Aniela exuded a beautiful sigh that sounded slightly erotic.

"It's quite incredible.those Mages are a mystery to unravel." Darcel also let out a sigh of amazement as he cracked his knuckles.

Both Darcel and Aniela already turned away from the dried-up creature's corpse, deeming it worthless now.

However, unnoticed by Darcel and Aniela, faint traces of a mysterious silver hue quietly spewed out from the dried-up corpse. This mysterious power drilled directly into Darcel and Aniela's bodies, but neither felt a single sensation.

Only, their souls were quietly churning upon feeling this power transfer into them.

Slowly, their already powerful souls further improved at a steady pace that'll provide the duo surprise benefits in the future.

Currently, though, Darcel and Aniela took one look over their rosy vibrant faces and prepared to leave the black glossy cave. That is until their senses picked up on two signatures slowly approaching the cave.

"Seriously.why the hell would they be in this Rave-whatever Clan part of the Woods? All I heard about this place are freaks who love the dead lives here."

An unfamiliar sweet female voice slithered into Darcel and Aniela's ears.

"Really, they wouldn't be here? Well, how about just looking up ahead?" A charming male voice bounced off the cave walls as Darcel and Aniela finally saw who was looking for them.

Instantly their guard relaxed more once, realizing both the boy and girl wore the Zakira Academy uniform.

The boy was charmingly handsome, spouting a gentle, serene face and exuded a scholarly vibe about him.

The girl as well was beautiful. Her face carried a distinct allure like gazing into a specifically crafted painting. Long flowing black hair hypnotically swayed in the air and rested upon her big, well-endowed chest.

The girl also had a gorgeous curvaceous body to boot, further enriching her magnetic attraction.

Although seeing the charming faces of their fellow students was admittedly welcome in these neck of the woods. Darcel and Aniela were confused on just why and how the hell did they precisely locate them.

"And? Who are you two?" Darcel asked out loud as he and Aniela began walking up to the two.

The boy's eyes flashed in high approval once seeing Darcel and Aniela's captivating appearance and experiencing their general alluring presence.

The girl had a bit of a shocked face seeing how Darcel and Aniela indeed were here. Moreover, she also felt a slight favorable impression of the two due to their magnetic presence.

The boy was going to answer first but right then, "Holy! Did you two actually kill that.what even is that thing?"

The girl had suddenly loudly gasped and pointed straight at the dried-up creature's corpse.

The boy's eyes also followed to where the girl pointed to, and he similarly felt slight awe. Never before in their life have they ever saw a being so grotesque.

"Yep! We so graciously killed it and stopped its terrifying reign of terror!"

A slight joking tone laced Aniela's voice, making her even more pleasant to listen to.

She had then continued on, saying, "I'm Aniela, and this is Darcel. Quite an interesting place to first meet up, no?"

"Indeed, it is. I'm Gerey, and this is Lyse." The boy, Gerey, pointed to himself and the girl beside him. "I actually have been wanting to meet you two for a while now. And the Vice Principal had just recently called for us two to come and get you."

As Gerey began explaining, the four youths began walking towards the exit of the cave.

Though while they walked, Darcel gained a curious expression. "But why? Is there something happening inside the Academy?"

"Not exactly.apparently, she doesn't want you two in the Woods since something big is supposedly going down tonight." Lyse picked up and explained to the duo, already liking the natural charisma they both exuded.

However, when Lyse finished talking, the four had just stepped out of the cave, and Darcel and Aniela's eyes lit up in realization.

Those Ravenous Void Clan rats really are enacting their plans tonight!

"That big thing happening is the Quicksilver Roc sect and the Ravenous Void Clan teaming up to crush the Zakira Academy!"

Aniela assuredly proclaimed, causing surprise shock in Gerey and Lyse.

"Eh?! How could that be possible?! If that were true, the Vice-Principal or the Principal would've picked up on it!"

Lyse had a bit of a hard time accepting this fact since the Ravenous Void Clan was nowhere near as powerful as even Sects weaker than their Academy.

"Perhaps so, but these Ravenous Void Clan people are exceedingly sneaky. We just found out that the Clan has the ability to get humans possessed by Spirit Monsters ghosts. Just out of this cave, Aniela and I saw an Elder of the Clan walking out with Quicksilver Roc youths who all were possessed."

Darcel followed up and assured Aniela's claim. With all they saw and fought so far, this was undoubtedly the truth in their minds.

Still, Gerey found it to be strange as he had then went on to explain,

"Ghost possession? Even for Qi Foundation Stage cultivators, that kind of process is too complex for any Spirit Monster ghost to do. Our souls, no matter how powerful or weak it is, simply wouldn't allow for something like that to happen."

"Maybe that's true too. But.I don't think this Clan is just working with the Quicksilver Roc sect. That creature you saw back there, I think it played a major part in people getting possessed! We can't confirm for sure, but that's the most plausible theory we've came up with."

Aniela explained though she understood, she and Darcel had no real evidence to back up their claims.

Gerey and Lyse took a moment to digest all this information. They both did see the creature, and they were close to the Ravenous Void Clan area.

Moreover, Darcel and Aniela simply had no reason to lie to them.

Abruptly then, Gerey recalled something critical that just happened not too long ago.

His eyes lit up in slight worry as he exclaimed, "Jamas! I think you two may have a point!"

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