Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 79: Double Ambush

Chapter 79: Double Ambush

"Jamas? Him? What happened to him?" Darcel asked since he and Aniela had a faint slight favorable of the boy.

Though going by the increasingly worried look of Gerey, they could tell it wasn't any good news.

"Just recently, word has been spreading how the Quicksilver Roc people have been utterly suppressing us this specific night. And now Jamas, some of his friends, and other high-level layer link True Soul Core students are coming out here. I didn't think much of this news since it was so abrupt.but now I think there are more devious intentions behind this news!" Gerey slowly explained to them.

Now Lyse was truly inclined to believe Darcel and Aniela's words.

She, too, heard the Quicksilver Roc bustling news but initially wasn't going to participate in this fight.

However, it seemed like the whole situation abruptly shifted.

"Did Jamas mention where he was going? Or do you know where he was going?" Darcel had taken one look over to Aniela and asked. She, like him, was very interested in this little plan of the Ravenous Void Clan.

Mainly because if they allowed this Clan to do whatever they want, then there's no telling what they could do to Necrotic City.

Which, in return, would jeopardize their own well beings. Plus, there are a few people in Zakira Academy neither of the duo wanted to see wind up dead.

Gerey didn't answer Darcel's question and had instead closed his eyes.

He touched upon his unique soul powers and traced the presence of where Jamas would assuredly be.

It only took Gerey a couple of seconds to find what he was looking for, though while doing so, Lyse's eyes lit up as she gazed at Darcel and Aniela.

The determined but excited expression they wore spoke volumes to her.

"Hey, hey, do you two want to come with us once Lyse finds where Jamas is? I mean.everyone knows about your insane jumping combat prowess. But, there will most definitely be peak True Soul Core cultivators there! You sure you just don't want to go back to the Academy." Lyse spoke up a reasonable natural concern for Darcel and Aniela.

However, Darcel and Aniela only lightly smiled at her concern.

Aniela had first told her, "Don't worry! Even for multiple peak True Soul Core cultivators, we have something up our sleeves that'll give us the absolute edge!"

"Not only that, but just a while ago, we spotted the four Quicksilver Roc youths that came out of this cave head over to the Woods entrance area. They probably already set something suspicious up for anyone of us that wants to leave." Darcel added on and caused both Gerey and Lyse to furrow their eyebrows.

Their minds briefly recall that short but strange moment as they tried to enter the Necropolis Woods.

Lyse could only remember this very vague but odd feeling she felt in her gut walking up to the entrance.

While with Gerey, his soul directly warns of an odd occurrence at the Necropolis Woods entrance. Gerey cultivates upon Zakira Foresight Arts, allowing him to have an accurate sense prediction of immediate danger.

And the entrance of the Necropolis Woods.Gerey vividly recalls taking a slight detour from the usual path.

Initially, he believed it to just be a random powerful Spirit Monster lurking around there. Yet now, from Darcel and Aniela's words, that may not merely be the case.

"Haah.it may not be so bad taking them with us, Lyse. Even as the Vice Principal wants them back, it may already be too late to simply leave normally. Plus, we do have several items ourselves to give us absolute protection." Gerey quickly agreed to take them since he was confident enough in protecting them.

"Hmmm.fine. Everything now is just adding up too suspiciously to not tell that Ravenous Clan and the Quicksilver Roc sect are planning something."

Lyse reluctantly agreed, but she also held the same confidence in protecting the duo if worst comes to worst.

Aniela broadly smiled at the pair, already knowing it would come down to them bringing her and Darcel along.

"Now that we got that settle and out of the way, lead the way, Gerey!"


Miles away from Darcel's group, one captivating handsome young man was standing at the front pack of a large group of twenty powerful youths.

This young man looked to be the whole group's apparent leader as they all followed behind him.

For if any outsiders were to observe this extraordinary lineup of youths, they would hurriedly make a wide breath for them.

As every single one of these youths wore the luxurious uniform of the Zakira Academy!

Furthermore, there wasn't a single youth there weaker than the seventh layer link of the True Soul Core realm.

And at the front of this group, the captivating handsome young man stood out the most as he was a tenth layer link True Soul Core cultivator!

Anyone in the Zakira Academy or hell, the whole Necrotic City would recognize this young boy as the number one ranked High-Level student Jamas!

Jamas, though, wore a determined expression as he led his large posse of powerful High-Level students.

Originally, Jamas had received a distress call from a Mage Ring.

This specific Mage Ring allowed for one message to go through the bearer no matter how far away they are from each other.

And Jamas received a message from his friend, detailing that the Quicksilver Roc sect pressured and cornered his group, nearly killing everyone in his group!

Jamas knows by no mean his friend and his ground are weak. Specifically, his friend ranks in the top twenty of the High-Level students in the whole Academy!

A powerful eighth layer link True Soul Core group couldn't be taken down by ordinary means if they're at the same level.

Once receiving this surprising, devastating news, Jamas rushed out with his other eighth layer link and ninth layer link True Soul Core friends to provide support.

And along the way, when they traversed through the Necropolis Woods, several other high layer link True Soul Core students joined in on Jamas trip.

They, too, were struggling under the sudden brutality of the Quicksilver Roc sect.

Now, as a vast, organized group filled with mighty True Soul Core warriors, they all had one single intention.

That is to reverse the sudden situation and kill those Quicksilver rats!

Although, as they traverse the woods, a good looking boy beside Jamas had a slightly worrying expression. He was one of Jamas good friends, but an odd thought has been brewing inside his mind.

"Hey, Jamas.did you also feel it too when first stepping inside these Woods? I don't know why but I just got this weird sickening feeling going into here."

Jamas peered over to the boy and was going to dismiss his concern.

But right then, he stopped himself. Recalling the very first feeling that slinked into his mind once coming into Wood, Jamas couldn't deny the slight chill that drilled into his body.

He had pushed down this feeling, obviously not one to quickly get scared. Although it was a point worth remembering for any sudden events.

"I can't say I didn't feel anything odd when coming into these Woods. But, look, we have this huge group of powerful students following us. I think we can be assured of our safety."

Jamas friend did take his word to heart since they were a twenty group filled with experienced and trained youths.

And yet, a slight worry still couldn't ease from his chest.

Seeing the still apparent worry, Jamas further consoled him by saying,

"Hey, don't also forget, if worst comes to worst, we have several barrier talismans and escaping talisman to make a clean getaway."

"Hoh? And are you so sure about that?"

Abruptly then every single Zakira Academy student ceased walking. An ominous yet cocky voice boomed into their ears like nails on a chalkboard.

Everyone's eyes saw from just meters ahead of them numerous Quicksilver Roc youths coming out of the trees and bushes. Each one of the Quicksilver Roc youths spouted these confident and eerie smiles.

Jamas quickly did scan over these youths with his Spirit Sense. And despite their strange sudden appearance, Jamas face became relaxed once sensing their overall prowess.

Only one boy was at the tenth layer link just like him, but Jamas could sense the boy's aura was nowhere near as deep or refined as himself.

Furthermore, the rest of the Quicksilver Roc youths' auras generally just couldn't match their group of twenty powerful youths.

"Heh, is that it? You know, I was expecting much, much more out of all of you. If we were to fight now, we'd utterly crush your posse with ease."

Jamas and every other Zakira youths smiled with the utmost confident stride.

The boy who spoke earlier was at the front of his group and was the only tenth layer link True Soul Core cultivator.

He didn't lose his cool against Jamas provocation. In fact, none of the Quicksilver Roc youths seemed to even register the unbalanced odds against them.

"Heh, heh.maybe so. Maybe what all you just described is the undeniable truth. However! Can you survive this first?"

For a split second, Jamas and the other Zakira Academy youths were puzzled.

Just where the hell was their confidence coming from?

However, before anyone could question that, the Zakira Academy youths suddenly went utterly stiff.

Jamas and everyone else there was taken by immense shock as the whole world was suddenly dyed in a bright green shine!

Moreover, both the Quicksilver Roc youths and the Zakira Academy youths suddenly felt an unfathomable aura suppressed their entire beings!

Jamas gritted his teeth and struggled to move his body. And to his despair, he couldn't even wiggle his finger now!

The only thing Jamas could do was peer his eyes up to the tallest black glossy tree that scraped high in the sky.

It was where the abrupt suppression descended from and where Jamas also saw a massive green flaming barrier covering the sky.

But Jamas and the other Zakira Academy youths' eyes were engrossed with one single man standing at the peak of the tree.

This man didn't have a particularly outstanding appearance and looked to be on the rougher savage sides of impressions. The man wore a bright green robe that shined as bright as the green flaming barrier covering this whole area.

However, what really got Jamas and everyone's else attention was the fact absolutely no one could've sensed his aura previously!

And the aura the man now exuded caused a tremendous crisis to swell in all Zakira Academy youths' chests.

He was at the legendary Innate Core realm!

"Ah-Ah?!? Who is that?!"

"Not who, but why is he here?! There hasn't been a single Innate Core Elder in these Woods for weeks!!"

"R-Ravenous Void Clan." Amidst all other Zakira Academy youths' panic shouts and screams, Jamas had recognized that unique robe design of the mysterious man.

His eyes had then snapped back to the Quicksilver Roc youths who smiles only grew broader contrary to his and the other Zakira youths' despair.

"So-so that's why you're all so confident. But-but just when the hell did you all start teaming up with some hidden clan in the Woods?!"

The tenth layer link Quicksilver Roc boy only took further pleasure in Jamas confusion and despair. Despite being suppressed himself, the boy was fearless and was going to open up his mouth to mock him until,

"Fret not, boy. Soon you and the rest of your Zakira Academy posse will join the Quicksilver Roc kids in a powerful transformation. Once then, both of you will learn to work together."

The cold voice of the Ravenous Void Clan Elder boomed into the youth's ears.

Not only were the Zakira Academy youths confused once hearing the Elder words, the Quicksilver Roc youths expression quickly morphed into ones of puzzlement.

"Hey, hey! What do you mean all of us will join a powerful transformation?! In our deal, we only sign up for that strange slight boost in power and for you to silently kill these Zakira rats! Not some sudden transformation!"

The tenth layer link boy spoke for all in this bout of confusion.

"Hm? Did we forget to mention this part to you? Oh well.you'll soon experience a new facet of life that'll completely change your world views."

In an unapologetic tone, the Ravenous Void Clan Elder simply shrugged his shoulders.

Now every single youth, be it either from the Quicksilver Roc side or the Zakira Academy side.

They all felt true panic and impending doom stir their guts like a storm.

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